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Jel 04-19-2012 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 18895235)
I think that Jerry Falwell is full of shit. But so do most religious and spiritual people. That's the fundamental problem with atheism. The atheist rejects some particular idea that they call God. They forget that everyone has a different conception of "God", "Buddah", "Allah", whatever. You might completely reject what you intepret Falwell as saying, but you can't logically reject my understanding of God because you don't know what it is. Logically, you can only say "God" doesn't exist by saying nothing exists.


My 'god' isn't a religious one, isn't humanised, and isn't even an 'entity' as such. I only define it as a 'god' to save fucking about using any, some, or all of the following terminology: energy, fate, karma, nature, love, the force, and whatever anyone else's particular conception is.

nico-t 04-19-2012 02:48 AM

fuck off already, jesus freak.

Shagbunny 04-19-2012 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18895428)
I've already been there: I was an atheist at one point in my life. I decided to follow the evidence to where it leads. Modern science has provided evidence that clearly points to an intelligent First Cause.

Translation: I was an atheist and after looking at the billions of evidence in the universe that there is no god, I now believe in god. :1orglaugh

Luckily for us, and this world, Atheism is growing at such a rate that it is estimated that in approximately 150 years in the US it will be in the majority of the population.

Hopefully people will stop wasting so much time, resources, finances and stupidity to gods and religions, and instead focus on improving themselves and everything around them. Atheists believe that we have ONE LIFE and we should make the best of it.

Aka_Bluey 04-19-2012 02:57 AM


NewNick 04-19-2012 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18895183)
If so, what are your reasons for disbelief in God?

My faith in the Lord God almighty is as strong as my belief in The Tooth Fairy, Santa, alien abduction of white mid west trailor trash, fairies at the bottom of the garden, Gandalf, werewolves, the sanity of Johnnyclips, Trolls under the bridge, The Gruffalo, The Grinch, and 911 being a joint false flag conspiracy between the Jews, the CIA, the Illuminati, big Oil, and the NRA.

I also suspend logic and good sense when it comes to the Clangers and the Soup Dragon, reds under the bed, sex with virgins cures AIDS, The Catholic Church is definately not a hot bed of kiddy fiddlers, Orks, Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits, and Vampyres.

And odviously Dark Jedi is not a real Jedi cos he only has a 3 inch light sabre.

:2 cents:

NewNick 04-19-2012 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyClips (Post 18895295)
Invisible man in the sky does not exist

The human species was created by aliens

Go Johnny - this is what GFY really needs, Johnnyboi arguing with a Believer. Two fruitcakes who absolutely believe in the validity of their own delusion !

Quick wheres the popcorn !


NewNick 04-19-2012 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyClips (Post 18895307)

Its funny how all your hear is "does God exist" blah blah blah all bullshit when the truth is never discussed in the public domain

Then where is it discussed Johnny ? Are they talking about you again ?

CaptainHowdy 04-19-2012 06:21 AM

The birth of the theological troll, only on GFY ...

Best-In-BC 04-19-2012 06:46 AM

Common sense dictates the actions I make and those around me are of there own.

Anthony 04-19-2012 06:46 AM

If Constantine picked Mithra over Christianity, Donny would be spouting off the same shit. Religion is a control device for the masses. The weak minded adhere to it's fable stories, and argue the double negative to prove that in fact, God exists.

nico-t 04-19-2012 07:04 AM

what the hell has Keanu Reeves to do with this?

btw donny is still a gun toting unstable born again religious kook.

WarChild 04-19-2012 07:26 AM

Why would you guys get sucked in to a "debate" with this lunatic? You wouldn't stop to argue with somebody who thought the Earth was flat, would you? No of course not because it would lend credibility to a stupid argument. Having a discussion about this nonsense at all is exactly what Donny wants. Just ignore the retard.

meka2003 04-19-2012 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18895183)
If so, what are your reasons for disbelief in God?

Can atheists prove that there is no god? that should be the question.

Anyway, I came to believe that 99% people on this forum are atheists.

meka2003 04-19-2012 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18895334)
The posts you refer to as bullshit are those in which I post what I believe to be evidence of God. If you are here posting in this thread I would like to assume you wish to join the discussion. But joining the discussion requires having a conversation. If you and I were sitting face to face and I spoke only what came to mind and didn't bother listening to your replies, would you stick around long?

