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Neogara 01-31-2022 10:25 AM

Neogara - crypto offers that bring conversions
Crypto offers that bring conversions

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Neogara 02-01-2022 02:55 AM

How to drive traffic to Italy

The average European sees Italy as one of the most developed economies in the world. This is the place people all over the world want to get to in hopes of a big paycheck and a good life, but is it all ponies and rainbows really?

Each place has its ups and downs, crises, political and social problems. We got to the bottom of this matter and are ready to present a detailed breakdown of Italy as a traffic source as well as provide tips regarding ads and promotion and also discuss examples of people successfully entering this GEO.

General info

Language: Italian, French, German, English
Population: 59.24 mil
Average salary: $2,000
Low-skilled employee salary: $1,300
Average age: 45

Italy is 3rd in the ranking of world economies and is considered one of the most productive, and the salary of even a student who had just graduated from a university can reach up to 1,500 euros.
If you subdivide income by profession, then workers in the tourism, engineering, and legal sectors get paid quite well. Physicians, accountants and workers from the agricultural sector have significantly smaller income.

Gender and the presence of specialized education are also important factors. According to statistics, women are paid 20% less than men, with specialized education being able to increase income in the same position by more than 30%.

Another pressing problem of any European country are high taxes - in Italy they range from 23% to 43%. The only upside – if your income is lower than 8,000 euros, you are exempt from paying the tax.

As for everything else, life goes on as usual – the cost of food, clothing and transport is quite low, letting even people with minimal incomes secure their basic needs.

Italy’s target audience

Affiliate marketing and Italy are a great combo that can lead to some nice profits, after all, Italians were the first to develop the gambling business. Italians are an impulsive people - gambling is in their blood. All you need to do is provide them with an opportunity and on your hands you’ll have thousands wishing to try their luck.

Let's cover some other features of the target audience:

The lifestyle of a typical Italian is simple - you need to enjoy life. These people do not strive to achieve some sky-high results, instead they settle on enjoy the process without worrying about the details;
Italian laws are as lenient as possible towards the gambling industry, which is why gambling and sports betting establishments exist both in the online format and as land-based casinos and bookmaker offices. At the same time the latter aren’t too popular and are used mainly by rich tourists. In any case, this is a great way to introduce people to crypto casinos and other ways of making money on cryptocurrency;

When promoting an offer, keep in mind that 65% of the population uses the Internet, but mobile traffic is predominant here, meaning your landing must have a smartphone version.

The following are perfect affiliate marketing traffic sources:

- Facebook. This is the most popular social network in Italy.
- Whatsapp. The most popular messenger in the country.
- Mobile apps and targeted ads in browsers. There are no outstanding indicators here, but ad campaign performance is consistently good.

You can also try to find an approach through Instagram, but according to statistics, only 6% of Italians use it. Decide for yourself if it’s worth the trouble.

What problems does the TA have?

Despite the high standard of living, the first problem is related to the wage gap between regions. For example, the same specialist can get 40,000 euros a year living in Palermo or do the same job in Venice and get 84k a year. This is the only European country where the minimum and maximum salary variation can differ ten-elevenfold.

Another common problem – migrants. Most of them are illegal, after all, the very right to a comfortable life requires a residence permit.

For example, if you rent a house in Italy, you will need to sign special documents to be able to use gas, the telephone, electricity and other house amenities. They also need identification within the tax system and a residence permit. There are many such situations.

The recognition of university diplomas can also turn out to be a surprise. The chance that you’ll manage to get your diploma recognized from the first try is very low, meaning you’ll either spend a lot of time doing it or be forced to get a new diploma entirely.

Let's finish things off by covering Italian healthcare. Here, it’s more than advanced and it’s conditionally free. After all, even state clinics provide patients with guaranteed and qualified medical help. Special drugs and urgent care will cost money, but within reasonable limits.
For example, dental care will cost around 1,000 euros a year, which doesn’t look that bad against a background of 29k general expenses annually.

Ideas for bundles

Italians have always put family first, and they treat their children with a particularly reverent attitude. All events and holidays are celebrated with the entire family and you can use this friendly atmosphere to your advantage.

Buying a house for one’s parents, help pay for a child’s education or grandma’s medical treatment – all this definitely should be used in your creatives. This is sure to help your ad campaign get to the top of the charts.

As an example, let's take a happy married couple who make $130 an hour and about $3,000 on cryptocurrencies in just a day and has no money problems whatsoever.

On one hand, this is a typical video ad, but these hot-headed southerners will happily jump at this opportunity to make easy money.

As an example, a young man is showing a fat wad of cash that he naturally just made using this one interesting strategy. The concept is once again extremely simple, but that’s the point – you need to correctly present a very simple slogan and millions of users will click on it.

And don’t forget about the basics. For example, everyone loves money and if you promise them a program that will near-literally print money for days on end – they’ll at least want to click on it, and the rest doesn’t matter.

Summing up

Italy works great as a traffic source and is very similar to other European countries – it also has problems with migrants, family ties are just as important, high salaries and excellent pensions.

Try to use these topics when promoting offers and you’ll be able to hit the insecurities of a large number of people at once, meaning the success of your ad campaign won’t be long in the coming. In the article, we have analyzed several successful creatives and simple, but quite profitable tricks that you can use.

Neogara 02-01-2022 03:01 AM

Сreatives for Italy

In affiliate marketing, every detail plays its role with the creative being the engine of the entire process. The success of an advertising campaign depends on it.

Unless it matches your landing and pre-landing and just in general, if it isn’t appealing, all your efforts will have been for nothing.

To avoid such a result, let’s get to the bottom of what to focus on when picking a creative, which stock-photo bases to use and where to look for a designer or inspiration for a creative. We’re using Italy as an example, so strap in and let’s get started!

Designing a good creative for cryptocurrency offers

Let's start with the obvious - you can take creatives from spy tools and stock-photo websites, but since this option is incredibly easy, very often the thing you find there is just straight up trash, or non-unique photos, so we recommend just looking for ideas here, and using them to design your own creatives. You can use services like Flickr, Pixabay, Unsplash, etc.

In addition to this, to make your creatives even better, keep an eye on the dry statistics of other people's ad campaigns. There are many services that allow you to analyze the reaction of the target audience to someone's advertising and make your own, only a little better.

We recommend you try PowerAdSpy or SpyPush – both options have a free trial period, meaning you don’t have to buy it immediately.

So then, now that we’ve covered where to start, let’s break down a specific example. We’ll be using crypto offers where the target action is the user making a deposit.

The ad campaign’s ROI was 27%, but it could’ve been much higher. This creative isn’t bad, but take a closer look – can you see anything on the right side of the picture? Even on a PC, you need to squint to see its contents, and no point in even trying on a smartphone.

An affiliate will immediately see that the used approach is simple – showcase the girl’s income, but for the user’s sake, it would be better to highlight this element in a separate color or make it larger.

Breaking down betting creatives

Since all the links mentioned earlier will also apply to this section, let’s get straight to the point and provide some tips for betting creatives. The non-stop videos about million dollar incomes in a day approach is gradually burning out, but if you mix in famous bloggers or newscasters, it will sparkle with new colors.

First, you can buy a blogger and bet on the loyalty of their audience. Second, you can’t hire a newscaster, but you can make a short clip of them and substitute the audio. Either option will make you a nice profit.

Obviously, you need to translate it into Italian, but the point is clear. The marketers of CPA-salon used this idea. Despite a small budget, they made a solid profit thanks to proper use of the videos they were supplied by the affiliate program and a well-designed creative.

Users were also heavily swayed by one phrase – “exclusive bets”. In the picture you can see several of them, which motivated users to invest even a little even more. The campaign’s final ROI is 138%.

How to adjust creatives for gambling offers?

Sometimes you can intrigue the audience not only with subtle headlines, but also try advertising the casino's features directly.

If the website can boast a unique feature, highlight the latter – the user won’t be disappointed and will likely stay to gamble in the casino.

We took a creative promoting the Gratorama casino as an example. Based on the title, the establishment apparently provides a 7 euro non-deposit bonus and that’s true, it does.

As a result, such a simple campaign received a 108% ROI, namely a profit of $3,700 with $1,800 invested. This is yet more proof that there’s no golden formula for constant guaranteed income or a “Money now” button.

Summing up

Designing and testing creatives undoubtedly takes a lot of time, effort and money, but with the right approach, the result always pays off. Try to come up with something new, take into account your old mistakes and what you see when analyzing the work of your competitors.

Experiment, find new and unusual approaches and you are bound to succeed in any affiliate marketing vertical!

Neogara 04-05-2022 04:39 AM

How to drive traffic from Slovenia

Slovenia, one of the republics of the former Yugoslavia, #36 in the nominal GDP rating and one of the most educated, and therefore economically developed, countries in the world.

Although initially Slovenia resembles Switzerland with its small area, its population barely exceeds 2 million, yet the country’s firm economic foundation allows it to provide its citizens with a good income and well-being. This provides all the reason you could need to start driving traffic from this region and right now we’ll tell you about the key features, popular products for promotion, the main ways to influence the audience and how to drive traffic from Slovenia properly.

General info

Language: Slovenian, Hungarian, Italian, English
Population: 2.084 million
Average wage level: $1,300
Low-skilled employee salary: $800
Average age: 42

As we mentioned earlier, Slovenia is a very developed country and is significantly higher than Russia in the GDP ranking. In particular, it stands out thanks to its high population levels and attention to social security.

That last part is what you should focus on when preparing your ad campaign. The present social aid system was born back in 1992, with all the country’s residents getting used to receiving some sort of benefits, bonuses on top of their main salary, and subsequently a very good pension.

Even an unemployed citizen can expect help and get 70% of the average salary, which is a very decent amount here. As for pensions, the minimum rate here is $320, which is very rare, since on average, older people are paid at least $800 per month.

As for the educational sector, currently there are about 800 schools, 37 colleges and 3 universities in Slovenia (yes, only three but they’re more than on par). The state constantly allocates more than 6% of its GDP to this area, thanks to which the country can boast having the highest population education level in all of Central Europe - even a fair share of members of the military (15%) has a college degree.

The Slovenian target audience

Before discussing specific offers worthy of being promoted and the main insecurities of the audience, let’s go over the latter’s main features:
  1. For Slovenes, life courses by at a moderately slow place. They’re accustomed to enjoying life, since money is never a problem, no need to frantically work to have a chance to relax at least during life’s final years;
  2. The predominant part of the population here is excessively persuasive, which can have a strong influence on people’s decision to purchase your product. If a potential client notices some inconsistencies, they will stop at nothing to find out the truth about the product, so it’s best to avoid slippery phrases on your banners;
  3. Oh sport, you are peace. This niche is very popular within the country, with mountain climbing, skiing, biking and traveling being Slovenia’s favorites;
  4. The male part of the audience is distinguished by its praghahahahaham, and this character trait is so pronounced that women can hardly count on a truckload of romantic surprises and financial security;
  5. Despite some personality traits, the people of Slovenia are very kind towards other people and the environment in general. They constantly participate in charity events and will interfere even if a random passerby needs their help. The low crime rates are further evidence of this – although the country's security is at the highest level, it is rarely necessary to use even a small part of these resources.

In other words, we have a cultured and wealthy society in every sense on our hands, which is perfect for affiliate marketing. A variety of approaches can be tested here, ranging from native ads to aggressive promotion methods. Moreover, for some offers there are very tasty workarounds, which we will discuss below.

What problems does the TA have to deal with?

One of the most popular destinations in Slovenia is nutra in all its manifestations. First of all, this includes workout supplements. As we mentioned earlier, sport is in the blood of Slovenes, and therefore various biological supplements to strengthen muscles will find a great response. No less well sold are ointments for healing sprains, fitness nutrition that helps with weight loss or special protein diets, and remedies for arthritis/arthrosis or fungus.

Second, the people here are sexually liberated, so to speak, and don’t regard adult-nutra products as something to be ashamed of, so go ahead and offer them potency-enhancing and sex experience-improving pills, drops and creams - you’ll find a great response.

Dating apps are no less popular. Financial well-being provides ample opportunities for finding a soul mate, and although men aren’t exactly keen on the idea of paying for her every need, spending a substantial amount for a dating subscription is ok for them.
Slovenians are also fans of gambling, which isn’t surprising – casinos and betting establishments have been legal here since 2012. Though we should go over a very peculiar feature regarding the activities of such institutions.

While gambling activities are regulated by a special law, foreign companies have no problem circumventing it. The de facto situation is as such - only establishments that are physically located in Slovenia are obliged to get a local license and pay taxes. If the company is foreign, then it can have absolutely any license, and it isn’t obliged to report its income, and therefore, pay taxes.

And let’s briefly cover the sector of binary options and cryptocurrency investments. The level of financial literacy in the country is high, and therefore its residents will be happy to explore new opportunities for earning money, letting you safely present such offers. As for specific examples – we’ll cover them in the next section.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in these approaches - the main thing is to correctly set up the targeting and test out several creatives before investing your entire budget to make sure you’ll end up working with the most efficient of banners. Try at least some of the presented tips for affiliate marketing in Slovenia and we’ll be back with a new batch of useful info very soon!

Joing Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto vertical with our care!

Neogara 04-05-2022 04:47 AM

Which Tier 1 GEOs should be used to drive traffic

The only thing that is important to decide now is how to drive traffic to Tier 1, what are the features of the Tier 1 target audience and what should be used in your advertising campaign? We will talk about this and much more below!

Affiliate marketing to Latin America

If we're talking about the GEO category as a whole, this is a wonderful option to drive traffic. The majority of these states have a high standard of living, with higher lead rates (around $5-20), and lack of competition. As a result of the preceding point, LatAm's target audience is not overburdened with content and advertising banners, and as a result, even the most basic advertising will be well received.

