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xmas13 09-03-2010 10:37 PM

Hey Canadians, what's up with the tax obsession. What about looking into your own backyard. Vancouver is a notorious washing machine for 'dirty' money from China. And we are not talking about $1000 here and there, but more like $10 million here and there.

xmas13 09-03-2010 10:41 PM



The Government Accountability Office likes to point its finger at Luxembourg and the Cayman Islands for sheltering tax cheats. But according to the U.K.-based Tax Justice Network, the United States is the biggest tax shelter of 'em all, thanks to the great state of Delaware.

Delaware, says the Tax Justice Network, is "the most secretive financial jurisdiction in the world." That's based on an analysis of 60 financial jurisdictions according to level of secrecy and cooperation with foreign tax authorities.

Luxembourg comes in second, followed by the Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, and the United Kingdom.

xmas13 09-03-2010 10:43 PM

Vancouver harbors tax cheats from all over China, London from all over the world, and Delaware from all over the financial galaxy, so...

Please mind your own business, thank you.

jonnydoe 09-03-2010 10:44 PM

Does anyone else find it odd that if the bank partner's visa has been suspended why is that not in Google News? Are the banks only client's porn pushers? This is a pretty big bank (St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Ltd)....from what I read they look healthy and are actually trying to assume a failed bank along with another bank. Also very odd timing considering this from the LA Times on August 9th...

"While receipts for the well-reviewed "Flipped" were soft, they were far better than the dismal starts for two other movies. "Middle Men," about the beginnings of the online porn industry, grossed just $305,000 at 252 theaters, giving it an average take of only $1,210. Christopher Mallick, one of the movie's subjects, bankrolled its $20-million budget and paid for advertising. It was distributed, for a fee, by Paramount Pictures."

xmas13 09-03-2010 10:50 PM



bizz 09-03-2010 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Michael O (Post 17466081)
Please forward the email to me [email protected]

done ! my email [email protected]

rowan 09-03-2010 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by jonnydoe (Post 17466996)
"Middle Men," about the beginnings of the online porn industry, grossed just $305,000 at 252 theaters, giving it an average take of only $1,210. Christopher Mallick, one of the movie's subjects, bankrolled its $20-million budget and paid for advertising. It was distributed, for a fee, by Paramount Pictures."

Holy cow. Don't the studios usually assume the risk when they greenlight a movie? This is the other way around! So Mr. Mallick and his private investors (if any) are basically out $20m?

cam_girls 09-03-2010 11:38 PM

WHOA! Mum managed to send me $100 on a weekend.

All charged up, I was like a kid in a candy store at the supermarket.

Back To Business!

jonnydoe 09-03-2010 11:48 PM

Maybe someone from Visa watched the movie...

Looks like there is another one coming out as well... Mallick Media/Oxymoron Entertainment. Columbus Circle...first listed producer is Christopher Mallick. From the way I read it rowan he paid the $20m to do the film + paid for advertising + paid Paramount to distribute.

Vjo 09-04-2010 12:55 AM

New letter just arrived at epass.

They also removed the Virtual Visa option completely in Wallet Settings.

In the letter they mention they are ready for biz and fund transfers to continue as normal with only the Wallet being used.

So those are good signs.

CYF 09-04-2010 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Vjo (Post 17467107)
New letter just arrived at epass.

They also removed the Virtual Visa option completely in Wallet Settings.

In the letter they mention they are ready for biz and money transfers to continue as normal with only the Wallet being used.

So those are good signs.

it's the same fucking letter that they posted last time.

Vjo 09-04-2010 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by CYF (Post 17467114)
it's the same fucking letter that they posted last time.

Ah fuck your right, sorry. I seen the new message and read it and it sounded different. But yeah, exact same message.

Denny 09-04-2010 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by CYF (Post 17467114)
it's the same fucking letter that they posted last time.


RK 09-04-2010 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by CYF (Post 17467114)
it's the same fucking letter that they posted last time.

Yep. Nothing new, yet.

CYF 09-04-2010 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by RK (Post 17467121)
Yep. Nothing new, yet.

no there's not, it's the same exact message. At least mine is.

Vjo 09-04-2010 01:14 AM

Nope I just analysed them in a text pad and they are the exact same except they are strangely cut up a bit diff. Like longer spaces between paragraphs. But the text is the same.

Kiopa_Matt 09-04-2010 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by xmas13 (Post 17466984)
Hey Canadians, what's up with the tax obsession. What about looking into your own backyard. Vancouver is a notorious washing machine for 'dirty' money from China. And we are not talking about $1000 here and there, but more like $10 million here and there.

heh, have you ever lived in downtown Vancouver. It's quite funny. Classified as the world's most livable city, the downtown is extremely wealthy, clean, etc... yet, almost everything in downtown Van is cash based.