As for what most of the members want... I am sure that if it were possible for members to vote people off the GFY Island, there are many who would have to go. I was invited back by a representative for the company that owns the board. That's good enough for me.

no point of arguing with these guys. Let them believe in what they want to believe in... My life totally changed when I experienced something super natural myself. At my mother's senior home care. I was playing poker one night on my laptop and i swear, i saw something from the corner of my eye fly across the hallway.. At first, i thought i was imagining things... so i kept playing... Then it happened again for the 2nd time.. I was like "thats it!.. I am going to stare at the hallway." On the 3rd time, I was finally able to see it with my own two eyes what it was that kept flying across the hallway.. It was this black, smoke like, shadowy figure... After I saw that thing, i had to step outside and didn't want to go back inside the facility. I stood outside where it was cold and raining for 30 minutes until until my sister arrived whom I called to drove 24 miles, just to be there with me (yes i know, i was scared like a little bitch.. I wouldn't have had anyone drive 24 miles just for this.. but this shit was real)

Ever since then, my belief that there is something else on the other side, has skyrocketed through the roof. The next day, I googled my experience, and saw this which really freaked me out even more because I didn't want that following me around.

pimpmaster9000 04-19-2012 07:59 AM

Man if there is a god he does not like us LOL 20.000 children die every day from hunger, he never speaks to us EVER, the world is going to shit, the idiots are breeding like rabbits and the smart people are dying away, war, hunger, disease, politics, corruption, jersey shore, jerry springer.....

INTELLIGENT DESIGN? bitch please LOL when did you ever see an AUDI that was engineered like shit?

meka2003 04-19-2012 08:03 AM

Can these guys explain the near death experiences that people of all ages from 4 year olds to 90+ years old see during their near death experience?

I have studied alot about NDEs (near death experience) and even 4 year olds saw their uncles,aunts,great parents whom they never met and no knowledge off after they were confirmed by SCIENCE to be clinically dead. Can u guys explain?

This pattern is common throughout the world...

MarkDeus 04-19-2012 08:04 AM

Atheist are the most obnoxious people I have ever met. They are convinced, that THEY are 100% right, and have the answer to everything. What they fail to understand, is that they make the same mistake than all the other religions out there: Being convinced that everybody else is wrong.

I am agnostic. I don't believe in a "corporeal" or "aware" form of superiority, but I do believe they are some rules in this universe that we do not understand, and probably will not. Religion kept the wheel turning a millennium ago, now we need a need a new form of control.

My thoughts about religion: I prefer to witness 7 billions stupid people following one common goal, than seeing 7 billion intelligent, "liberated" individuals, following 7 billion different directions.

meka2003 04-19-2012 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by PornerBros (Post 18896093)
Atheist are the most obnoxious people I have ever met. They are convinced, that THEY are 100% right, and have the answer to everything. What they fail to understand, is that they make the same mistake than all the other religions out there: Being convinced that everybody else is wrong.

I am agnostic. I don't believe in a "corporeal" or "aware" form of superiority, but I do believe they are some rules in this universe that we do not understand, and probably will not. Religion kept the wheel turning a millennium ago, now we need a need a new form of control.

My thoughts about religion: I prefer to witness 7 billions stupid people following one common goal, than seeing 7 billion intelligent, "liberated" individuals, following 7 billion different directions.

I do believe there are laws of patterns in this world and that everything is ratio based. That it is all 50/50.. You can test this by flipping a coin. The result will always be 50/50 in the long run. Why is that? That i do not know

BlackCrayon 04-19-2012 08:26 AM


poor donny, the devil made him want other guys to fuck his woman.

inthecrack 04-19-2012 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Vjo (Post 18895645)
The time for religion and when religion feels good is at times of death.

My best friend's wife happens to have taught Sunday school (catholicism) and when my mom died she was very comforting. She assured me there was an afterlife ect. and she really believes it.

And when you are going through the ceremony the Catholic priest was very comforting. For that day at least I believed completely and it helps. It just does. There is love there. And maybe love is.. God :)

Just because the delusion makes you feel good doesn't make it true.

Sophie Delancey 04-19-2012 08:46 AM

Not here to debate, but I'm a soft atheist/hard agnostic. Pretty decided, but still fundamentally open on some level.

Evil1 04-19-2012 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by meka2003 (Post 18896042)
Can atheists prove that there is no god? that should be the question.