As for specific examples, in order to understand how to drive traffic to LatAm correctly, let's look at several popular GEOs from this category.


A well-developed country that enjoys a favorable economic position and shares borders with three other countries that are likewise developed. The most significant is the USA, which maintains close trade ties with Mexico and gladly employs its citizens.

When it comes to the local population's standard of living, it varies greatly depending on the city, because if one and a half million people live in one settlement, another capital city will already have ten million. Mexicans earn around $2,000 per month on average, which is more than enough to live comfortably.

Food and other household items, housing, and transportation are all reasonably priced in Mexico, and the target audience is friendly, hospitable, and does not suffer from severe banner blindness. Furthermore, a sizable portion of the population uses social media and owns smartphones with high-speed Internet, as well as laptops and PCs. Even farmers and criminals are no exception to this rule.

Nutra is particularly popular in this GEO when it comes to local residents' problems. Obesity, lung and heart disease, and digestive disorders affect a large percentage of Mexican citizens. Funds from all this will go perfectly into an advertising campaign.
We can also recommend that you use betting to drive traffic - Mexicans adore sports and all forms of entertainment related to them, so they will gladly bet money on their favorite team.


This country is unquestionably one of the best in Latin America to drive traffic. There are currently around 20 million people living in Chile, earning an average of $1,200 per year and being 34 years old on average, according to available data.

The country's official language is Spanish, but what's more, 85 percent of the total population actively uses the Internet and orders something through it.

Regarding affiliate marketing to this GEO, crypto and other verticals, which can promise a large sum of money to a potential client, are ideal in Chile. However, it is advisable to gradually introduce the offer to the target audience, as the Chilean market do not like to make decisions quickly, especially when it comes to money

Warm customers up gradually before urging them to take advantage of the offer more assertively. Simultaneously, the most recommended target audience is retirees over the age of 50. Why is that? It's simple - as the Chilean works at a younger age, the employer transfers 10% of the employee's salary to a special fund, which can only be used after retirement.

Taking into account the high incomes of even low-skilled employees, any resident of Chile is gaining a substantial sum by the time they reach retirement age, which can result in very large profits in the crypto niche.

Affiliate Marketing to Asia

Continuing with the question of how to drive traffic to Tier 1, consider the second, no less lucrative direction, whose residents can easily bring you a good ROI and profit.


Tier-1 representative with one of the most developed economies on the planet. This country ranks 11th in the world in terms of living standards, with higher rates for almost any offer, a high cost per click, and a wide range of verticals.

Singapore has a population of about 6 million people, with more than 90% of them using the Internet. Singaporeans can safely identify Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube as social media platforms. Notably, the majority of the population is young, as the average age of Internet users is 25 years old, and the 19-to-24-year-old age group also actively purchases goods on the Internet.

The insufficient level of earnings of local residents is one of Central Asia's most pronounced pains of the Target Audience. This may appear surprising given the high wages, but the majority of the shortage is due to a lack of housing stock, as this GEO territory is very small, causing even a small piece of land to be very expensive. As a result, it is normal for many Singaporeans to live with their parents until they are old.

Hence, the Asian target audience will be well suited for cryptocurrency and gambling. Promotional offers relating to nutra will be equally popular, as maintaining the health and beauty of the skin is one of the target audience's top priorities.


A less profitable GEO than the previous option, but it still has a lot of interesting benefits for affiliate marketers. First of all, Indonesia is rich in cheap traffic - the income of residents here is relatively low, there is little competition from the state in terms of affiliate marketing, the population exceeds the threshold of 270 million people.

All of this can provide the webmaster with the opportunity not only to enter a niche with a small budget, but also to make a good profit from low-cost offers, focusing on quantity rather than quality. The actively growing percentage of the population that uses the Internet (now around 47 percent of the population) and the target audience's loyalty to advertising also aid in achieving a good CTR (click-through rate).

Low income enables you to better motivate your audience to interact with crypto offers, as well as to steer them in the direction of gambling or betting. Nutra is also beneficial to driving traffic - various remedies for parasites, creams for skin rejuvenation, and creams for swollen joints will do well in Indonesia.


Today, we discussed how to drive traffic to Asia, what approaches might be adopted to promote an advertising campaign, and which crypto creatives to Tier 1 should be used and covered a variety of other things today. Make use of these suggestions to ensure your success!

Joing Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto vertical with our care!

Neogara 04-21-2022 09:23 AM

Meta Facebook Closure

Fairly recently, the Meta company issued an official statement warning that it may potentially roll up its operations not just in Russia, but in Europe and the US as well, which would essentially mean the shutdown of Instagram and Facebook. The reason behind such a possible decision is the EU adopting a new bill that updates the rules for storing and processing user data exclusively on European servers.

So does this mean the end of affiliate marketing on such a valuable traffic source? How hard will the exodus of Instagram and Facebook affect the advertising world and is there a way to avoid a drop in profits? If so, how exactly? That and much more is the topic of today’s discussion!

How will Meta Facebook’s closure affect affiliate marketing?

According to official statements, there are more than 2 billion users on Facebook alone, most of which are active on a regular basis. The exodus of this social network alone will result in a huge number of potential customers being lost, since affiliates will no longer be able to show them ads.

Moreover, while this won’t be catastrophic for the RU segment, since it has its fair share of popular alternatives capable of replacing Facebook, affiliates that work with Tier 1 GEOs will be left to fend for themselves.

Still, even if Meta does leave the social media sphere, it will force a rather large target audience to rapidly search for new platforms, ones you wouldn’t really call popular now. The activity spike is bound to trigger an increase in the cost of traffic in the remaining sources and this is due to two factors at once.

First, in itself, the growth in the number of active users on any site elevates its relevance, and with it - the ad costs. Second, advertisers and affiliates also need to find a way to work with the audience, and given the decrease in good ad sources, the competition for the remaining options will skyrocket. Moreover, this will likely happen in every vertical and most GEOs.

As you can see, the situation really is a precarious one, and there’s only one obvious way out – switch over to the platforms that still work and have a stable trickle of new active users. More on that in the next section.

Can the problem be solved?

Let’s start with going over the options that can help fill in the void Meta’s closing left in the Russian-speaking segment.


#1 on the list of emerging traffic sources is VKontakte. Even though for a long time this social network saw no major updates, the past 18 months brought about some significant updates that reignited the existing audience and served to attract lots of new users. Restrictions that Russian residents are faced with only fan the flames, motivating them further to use VK.

The network can currently boast about 100 million active users, and you can successfully drive both mobile and PC traffic – in both cases, the social network holds the lead in terms of coverage.

In short, speaking about the social network’s target audience, it definitely overtakes Facebook in terms of its solvency – over 300,000 users here are fully affluent and are ready to purchase even expensive offers, with another 17 million being able to afford regular above-average price online purchases and around 20,000,000 potential clients responding well to standard priced goods.


Even though this option isn’t particularly popular, the social network has a considerable audience of 30 to 60 year olds that can shop online and become your personal client. Slimming products, men's or women's clothing, almost any other Ecommerce, nutra and other similar offers will perform great here.

Contextual ads

Slowly but surely moving on to more universal options that can be used both when working with the CIS region and Tier 1 countries. While Facebook might disappear from the list of available traffic sources, Google Ads aren’t going anywhere, and despite the forecasted price spike, this remains an excellent option for launching an ad campaign.

Also making serious ground is Yandex, constantly updating its ad account and providing affiliates with evermore opportunities. If we talk in general about the benefits of contextual advertising, it involves working with an already warmed-up audience that knows what it wants from an offer and is ready to purchase it, provided the right motivation on your part. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the conversion rate and your total profits.


A really good and versatile option for affiliate marketers that can turn out to be an even better traffic source than FB or Instagram. For one, this is one of the least-demanding sources, that lets you just launch the banners you want and choose almost any vertical and approach approach instead of being forced to adjust your AC a hundred times over so that it can meet the requirements of mods.

Also, here, there’s no need to come up with intricate schemes to reach the target audience - all you need to do to quickly generate quality leads is come up with a clickbait title and keep track of the ad’s performance.

Push notifications

The last option we’ll cover today are push notifications - another very popular traffic source. The source’s format is its greatest asset since most users automatically switch their attention to their device when getting small notifications on their PC or smartphone, meaning they are guaranteed to see the offer and very likely to follow the link and perform the target action. The competition here isn’t as stiff, lots of GEOs and verticals to choose from – convenient, ain’t it?

Summing up

Meta’s streak of bad luck goes back to the time the company published its unsuccessful financial report and it’s all leading up to a logical conclusion – the shutting down of Facebook and Instagram not only in Russia, but in Europe and the US as well, which will be quite a hit for the ad sector.

Still, there’s no way to influence the outcome of this situation, all we can do is adapt and in this article we’ve provided you with an extensive choice of options that can serve as a replacement to Meta’s networks and which entail the least noticeable profit losses for affiliates.

Neogara 04-21-2022 09:36 AM

Profitable GEOs nobody is talking about ( CIS )

Recently, the affiliate marketing media sphere is increasingly talking about top-tier GEOs in the entire advertising sector - the UK, Spain, Italy, Singapore, the US and other options are the topics that pop up on forums literally every day. All the while, people completely neglect less popular, but just as well-performing countries, where the competition isn’t as stiff and which provide an extensive lineup of offers, decent payouts and an active target audience that responds well to ads.

These countries are the topics of today’s discussion. Get comfy – allow us to present 4 excellent GEOs to promote offers in, as well as a detailed analysis of each one. Let’s get started!


An excellent venue for affiliate marketing, inhabited by over 20 million people, most of which are active Internet users. Around 90% of the target audience aged 25 to 34 log onto social media, make online purchases or access the Internet for whatever other purpose every day.

Surprisingly, in certain aspects, Kazakhstan’s economy is stronger than that of Russia. The former’s audience at times earns more money, meaning it can afford even expensive offers. And while the population isn’t as large as the Russian one, this GEO is no less viable an option.

As for user interests, the shopping cart is fairly standard - cosmetics, household goods and appliances, clothing and shoes. At the same time, almost any vertical can perform well here due to the locals’ love for making impulsive purchases.

Adult nutra, dating, E-commerce, cryptocurrency and just the financial direction in general, betting or gambling. All this will trigger a positive response from the target audience, and better yet – there’s plenty of room to move here, all thanks to the availability of an enormous number of popular traffic sources in Kazakhstan. The target audience spends the most time on VKontakte (45% of the population), Instagram (30%), Odnoklassniki (35%) and YouTube (15%). Also somewhere between all these options is Facebook, which is said to house the GEO’s most solvent audience. Whether or not promoting offers through FB is a good idea here is up to you.


An even smaller state, which at the same time is famous for its steadily developing economy and quite a decent standard of living of the local population. Like we’ve mentioned, it’s not too big – a mere 3 million people, 75% of which use the Internet and around 60% are active social media users.

Facebook and Odnoklassniki are among the most popular traffic sources here. The combination, of course, is as strange as possible, but why not - about 1,200,000 people prefer the former, and around 600,000 - the latter. Instagram’s audience here is also steadily growing with each day. Still, the competition here isn’t exactly fierce, meaning this is a great time to enter the niche.

VKontakte is also a good option to launch ad campaigns on, but according to statistics, Armenian users prefer to either listen to music or watch videos here, meaning that traditional ads will hardly perform well.

As for online shopping, the local target audience responds quite well, with cities like Yerevan, Hrazdan and Gyumri housing the most avid shoppers. More specifically, Armenians love gambling or just online games, they actively buy cosmetics and skin-rejuvenation or anti-wrinkle products, car accessories and household appliances. At the same time, people’s income here is relatively average, which means that the financial vertical with crypto offers will find a great response from this audience.

When launching campaigns, keep in mind that the most active TA are young people aged 25 and up – they make up the bulk of the social media audience and of the online shopping crowd. Also there’s no point in focusing exclusively on the national language, Armenian, since the majority of the population (around 70%) is fluent in Russian.


Yes, yes, next is the largest Caucasian country, with a population of more than 10 million people, with the majority of them being the GEO’s legit indigenous inhabitants. The locals prefer to speak their native language, but about 30% of them speak Russian well.
As for the country’s lifestyle, the people here are conservative, holds on to family values, try to present themselves the best way they can. The people in this GEO are kind and always help each other.

As for the target audience, as far as affiliate marketing is concerned, around 97% of Azerbaijan’s population goes online daily. The most popular traffic sources here are YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, VK, Twitter, OK, LinkedIn, Viber, Telegram and so on. This list can go on for quite some time, but you get the idea - almost any option here is viable.
Now if we talk about verticals, one of the most popular ones is gambling. Even though casinos and bookmakers have been illegal for 20 years now, currently there’s talk of legalizing this industry – that’s how popular it has become.

At the same time, crypto offers that promise quick profits and cryptocurrency market training courses also perform. Nutra is just as popular in this GEO – the female audience responds best to rejuvenating cosmetic and weight-loss products, whereas men a more interested in adult nutra offers - potency- and sexual sensation-enhancing products.

Last but not least on our list today is Moldova. This GEO boasts of having fairly high wages despite the relatively small population size. In total, around 4.5 million people live here and they make an average of $6,000 annually.

However, this isn’t the country’s biggest advantage - after all, far more appealing is the complete lack of competition here and active audience, ready to study and buy something of real value. Common local problems include extra weight, joint pain, cardiovascular problems, wrinkles and skin aging. In other words, a standard set for the nutra vertical.
You can also try the dating and cryptocurrency directions. In the first case, best to utilize the image of a proper young and attractive girl, and almost any approach will do when promoting crypto offers. Residents of Moldova will definitely not pass up a chance to make some extra money and it hardly matters in what form you will choose to present this opportunity - all you need to do is motivate the TA to act.

Speaking of which, the GEO’s ad field is quite an extensive one, with you being able to drive traffic to Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vkontakte, Pinterest and even Snapchat.

