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-   -   dumb libs: what could you possibly celebrate on july 4th??? (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1270015)

Joshua G 07-03-2017 03:30 PM

dumb libs: what could you possibly celebrate on july 4th???
patriotism? you dumb libs burn the flag.

freedom? you dumb libs hate freedom of speech. you attack people, destroy property, & cause civil unrest when views you hate are spoken freely.

rule of law? you dumb libs hate cops, call them racist. call for the murder of cops. You ignore it when obama issues 5 immunity deals to protect hilary from felony crimes she committed.

equality? you dumb libs hate equality of opportunity. you support race quotas & gender quotas & gay quotas, because merit & hard work...& the resulting inequality of outcomes, is abhorrant to you dumb libs.

US citizenship? you dumb libs want criminal illegal immigrants to run amok in our country, so you can gain power through demographics.

you dumb libs talk about hating facism, that trump is authoritarian...while at the same moment rachel maddow & the entire MSM spews lies & hate, and antifa eggs a trump supporting female.

July 4th is a celebration of you dumb libs losing last years election! freedom won, americans won, liberal PC fascism lost.

dumb libs.


pimpmaster9000 07-03-2017 03:34 PM

Joshua g monologues in 3 2 1...

Bladewire 07-03-2017 03:37 PM

Dumb JoshuaG being sexual on his YouTube channel again

pimpmaster9000 07-03-2017 03:45 PM

OP frequents gay bars...a lot...

Joshua G 07-03-2017 03:53 PM

& on the 4th of july weekend...obama lectures americans about loving their country too much...while sitting in indonesia???

you dumb libs can thank obama & the lying liberal media for trump.

dumb fucking libs.


Joshua G 07-03-2017 03:55 PM

oh look...MSNBC calls trump voters racist. big surprise...

dont let the fact of 12 million obama voters went trump get in the way of a liberal fairy tale of racist swing voters in the midwest.

our 4th of july holiday is a BIG FUCK YOU TO YOU DUMB LIBS!!!


CaptainHowdy 07-03-2017 03:57 PM

You tell 'em, Joshua ...

Steve Rupe 07-03-2017 04:07 PM

Comedic relief supplied daily by who ever the OP is.

RedFred 07-03-2017 04:19 PM

At least we're not celebrating handing the country over to a foreign nation or voting for a guy dumber than Bush.


Bladewire 07-03-2017 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 21868609)
At least we're not celebrating handing the country over to a foreign nation or voting for a guy dumber than Bush.



Bladewire 07-03-2017 04:59 PM

pimpmaster9000 07-03-2017 05:04 PM

its not treason at all...noooooooooooooo not at all...


Joshua G 07-03-2017 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21868588)
Comedic relief supplied daily by who ever the OP is.

hey look its the "independent" who spews boilerplate liberal lies & GOP hate.

i think you said you want me out of your threads. & yet here you are in mine. dropping off some liberal mockery.

steve rupe dont be a hypocrite & tell me to stay away & then you pull this shit.

but hypocrisy is part & parcel of being a dumb lib. right steve rupe?


Joshua G 07-03-2017 07:00 PM

as usual. ad hominem attacks from the dumb libs.

& then there is bladewire with his disability masturbation videos.

dumb libs. just admit you hate the USA, hate freedom, & want to bring your euro-shit, along with jihadis, to the USA.

dumb libs.


Bladewire 07-03-2017 07:03 PM

Bladewire 07-03-2017 07:05 PM

Steve Rupe 07-03-2017 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21868897)
hey look its the "independent" who spews boilerplate liberal lies & GOP hate.

i think you said you want me out of your threads. & yet here you are in mine. dropping off some liberal mockery.

steve rupe dont be a hypocrite & tell me to stay away & then you pull this shit.

but hypocrisy is part & parcel of being a dumb lib. right steve rupe?


I do try to not spew forth anything about liberals or conservatives in general terms such as you do. I don't recall saying anything specific about wanting you out of my threads but maybe I did and I would actually be pleased if you choose to do that very thing. My mockery of you has nothing to do with any liberal/conservative issue. You are just comedic, in my opinion, in your persistent rants. I have zero concern about your political persuasion or lack there of.

Joshua G 07-03-2017 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21868957)
I do try to not spew forth anything about liberals or conservatives in general terms such as you do. I don't recall saying anything specific about wanting you out of my threads but maybe I did and I would actually be pleased if you choose to do that very thing. My mockery of you has nothing to do with any liberal/conservative issue. You are just comedic, in my opinion, in your persistent rants. I have zero concern about your political persuasion or lack there of.

oh come on steve rupe...there is a search function & everything you post is saved...


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21682027)
One last time. I am an independent and not a Democrat. Over my many years I have voted for Democrats as well as Republicans and will continue to do so. Now for the last time get the fuck out of my thread and stay the fuck out of any future threads of mine. You are nothing but an irritant. This will be my last response to anything you have to say now or ever.

BTW, I did not vote in this last election for either the Donald or Hillary as I thought both to be ridiculously unsuitable to be President of the U.S.A.

I am STILL WAITING for this INDEPENDENT you keep talking about. all i read is you spewing standard liberal trope, thread after thread after thread.

search my threads & you will actually see some anti-trump threads. & a thread that explicitly states my own liberal positions. why? because i actually am what you falsely claim to be.

its hard to see my centrism right now because its the liberal side that's abhorrant & toxic today, so most of my posts troll the liberals. that was not true as early as 8 years ago...when i voted for OBAMA. i can wax poetic hating GOP. but when i do, i dont make shit up like you dumb libs do.

try & keep up steve rupe. say something GOP friendly.


Bladewire 07-03-2017 09:20 PM

Acepimp 07-04-2017 12:01 AM

^^ Nice response, Bladewire.