Do we have to prove unicorns dont exist or should providing proof fall in the lap of the fuckbags running around screaming that there are in fact unicorns, you just have to have faith they are there?

candyflip 04-19-2012 08:58 AM

I loved that Donny has become one of those religious assholes he used to rage against and laugh at himself.

Donny 04-19-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by bm bradley (Post 18895457)
if you must use this much text to try and explain or justify a 'god' you are definitely playing mental hopscotch with yourself... in my expereince, the more text, the less substance :2 cents:

Brian, as you know, there have been numerous books written on matters like this. My posts took you, what, 30 seconds to read? That's not much text, my friend.

Donny 04-19-2012 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Evil1 (Post 18895484)
Study the complexity of Cerns Large Hadron Collider!

Oh shit! sorry, man made.

That's actually not such a bad example. It is complex... and it had to be created. It just didn't come into being. This is something that I'm trying to drive home: complexity hints at a creator. Nobody would ever look at the LHC, or even a Ford truck, and come to any conclusion OTHER than "someone(s) made this." Our bodies our universe is far more complex than the Large Hadron Collider. There are very specific laws that govern the way things work. Something had to create those laws and bring life into existence. Life doesn't come from non-life. Combinations of chemicals could possibly happen on their own, but life still would not result from non-life.

Donny 04-19-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by inthecrack (Post 18895587)
Why does the fact that humans cannot explain everything about the universe and our existence have to mean by default that god did it? Why is a simple "we don't know yet" not sufficient? We once thought the earth was flat. Ancient Aztecs worshiped the sun and sacrificed thousands to appease it. Science eventually busted these myths and more will fall in the future. Sooner or later science will explain a lot about our existence. Saying that god is the only answer to the mysteries of the universe is a total cop out. You're taking the easy way out because you are too impatient for the real answers to come by way of science.

If you are going to explain the universe and our existence with the god theory then you have to explain who or what created god. You are explaining what seems to you to be incredible with something that is even more incredible. It's an argument of infinite regress.

God, here, is defined as an "intelligent First Source." This isn't voodoo. My assertion is that non-life can't come from life, and the complexity of the universe, and our planet and the life therein, cannot have come into existence without intelligence being involved.

As for explaining God, we cannot possibly hope to explain the origins of God when we can't explain our own, can we? I seriously doubt our human minds could possible comprehend the information on God's origins.

Brian Leftow, Nolloth Professor at Oxford University, pointed out that the idea of God existing outside of space and time is consistent with the theory of special relativity. "There are a lot of different arguments you might give to try and show that God is outside of time. One that impresses me somewhat is simply that if you take special relativity very seriously, you believe that everything that is in time is also in space. Its just a four-dimensional continuum. No theist has ever thought God was literally there in space. If he's not in space and whatever is in time is in space, then he is not in time. The question then becomes: what sense can you make out of there being a personlike being outside of time? Well, obviously, a lot of personal predicates won't apply. He can't forget. You can only forget what's in your past. He can't cease to do something. You can only cease to do something that's over in your past... If God is timeless, then everything he does, he does, so to speak, all at once, in a single act. He couldn't do one thing first and then another later on. But that act might have effects at different times."

That quote goes on and on, and is fascinating. Most here on GFY probably don't have the mental capacity to understand what is being said, so I'll use a far more basic example:

Let's assume the characters inside of a book are actually alive. They live their lives from page to page, from the start of the book until the end of it. They can't go back, only forward. But the author of the book, which exists outside of the book, can turn to the first page, last page, or any page in between. The characters in the book can't possibly understand the author, but the author understands the characters completely, having created them.

The author exists outside the book, the same way that God exists outside the space and time of our universe, which He created.

sperbonzo 04-19-2012 09:53 AM


meka2003 04-19-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18896248)
That's actually not such a bad example. It is complex... and it had to be created. It just didn't come into being. This is something that I'm trying to drive home: complexity hints at a creator. Nobody would ever look at the LHC, or even a Ford truck, and come to any conclusion OTHER than "someone(s) made this." Our bodies our universe is far more complex than the Large Hadron Collider. There are very specific laws that govern the way things work. Something had to create those laws and bring life into existence. Life doesn't come from non-life. Combinations of chemicals could possibly happen on their own, but life still would not result from non-life.