Summing up

In today's article, we decided to move away from the GEOs familiar to so many affiliates and instead analyze the options that are often overlooked, but are more than viable for affiliate marketing purposes, where the competition isn’t as fierce and which offer excellent working conditions. Try out the countries we covered above, launch an ad campaign there and be sure to report the results. Good luck!

Neogara 04-28-2022 02:28 AM

Profitable GEOs That No One Is Talking About (Latin America)

Most affiliates choose a destination to drive traffic based on its popularity and the level of local earnings. This list comprises the most enticing GEOs from Europe, the United States, Japan, and Canada, for example. In the meantime, many people overlook the intense competition that exists in the advertising sector with regard to such countries and how hard it is to get a client to join their advertising campaign.

The same can be said for affiliate marketing in LATAM: there are a number of appealing countries with a slightly less developed economy, but far less competition and a willing audience. That is what we will discuss today, followed by LatAm's target audience and how to effectively drive traffic to it. Here we go!

How to drive traffic to Mexico?

Mexico was chosen as the first GEO for today's analysis. This is a fascinating country that thrives on contrasts.

People here have an average salary and a monthly budget of $1,000 to $2,000. At the same time, Mexico is in a good position because it is bordered by major developed countries, one of which is the United States, where local citizens are actively attempting to emigrate (this can be used as a motivation for the advertising campaign).

As for the target audience of Mexico within GEO, mostly people live either in small settlements for several tens of thousands of people, or adapt themselves to life in large cities, so to speak. Mexico City, with a population of almost 10,000,000 people, is currently the largest city. Ecatepec de Morelos, Guadalajara, and Puebla de Zaragoza are also options.

Whatever region you choose, the same techniques apply to all of them. The advertising campaigns that promise enormous rewards in a short period of time, such as the cryptocurrency direction and the entire vertical of finance, gaming, and betting, work the best here.

The local population is not really affected by the lack of money, a high crime rate, a low educational level, and an unstable political atmosphere that disrupts daily life. All of this can be used in the planning of the Advertising Campaign, and it is also important to consider other aspects of the Target Audience:

1. Here, patriotism and faith in a higher power are maximized. It is easy to get shot in the head for insulting a Mexican family or country, yet when it comes to faith, even gangsters pray for a bright future on a daily basis.

2. Football and baseball are two of Mexico's most popular sports, and it is worth driving traffic while working with betting.

3. Mexicans have a reputation for being rash. They do not usually make big promises, prefer a laid-back way of life but they are easy to persuade for an impulse buy if the offer is presented correctly.

Finally, running advertising on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or even WhatsApp is a good idea—every local representative of the Target Audience utilizes these services on a daily basis.

Affiliate Marketing in Chile

A small GEO with about 20,000,000 people, each of whom earns an average of $1,500 per month. The nearly complete absence of competition in the advertising sector, the target audience's willingness to accept almost any correctly presented offer, and the country's 85 percent Internet usage are among the primary advantages of affiliate marketing in this country.

It is best to work with the Chilean Target Audience through the cryptocurrency route, and with primarily senior citizens. The latter is based on the cunning GEO taxation system, according to which, over the course of a lifetime, roughly 10 percent of Chileans' official earnings go to a special pension fund, and at the moment of retirement, a substantial sum appears in a person's bank account. Consider that if at least half of it gets into the affiliate's pocket, it will already pay for the entire advertising campaign and more.

When developing the promotions, we recommend emphasizing patriotism and family. Yes, this is the second time such a GEO has appeared, but it must be a Latin American thing, and the target audience seems to be responding well to it. Some examples of good reasons to invest in cryptocurrencies include paying for the education of children or providing for the retirement needs of aging parents, etc. Furthermore, the situation with education is particularly bad here, as even the worst education at school costs $500 a month, which is very expensive even for Tier-1 GEO in some locations.

Betting is also good for Chile, especially since the local target audience supports football, which is supported not only by men, but also by women and children, so make a nice offer, spice it up with welcome bonuses, and you will have a client in no time.

Affiliate Marketing in Costa Rica

In terms of the amount of incomes of local residents, the situation is not much better, but there is virtually no competition at GEO, and the total population easily crosses the 6 million threshold.

When it comes to how to drive traffic to Costa Rica, there are several fantastic verticals that will work equally well here. Of course, the crypto is the most popular, and it is practically in the same position as nutra. Before delving more into these two avenues, let us first discuss the characteristics of the Target Audience in Costa Rica.

First, the most prevalent sources of traffic in this GEO are YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, where over 70 percent of Costa Rica's total population is rather active. Let us make it clear that advertising works equally effectively on any of these platforms. Second, for the nutra and crypto approaches, we can mention creams to improve vision, syrups to restore heart rate, products to keep skin clear suitable for nutra, and success stories and demonstrative success stories suitable for crypto.

The people of this country are naive, believing in the power of traditional medicine and, in some regions, magic, omens, and everything else. In other words, if you can present even made-up success stories convincingly, the target audience will eagerly trust them, especially if you include notable politicians or popular celebrities among the creatives.


In today's article, we analyzed good GEOs for Latin America that are not extremely popular but offer a low level of competition, a target audience that is open to purchases, and a wide range of verticals to work in. At the same time, it is not difficult to find such an offer for LatAm that will not only work for the Target Audience, but will also have a high rate, and thus, we recommend you to try the above GEO now, before they are grabbed by other affiliates!

Neogara 04-28-2022 02:46 AM

Profitable GEOS that everyone is silent about (Europe)

Recently, affiliate marketing has started to change a lot. Previously insignificant, GEOs brings in a lot of money and makes good offers even though the economy and the lives of the people there are not very advanced. In the meantime, popular Tier-1 GEOs no longer have this decent wallet any since they have become too dense with competition and the target audience has become banner blind seeing all kind of things.

All of this suggests one thing: it is time to focus on something new and intriguing. Today, we have compiled a list of four of the best GEOs in Europe that you may utilize for affiliate marketing to boost your standard ROI and profit. More details how to drive traffic to Europe, which offers to consider, and which approaches to employ.

How do you drive traffic in Greece?

To begin, here is some general information on affiliate marketing in Greece. A total of about 12,000,000 people live here, almost all of whom are active Internet users. Furthermore, because 92 percent of the local target audience only speaks their native language, it is advantageous to advertise in it.

Among the most prominent traffic sources is Facebook, which has 90 percent of the GEO population. You can also attempt driving traffic to Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube, but each of these services has such a low percentage of use in Greece that it is scarcely useful.

Greeks spend a lot of time on Google, Lifo, In.gr, and Skroutz in addition to social media. If the first one is evident, the remainder of the sites are either news publications or local marketplaces where you may also advertise your offer.

Now, let us take a quick look at the target audience of Greece and its challenges. To begin with, nutra is highly popular in this GEO, as are both standard cosmetics and goods in the 18+ category. You can use creams to get rid of wrinkles or unpleasant inflammation, skin-tightening masks, and other useful skincare products for a standard nutra. In the context of adult nutra, we propose promoting family values more. That means, adding testimonies from happy moms and dads, as well as using married couples in creatives, will inspire far more trust in the Target Audience than a huge zucchini on the entire screen.

We also suggest that you try financial offers. Use cryptocurrency projections, professional advice, and the like in creatives, and avoid hollow promises of millions and baseless success tales.

Affiliate marketing in Spain

The next great option for working with Europe is fiery Spain, which seems to be ideal to drive traffic. The majority of residents in this GEO earn a high wage, live to be 83 years old on average, own real estate, and have a higher education. And the most important thing is the people in the area are 6.5/10 points happy with their lives according to official statistics.

All of this makes the Spanish target audience more than ideal for traffic distribution. One person here earns $23,000 per year on average, which is spent on food, rent, lawyers, insurance, and taxes. Furthermore, financial literacy is extremely crucial in this GEO because Spain has such a complex financial and legal system that only professionally qualified people can deal with it. If you do not use their expertise, your expenditures will inevitably rise enormously.

The family occupies a central position in the Spaniards' souls, as well as their monthly budget. Women will walk everywhere with a child, whether in restaurants, on the beach, at the movies, or anywhere else, and this will be more than typical, as this will adapt the child to society from birth.

So, how do you drive traffic to Spain? First, pay attention to the vertical of the nutra. Both the female and male halves of the audience want to appear beautiful at any age, thus numerous weight loss products, wrinkle creams, inflammatory creams, and fungal creams are quite popular; for an older audience, medicines for joint pain or hypertension are appropriate.

At the same time, cryptocurrency, gambling, and betting are becoming increasingly popular in Spain. The final two possibilities are primarily significant for young men who wish to have a fun weekend with their buddies or simply pass the time by gambling. Spaniards are more interested in cryptocurrency in terms of obtaining new and important knowledge.

You should not focus on high earnings in any of the mentioned verticals because there is enough money in Spain without it. It would be far preferable to include information on promotions, bonuses, valuable presents or resources, and so forth.

How to drive traffic in Slovakia?

Despite the fact that Slovakia's target audience is only 6 million people, the standard of living here is more than adequate, with an annual wage of almost $20,000 on average. It is a nation with a thriving economy and social life.

Slovakia has perfectly adapted European norms, and the majority of residents adore their family and children. This is what you can use in your creatives for crypto or any other direction that allows you to earn money, for example, the education of a son or a family vacation.

As for other areas how to drive traffic, Slovaks love gambling. To be more specific, people enjoy having a good time playing slot machines and do it mostly to relax rather than to make money. That's why for a good wallet is recommended to proceed from favorable offers, promotions, special game modes and similar distinctive features of the casino.

Well, another good option is nutra. Locals, like those in any other GEO, do not want to grow old, sick, or obese. Offer products for skin rejuvenation, weight loss, and wrinkle removal to the female half of the target audience, whereas products for developing muscle mass, potency enhancement, and improving sexual impulses are more suited to the male half.

Affiliate marketing in Slovenia

A well developed GEO that provides excellent educational and welfare options despite a $1,500 average earning. People in this area tend to take their time and enjoy life in all of its splendor.

In the meantime, the Slovenian target audience is often meticulous and closely examines the quality of the commodities they intend to purchase. That is why you should thoroughly analyze the offer in order to avoid awkward queries and consumer losses.

Among the most popular locations for driving traffic are the following:

1. Nutra. This includes sporting products, as the majority of Slovenes are moderately, but constantly, involved in physical activity.
2. Adult-nutra. Slovenians are extremely liberated sexually, and so eager to try anything new to increase their sensations —any drops, pills, ointments, etc. will definitely work in this GEO.
3. Gambling and betting. Although gambling is officially prohibited in Slovenia, no one cares, and therefore roughly 40 percent of the population are constantly on slot machines, not to mention Slovenians' passion for sports and hence betting on them.
4. Finance. Residents of the introduced GEO possess a high level of financial literacy and are constantly on the lookout for not just beneficial but also profitable market solutions.


Today, we examined a number of successful TIER GEOs that provided arbitrageurs with high rates, a diverse vertical selection, a tolerable degree of competition, and a range of other perks. We conducted a thorough examination of the target audience in Europe and the techniques used to influence it. Be sure to try the tips above and post your results!

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto vertical with our care!

Neogara 05-11-2022 08:57 AM

GEOs everyone is silent about (Asia)

We all know that Asia is an exclusively good GEOs for affiliate marketing . It is a vast "continent" with tens of millions of potential customers with fairly good earnings and a willingness to consider the affiliate's offer.

When it comes to driving traffic to Asia, almost all publishers prefer non-traditional destinations such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and so on. All of these are undoubtedly good and popular in terms of advertising, but for some reason, many people overlook the other three even better countries, namely the UAE, Singapore, and Malaysia. These are the GEOs that are rarely discussed in forums or in documents from other affiliate program systems.

Nonetheless, these are almost ideal countries for driving traffic, and if you have never worked with them before, we will show you exactly how to drive traffic to Asia right now!

Affiliate Marketing in UAE

On the one hand, it is easy to see why not every affiliate is eager to work with this GEO, and the reason is the target audience's unique way of living. It is mostly influenced by religion, specifically Islam, which dominates virtually every aspect of a local's life.

Family values are one of the main restraints for affiliate marketing, and impossibility of a young man or a girl having several partners in his or her lifetime. Is highly regulated, and the UAE target audience has the right to exist in just one formal relationship throughout their lives. Furthermore, people do not choose this single partner on their own, but rather depending on their parents' decision.

To put it another way, it is considerably more difficult to discuss the future of dating here, and it is unlikely that you will be able to put something like that in place. Another market to keep in mind is nutra and adult nutra, but there are a few nuances to consider here as well. First of all, in the case of adult-nutra, you should consider not only the male, but also the female Target Audience. Because most girls have only one partner, which they do not choose for themselves, it is far from certain that the couple will have a good sexual relationship. In this case, both of them try to solve the problem with the help of adult-nutra.

As for the basic nutra, you have to drive traffic to the male target audience. Because the guy controls the majority of the family finances, he will provide for his wife, which will entail paying for numerous cosmetic products and other offers we have presented.

Driving traffic to the remainder of the verticals are carried out in a regular manner, supposing you can materialize them. In no instance can statements about religion or politics be used when making bundles. Concentrate on promotions or great offers. Arabs, no matter how much money they have, are still Arabs who enjoy bargaining. This is a quick rundown on how to drive traffic to the UAE.

Affiliate Marketing in Singapore

One of the most developed regions in all of Asia, ranking 11th in terms of living standards and economic advancement. Although there are only 6 million people in this country, almost every one of them is a young and solvent client. Just imagine, the average age here is 25 years old.

When it comes to Singapore's target audience, while most people earn a lot of money, their cost of living is quite high. That is why social inequality exists, which, among other things, exerts pressure on housing costs - it's sky-high price.

