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-   -   Trump & WH staff are deleting emails and are now being sued for ethics violations.... (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1268752)

crockett 06-23-2017 06:19 AM

Trump & WH staff are deleting emails and are now being sued for ethics violations....
Trump and White House staffers illegally delete messages: suit - NY Daily News

Jason Silverstein
Updated: Thursday, June 22, 2017, 3:13 PM

President Trump and his White House staffers are breaking federal law by using confidential messaging apps that keep their conversations from entering public records, a federal lawsuit charged Thursday.

Two Washington watchdog groups accused Trump and his workers of illegally deleting emails, official records and even tweets sent to millions of people.

"President Trump and others within the White House are either ignoring or outright flouting these responsibilities,” the civil complaint from the National Security Archive and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) says.

The deletions could be a violation of the Presidential Records Act, which says White House internal communications must be preserved.

Oh my how fast the tune changes when it's Trump deleting emails. I can't wait to see all the outrage from all the GFY red hats.. They wouldn't be little hypocrites about this now would they. I mean they literally raged about Hillary for a year for deleting emails, obviously they will now hold the same standards for Trump.. Right??? :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Trump staff have been using Signal, an encrypted app to send messages and they aren't keeping copies as "REQUIRED" by federal law.. They are also using Confide which automatically deletes messages after they are read once again failing to comply with Federal record keeping laws..

All the outrage from Trump supporters & Republicans about Hillary supposedly deleting emails and now here they are purposely deleting emails and messages and violating the law not even 6 months into his term..

LOCK HIM UP... Can't wait to see all the excuses.. Add yet ANOTHER lawsuit against Trump for ethic violations..

"Trust me people my admin is gonna be so transparent, the most transparent admin ever"

MAGA @ impeachment hearing!

crockett 06-23-2017 06:37 AM

Come now I'm holding my breath, waiting for GFY red hats & Republicans to be outraged.. waiting... you're gonna be outraged right? You aren't just complete hacks are yea?? You guys do have even a remote sense of respect for our country.. right? It's not always party first right? :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Barry-xlovecam 06-23-2017 06:40 AM

I read that yesterday.
Business *leaders* hate transparency with a passion usually.

And Trump now claims there are no 'tapes' of his conversations, specifically referring to Comey. Another empty threat.

The clock keeps ticking ...

crockett 06-23-2017 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21850321)
I read that yesterday.
Business *leaders* hate transparency with a passion usually.

And Trump now claims there are no 'tapes' of his conversations, specifically referring to Comey. Another empty threat.

The clock keeps ticking ...

Oh they will be sooo outraged when they find out.. I can just see the steam coming out of Robbie's head and JoushMo will make like 20 posts about it he will be so outraged..

crockett 06-23-2017 08:18 AM

I'm completely amazed at all the outrage from our GFY Republicans & red hats. Here I thought they would totally ignore this and pretend they didn't see it. Look at all the calls of Lock Him Up!.. I'm so proud of our GFY republicans and Red Hats for showing everyone they aren't just a bunch of partisan hacks that always put party before country..

Boy were us stupid libs wrong all this time...


Bladewire 06-23-2017 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21850321)
I read that yesterday.
Business *leaders* hate transparency with a passion usually.

And Trump now claims there are no 'tapes' of his conversations, specifically referring to Comey. Another empty threat.

The clock keeps ticking ...

The "tapes" fiasco is a perfect example of Trump's mental defect. First he tries to intimidate a witness by threatening tapes, then witholding the truth from the American people for over a month. It makes him feel powerful.

It reminds me of the stories of Trump and two scoops of ice cream. Whenever Trump has guests over , they are served water and he gets diet Coke, they get one scoop of ice cream for desert, he gets 2 scoops and pie, this is what a retarded simpleton he is, and how petty.

onwebcam 06-23-2017 08:31 AM

You're an idiot if you believe all communications are archived for any President. A special kind of idiot to believe they don't use secure communications.

crockett 06-23-2017 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21850471)
You're an idiot if you believe all communications are archived for any President. A special kind of idiot to believe they don't use secure communications.