I lived there for over a year, and basically never used my ATM machine, or any plastic. Time to get paid? Visit a client at a cafe, and pickup a ziploc bag full of cash. Time to pay rent? Put 20 $100 bills into an envelope, and wait for the landlord to arrive. Nothing plastic in downtown Van.

Might be one of the wealthier cities out there, but it's a huge black market economy.

Toni 09-04-2010 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Vjo (Post 17467107)
New letter just arrived at epass.

They also removed the Virtual Visa option completely in Wallet Settings.

In the letter they mention they are ready for biz and fund transfers to continue as normal with only the Wallet being used.

So those are good signs.

I didn't get any new letter

Vjo 09-04-2010 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Toni (Post 17467133)
I didn't get any new letter

Might be a glitch and only some of us got it but no worries, it is the exact same letter as the one yesterday. No need for me to post it.

So if you got at least one letter yesterday from Mr Mallick then you are up to snuff.

FatBastard 09-04-2010 01:26 AM

I doubt anything will get done or announced till start of business next week USA time. As the visa part is frozen over time if it all goes to shit what the current visa policy’s about debit cards will apply imo

AlexUA 09-04-2010 01:30 AM


Denny 09-04-2010 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Toni (Post 17467133)
I didn't get any new letter

same... :error

cam_girls 09-04-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Vjo (Post 17467128)
Nope I just analysed them in a text pad and they are the exact same except they are strangely cut up a bit diff. Like longer spaces between paragraphs. But the text is the same.

Thanks for that! :thumbsup

Could be a paragraph adjustment conspiracy, what does it really mean?

Ron2k1 09-04-2010 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by rowan (Post 17466380)
I'm also worried that Epass might be using a fractional reserve system, in other words, they do not actually have physical "possession" of the sum of their customer's balances... part of that gets tied up in outside investments. The system works (usually) because with enough customers there's an average minimum balance - anything above that (plus a safety margin) can be used for other investment purposes without affecting the company's ability to handle the usual daily deposit and withdrawal operations. Trouble is if those investments lose money then it could be the start of a downward spiral, where the sum of their available cash and unrealised investments is less than the sum of the customer's balances. In other words, they can't pay out everyone. A run on the bank (where a large number of customers withdraw all their money) could leave the remaining customers with cents in the dollar, or nothing. :helpme

Yeah this could turn out in a classic bank run

It's pretty common a bank only has about 20% of the funds actually there...


Vjo 09-04-2010 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by cam_girls (Post 17467158)
Thanks for that! :thumbsup

Could be a paragraph adjustment conspiracy, what does it really mean?

It is awful weird but what isnt now days. :)

Like someone was reading the orig, leaned on the keyboard by mistake, threw a ? in where an apostrophe was before, (notice that) hit enter a few times here and there and hit SEND. Maybe by mistake.

Or... there could be something way more sinister at work here.

2 options. :)

Nightnday 09-04-2010 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Juicy D. Links (Post 17462304)

You said it

cam_girls 09-04-2010 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Vjo (Post 17467165)
It is awful weird but what isnt now days. :)

Like someone was reading the orig, leaned on the keyboard by mistake, threw a ? in where an apostrophe was before, (notice that?) hit enter a few times here and there and hit SEND. Maybe by mistake.

Thanks for that! :thumbsup </SARCASM>

Dude, he sent the same letter and spent 3 seconds prettying it up. FFS

McSpike 09-04-2010 02:02 AM

I've got epass money to spend. Time for some deals!
I've got epass money to spend. Time for some deals!


AlexUA 09-04-2010 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ron2k1 (Post 17467161)
Yeah this could turn out in a classic bank run

It's pretty common a bank only has about 20% of the funds actually there...

So why are they lying to us? Let just say: "Sorry guys, we spend 80% of your money to drugs, hookers, and film making". And we'll understand them.

Vjo 09-04-2010 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by cam_girls (Post 17467171)
Thanks for that! :thumbsup </SARCASM>

Dude, he sent the same letter and spent 3 seconds prettying it up. FFS

on your

Just playing along. :)

More importantly, changing sponsors away from epass tonight is kind of a bummer. I guess if the sponsor contacts me or places a notice within stats I change.

If I dont hear anything then it is still up in the air. That is the procedure I am following. I imagine more will email as time goes on. Playing it by ear.