Do scientists know who created the big bang ?
Can you explain where the universe ends?

Because god created the universe with his infinite knowledge.

The Human mind is finite. We are nothing. In the end, we will go back to the dirt where we came from.

WarChild 04-19-2012 09:59 AM

There is no god because Stephen Hawking said so. :thumbsup

Donny 04-19-2012 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyClips (Post 18896309)
Stop going on and on about some imaginary dipshit god when it doesn't exist. Holy fucking obvious mind control batman!

Johnny, you keep talking about aliens. I'm talking about something that is above that. I'm discussing a creative force that, if other life (alien) exists, would have created that as well. We're not speaking of a specific religion, so your claims of mind control don't belong in this discussion. We are discussing an intelligent First Cause. Do you even know what that means? The aliens you keep talking about exist inside this universe. I'm speaking of an intelligence outside this universe. You've started your own thread about alien life. That's the proper place to discuss what you're trying to discuss. Here, is not. And that's why I've been ignoring your posts... because they are off topic.

MarkDeus 04-19-2012 10:08 AM

sometimes I wonder why I even bother ignoring people, because people quote them and I still see them...

Donny 04-19-2012 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyClips (Post 18896331)
Yes we can't even begin to comprehend it with our weak minds we have.

There is no imaginary man in the sky....but if you have a deeper understanding and explanation then yes

You're obviously not reading the things I'm posting, either. Just a few posts ago I shared a quote that states no real theist believes in God as a "man in the sky". You're arguing against a straw man.

frostyimpressions 04-19-2012 10:17 AM

If god exists, then why did he/she/it make me atheist?

BlackCrayon 04-19-2012 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18896330)
Johnny, you keep talking about aliens. I'm talking about something that is above that. I'm discussing a creative force that, if other life (alien) exists, would have created that as well. We're not speaking of a specific religion, so your claims of mind control don't belong in this discussion. We are discussing an intelligent First Cause. Do you even know what that means? The aliens you keep talking about exist inside this universe. I'm speaking of an intelligence outside this universe. You've started your own thread about alien life. That's the proper place to discuss what you're trying to discuss. Here, is not. And that's why I've been ignoring your posts... because they are off topic.

the idea that something from another planet or another solar system created all this is just as plausible as a god scenario. there is no proof for either.

Donny 04-19-2012 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by frostyimpressions (Post 18896365)
If god exists, then why did he/she/it make me atheist?

He didn't. You have free will to believe as you wish.

Donny 04-19-2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by BlackCrayon (Post 18896369)
the idea that something from another planet or another solar system created all this is just as plausible as a god scenario. there is no proof for either.

Either you're really stubborn or really stupid. That's like saying the front seat of a Ford explorer created the back seat. Both are part of the same Explorer. We humans may someday be able to travel to other parts of our universe and seed life. That's the type of thing being discussed when someone says, "Aliens came to this planet and created life here." In this thread, we're going several steps above that, to the level of creator of the entire universe, not just life on this planet.

Even if we WERE discussing life on this planet alone, the "aliens" discussion would not invalidate my points: that intelligence is necessary to explain complexity and life. Use whatever word you wish: God, aliens, etc. I am referring to an intelligent First Cause. I've said so repeatedly.

DeanCapture 04-19-2012 10:31 AM



uno 04-19-2012 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18895227)
That's quite the assumption. There are many things in life that rely on circumstantial evidence. Love, for example, can't be proven... yet I'm pretty sure you believe love exists, right? Because there is plenty of circumstantial evidence for it.

Love can be proven. It's a series of chemical interactions. :2 cents:

BlackCrayon 04-19-2012 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18896382)
Either you're really stubborn or really stupid. That's like saying the front seat of a Ford explorer created the back seat. Both are part of the same Explorer. We humans may someday be able to travel to other parts of our universe and seed life. That's the type of thing being discussed when someone says, "Aliens came to this planet and created life here." In this thread, we're going several steps above that, to the level of creator of the entire universe, not just life on this planet.

Even if we WERE discussing life on this planet alone, the "aliens" discussion would not invalidate my points: that intelligence is necessary to explain complexity and life. Use whatever word you wish: God, aliens, etc. I am referring to an intelligent First Cause. I've said so repeatedly.

well the idea that something from another planet created us, and something from a different planet created those who created us could go on for infinity and sure at some point there would of had to been something else happen to create the first life forms (whatever they may be) that created other life forms and so on but...

at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. it makes no difference whatsoever. why do you even care if there is a god or not? just live your fucking life.