Meanwhile, Singaporeans spend a lot of money on personal care; it is important to them to look good at any age, and this, to some extent, allows them to live to a ripe old age. As you may be aware, it is just a feast for the nutra - numerous creams for rejuvenation, skin tightening, weight loss, and disease treatment will all be purchased in large quantities by the local Target Audience.

Everything is good in the case of adult-nutra; the male half of the target audience is sexually liberated, and you may exploit this motivation to be the best in bed for your girlfriend when selling various stimulants. The dating vertical is no less crucial here - stick to the tried-and-true approach with attractive young women and you will be OK. Simultaneously, avoid oversexualizing them, as they dislike it here.

To rewind a little, if you consider that many Singaporeans, even with substantial earnings, cannot afford to purchase at least some type of dwelling, you can assist them by directing the crypto in this direction. Promise high incomes quickly, and you can utilize local politicians as creatives - the public has a great deal of trust in them, since every erroneous word or deed could cost them their lives.

How to drive traffic to Malaysia?

This option can be referred to as the golden mean between the number of people, their earnings, desires, and the total standard of living of Malaysia's target audience.

More specifically, GEO presently employs 35 million people who earn an average of $800-1000 per month. This number appears modest at first glance, but when you think about it, there are no exorbitant charges to justify calling such a wage figure small.

Renting a home costs around 300-400 euros per month, while food and other necessities are not prohibitively expensive, making them accessible to even the poorest members of society. Even taxes here are distributed in such a way that with less earnings a person pays very little money.

What is more pleasing is the presence of a nearly totally young audience, with an average age of 28 years among the 35 million individuals in attendance. At the same time, a lot depends on the type of offers you want to make to your target market. For example, if you want to work with a financially stable audience, target people aged 35 and over, as this is when Malaysians begin to accumulate some money.

The direction of nutra, adult nutra, and maybe financial offers will work with a younger audience, because a shortage of money will be a powerful motivator to try to get it via any means possible. We advocate putting pressure on faith, reason, procreation, children and family, and the desire to find your own apartment when making creatives.

These are the most significant things in life for Malaysians, and they can precisely persuade a client to accept an offer.


In today's article, we talked in detail about the target audience of Asia, went through creatives for crypto for Asia and many other verticals. As you can see, the GEOs presented above can be more than a priority for driving traffic, and offers for them can have favorable terms of cooperation and high rates.

Also, these countries do not have much competition in the advertising direction, and therefore it's time to try driving traffic to them and perhaps even occupy some affiliate market niches and fully adapt them to yourself.

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto vertical with our care!

Neogara 05-13-2022 06:49 AM

GEO Battle: Malaysia & Singapore

Today we’re going over just 2 options – Malaysia and Singapore. These are some of the most developed countries in Asia, making both of them an excellent choice for affiliate marketing due to the characteristics of the audience and its interests. Let’s dive into the unique features of these GEO, go over the locals’ insecurities and TA approaches, as well as pick out the best crypto offers for your ad campaign to promote.

GEO features

To begin with, we will briefly give a general description of the two countries. Although both countries are developed economically and socially, Singapore is many times superior to Malaysia in almost all aspects, from average wage levels to living conditions for both citizens of the country and ordinary tourists. Now onto the details.


From an economic point of view, the country is averagely developed, almost on the same level as Russia. For example, the average salary of local residents is approximately 60,000 rubles, which is more than enough for a good life.
Surprisingly, emigrants make 4 or even 5 times more than natives, but this is due to the occupation gap, because the people that move here are predominantly auditors, developers or programmers - just in general they are more qualified specialists, meaning they naturally make much more than everyone else.

As for the standard of living, it is consistently average. 60, 000 RUB or 4,000 ringgits (local currency) is more than enough to cover people’s need for food, housing, transport and much more. Moreover, the prices here are sometimes even lower than those in Russia. Despite such a good situation, the crime rate here is rather high and perhaps something similar would have happened in Singapore if it were not for the severe punishments that the country’ government had introduced (more on them in the next section).
Finally, let's talk about the medical sector. It is highly developed, and every citizen has the right to first-class treatment and subsidies from the state. This idea is reflected in the statistics of the lifetime of Malaysians - the average age here is 75 years.


It is one of the most populated countries in the entire world. Even now, there are about 8,000 people on every square kilometer. Just for comparison's sake, in Malaysia this figure is only 90 people per square kilometer. At the same time, the standard of living of local citizens is a tricky matter.

On one hand, they don’t exactly suffer from a lack of funds, with the average salary reaching $4,000 (which is, again, so much more Malaysia can offer). However, such a developed economic situation imposes its own cons:

- Costs roughly match the people’s income. A young family needs at least $3,500 to rent a small apartment, use public transport and cook their own meals. As you can guess, there’s not much left from those $4,000 and the costs grow with each month.
- Social inequality. Population stratification is inherent in any developed city, but here it goes far beyond that at times. For example, if a resident wants to buy a car, they must first purchase a license, which costs as much as $47,000.
- The severity of the law. Since, frankly, there are too many people, they need to be controlled somehow. In this regard, huge fines are introduced for any offense, physical punishments and even the death penalty. Doesn’t get any more cheery than that…

Target audience

The two countries have similar mentalities – politicians are equally respected here and any actions will be carried out according to their instructions (a little later we will talk about how to profitably use this for your affiliate marketing goals), both people care about their appearance and having a fun life up to the very end. Additionally, there are several differences, which we will discuss separately.


Surprisingly, there are very few truly indigenous people in this country - only around 11%. The remaining ethnic groups are either Chinese, or Indians, or Pakistanis. The country incorporates over 40 peoples in total. However, there is only one state language here and it is Malay. You can also technically design your ads in English, since the majority of the population are essentially native speakers.

As for the “profile” of the residents of Malaysia, these are friendly people, whose life always flows slowly and with pleasure, with Malaysians taking a long time before making a decision and thinking it over carefully.

The local religion, Islam, also left a certain imprint on their culture. It greatly influenced the respectful attitude towards women, the lack of craving for alcohol and overall restraint in character. At the same time, things are a little different with smoking here, with about 43% of males craving cigarettes.

Also, when looking for approaches to Malaysia, keep in mind that the Internet connection in this country leaves much to be desired. Although the situation is improving with each year, the issue is still very much relevant and noticeable.

There are 3 categories that can be considered the best options for affiliate marketing: nutra, casinos/cryptocurrencies/gambling, and dating. The first option will work great with a female audience, since, like we covered earlier, the entire female TA strives to look young and will gladly buy, say, an anti-wrinkle cream.

The second category revolves around promises of a good life and incredible profits. Crypto can provide this on a grand scale, especially if you use this idea in conjunction with politicians who are more than trusted by locals. Gambling and betting aren’t as popular, but even these offers can perform well provided the right promotion strategy. Don’t worry, we’ll provide some similar examples later on.

Group #3 – dating. The strategy here is pretty standard, just don’t go overboard with triggering male sexual needs of the local TA and avoid ads that are a bit too revealing. All this will only serve to alienate your clientele.


Although the standard of living in this country is great and residents make very decent money, the costs of a good life are also quite high. Money is the main trigger you should focus on in your campaigns, especially when it comes to cryptocurrencies, gambling or betting. At the same time, banners with politicians will perform even better here, since strict laws force them into serious boundaries, meaning that literally their lives depend on every word they speak, hence why the people of Singapore trust their officials so readily.

The online situation here is also better than that of Malaysia, with over 90% of the total population having stable access to the Internet. Out of that, 95% visit online marketplaces and social media every day, with Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter being the most popular options.

However, before you dive into promoting offers, we recommend you focus on users aged 19 to 25, since this is the audience that will express the most interest in your goods.
As for the older generation, rejuvenating, skin beauty and similar nutra offers will perform great. Moreover, you can even target a male audience with such products, since men here are willing to care for their looks to remain attractive in the eyes of that special someone. And of course potency and sexual sensations enhancing products are just as popular here as anywhere else.

Traffic-driving ideas

Here are some fully GEO-localized creatives, we’ll analyze their effectiveness, and provide some tips for your own ad campaigns.


Let’s start with approaches to Singapore and the adult-nutra category. This potency-enhancing remedy performed exceptionally well with males aged 20 to 30 and secured a 105% ROI. The creative features pretty standard stuff, but we can recommend focusing on male power, instead of on revealed girls’ bodies.

This affiliate marketing creative has to do with the cryptocurrency vertical. It being designed in English did not stop it from securing a 102% ROI. Instead of a wad of cash, you can use expensive cars or screenshots of a bank account.

The third no less significant example will be from the dating section, where the banner features attractive young girls who want to meet a potential client right now. This ad campaign performed well, but in general, when targeting Singapore or Malaysia, avoid sexualized or overly revealing photos.


Let’s start our breakdown with making money on crypto offers. The creative features a young man that is having the time of his life on the Maldives, making $40,000 a month. A classic creative, but on that fits this GEO perfectly.

Some more examples of creatives, but this time for adult-nutra offers. This particular one is promoting a potency-enhancing drug, with the campaign performing well overall. But don’t forget to conduct split-tests before investing your entire ad budget into one campaign.

They performed exceptionally poorly and were immediately removed from the AC. Something similar can happen to you as well, so be ready to optimize your promotion process.

That’s all for the comparison. In this battle, we talked in detail about the pros and cons of each GEO and covered the features of the target audience of Malaysia and Singapore. We also touched upon the best ways to drive traffic and the sources most suitable for our particular goals, meaning now you can be sure which offers to promote on Facebook, what sort of banners to avoid and how to find a way to secure a high conversion rate for your AC. May your campaigns stay profitable!

Neogara 05-13-2022 07:04 AM

How to drive mobile app traffic to crypto offers in 2022

In affiliate marketing, mobile apps are a universal tool for working with gambling, crypto and several other areas, allowing you to reach a huge audience and attract tens of thousands of dollars on an ongoing basis.

According to the calendar, it’s 2022 and, although the trend originated more than 2 years ago, it currently is actively gaining ground thanks to a new generation of apps – updated algorithms and approaches appear, with the audience remaining equally highly responsive to offers promoted through mobile ads.

What, didn’t you know about this? Have you really not tried driving traffic this way? If you haven’t, time to remedy the situation – right now we’ll tell you all about how to drive mobile app traffic to crypto offers and why it genuinely works.

What does affiliate marketing through mobile apps look like?

So, what if we combine a smartphone and affiliate marketing – will it work? In reality, driving traffic through apps is much more technologically advanced than it seems at first glance. This direction is called webview and this term already somewhat explains what we will soon have to do.

In the usual sense, an app is just a mix of code and mechanics, often some kind of toys or useful utilities for the phone. While in our case, only the icon and the fact that it’s located in the device’s memory are the only things that still apply. After installing and launching everything, what we see is a full-fledged website and this is a real page on the Internet that has a very real address and one you can access via your browser. How is this possible? It’s simple.

For starters, like we mentioned earlier, you create a website, say, for making money on bitcoins, after which the pages are embedded in apps and interact with the user through code. Moreover, this direction is so technologically advanced that tracking systems, instant code editing, and many other functions are easily included in the system.

How to promote crypto offers using apps?

Now that we’ve cleared up the terminology, let’s talk about ways to drive webview traffic.

Where do I get apps from?

We all have a different set of abilities, budget, different approaches to ad campaigns and just in general - each of us has their own way of doing things. That’s why there are as many as 3 ways to prepare an app:

- Distributing your own app. If you plan to drive large volumes of traffic and work with apps in the long run, this is the best option for you – you can develop your own apps yourself (if you have the right skills, why not give it a go), or maybe you know a qualified programmer who can develop, update or adjust an app.
- Buying an app. If you don’t have any of the above, then you can always buy someone else’s work - sometimes it’s even cheaper than hiring a programmer yourself, but scrutinize the product you’re purchasing, otherwise you might need to further invest hundreds of dollars to fix all the errors you missed at first glance.
- Renting the software. If you have a modest budget, this is a decent option, since the app you’ll be renting is likely to already be present on the Play Market or App Store, meaning you won’t need to bother with passing moderation and the sort – all that falls on the shoulders of the app’s owner.
- Using the affiliate program’s software. Can’t find a suitable app for crypto offers? Not a problem – Neogara provides its partners with apps for any GEO for no charge at all.

Currently, all our teams drive traffic via Google UAC, one of the most popular traffic sources, and if you want to do the same, you know what to do.

All these methods are used in affiliate marketing, sometimes you can even use multiple options at once to increase your coverage and profits. But be careful: if you decide to work through your own apps, keep tabs on their content, since mods may simply not allow certain elements, forcing you to edit them out.

You can technically bypass even such obstacles using cloaking and PWA apps, but that’s a topic for a different time.

How to drive traffic from apps – traffic sources

The first obvious choice is Facebook, since it’s a great source for app ads, but the main difficulties await the webmaster before the start of the ad campaign. Sometimes, it takes a lot of effort to pass moderation and even after that, there’s no guarantee that the bots won’t reject your campaign. Because of this, here are a couple more options:

- Other social networks. Apps perform great on Instagram, VKontakte and especially Telegram. Just don’t forget to adjust your approach, since, say, Instagram requires more emotions and expression, in Telegram’s case go for fake crypto millionaire success stories, and combine the two strategies for VK.
- InApp. In other words, we’ll be promoting the app through other apps. The best part of this method is that the user is guaranteed to see the offer, since they are usually either closed manually or only after a certain period of time. Also, since the potential client is already in a phone app, it will take less effort to encourage them to tap the ad and download your product.
- YouTube. This option has started to gain popularity relatively recently, and securing a good conversion rate with such a campaign isn’t easy, but using the large coverage and a well-designed ad clip you can get a serious activity boost for your ad.
- TikTok. Very similar to the previous entry, except here you don’t need to show your hand right away - just intrigue the viewer with a short 15 second clip.
- UAC. Google’s app promotion system. The moderation here is quite the challenge, but if you manage to pass it, you’re guaranteed access to an impressive coverage and an active audience.