Edit: everyone seems to have ACH now which is way better for us in the US anyhow.

lex 09-04-2010 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by rowan (Post 17466380)
I'm also worried that Epass might be using a fractional reserve system, in other words, they do not actually have physical "possession" of the sum of their customer's balances... part of that gets tied up in outside investments. The system works (usually) because with enough customers there's an average minimum balance - anything above that (plus a safety margin) can be used for other investment purposes without affecting the company's ability to handle the usual daily deposit and withdrawal operations. Trouble is if those investments lose money then it could be the start of a downward spiral, where the sum of their available cash and unrealised investments is less than the sum of the customer's balances. In other words, they can't pay out everyone. A run on the bank (where a large number of customers withdraw all their money) could leave the remaining customers with cents in the dollar, or nothing. :helpme

Fractional reserve banking is done by banks and as epass is not a bank it doesn't lend money. This isn't to say the bank epass use don't lend money but it seems from earlier posts that St.Kitts were going strong and even looking to absorb other failing banks.

AlexUA 09-04-2010 02:51 AM


cam_girls 09-04-2010 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Vjo (Post 17467186)
on your

Just playing along. :)

Oh good. Pardon me for thinking you were really that dumb.

babebuns 09-04-2010 03:32 AM


I'm also worried that Epass might be using a fractional reserve system, in other words, they do not actually have physical "possession" of the sum of their customer's balances.
No. No. No. No.

Dreamteam 09-04-2010 03:42 AM


I'm more woried about the chance that I can't use epassporte anymore in the future then the stupid $6000 blocked on epass right now.

Jesus fucking christ, at least give them a "FAIR" chance to fix this.

Do you realy think "stirring shit" will speed up the whole process?

Some complot theories here are complicated
then the "Da Vinci Code".

Stupid cunts ....


seeandsee 09-04-2010 04:07 AM

Visa, banks, epass, money, plots, movie = i am going off whole weekend!

Jon Oso 09-04-2010 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by cam_girls (Post 17467041)
WHOA! Mum managed to send me $100 on a weekend.

All charged up, I was like a kid in a candy store at the supermarket.

Back To Business!

I'll send you $250 for 75% ownership of camgirls.com via paypal or wire tomorrow.

Emma 09-04-2010 04:14 AM

currently I have more than $2000 on my epass. so what to do?

nico-t 09-04-2010 04:15 AM

just received my new epass card in the mail :Oh crap

naughtyjc 09-04-2010 04:20 AM

this blows...hope it gets resolved soon...need my money!

mn 09-04-2010 04:22 AM

whats the error you get when using the card in atm's now? or maybe it swallows the card?

loreen 09-04-2010 04:29 AM


DanS 09-04-2010 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by mn (Post 17467369)
whats the error you get when using the card in atm's now? or maybe it swallows the card?

Depending on which ATM I try it says something like "Function not allowed" and asks if I want to do another transaction.

40obfam 09-04-2010 05:06 AM

Have a nice day

istinspring 09-04-2010 05:07 AM

god damn =( i'm so fucked jesus christ. epassporte ruin everything. i hope they manage their problems soon or this will be literally disaster for me.

Michael O 09-04-2010 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Emma (Post 17467356)
currently I have more than $2000 on my epass. so what to do?

I know I am a bit biased but if you do not need the money now I would wait a week and see what happens.
The money is safe, you will get your money if not we would not be here posting and would not tell Account Holders what the current withdrawal options are and so on.

Vick! 09-04-2010 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Michael O (Post 17466308)
Visa suspended the cards so its not possible to move funds to/from the cards.

Doesn't make sense to me. But thanks, we have our fingers crossed. :thumbsup


Originally Posted by Jdoughs (Post 17466362)
I'd much prefer them working on the issue, then answering the same question 40 times for people incapable of reading the answers.

How does it affect the job of administration if you keep the support rep busy? I thought this is what support reps are for.

jamies123a 09-04-2010 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by MadPig (Post 17465453)
It let me do it about 2 hours ago.

e2a: $300 daily limit sucks though :)

i tired it , it took a couple of times but it says it went threw , how long does it take to go threw ?
I transfered it to my own visa card

nico-t 09-04-2010 05:45 AM

michael, i just saw that a few days before this mess i received a message that i have to verify my account with a government issued ID.
Assuming this drama will be solved in a positive way so that all is good in the near future, i will be uploading the requested docs. Is a dutch drivers license a valid government ID for epassporte?

hardcoreblogger 09-04-2010 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dreamteam (Post 17467316)

I'm more woried about the chance that I can't use epassporte anymore in the future then the stupid $6000 blocked on epass right now.

Jesus fucking christ, at least give them a "FAIR" chance to fix this.

Do you realy think "stirring shit" will speed up the whole process?

Some complot theories here are complicated
then the "Da Vinci Code".

Stupid cunts ....


qft +1!!

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