BlackCrayon 04-19-2012 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by uno (Post 18896399)
Love can be proven. It's a series of chemical interactions. :2 cents:

technically love doesn't exist. its just a reward release of dopamine in the brain.

MarkDeus 04-19-2012 10:36 AM

A couple of hundred years ago, people were just plain stupid.
Now they are still stupid, but they have a bunch of scientific theories to explain why.

CaptainHowdy 04-19-2012 10:38 AM

I'm an atéist ...

pimpmaster9000 04-19-2012 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18896288)
My assertion is that non-life can't come from life, and the complexity of the universe, and our planet and the life therein, cannot have come into existence without intelligence being involved.

Why do you believe this? I find this fascinating (your reason for belief)

Things start out simple and evolve. For example the first transport mechanism on earth was not the super complex marvel of technology that is the Bugatti Veyron, no the first man made transport was probably a stone wheel.

Take this example and extrapolate to anything that is created. Evolution applies to everything man made.

Lets look at biological organisms. Evolution is proven without a doubt. The Iclandic pony is a great example where in just 100 generations it EVOLVED to a new, winter resistant, species. Hard hard evidence exists for evolution amongst biological organisms.

Why is it so hard to believe one life form evolved in to all life today when everything else evolves? In fact I challenge you to find one single example where something did not evolve and was made "high tech" right away.

frostyimpressions 04-19-2012 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18896370)
He didn't. You have free will to believe as you wish.

Why does he allow free will?

Donny 04-19-2012 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by DeanCapture (Post 18896396)

What an intelligent reply. Seriously though... why bother even taking the time to take a screenshot and upload it? Because you're such a badass that I need to know you have me on ignore? Okay, then. Thanks for letting me know.

Donny 04-19-2012 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by frostyimpressions (Post 18896425)
Why does he allow free will?

There are many theories on this, but most of them influenced by specific religions, and that's not the point of this thread (my thoughts on why free will is allowed are influenced by Christianity, for instance). The purpose of this thread is to discuss the existence of an intelligent First Cause (which I call God).

Donny 04-19-2012 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 18896424)
Why do you believe this? I find this fascinating (your reason for belief)

Things start out simple and evolve. For example the first transport mechanism on earth was not the super complex marvel of technology that is the Bugatti Veyron, no the first man made transport was probably a stone wheel.

Take this example and extrapolate to anything that is created. Evolution applies to everything man made.

Lets look at biological organisms. Evolution is proven without a doubt. The Iclandic pony is a great example where in just 100 generations it EVOLVED to a new, winter resistant, species. Hard hard evidence exists for evolution amongst biological organisms.

Why is it so hard to believe one life form evolved in to all life today when everything else evolves? In fact I challenge you to find one single example where something did not evolve and was made "high tech" right away.

If you are looking for an argument as to the validity of the theory of evolution, you won't find one from me. I am a firm believer that evolution is true (google "theistic evolution"). God and evolution don't conflict.

pimpmaster9000 04-19-2012 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18896443)
If you are looking for an argument as to the validity of the theory of evolution, you won't find one from me. I am a firm believer that evolution is true (google "theistic evolution"). God and evolution don't conflict.

So why must there be a creator if you believe in evolution? This is the part I find fascinating. Nothing at all points to god, but everything points to evolution. Sure God and Evolution may not be mutually exclusive but what makes you favor one over the other?

Phillipmcd1 04-19-2012 10:53 AM

Like someone said in here, in our early years we were desperate to understand how we got here. We knew that God created us before we knew what a germ was, that God was the Sun and other things. I read a story about a Tribe that believe airplanes came from a higher power, so they built a fake airport out of bamboo to get the planes to land

Cherry7 04-19-2012 10:53 AM

If we were created and not evolved we were made by an underachiever of a God.

We have too many teeth in our jaws, we have an appendix which threatens our health, and we have badly designed eyes with the nerves the wrong way round (the octopus has eyes with nerves the right way round).

Maybe "free will " explains misery of the human race but what has your sadist of a God got against animals which live in a terrible battle for survival.

I am not God but I created a paradise for my gerbils. If there is a God he is truly crap.

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