So it's the standard right wing excuse "well everyone else did it".. while having no proof of your claims but just gut feeling.. Sad.

Barry-xlovecam 06-23-2017 09:08 AM

TODDI (the other guy did it).


The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201?2207, is an Act of Congress of the United States governing the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created or received after January 20, 1981, and mandating the preservation of all presidential records.


Trump's only alternative under the law is to claim executive privilege.

Good fuckin' luck with that one ...

My dog ate my homework.

Rochard 06-23-2017 09:08 AM

This is, without a doubt, the very worst administration we have had in my lifetime. It's fucking stunning.

What is even more stunning is that some people fully believe in Trump. On Facebook the other day I came across Tiffany Trump's profile, and noticed she posted a picture of her father saying "Happy Birthday Daddy". Someone posted "Oh Mr Trump, after eight years it's so wonderful that someone brought class back to the White House". You must be fucking kidding me. These people are completely ignorant of who they just elected to the White House. In no universe can you compare Obama, married to his wife, with whom he has two beautiful daughters, to Trump who has how many kids with how many women? It's like comparing apples to airplanes.

beerptrol 06-23-2017 09:10 AM

Chump has no ethics, so no surprise when the liar in chief gets busted for violations

And not surprised by the excuses of the chumpanzees...hypocrites!

crockett 06-23-2017 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21850540)
This is, without a doubt, the very worst administration we have had in my lifetime. It's fucking stunning.

What is even more stunning is that some people fully believe in Trump. On Facebook the other day I came across Tiffany Trump's profile, and noticed she posted a picture of her father saying "Happy Birthday Daddy". Someone posted "Oh Mr Trump, after eight years it's so wonderful that someone brought class back to the White House". You must be fucking kidding me. These people are completely ignorant of who they just elected to the White House. In no universe can you compare Obama, married to his wife, with whom he has two beautiful daughters, to Trump who has how many kids with how many women? It's like comparing apples to airplanes.

It's because he's not black.. pretty much anytime you see people saying shit like that, it's because they are closet racists. I lived in FL most my life which isn't even "deep south" but fuck I can spot racist a mile a way.. when you are exposed to that shit all the time you can spot the the key words and mentality a mile away.

The right by and large has brainwashed their cult of followers to hate everything that is not just like them.. It's not just racism of course, but that does play a big role in it. It's why I'm so fucking anti Republican, because I see with out a doubt how they have and are dividing this country and fucking it up..

Now the key here is the person saying it likely doesn't see it as racism but deep down that is the root of it.. They've been brainwashed into hating everyone and everything that is different from them. They might even have black or Hispanic friends and so on but somewhere in their mind they've made excuses for that one guy because he's different from the others so he's ok..

It's not the deep down segregation style racism from the 60s and further back but it's the same mentality.. They think they are better than everyone else and it's not just contained to race but also political affiliation. It's why they use "liberal" as a insult and so forth and why they always have someone they have to target as the bad guy..

BTW I'm still so amazed at all the outrage from the GFY right wing.. lol

Bladewire 06-23-2017 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21850540)
On Facebook the other day I came across Tiffany Trump's profile, and noticed she posted a picture of her father saying "Happy Birthday Daddy". Someone posted "Oh Mr Trump, after eight years it's so wonderful that someone brought class back to the White House". You must be fucking kidding me. These people are completely ignorant of who they just elected to the White House. In no universe can you compare Obama, married to his wife, with whom he has two beautiful daughters, to Trump who has how many kids with how many women? It's like comparing apples to airplanes.

Rochard, it's about race.

They feel Obama contaminated the WH with low class hahahahahahas. This is how they see it. We have the most inept traitor in the WH and they feel elevated because a rich white man is in the WH with a foreign born model that they've seen naked, they couldn't be happier.

Trump will have to be found Gay , or denounce racism, or cheat on his wife with a black woman, for them to lose support for Trump.

Busty2 06-23-2017 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21850321)
I read that yesterday.
Business *leaders* hate transparency with a passion usually.