What to drive traffic to?

Since our affiliate marketing guide is dedicated to the cryptocurrency vertical, let’s take a look at some of the best offers to drive traffic to through apps:

- Smartlink. A popular binary options company that allows you to earn 8-11 euros for each installation of the app. With a proper promotion strategy, you can easily secure a high ROI;
- Bitcoin Profit and BTC System Portugal are two similar offers, simultaneously managing which is pretty simple. These are the most effective options that allow you to secure a 400-500% ROI.

Let’s use 2 cases as an example - campaigns promoting the above-mentioned offers in Portugal and Greece. Regular purchased apps were used and average in terms of popularity GEOs. But even so, with an investment of $21,000, the income turned out to be $104,000 and this was just after 3 weeks with leads costing $10 for Portugal and $5-7 for Greece.

Tips for working with cryptocurrencies

For this section, we interviewed our team-lead and based on the info we got, we recommend paying attention to the following aspects of the promotion process:

- Don’t forget about old landing pages. Sure, they might not be as popular as the newer ones, but they still manage to secure a high CR given an epic creative and original promo materials - use this.
- Prioritize offers with a good call center. No amount of quality traffic will matter if the CC and ad section have no idea what they’re doing.
- Any GEO can convert well. Earlier, we didn’t just provide an example of a rare GEO for nothing - you can’t disregard even these options, since, given the right approach, they can yield very satisfying results.

And finally, never give up even after an unsuccessful traffic-driving experience. At first, it can be difficult, you might run into failures and wasted budgets, but you need to keep on testing, find new approaches and creatives - this is the key to success.

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 05-24-2022 09:47 AM

TikTok Target Audience

TikTok affiliate marketing is a brand new market that’s growing in popularity with each day and allowing webmasters to secure enormous profits with minimal investments.

It’s highly likely that you haven’t had the chance to try out this new traffic source, but are quite eager to. It’s for people like you that we’re prepared a guide for crypto affiliate marketing through TikTok and later we will cover one of the most important elements to ensure your campaign is successful, specifically - the features of this social network’s target audience.

TikTok TA – who is part of it?

First of all, it is important to understand that the total number of Tik Tok users has already exceeded one and a half billion people, with the figure growing larger every day. The social network’s greatest advantage is that its TA is incredibly diverse.

A mere year ago, the general preconception was that the service is relevant only for children and teens, but in reality, we’re confronted with a plethora of age groups and interests - many corporations have set up TikTok accounts and post educational clips advertising their brand. But first thing’s first.

Age threshold

In order to understand how to drive TikTok traffic to crypto offers, you need to identify the age groups of the solvent TA. These are mainly young people aged 18 to 34, predominantly female. What we end up with are over 14 million adult clients that are ready to watch your ads and purchase your advertisers’ goods and services.

GEO distribution

Let’s just immediately draw the line between affiliate marketing through Russia and all other GEOs, since the Russian audience is predominantly made up of teenagers, with around 60% of them being female. Such a TA is more suitable for amassing an audience rather than promoting an offer, since teenagers are always quite active on social media and will happily increase your sub base and views, bringing your content to the attention of a more mature audience.

As for other GEOs, the situation is slightly better - in the USA, more than half of the audience is young people under 24 years old, with the solvent TA made up of 14 million people. France is also performing well with 4,000,000 new users each month and the UK showing similar growth (3.7 million).

How to drive TikTok traffic to crypto offers?

Since our affiliate marketing guide is mostly linked to the crypto vertical, let’s figure out which approaches will work best on TikTok’s audience.

Keep in mind that technically the financial sector has been tabooed by the social network after a big scandal broke out in 2021. However, this has never stopped webmasters, which is why crypto investments, mining guides, binary options and autotrading perform quite well here to this day.

We won’t provide a full guide to TikTok (especially since you can find one in another section of this website), but your main companions when promoting such offers are either success stories, convincing the TA that you’re a financial mastermind, or taking tips from genuine industry experts and adding you own little touch to them.

At the early stages of your campaign, we recommend giving preference to entertaining clips made via TikTok’s internal tools. Oddly enough, this is precisely the sort of content that the social network’s algorithms promote a little more actively than if you’d simply have uploaded a ready-made video.

Once you’ve amassed an audience, sprinkle in some ads into your content, try to arrange a mutual PR campaign with other affiliates and you’ll see the CR start to slowly grow. Also, a warning - don’t overdo with the ads right away, since that will only serve to get your account banned – mods carefully monitor newly-registered accounts, which, coupled with the ban on crypto topics, won’t lead to anything good.

As for everything else, TikTok’s audience is young and active, it hasn’t yet developed “banner blindness” and it responds well to any sort of ad. Promote your account, amass a base of potential clients and gradually warm them up – the CR you want won’t be long in the coming.

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 05-24-2022 09:56 AM

How to drive traffic to the UK

The United Kingdom is one of the most populous and largest countries in Europe, with a high standard of living, high earnings, and a developed and well-established economy[1] .

There are currently more than 68,000,000 people living here, where everyone has interests, a good job and is an active Internet user, with regular spending on Internet orders. What could be a better basis for driving traffic?

In this context, let us discuss this GEO in further depth. Take a seat, get out your notebooks - we're starting a breakdown of affliate marketing for the UK!

General information

Language: Welsh, English
Population: 68.5 million
Average monthly income: $40,500
Monthly income of low-skilled employees: $3,400
Average age: 40 years old

The UK is a truly amazing country, both economically and socially. Just imagine, on average, each resident of this GEO earns more than $3,000 per month, with income for more qualified employees even going as high as $40,000 per month. However, this is not surprising, since the latest figures put the country's GDP at $49,000 per capita, although in Russia it is less than $29,000.

At the same time, UK residents are not exactly rolling in money, as the UK is an expensive country with a price level that is two times that of Russia. And we've only covered groceries; rental rates and housing in general can be up to 400% more expensive than in Russia.
Not surprisingly, such conditions have contributed to a high crime rate; the figure is 45 in the United Kingdom, five points more than in Russia.

In general, the health care system is also worth mentioning. It is at a very high level here and is proven by the longevity of its citizens, with an average life expectancy of up to 83 years. At the same time, the problem of tuberculosis remains acute, with about eight patients for every hundred thousand healthy people.

The population's exposure to bad habits, notably alcohol and cigarettes, should be highlighted in advance as one of the target audience's difficulties in this industry. Twenty per cent of residents smoke on a regular basis.

Target audience in the UK

Once you have a general understanding of GEO, you may go on to the more significant part, namely the local target audience. As far as you can see from the previous section, a large proportion of the country's inhabitants are young. Thus, 17 percent of them are children under the age of 15 and another 16 percent are elderly people over the age of 65. In other words, everyone else is a solvent audience that is ready to actively use the offers and make online purchases.

One of the local target audience's features is a loyal, if not unfavorable attitude toward the institution of marriage. For years, the number of marriages in the UK has been at an all-time low, and according to the most recent Office National Statistics survey, 30% of men aged 20 to 35 do not enter into serious relationships and live with their parents because they either do not want to change anything or do not have the financial means to buy or even rent a flat.

At the same time, this does not prevent Brits from being active internet users... More than 95% of the population has access to the internet, 77% of them have at least once bought something using online marketplaces, and some do it on a regular basis, because applying for a job, paying taxes and utilities, managing bank accounts and many other services are all done online.

While driving traffic, Google (which 90 percent of the population uses every day), Twitter, and Instagram (20 percent of all inhabitants use) can be excellent sources. Facebook and YouTube, which are used by at least 70 percent of the population, would also do well.

What problems do the British people have?

First and foremost, the institution of family and marriage can once again be mentioned. Locals don't like to get into a serious relationship, and even if they do, they don't do it very quickly, that is why various online dating sites are hugely popular. Imagine, the annual revenues generated in this area by the reported GEO amounted to $86 million last year.
Among the most popular options are adultfriendfinder, match, eharmony and parship - these are more than good options for offers to Britain with a consistently active audience. They are industry leaders and can offer high rates for affiliate marketing.to the publisher.

The casual vertical has been just as successful, with the UK ranked 3rd in terms of audience actively hanging out on PornHub on a regular basis. In 2020, revenues from this destination exceeded $48,000,000.
It is also worth noting that high incomes are inextricably linked to a lack of money to buy or rent houses, as well as the inability to leave the parental home until later in life. In other words, looking to make more money is a good incentive for the target audience to look for sources of higher income. The financial vertical is great for affiliate marketing, especially cryptocurrency offers. Also featured are several British crypto verticals.

How do you drive traffic to the UK?

The majority of this feature has already been covered, and we demonstrated the most profitable traffic-driving options as well as some effective creatives in the previous unit, but there are still some important variables to consider before driving traffic.

First of all, let's talk about the main problem of working with this GEO - traffic restrictions from the government. In Britain, there is an organisation established that makes sure that banned sites and advertisements don't leak into users' feeds. This is why tobacco, weapons, pharmaceuticals, alcohol and almost all financial products are banned on the same Facebook.

You will have to be very careful how you behave and use a cloaking service when driving traffic. At the same time, this GEO contains all of the parameters of a Tier-1 country (for example, for a single registration for dating-resources, you earn between 3 and 5 dollars), but substantial budgets do not cause harm for a good start. At the same time, average competitors and the audience have seen enough mundane advertising, but offerings must be tried because of their involvement in the information area.


Today our affiliate program has taken an in-depth look at another great GEO for driving traffic - the UK. It is one of Europe's largest countries, with an outstanding economy and a high standard of living and prices. The population here is always open to advertising and hungry for new acquaintances and high income. We've covered the most popular verticals for the GEO captured above, as well as options for good creatives for the UK.

Use our tips, develop your own approaches to drive traffic and share the results - we look forward to your success!

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 05-24-2022 10:04 AM

Battle GEOs : Europe & Asia

Asia and Europe are two of the most important locations for launching an advertising campaign since they provide extensive coverage for your budget, a ready-to-advertise target population, and relatively high rates per targeted action. However, which GEO category is better? Which form of advertising will get you the best results and the highest rate of conversion with the least amount of money and effort?

This is exactly what we will talk about today in our material and compare Asia and Europe, touching on the specifics of the local target audience and, in general, the conditions for traffic flow to and from these GEOs. Let's go!

How to drive traffic to Asia?

Throughout human history, Asia has been the world's largest region, with up to 4.5 billion people, out of a total population of 7 billion on Earth. This is a huge target audience, which at the same time has its own characteristics. However, let's cover the standard of living in Asia in general before discussing them.

The standard of living in Asia

The economic sophistication of a region speaks volumes about its level of development, and Asia is more important than ever because China has the world's second-most developed economy, trailing only behind the United States. This is not surprising, as the region is one of the leaders in the automotive, shipbuilding, chemical, electronics, and other industries, which are just as positive for jobs and the social life of citizens.

People here are not necessarily earning a lot of money and living well, but even so, the average life expectancy in Japan is 85 years, in Singapore it is 85 years, in Sri Lanka it is 77 years, in China it is 75 years, and so on. The image of a happy citizen is enhanced by inexpensive housing and food costs, a low crime rate, and a high level of education.
Likewise, local laws are extremely stringent and can extend to mutilation of the body and the death penalty; health care is fairly average; and incomes vary widely across the country. In Singapore, for example, the local average monthly wage is about $4,000; it is $2,700 in Japan; and it is barely $400 in India.

Target audience of Asia

There are also many differences depending on the specific GEO, but most of the countries in this region belong to Tier-2 states, about a third are located in the Tier-1 category, and it is better not to touch a few more countries at all to drive traffic to Asia.

Before you begin driving traffic, you should conduct as much research as possible on local patterns and target audiences, as nearly every option offers intriguing 'benefits.' Working with the UAE, for example, is a beautiful GEO with an unreached target audience and very different ways of life that are heavily influenced by local law and religion.

On the other hand, you can get away with it and make just as much money in Singapore, with Nutra, Dating, and the cryptocurrency industry.

Finally, we note that you can choose almost any popular source as a source for driving traffic. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube – all this will go perfectly well for launching an advertising campaign.

How to drive traffic to Europe?

Many of the GEO in this category are quite expensive, and the target audience has already seen a lot of things here, and therefore, in order to get a good ROI, you will have to try hard and prepare really high-quality materials for driving traffic.

On the other hand, when dealing with Italy and gambling or betting, for example, all you have to do is design gorgeous banners and tempt your audience with new deals, and that will be enough to succeed.

Standard of living in Europe

In general, there are no GEOs in Europe where people would face a severe lack of finances or other resources. Germany, France, the USA, Spain, the United Kingdom and other countries – they all have an average monthly income of over $ 2,500, somewhere it generally reaches $4,000 on average and can be raised to 7,000-8,000 greenbacks.
At the same time, with respect to some countries, it cannot be said that they require large cash reserves to live in them – food, housing, entertainment events and trips to a restaurant are not too expensive. On the other hand, the cost of housing due to the small area is still at a very high level. Therefore, many even adults continue to live with their parents for a long time. All this creates an excellent ground for crypts and other TIER offers for users' earnings.

Target audience of Europe

Most European GEOs provide great living and development opportunities for the local target audience. The standard of healthcare is high everywhere, and it is extremely expensive; the only hope is insurance, which covers this debit column. In terms of whether it is worthwhile, the average life expectancy in European countries exceeds 80 years, which speaks for itself.

The primary concerns of the Target Audience are poverty, the desire to look attractive, get rid of wrinkles, and simply have fun using arcade machines, for example. Dating and adult nutra will be popular in any of the GEOs you have picked. In other words, as long as it warms up the audience and prepares them to acquire the offer, practically any vertical will do well for affiliate marketing.