Way to intelligently discuss the topic.

I hope you seek help for your mental disorder
. :helpme


Bladewire 07-04-2017 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 21869143)
^^ Nice response, Bladewire.

Way to intelligently discuss the topic.

I hope you seek help for your mental disorder

JoshuaG and I have an agreement that any threads titled with "dumb" libs or "stupid" libs or "libtards" etc. I can derail with whatever videos I want. It's a respect thing. I hope you stop smoking the crack and stop posting under fake nics soon :disgust

Bladewire 07-04-2017 12:32 AM

pimpmaster9000 07-04-2017 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21868903)
as usual. ad hominem attacks from the dumb libs.


MiamiBoyz 07-04-2017 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21868525)

Dumb JoshuaG being sexual on his YouTube channel again

AWWWW...That retard is soooo cute!

nico-t 07-04-2017 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21869155)
JoshuaG and I have an agreement that any threads titled with "dumb" libs or "stupid" libs or "libtards" etc. I can derail with whatever videos I want. It's a respect thing. I hope you stop smoking the crack and stop posting under fake nics soon :disgust

You're insane and obsessed by amputees apparently.

Joshua G 07-04-2017 05:43 AM

krauthammer: liberals teach kids to hate america
this is a good video to reflect how how liberal teachers in K - college focus only on the "social injustice" past of this country, skip the progress of the present, & create dumb drone social justice warriors.

racism used to be hating a black or a gay. today its just offending them. dont suggest affirmative action is not fair. dont suggest this country has enough immingrants already. simply looking out for the american public is now "racist" & "xenophobe."

dumb libs.

its no wonder young people today have no clue about history, no clue how to think for themselves, no clue how to work hard at a job. the schools dont want productive kids. just duped blind followers of liberal lies like climate change, racist voters.

this is why you deserve the term dumb libs.

if you dont like it here, then get the fuck out of this country. go to Venezuela, or cuba, where bernie sanders ideas are working out just great.

dumb libs.


beerptrol 07-04-2017 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21868513)
dumb libs.



2MuchMark 07-04-2017 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21868543)
OP frequents gay bars...a lot...

Nah. He WANTS to. He's too uptight.


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21868564)
oh look...MSNBC calls trump voters racist. big surprise...

Many are, but being racist doesn't necessary have to have a political affiliation either. Fathom that.


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21868543)
our 4th of july holiday is a BIG FUCK YOU TO YOU DUMB LIBS!!!

Party how you want to party.

Steve Rupe 07-04-2017 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21682027)
One last time. I am an independent and not a Democrat. Over my many years I have voted for Democrats as well as Republicans and will continue to do so. Now for the last time get the fuck out of my thread and stay the fuck out of any future threads of mine. You are nothing but an irritant. This will be my last response to anything you have to say now or ever.

BTW, I did not vote in this last election for either the Donald or Hillary as I thought both to be ridiculously unsuitable to be President of the U.S.A.

I do recall saying that, now that you have reminded me. Thank you for doing so, irritant.

2MuchMark 07-04-2017 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 21869143)
^^ Nice response, Bladewire.

Way to intelligently discuss the topic.

I hope you seek help for your mental disorder
. :helpme


Actually, Bladewire responses to JoshuaG/Dynamo are perfect. The simple reason why is that he doesn't make any effort to argue his point or consider other ideas. Bladewire, myself and others all understand this.

Furthermore, while everyone else here argues, we all at least take the time to read what everyone else is saying and comment on it or offer (mostly) thoughtful opposing viewpoints from time to time. Joshua can't be bothered to do this, and therefore doesn't deserve any kind of thoughtful response in return.

Joshua G 07-04-2017 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 21869641)
The simple reason why is that he doesn't make any effort to argue his point or consider other ideas. Bladewire, myself and others all understand this.

Furthermore, while everyone else here argues, we all at least take the time to read what everyone else is saying and comment on it or offer (mostly) thoughtful opposing viewpoints from time to time. Joshua can't be bothered to do this, and therefore doesn't deserve any kind of thoughtful response in return.

what planet are you on dumb lib?

im the only one providing ideas, making arguments. look in this thread. you dumb libs have nothing but silly pictures, handicapped videos, & insults.

because you are too fucking dumb to actually rebut anything i write. steve rupe is too dumb to refute anything i write. because i'm spot on, just like my trump prediction.

you are the one making an argument??? please do post another dawsons creek sobbing pic dumb lib. thats all you got.



AndyA 07-04-2017 08:07 AM




Joshua G 07-04-2017 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21869638)
I do recall saying that, now that you have reminded me. Thank you for doing so, irritant.

then why dont you follow the words you wrote & get the fuck out of my thread steve dupe.

dont ever post in my threads again, steve rube. do what you say you will hypocrite...

thanks for participating.


JFK 07-04-2017 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21868543)
OP frequents gay bars...a lot...

Did he try to pick you up ?:upsidedow :helpme

2MuchMark 07-04-2017 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21869668)
what planet are you on dumb lib?

You're a waste of time, Dynamo. Surely you must realize that you waste your time too. Time to grow up little man.

BaldBastard 07-04-2017 12:44 PM

All of America should be celebrating their independence today!
Independence 2017 will be celebrated for a long time! I'm thinking.

It's the day America finally go their Independence!

4th July 2017, the first day China and Russia combined powers and told the USA to fuck off.

I hope you didn't miss it, its very historical.

Dumb Libs! and really really really dumb FUCKING conservatives.

Joshua G 07-04-2017 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 21870139)
You're a waste of time, Dynamo. Surely you must realize that you waste your time too. Time to grow up little man.

once again, an insult, not an idea, an argument or a retort. just dumb shit from you, as usual.

i own you dumb libs. now go waste your time under your bed in fear of the next hurricane caused by trump coal.


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