And Trump now claims there are no 'tapes' of his conversations, specifically referring to Comey. Another empty threat.

The clock keeps ticking ...

There is no way on Earth that if Chump did record the Comey meetings he would ever admit to it. Why? Because they would prove absolutely that Chump was the lying fuck we all know him to be :321GFYand that Comey was telling the truth:thumbsup

directfiesta 06-23-2017 09:32 AM

what happened to the right side of GFY ... completely MIA !!!!!

Bladewire 06-23-2017 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by directfiesta (Post 21850576)
what happened to the right side of GFY ... completely MIA !!!!!

The vote to take away healthcare and Medicaid goes down today, they're celebrating in their safe spaces.

crockett 06-23-2017 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by directfiesta (Post 21850576)
what happened to the right side of GFY ... completely MIA !!!!!

They are so outraged they can't even post. We have the wait for the steam to clear after they realized they voted for exactly what they rallied against!

crockett 06-23-2017 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Busty2 (Post 21850567)
There is no way on Earth that if Chump did record the Comey meetings he would ever admit to it. Why? Because they would prove absolutely that Chump was the lying fuck we all know him to be :321GFYand that Comey was telling the truth:thumbsup

Trump has now admitted he was lying.. Well he of course didn't say he was lying but he made lots of excuses to claim it was ok he claimed he had tapes but didn't... Claims the moral high ground that he lied so he could make sure Comey told the truth.. :1orglaugh

Martin 06-23-2017 09:47 AM

You fags still on about Trump?

crockett 06-23-2017 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Martin (Post 21850600)
You fags still on about Trump?

Yeah, sorry "fagbro" but some of us care about things other than if he's white or rich.. We kinda like our president to not lie and fuck shit up on a daily basis..

Bladewire 06-23-2017 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21850597)
Trump has now admitted he was lying.. Well he of course didn't say he was lying but he made lots of excuses to claim it was ok he claimed he had tapes but didn't... Claims the moral high ground that he lied so he could make sure Comey told the truth.. :1orglaugh

Trump was trying to intimidate a witness (Comey). He never claimed to have tapes.

"James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"

Trump speaks very carefully, close to the edge. He does this with Russia too. Always says he doesn't have money invested in Russia, he never says that Russia doesn't invest in his properties or businesses, or that a Russia owned state banks haven't lent him money.. Sleazy conman

beerptrol 06-23-2017 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by directfiesta (Post 21850576)
what happened to the right side of GFY ... completely MIA !!!!!

They are waiting to see how they should respond. They are looking at BreitFart, wiki leaks, and Alex Jones

Bladewire 06-23-2017 10:04 AM

crockett 06-23-2017 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 21850621)
They are waiting to see how they should respond. They are looking at BreitFart, wiki leaks, and Alex Jones

The sad part is this actually is the truth.. Soon as they get their marching orders as to what excuse to use they will be all over this.. Such sad little fucks..

CoolMikey 06-23-2017 10:10 AM

Funny how when Obama or Clinton was doing it, no one from the left gave a shit about it, but now that some obscure law that no one has ever fully followed or ever was charged with could apply to Trump you guys are drooling like a bunch of retards. :error :helpme

Bladewire 06-23-2017 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21850642)
Funny how when Obama or Clinton was doing it, no one from the left gave a shit about it, but now that some obscure law that no one has ever fully followed or ever was charged with could apply to Trump you guys are drooling like a bunch of retards. :error :helpme

So you think the FBI and all their investigators lied. :1orglaugh

crockett 06-23-2017 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21850642)
Funny how when Obama or Clinton was doing it, no one from the left gave a shit about it, but now that some obscure law that no one has ever fully followed or ever was charged with could apply to Trump you guys are drooling like a bunch of retards. :error :helpme

So Mr brand new 7 post nick, here is your chance to show us all how much better you are than us people from the left. You have opportunity to show us guys from the left that you have are more worried about the wrong doing rather than who did the wrong doing and deciding to be outraged only if it wasn't your guy..

thommy 06-23-2017 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21850642)
Funny how when Obama or Clinton was doing it, no one from the left gave a shit about it, but now that some obscure law that no one has ever fully followed or ever was charged with could apply to Trump you guys are drooling like a bunch of retards. :error :helpme

well - but trump was the one that complained it - and trump promised that he will "clean that up" - seems he does not and now it is ok for his dumbfuck supporters, right?

i hope he will not start to eat babies for dinner because you guys will follow him and explian us how correct he is.