There are also no restrictions on the sources from which an advertising campaign can be launched. In Europe, Facebook is the most popular; elsewhere, Instagram is equally popular; however, you can also utilize Google contextual advertising or run video advertisements on YouTube for driving traffic.

Summing up the results

And although in today's material we had to contrast Asia and Europe with each other, but in fact, these two regions are great for launching an advertising campaign. Driving traffic to Europe will bring many valuable clients that are not budget-constrained but will require thoughtful design and good content for driving traffic.

Driving traffic to Asia is equally beneficial, but this is due to the large number of potential customers, as well as their lack of banner blindness and desire to explore any attractive advertising offers. In other words, everyone should decide for himself which of these options to choose for the launch. Regardless of the choice made, we wish you good luck!

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 06-16-2022 12:00 PM

Affiliate marketing for beginners

Affiliate marketing is a sector of online marketing, and the largest one at that. It encompasses all online ads at once and connects millions of webmasters with billions of people around the world.

Each year, the number of people wanting to try their luck in the industry is only growing. That’s why in today’s article from the Neogara Club, we’re going to discuss in detail what affiliate marketing is, why it’s worth your time and where exactly should you start. Let’s get started!

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing implies making money on promoting specific products before a wide online target audience. In short, a webmaster (you) shows Internet users ads. The latter is either already interested or gradually becoming curious about the product and purchases it and that’s the action that lets the advertiser turn a profit, part of which they relinquish to the affiliate.

Moreover, there can be lots of such actions, ranging from a simple click on an ad banner to a full-fledged purchase of an offer. We'll talk about this in more detail a little later. And finally, let’s just clarify that the term “advertisement” is interchangeable with “traffic”, which you might have noticed from the second word of today’s article.

Why should you engage in affiliate marketing?

First of all, it is worth trying yourself in this direction because of how much variety it offers. Many potential affiliates give up almost immediately because they are afraid to lose money or immediately fail to find an approach to their audience and ways to properly work with different ad formats.

In reality though, you won’t run into any budget problems – you can start off with a mere $100. Specifically for beginners, there’s a bunch of programs and ad distribution sources, etc. As for the theoretical component, there’s an abundance of affiliate marketing guides out there, complete with not just term definitions but also case breakdowns and a step-by-step tutorial on how to start making money. All you have to do is follow these instructions
Your first steps in affiliate marketing

Choosing a vertical

At the very beginning, you need to decide which advertising direction you want to work with the most:

Nutra. Works with cosmetics - products for smoothing the skin, getting rid of wrinkles, inflammation, and so on. It may also include weight-loss or muscle-growth products, drugs for the treating cardiovascular problems, prostatitis and a number of other more serious diseases.

Finances. The vertical can be divided into two large categories - finance itself and the cryptocurrency sector. The former includes banking products (credit or debit cards, mortgages or consumer loans) and insurance services.

Gambling. Aimed at promoting casinos and similar gambling establishments. A lucrative option, since some GEOs are ready to spend literally thousands of dollars every day, ensuring the webmaster receives quite a nice cut.

Betting. Another gambling vertical but one that is entirely dedicated to sports bets. Keep in mind that each country has its own favorite sports and how well you adjust to the GEO will determine the success of your ad campaign.

Adult. Ads for adult products, which include potency and sexual sensation-enhancing goods, porn websites and so on.

E-commerce. An all-encompassing vertical that deals with the sales of ordinary online goods. Bikes and sports equipment, groceries, household appliances and much more – all this can be promoted via affiliate marketing.

Dating. A vertical of dating websites and apps, where the target action is registering on the website or downloading the app.

Although there are indeed many verticals, not all of them are universally suitable for any GEO.

Choosing an offer

The next step is to decide what ad offer you’ll be promoting. But allow us to first make a small digression. You don’t just directly contact an advertiser and offer your services, instead you register with special affiliate services that interact with hundreds of advertisers for you.

Essentially, affiliate programs act as an intermediary between the advertiser and the affiliate. They also provide the latter with different work bonuses, help them resolve disputes with advertisers, prepare materials to use in campaigns, provide lucrative offers and so on. And the reason advertisers are interested in working with APs is because the latter provide them with quality ads and a stable influx of clients.

Your job is to pick an honest top-tier affiliate network, register with it and get a personal manager - your liaison officer for the affiliate program, if you will. They will let you choose from an array of fresh offers and provide tips regarding ad campaign launches if you aren’t sure about something.

Choosing a traffic source

Once you enter most of the initial data, you can move on to picking a specific source to launch your ad campaign from. They can all be divided into several categories:

Social media. This group can be divided into two more subgroups, with the first one tailored specifically for the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet and the other for all the other GEOs or both RU and Tier 1-2 GEOs. The first subgroup includes platforms like Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. And the second - Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc. Some of the previously mentioned options have also been adapted for the RU segment and will perform equally well in either subgroup.

Contextual ads. The same subgroup division applies here, but there are 2 major sources here, the first is Yandex.Direct (only for the RU segment) and the second is Google Ads (for everyone else).

Push notifications. As the name implies, this ad format utilizes pushes - small notifications, which the target audience agrees to receive and gets offers to purchase the promoted products.

Native ads. A standard campaign format, except here the ad must organically blend into the surrounding content. It mustn’t stand out or attract too much attention.

Teasers. Somewhat similar to push notifications, but more bright and viral, and also more focused on clicks and transitions, rather than product purchases and the sort. An excellent example of a teaser ad would be “This remedy will rid you off … in just 1 day!”. T

Play Market and AppStore apps. A unique format that can be adapted to any vertical and GEO, because it involves displaying ads in mobile apps.

Purchasing software and preparing materials

The last step before creating an ad campaign is acquiring the necessary tools and using them to create a bundle - a set of materials you’ll use for your promotion.
Let’s start by dividing all offers into white-, gray- and black-hat. The first category is completely allowed by all traffic sources and has no restrictions. The second category is partially tabooed and requires you use additional tools to bypass the restrictions and the same goes for the third category.

Allow us to clarify - nothing’s stopping you from working only with white-hat offers without having to allocate any funds for additional tools:

An anti-detect browser. This tool is needed to make sure you remain anonymous when going online. It also lets you work with dozens of different personalities, significantly increasing the number of ACs (ad campaigns) you can launch and the volume of traffic you can attract.

Proxies. These act as a standard expendable and a sort-of addition to the antidetect browser, the one you’ll be using to switch between from one “personality” to another.

Payment info. When launching ad campaigns, you’ll need to spend money on purchasing and driving traffic but you need to do it properly. For now, just remember that each social media profile or any other traffic source requires you to have separate payment details.

Landing pages. A one-page website where you drive your target audience after warming it up in the source itself. Technically, you can “borrow” it from other affiliates either entirely or parts of it.

Creatives. The bulk of your materials consisting of visuals and text. The first is done mainly in Photoshop, while the second you come up with yourself and it must be so interesting to a client to be near-literally mind-blowing.

Accounts. Regular profiles that are mainly needed for social media and that lets you launch ad campaigns behind the mask of different personalities.

Spy tools. A kind of idea generators for affiliates - they allow you to view ads already posted by other webmasters, as well as sort them depending on the vertical, target audience parameters, GEO, language and many other equally interesting filters.

Trackers. They allow you to track the path of a potential client from clicking on a banner to finalizing their purchase. What’s the point of knowing this information? Simple – first of all, since even a single campaign can include dozens of banners, it’s important to understand which of them serve to attract lots of clients and which should best be disabled. Second, after your AC is done you must analyze it and draw conclusions about the work done and only trackers enable you to do that effectively.

Summing up

In today’s article, we’ve covered in detail what affiliate marketing is and why this industry is so interesting and financially promising. We talked about the different ways to work with ads, the principles behind driving traffic and the tools you’ll need to launch your first ad campaign.

But more than that, this is only the start of our training guides and if you enjoyed reading about this industry, welcome to the Neogara affiliate network! High payouts, the best crypto offers on the market and working with any sort of GEOs – this is but a fraction of what we offer our partners.

​​Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 06-16-2022 12:10 PM

How to drive traffic to Singapore

Singapore is one of the most fascinating countries, measuring just 724 square kilometers and yet it is not just one of the most economically developed countries in all of Europe, but also the most important port and transport hub in Asia. Just imagine, an area 3 times the size of Moscow is so important in the world economy.

As you can imagine, such a mature GEO could not pass the eyes of publishers and gradually a ton of banner ads started to spread here and continue to do so more than successfully. If you haven't already had a chance to try affiliate marketing in Singapore, it's time to fix it now!

Right now, we're going to talk about what makes life in Singapore stand out, what kind of people live here, what the target audience's pains are and how to push them properly with your offer. Let's go!


Language: Chinese, English, Malay (the latter rarely used)
Population: 5.6 million
Average monthly income: $4,000
Monthly income for low-skilled staff: $800
Average age: 43

Although even low-skilled Singaporeans can earn good money, labor is a great value in Singapore, and professionals are highly valued and paid properly. It's not surprising, because until a couple of decades ago this place was just marshland, then a slum, and then it all turned into a huge metropolis. An incredible story, isn't it?

Speaking of high salaries, let's cover the issue in more detail. The monthly salary for "low-level" representatives ranges between $550 and $2,700, which is very good. Professions requiring special training (like lawyers, logisticians, doctors or programmers) are valued even higher, and on average each of them earns at least $4,000-5,000 each month.

Management staff are paid $7,000 or more. It would seem that if money is pouring in, there's a lot to be paid for comfortable accommodation. It's actually much simpler than that.

Even restaurant-level food is inexpensive and you can get a full meal for $3 to $5, good alcohol is in the $20-$30 range, and utilities cost about $80 in the case of a one-bedroom flat.

As for the housing supply, Singapore's area is relatively tiny, so even renting a property would cost a lot of money - up to $3,000 per month in the city center and at least $800 outside of the city center. It is for this reason that many people either live with their parents until a later age or take advantage of the issue of public accommodations.

Finally, let us talk about Singapore's technological level: it is really high, with many common procedures totally automated, the smart house being quite common, and phone charging boxes, face or fingerprint scanners everywhere.

Target Audience in Singapore

Every year the country's population continues to grow rapidly, from around 4.5 million just a couple of years ago to almost 6 million now. Everyone in Singapore is hardworking and clean. The streets are always tidy and the law is enforced to the letter.

The rules are sometimes even too strict, and some not-so-forbidden things can get you the death penalty, which is banned almost everywhere in Europe. Perhaps that is why crime is so low.

As far as the rest of life is concerned, all is also consistently good. The country, as mentioned, is technological, with over 90% of its people using the internet and social media, which means over 5 million potential customers ready to buy your offer.

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are the most popular options for promotion.

What problems does the Target Audience have?

First and foremost, let us remember the issue of Singapore's housing stock. A substantial part of the population, even if they earn a good wage, they do not have enough money to buy a flat, let alone a large house.

That's why, while the local target audience is not that cash-strapped, they certainly wouldn't turn down some extra income in some crypto.

Also, both male and female audiences in Singapore are obsessed with their appearance and the attractiveness of their bodies. Therefore, affiliate marketing on nutra would do very well in this GEO; the key is to come up with a good creo and enticing bundle.

And a third no less popular destination is dating. Use creatives with young girls and you'll have the high conversion in your pocket. The only thing you should exclude from promotion is a one-night stand or short-term relationship format - this is more frowned upon by the Target Audience and will discourage potential clients.

If you wish, you can also try to drive traffic to gambling or betting, which is also quite a good level of income. The main thing is not to go overboard with the goldmine, as this audience has seen a ton of advertising with a similar message before and is unlikely to catch on with such ads.

How do you drive traffic to Singapore?

So, when we have discussed all the features of GEO, we can move on to the main part before driving traffic - finding approaches and selecting creatives for Singapore.

To begin, you should only initiate an advertising campaign if you are confident in its success, well-prepared for it, or both. Even one click here will cost a round sum in comparison to other nations, therefore if a creo or bundle does not work, you will lose a lot of money.

To prevent this from happening, let's discuss a few conversion ideas in advance. Let's start with creatives on crypto in Singapore - the trend has long gained popularity around the world, but specifically here it's important to play not on the opportunity to make a million in one day, but on future predictions, expert advice, famous politicians and cryptocurrency stars.

Singaporeans undoubtedly want to make money, but because of technological sophistication, social media and simple financial literacy, the usual sales pitches won't work here.

Otherwise, there are no restrictions and the promotion with the creo mentioned at the beginning was able to bring in $17,000 with an investment of $7,000.

Summing up

Singapore is a very lucrative GEO that requires serious training and an equally substantial investment on the part of the affiliate marketer. At the same time, if you reach a given bar, you will have no problem attracting a huge number of offers, which will be followed by big profits and a fairly high conversion rate.

Try it and see for yourself, and the Neogara managers will help you!

Neogara 06-16-2022 12:19 PM

Traffic sources

Preparing creatives, looking for your target audience and segmenting it, creating or purchasing profiles and other expendables – this is but a fraction of what you need to do before you launch a campaign promoting an affiliate marketing offer. This is a multifaceted task, with one of the most important points being finding the right traffic source.

In today's article, we will briefly talk about all the traffic sources out there and give tips on working with each type. No time to lose, let's get started!

General traffic source classification

Let’s introduce a little order and divide all traffic sources into 3 groups.
The first is standard paid ads, the scores of which are our constant companions when we surf the web. This includes social media, browser contextual ads and any sort of cooperation with ad market giants. They provide a place to drive traffic from - we, in turn, offer them good money.

The second area is practically free spam traffic. This includes mailing lists, teaser ads, and push ads. This is where webmasters with small budgets or just affiliates who make money on clicks and ad views come in. In the case of spam traffic, making a clickbait ad and driving insane hyped up traffic won’t be much of a challenge. If your goal is to get clicks and transitions, this will do just fine - but if you’re after something more serious, the campaign will most likely fail.