CoolMikey 06-23-2017 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21850669)
So Mr brand new 7 post nick, here is your chance to show us all how much better you are than us people from the left. You have opportunity to show us guys from the left that you have are more worried about the wrong doing rather than who did the wrong doing and deciding to be outraged only if it wasn't your guy..

What is there to show? All we have so far is empty accusations by some 2 watchdog groups and some bullshit lawsuit that isn't likely to go anywhere.

How is deleting a tweet in any way comparable to mishandling classified information anyway? :error

beerptrol 06-23-2017 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21850642)
Funny how when Obama or Clinton was doing it, no one from the left gave a shit about it, but now that some obscure law that no one has ever fully followed or ever was charged with could apply to Trump you guys are drooling like a bunch of retards. :error :helpme

Funny how you make the typical excuse how Hillary and Obama did it

Also funny how chump pointed out how they did this and that and how he would be different than them! Yet here he is doing the same shit he called them out for and you chumpanzees turn a blind eye and come up with the same excuses over and over!!
And gfy fake nic

CoolMikey 06-23-2017 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21850687)
well - but trump was the one that complained it - and trump promised that he will "clean that up" - seems he does not and now it is ok for his dumbfuck supporters, right?

i hope he will not start to eat babies for dinner because you guys will follow him and explian us how correct he is.

Welcome to politics, everyone knows damn well politicians make a lot of promises to get elected, but only deliver 10%. I'm sure his supporters will take that 10% any day over whatever Clinton were going to deliver. :thumbsup

Rochard 06-23-2017 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21850549)
It's because he's not black.. pretty much anytime you see people saying shit like that, it's because they are closet racists. I lived in FL most my life which isn't even "deep south" but fuck I can spot racist a mile a way.. when you are exposed to that shit all the time you can spot the the key words and mentality a mile away.

The right by and large has brainwashed their cult of followers to hate everything that is not just like them.. It's not just racism of course, but that does play a big role in it. It's why I'm so fucking anti Republican, because I see with out a doubt how they have and are dividing this country and fucking it up..

Now the key here is the person saying it likely doesn't see it as racism but deep down that is the root of it.. They've been brainwashed into hating everyone and everything that is different from them. They might even have black or Hispanic friends and so on but somewhere in their mind they've made excuses for that one guy because he's different from the others so he's ok..

It's not the deep down segregation style racism from the 60s and further back but it's the same mentality.. They think they are better than everyone else and it's not just contained to race but also political affiliation. It's why they use "liberal" as a insult and so forth and why they always have someone they have to target as the bad guy..

BTW I'm still so amazed at all the outrage from the GFY right wing.. lol


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21850555)
Rochard, it's about race.

They feel Obama contaminated the WH with low class hahahahahahas. This is how they see it. We have the most inept traitor in the WH and they feel elevated because a rich white man is in the WH with a foreign born model that they've seen naked, they couldn't be happier.

Drumpf will have to be found Gay , or denounce racism, or cheat on his wife with a black woman, for them to lose support for Trump.

See, I don't get this at all. Skin color is skin color, that's it. I am a Marine; We all bleed the same color.

Our country has a long history of racism and discrimination, and we need to grow the fuck up. It's only a matter of time before we have a Hispanic, female, or gay president. A hispanic, gay, female, or black president can do just as well as anyone else.

Anyone who works in the adult industry who doesn't agree with me should leave now.

crockett 06-23-2017 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21850702)
What is there to show? All we have so far is empty accusations by some 2 watchdog groups and some bullshit lawsuit that isn't likely to go anywhere.