The third sector is closer to paid ads and is called organic traffic. This term refers to ads that are perfectly camouflaged into surrounding regular content and presented to a potential client under the guise of a recommendation from a specialist or even an ordinary Internet user who runs their own blog.

Also, all existing traffic sources can be divided into alternative and classic ones. The latter includes targeted and contextual ads, while the former - all other advertising platforms - we’ll cover each block in more detail later on.

Targeted ads

This is when you promote offers via social media and similar traffic sources. The main advantage of this option lies in the name itself - the targeting or segmentation of the target audience, depending on up to dozens of different parameters.

Basically, all of them can be divided into social and demographic and behavioral characteristics. The former includes the client’s age, sex, location, marital status, place of work, device type and OS. It also includes their income, place of work or study and lots of other factors – you can detail the target audience down to their city or even the street of residence, all such information is collected and updated daily by search bots.

As for behavioral factors, these are the interests of the target audience. For example, you may choose to only search for people who do sports or people who are interested in politics.
Subsequently, all these requirements are collected into one desired category of potential customers, which will be shown the ads you’ve prepared.

Contextual ads

As we mentioned in the beginning, this is mainly the promotion of ads through browsers and its partners. Using dozens of parameters to narrow down the audience lets the webmaster gather up only the users that are genuinely interested in the promoted offer and keep showing them the product which will eventually turn them into leads.

The main advantages of this method is the massive coverage and the most extensive database of search queries, which potential clients will use to find your product.

The first advantage is more obvious, since we’re talking about corporate ad giants who can boast of an insane daily flow of customers.

As for the second advantage, when we search for something in a browser, we enter our queries into the search bar and it is with the help of these keywords that the AI delivers the most relevant pages to us. You can set as many such keys as you like for your ad campaign, ensuring that you will definitely reach the right users who are genuinely interested in purchasing your offer.

Currently, there are 2 targeting ads traffic sources – Yandex.Direct and Google Ads. The former offers the affiliate Search Engine ads (in the browser) and the Yandex Advertising Network (which includes all the company's partners), which are tailored to working with a Russian-speaking audience. The latter also includes both search ads and display networks, with the second option being Google partners and the company's personal traffic sources (YouTube, Google Play, and so on).

Push notifications

Pushes are a small ad with a similarly small image and a short but engaging text message. The ad usually pops up at the page’s corners or as a push notification if we’re talking about mobile devices.

The main feature of this type of ad is that the user gives their consent to being shown such content. How come? According to generally accepted standards, a potential client must first agree to receive messages by pressing the appropriate button. This distinguishes push notifications from other traffic sources and allows you to filter out artificial/untargeted traffic or just basic bots.

Push notification affiliate networks also have almost zero restrictions when it comes to ad campaign launches, meaning that preparing quality materials for the selected offer won’t be much of a challenge. The only thing is, try not to overdo it with the frequency of messages and try to make them genuinely useful for the person. Otherwise, they’ll just cancel their subscription and you’ll end up wasting your AC budget.

Teaser ads

The format is somewhat similar to the previous entry, but this option is more spammy and is suitable for distributing clickbait ads with spicy creatives and intriguing headlines.
You often find such ads at the bottom part of the website, with them offering to share with you the secrets behind celebrities and their youthful looks, famous politician doppelganger secrets and so on. In other words, the main goal of the ad campaign is to interest the audience in the content, motivate them to click on the banner, or at least just look at it.

If you want, you can add much more meaning to the teasers and target the ads to sell the offer, and this approach will also work well, but it will require more effort, time and money from you when preparing the ad itself.

Clickunder and popunder

Another spam format that responds to user clicks. To trigger a clickunder, the user needs to click anywhere on the page and that will redirect them to a completely different link, unrelated to the original content. Popunders pull a similar trick, but with a minor change – the click will trigger a page to open in a new separate browser window, making it stand out from the other tabs.

You can also set a specific number of clicks that are required to trigger the transition. Potential clients won’t always be willing to interact with such ads but the format is still quite popular for BO, casino, nutra, dating and binary option offers. Clickunder and popunder work great for these categories.


One of the most popular sources of free traffic. This platform lets you post interesting content for Yandex users and in return receive money for views. And besides, no one's stopping you from adding native ads into your content.

You can easily run several blogs (posing as multiple experts) and provide your readers with different promotional offers in the form of recommendations. Zen currently has 15,000,000 users with that number only growing with each day and considering that Yandex’s AI is also constantly evolving, you’re bound to secure a nice profit here.


An emerging social network that we decided to cover separately in today’s article. Its distinctive feature is its ad format - ads can easily be disguised as TikTok content since the latter is entirely made of videos.

Here you can create useful tips and integrate offer ads into them, you can directly promote specific promotional offers or subtly hint at a link in your profile that leads to the webmaster's landing page. In other words, you’re faced with a sea of opportunities, there’s also an advanced AI that will promote your clips for free if it sees that the audience is interested in them.


This traffic source is also a social network, but we’re covering it separately and you may have already guessed why - Telegram does not have a personal advertising account feature or targeting settings. All ads are distributed by buying traffic from bloggers or creating your own channels and making ad-filled content there.

This is a great platform for spam, where you can take absolutely any audience, even a cold one, and offer them ads for binary options, casinos, and similar promotional offers.

Email ads

Over time, this traffic source has become less popular, but it still offers ample opportunity to launch successful ad campaigns. This can be done in several formats at once - you either simply bombard random users with spam, or systematically warm up the target audience with the help of a funnel and encourage it to perform the target action.

It’s also a great option for secondary lead generation or re-targeting - when some of clients almost made it to the target action but wavered off at the last second. The advertiser can provide discounts or personal offers to regular customers, thereby allowing the webmaster to work with the same audience and get a decent profit from it every time.

Summing up

As you can see, affiliate marketing is brimming with traffic sources, with all of them tailored to different objectives and advertising offers. Some options enable you to take the audience by storm, while others encourage you to take it slow and hold the client’s hand.

Neogara 06-24-2022 12:45 PM

Making money with STEPN

Lately, games for making money by doing something are gaining popularity. Earning income from learning foreign languages, simply spending time playing a game and, finally, a whole new stage - Move2Earn.

This is precisely the model used by the new app STEPN. Anyone who wants to run here every day can do so and earn quite a bit of money from it. Many webmasters are already interested in the idea and are starting to drive traffic to the app little by little. How successful is this solution and how exactly does STEPN work? We will tell you in today's article.

What is STEPN app?

STEPN is a lifestyle app with game elements. It can be used as a regular running tracker without any earnings or investments. If the user wants to earn an income, however, they first need to invest their own money to buy shoes - the local NFT cryptocurrency.

Let's go through it all in order and first you need to download the game itself on iOS or Android. Next, you go through the standard registration procedure, confirm your email, and log into the game. Next, we create a wallet, where it is important to remember the seed-phrase. After that, it remains to refill it with SOLs - tokens for which you can buy shoes.

As this will be the player's first purchase, you will have to purchase currency with your own money. The choice of suitable footwear will depend on luck, resistance to wear and tear, performance and comfort. Each of these parameters has a direct bearing on two things - your income and the demands of being an athlete. While the first point is self-explanatory, in the case of the second, it is important to understand that the income of the runner will indeed increase as the trainer's parameters improve. But the athlete himself will need to run faster and for longer. The important thing is to choose the golden mean at which to run most comfortably.

After all the preparatory steps, wait a day before starting your first run. This should be done with the GPS turned on and a full supply of energy. You can keep track of the latter in the app, and at the very first levels you will have just 10 minutes of energy.

Finally, let's mention the game's functionality, which is still in beta stage. For example, for the time being, running and earning can only be done alone, in the future even group sports are planned.

How to make money with STEPN?

For your convenience, there is a finance calculator right in the app. Even before you start running, you can track your potential income levels and up to about level 30 it will be in the form of GST. This is another in-game token that can then be exchanged for dollars, each GST is approximately $4.5. You can freely forage for around $40 per day, and once you reach level 30 you will have additional earning potential.

If you wish, you can change your GST token to GMT and pour it into boosted shoe pumping. The developers also suggest multiplying the trainers and in the future either boosting your earnings or selling the shoes to other players. This will require at least 2 pairs of trainers from level 5 and about 200 GST to pay for the mint. At the most you can mint about 7 new ones per trainer, but be aware that the higher the mint level, the more the shoes will cost.

In the near future, the developers will also add the option to rent trainers. This should make it easier for new players to earn money and add passive income opportunities for trained runners. Nothing is known about prices and other conditions, but earning money on STEPN definitely promises to be lucrative.

Is it worth pouring into STEPN?

The app is gaining more and more popularity every day and even with the open beta, the STEPN game has already racked up more than 100,000 downloads on Google Play. Even the price of the NFT token GST itself has increased by 160% in recent weeks and is not even expected to stop there. For comparison, the price of the trainers themselves - at the start of the year was under $600. Now that rate has already risen to $1,000 or more.

With all this in mind, it is safe to say that it is worth pouring into STEPN. Even now, the development has a monstrous popularity in many GEOs with all target audiences. Things are only promising to get better from here on.

In the future, the developers are planning to sign contracts with leading sports brands and in that scenario, even if they manage to break into the market, it will be with great difficulty. Now is the time to reap gains from the hype and make money from the app - assess all the risks thoroughly, study the launch options and make your final decision.

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 06-24-2022 12:52 PM

Push notifications

Push notifications are one of the most popular sources of traffic in arbitrage. Push advertisements look like standard notifications on the user's device. They are visible and you don't need any special programming skills to set them up. Their natively designed, unfiltered and quick delivery make them one of the most favourite tools for webmasters in 2022. In this article we'll cover what push notifications are, take a look at push nets and talk about push calendars!

What are push notifications

A push notification is a pop-up window with a message that appears on the screen of a user's device. In arbitrage, push is considered as a source of traffic. However, the content of such a notification may vary; depending on what you intend to advertise. Promotions, news, personal discounts and promo codes can all be presented to the audience through push notifications. In the crypto market, Push notifications are used to announce token presales, exchange openings, exchange discounts or currency rate hikes.

Push as a source of traffic

Push traffic is the traffic you receive from users who click on a push notification and open the website (landing page, app, etc.) that you are advertising. In 2022, this type of traffic is considered one of the most converting, now we will tell you why.

By 2020, most users were facing banner blindness. This is a phenomenon caused by an overabundance of online advertising that causes visitors to websites, blogs or social networks to start ignoring commercial ads. The result of banner blindness is mass unsubscription from email newsletters, the purchase of premium accounts with ad blocking.

And this is where pushes come into the picture. These are truly noticeable notifications that are hard to miss. They are always delivered to the user's device, don't get banned, and look authentic.

How to make money from push traffic

Push-traffic is one of the most sought-after sources of inflow for crypto-offers. Let's look at the benefits of push traffic, compared to other advertising platforms:

· Facebook. Unlike the popular social network, push notifications are easier to promote in grey verticals. Ads with crypto offers are banned by Facebook's rules, and accounts and ad accounts are regularly blocked. Webmasters, tired of wasting time on the daily farming of accounts, are actively uploading through pushes;

· Teaser networks. The main advantage over teaser networks is that there is no need to spend budget on tests to disable all sites with bots in a tracker. There is no ban in push networks and the audience is much cleaner compared to the same teasers.

The main benefits of push traffic for an arbitrator

If you've never uploaded through push networks, consider a few more basic benefits of such traffic:

· Effective impact on your target audience. Despite the number of open tabs on the user's device, a push notification pops up above them;

· Low financial threshold to enter the traffic source. The average cost of a push ad auction starts at $50.00.

· Push-notifications as an arbitrage tool are easily mastered by beginners. A push network account is set up in a few minutes, managers help with creatives, and spy services can help you find an interesting bundle.

· Push notifications help to get a large amount of traffic in a short time. As a rule, a webmaster (if set up correctly) gets thousands of clicks to a landing page in 1-2 hours after the tide has turned.

What are push networks: their advantages and main differences

Push-networks are a direct source of traffic. It is an intermediary platform for buying traffic. It connects the webmaster (arbitrage team) with an affiliate program or direct advertiser. The networks differ from each other in terms of location, traffic volume (subscriber bases you will be uploading to) and advertising auction load.

If you have never uploaded with pushers, the easiest thing to do is to "probe" the advertising format on a large, trusted network. On such networks, you'll find a large volume of traffic on offer. In addition, most large networks do not limit themselves to selling traffic. Many take on the function of an affiliate programme, offering fresh, unpressed offers with interesting creatives. Large networks collaborate with top arbitrage teams, they try to maintain a high level of reputation and regularly update their subscriber base.

In small local networks there is more "free" auction, relatively low competition, but such networks have serious drawbacks: webmasters have virtually no ways to check the subscriber database, which means there is no guarantee to get fresh traffic and updated base. Also, the smaller the network, the more questions about its reputation in the market.

Top 3 push networks 2022

The best way to pick an uploading network is to test a few options. The Neogara team has prepared a review of a few popular nets for you.


PropellerAds is a fairly large network that has been selling traffic since 2011. It has a live subscriber pool of over 350,000,000 subscribers. It is not limited by the GEO and allows you to upload to 190+ countries.

The minimal admission to the auction: $100.00. Payments are accepted by debit and credit cards, UnionPay and WebMoney e-wallets. PayPal and ePayments can be deposited via the support team.


It is considered to be one of the largest advertising networks in the world.

Minimum entry to the auction: $50.00. Deposits can be made in bitcoins. Money can be deposited by bank cards, Bitcoin wallets, ePayments, WebMoney, PayPal, Wire.


Push.house is a young but fast-growing advertising network. It reaches a subscriber base of 180+ countries.

The main advantage of the Push.house grid is the minimum cash entry, which is only $50.00. You can recharge your account using bank cards, e-wallets and cryptocurrency (bitcoin) wallets.

How to promote product advertising via Apple and Google calendars with push

Calendar push is a source of traffic that allows you to promote product advertising through IOS/Android calendars. An ad launched through this format is displayed in the Calendar app as a scheduled event.

A push-calendar is an opportunity to create a full-fledged advertisement with a headline, link or text. Imagine an internet user browsing a to-do list on their device will thoroughly read the promotional text integrated into the push notification. Could the targeting be more accurate?

Using Calendar push is just as easy as regular notifications: you select a push grid, set up an ad campaign, mark "calendar" under "notification type" and start uploading traffic. The exact instructions will depend on the push network you choose.


Push-notifications are an effective source of traffic. It converts well, looks natural and doesn't get banned when it's sent. The sale of push traffic is handled by specialised networks. When choosing a network, you need to look at its reputation, auction load and the renewability of its subscriber base. The best way to establish whether such a source is suitable for you is to create your first advertising campaign using push ads. As for us, we wish you successful tests and profitable bundles!

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 06-24-2022 12:58 PM

Spy tools for launching ads. Where to look for a converting creative?

In our previous articles, we covered what affiliate marketing is, took a look at the main verticals, and learned how to pick offers for specific GEOs. On today’s agenda are converting creatives.

Creatives for crypto offers are the most important part of your bundle. The cost of a lead, the conversion rate and the success of your entire ad campaign depends on how well the creative will perform. Promoting crypto offers with a non-converting creative amounts to just wasting your entire budget for nothing.

In this article, the Neogara team is presenting a selection of spy tools that you can use to analyze creatives and is also talking about ways to evaluate creatives.

What are spy tools?

Spy tools are special platforms used for finding converting creatives, bundles and ideas. These are websites that analyze the creatives of your competitors and provide basic stats for their current ad campaigns.

Spy services for affiliate marketing are the most important tools when developing an ad campaign. They help you study your competitors and customers, as well as better understand the needs of your target audience. By learning how to work with such services, you can increase the efficiency of your bundle, lower the CPC, attract more leads and secure higher offer payouts.

Spy tools main features

Spy tools help to:

Find an example of a working creative using the direct search feature and additional filters;
Find a working link for your bundle;
Analyze demand within your vertical;
Analyze data on contextual and targeted advertising, as well as the overall effectiveness of the landing and pre-landing pages.

Top 5 spy tools in 2022

Affiliate marketing is a dynamic sub-genre of overall marketing. The industry sees trends and algorithms change every month, programs and services make way for new ones. Let’s start our spy tool review with a list of the most relevant options as of 2022.


AdHeart is considered one of the most advanced services on the affiliate market. It helps analyze creatives for crypto, nutra and gambling offers, as well as white-hat verticals.

Adheart’s analytical metrics help you track:

Facebook creatives;
Apps promoted through ad campaigns;
Creative statistics.

The spy tool lets you download creatives to launch ads (just don’t forget to make them unique) and lets you use all kinds of ways to sort them. You can find creatives using direct keyword requests or by GEOs and verticals. The algorithm analyzes both desktop and mobile traffic. The subscription to this spy tool will set you back $53 a month and has a demo mode with limited impressions.


ADSPY is a service with an extensive search feature for creatives on social media. This tool lets you sort creatives by:

Ad comments;
Website URL;
Keywords of any frequency;
Page name.

When searching, you can turn off statistics for a specific affiliate program, sort traffic by campaign launch, its popularity or click cost. ADSPY enables you to set up a unique search ID.

This service is quite active on social media. On Twitter, moderators publish funny posts, inspire users with unusual bundles, organize mini affiliate marketing guides, talk about how to use ADSPY and its features properly.


Another popular spy tool for social media that helps find and analyze crypto offers, as well as those of nutra, e-commerce and gambling. It gathers its creatives from Facebook, Google Ads, Youtube.

With the help of PowerAdSpy you can decide which offers to promote. The platform analyzes 20 countries, including Russia and the CIS region. Up to 10 000 ads are added every day, with total number reaching 50 000 000.

There are separate filters for looking up ads by target audience. Use the potential client's age, gender and location, query keywords (of any frequency), study a specific competitor or scour the vertical in general.

This platform combines spy tools and affiliate marketing training. You can use it to evaluate the effectiveness of a competitor’s bundles, study key audience features, assess the relevance of the queries you intend to drive traffic from

PowerAdSpy offers several tariff plans, with the base one setting you back $45 a month.


A fairly powerful service that helps you understand how to promote crypto offers and those of other verticals on Facebook. Despite the spy tool focusing only on a single social network, the selection of creatives here is as detailed as possible.

You can search using the following categories:

Number of likes;
Affiliate programs;
Format and type of creative;
Target audience;
Device type (desktop, iOS, Android);
Publication period.

BigSpy lets you use its basic features for free. To expand the search, connect in-depth statistics, add additional GEOs, you need to pay. The cost of the package depends on the number of requests. Pricing plans range from $5 to $390 per month.


A spy tool for monitoring Facebook and Google Ads. You can also use this service to create your own ad campaigns, add offers or save creatives on your cloud service.

The ad database is updated once every 30 minutes. More than 90 GEOs are connected to the system, in each region the results and analytics are displayed as accurately as possible. You can filter by direct queries, target audience and platform. The base plan costs $148 per month.

Top free spy tools

Driving traffic at a profit isn’t easy if you’re a beginner. That’s why you need practice. Not just in picking out an offer, but also in collecting stats. To avoid draining your entire budget in the first few months, you can use free spy tools when you’re just starting out. Here’s a list of the best ones.


As part of its promotion, the service is offering a $67.99 subscription. This is a one-time purchase. However, the platform also has a demo-mode - it supports a limited number of requests per day (10 in total). However, that’s more than enough when working with just 1 offer.

AdFind works with 9 ad networks, including Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. The service is excellent at processing requests. You can use it to find rare, exclusive or the most popular offers in a specific GEO.


A spy service tailored to the CIS region. It allows you to work with all popular social networks in the region’s GEOs: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram.

The service is paid, an annual subscription will cost you 400 rubles daily. However, the general demo mode will help you check out the features and analyze your first bundles.

Publer lets you analyze the effectiveness of a social media group or community and check whether your competitors used fake accounts to amass their subscriber base.

Top 3 services to analyze native and teaser ads


Having mastered the AdvanceTS tools, you can take an express affiliate marketing training course. The service’s algorithms help evaluate the profitability of a creative, a landing page and the entire bundle.

GEO selection is limited to Russia and the CIS region. A monthly subscription will set you back $27. You can filter the results by keywords, domain name, GEO, and target audience.


According to experienced affiliates, SpyOver is the best service for finding fresh bundles. Thanks to the database updating every minute, the user can find a creative that’s been in rotation mere minutes. The service has an English localization and an instant download feature.

Data analytics are displayed on screen in the form of a graph. With its help, the user can evaluate how successful their competitor's ad campaign is. There are extended search clusters: popularity, novelty. Creatives can be added to favorites so that you can check their statistics after a few hours.

Covers 150 GOEs. The focus is made on Tier 1 and 2 countries, quite a lot to choose from. You can connect an additional language filter. The cost of a monthly subscription is $149.


This service currently features over 89 GEOs, with the focus made on ad campaigns launched in Central Europe (Tier 1 and 2). This spy tool allows you to request a refund if the provided features don’t match your needs. The network has one of the easiest monitoring algorithms for beginners. You can search for creatives by key queries, popularity filters or novelty.

The database is updated every 2-3 hours, making Anstrex a poor choice if you want to monitor fresh creatives. No trial mode either. The tool charges $124.99 for a monthly subscription. You can also buy a separate algorithm for native ads only for $60.


Affiliate marketing is an industry where you need to possess analytical skills to succeed. In 2022, there are dozens of tools with which you can track ad campaigns and their performance. Spy tools help you analyze creatives, find successful bundles, evaluate the relevance of an offer and increase the conversion rate. We hope our selection will help you find a useful service.

Join Neogara and become TOP affiliate in crypto!

Neogara 06-24-2022 01:04 PM

GEO Insights: how to drive crypto into Brazil in 2022

Brazil is Latin America's largest and fastest-growing economy, with more than 216,000,000 inhabitants. Just imagine, all these people could easily become your potential customers.

Even the listing of Brazil in the Tier-3 category does not make GEO any less relevant. Large audiences, good earnings, plenty of challenges and opportunities for pouring in offers make the country a great place for arbitrage traffic. That's why today we will tell you how to live in Brazil, what to make the local audience interested in and what bindings to use. More on this and more in the next block!

Arbitrage traffic to Brazil-general information
Population: 216 million


Average salary: $1,200

Salary for low-skilled staff: $700

A few years ago, Brazil could safely be called a laggard state even in relation to other Latin American regions. However, as time passes, the economy is changing and the country is now ahead of any other region in Latin America in terms of engineering, light industry and food processing. Brazil is attracting more and more tourists and providing more and more comfortable living conditions for ordinary people.

However, the transition to a new level of GEO is still a long way off. There is still too strong a division between poor and rich. The latter includes the South and Southeast of Brazil, but even with them, things are not so simple. In any local metropolis, there are poor areas with slums where people are unlikely to want to become our clients.

On the other hand, even the lower strata of the population have wages starting at $600-700, which is enough to meet their minimum needs. Fruits, vegetables and other products are always inexpensive here, and finding a flat to fit one's budget is not a problem either.

As for other sectors of life, things are not so straightforward either. Brazil, for example, has consistently invested substantial budgets in education, comparable to those of the USA. However, literacy in the country still leaves much to be desired. Many parents simply don't want their child to go to school and get a job right away to help the family with money.

Target audience in Brazil

Brazilians are very good-natured and pacifists by nature. These people try to live each day to the fullest, giving vent to their emotions and optimism. They like to joke, socialise and generally lead an easy going lifestyle.

In order for you to understand the openness of these people to each other - it is enough to talk to a Brazilian for 10 minutes and here the two of you have already become the best of friends, in 15 minutes you are invited to a bar, and after another hour a new-found friend is already inviting you to visit. There is, by the way, an unspoken tradition about this. If a local calls you at a certain time, it makes sense to be 10 to 15 minutes late and let them get ready for their visit.

Yes, yes, in some places Brazilians are so unpunctual and everyone is used to being late. At the same time, they are very cultured and tolerant - no one here harasses people for the colour of their skin or their religion.

Finally, it should be noted that the local target audience values family ties. For the sake of their children or parents, they are willing to do whatever it takes and even just to spend as much time with them as possible is a great joy for Brazilians.

What pain does Brazil's target audience have?

The main problem for 80% of Brazilians is a lack of earning power. The target audience is ready to learn new things, ready to strive for money and spend all their time on it, but the lack of qualifications and lack of education give them a disadvantage.

As you have already noticed, it will be quite easy to induce such a strong motivation to earn money from crypto. It doesn't really matter what kind of offer you choose to promote. The main thing is to simply and affordably interest your audience in it, to choose an option where you can invest even a minimum deposit. Yes, the profit from each person in this scenario is small, but remember - we take quantity.

The second problem is medicine. There are good doctors in the GEO submitted, conditions for the treatment of many even complicated diseases, but people do not have money for this. The state helps only with payment for cardiovascular surgeries, treatment of lung diseases, AIDS and hepatitis. There is also free medication for diabetics and insulin - all the rest is only for a fee and quite the high one.

Even more surprisingly, Brazilians don't care about these restrictions at all. They don't think about their health at all and constantly drink alcohol, smoke, eat fatty foods, and go to the doctor only in extreme cases. This is a gut paradise, where various weight-loss, parasite remedies and so on are gaining monstrous popularity.

The third problem is education. As we said in the last section, many parents don't want to waste their child's time on education and rather send him or her straight to work. It is only after a few years that they realise that without the proper qualifications their child will not see a good salary. You can play on this and offer your target audience, for example, training courses in crypto. In addition, point out that the training can easily be combined with a job and this will attract more people to your offer.

Another problem is security. You can't have a low crime rate in a country like that. In Brazil, the mafia, drug dealers and pirates are constantly on the loose, and there is money to be made from that too. Firstly, crime is lower in more affluent areas. So, making money and buying a house in such an area is the perfect motivation for crypto. Secondly, for the direction of the commodity would be the promotion of sensors for alerts, window blockers and so on.

How to drive traffic to Brazil

Although cryptocurrency in Brazil is not very popular, we have successfully proven above that it is still possible to achieve the coveted conversion with it. All the more so for such low local earnings.

As for specific bundling options, try pushing family values first. Lack of education in children, poor health among parents, poor housing. Such triggers hurt Brazilians and are good motivators for action.

As for other approaches for arbitrage to Brazil, our advice is to simply touch their emotions. Promise a quick payday without too much effort and you can be sure they will believe you. Incentives in this case can include rich celebrities, politicians or just young boys/girls in expensive cars or with a chunk of money.

The best thing about all these ideas is the success-story. Apparently, the target audience likes such a down-to-earth approach, where the same ordinary person was able to rise from zero to become a millionaire. At the same time, it is important to maintain a fine line between ordinary interest and the desire to make money. Often webmasters have had the situation that clients were just curious to see this legendary earning platform. Then they would just leave without making a deposit…

Summing up the results

Brazil is still a Tier-3 GEO, with little income for local audiences and a host of problems in education, medicine and general living conditions. At the same time, these people are open to advertising and are always happy to learn new things. They are emotional and therefore easy to push to almost any offer.

Even with the inability to invest much money in crypto, Brazilians can be taken by quantity, not quality. You have more than 216 million people at your disposal, where you can collect profits from everyone. Is the game worth it? Definitely!

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