How is deleting a tweet in any way comparable to mishandling classified information anyway? :error

Violation of federal law. Do you not understand that?

crockett 06-23-2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21850726)
See, I don't get this at all. Skin color is skin color, that's it. I am a Marine; We all bleed the same color.

Our country has a long history of racism and discrimination, and we need to grow the fuck up. It's only a matter of time before we have a Hispanic, female, or gay president. A hispanic, gay, female, or black president can do just as well as anyone else.

Anyone who works in the adult industry who doesn't agree with me should leave now.

It's very deep rooted man and a lot of peer pressure to just accept it. It's just the same on the other side for instance if you grow up in a black neighborhood in a high crime area it will be drilled into your head that the cops are your enemy and the "man" (ie white guys) is out to get you.

By far this is not a single race issue, as in only a white problem.. racism comes from all side & colors and there are different degrees to it, but it all revolves around the same mentality of one group being better than the other..

Bladewire 06-23-2017 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21850669)
So Mr brand new 7 post nick..

Thanks for pointing that out. You can't see post count, sign up day, avatars or sig's on the mobile version of GFY :thumbsup

Bladewire 06-23-2017 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21850726)
See, I don't get this at all. Skin color is skin color, that's it. I am a Marine; We all bleed the same color.

Our country has a long history of racism and discrimination, and we need to grow the fuck up.

Most of us in America have grown the fuck up, we elected Obama. The minority racists, who lost the majority vote by millions, are having their temper tantrum by putting Trump into office, it's the "any white man is better than a hahahahahaha" mentality.

baddog 06-23-2017 11:38 AM

I am glad I read GFY or I never would have heard since TV news hasn't mentioned it.

crockett 06-23-2017 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21850846)
I am glad I read GFY or I never would have heard since TV news hasn't mentioned it.

I guess that means you can continue to ignore because we all know you only care if it was Hillary or Obama..

Rochard 06-23-2017 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21850747)
It's very deep rooted man and a lot of peer pressure to just accept it. It's just the same on the other side for instance if you grow up in a black neighborhood in a high crime area it will be drilled into your head that the cops are your enemy and the "man" (ie white guys) is out to get you.

I fully believe this. I have one black friend; He is the godfather of my only child. He tells me the same thing - when he grew up in Compton as a kid they were more or less taught to not trust the police. There was also a huge amount of peer pressure to commit crimes - everyone was dealing in drugs. He managed to stay away from the crime and out of trouble, and got a scholarship to a great school (Notre Dame I believe). When he graduated he knew he couldn't return home. Instead he moved to a place where he is the only black guy in town. The police there surely don't fear blacks so he never lives in fear of the police.

bronco67 06-23-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21850483)
So it's the standard right wing excuse "well everyone else did it".. while having no proof of your claims but just gut feeling.. Sad.

Just like they say, "It's ok for Russia to meddle in our election because we do it to everyone else."

Which we don't. But I'm sure one Redhat will come in here to disparage the US.

Bladewire 06-23-2017 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21851119)
I fully believe this. I have one black friend; He is the godfather of my only child. He tells me the same thing - when he grew up in Compton as a kid they were more or less taught to not trust the police. There was also a huge amount of peer pressure to commit crimes - everyone was dealing in drugs. He managed to stay away from the crime and out of trouble, and got a scholarship to a great school (Notre Dame I believe). When he graduated he knew he couldn't return home. Instead he moved to a place where he is the only black guy in town. The police there surely don't fear blacks so he never lives in fear of the police.

I had a black neighbor here for about a year. He was a great guy, he cut hair and has a white wife and two black kids. I didn't think he'd make it here in South O.C., it's unforgiving here. My concerns were cemented when his kid knocked on my door and was practicing a sales pitch for a door to door candybar charity thing. He was good but I knew most people here won't open the door for him and likely would be mean or call the cops. A couple months later they moved out. I was gonna offer my son to be his ghost knocking on doors but it wouldn't make much difference here. The only black guy out here is a huge personal trainer that runs down the bike paths with his wealthy female clients.

Joshua G 06-23-2017 08:07 PM

LOL at the dumb libs posting alt-left crap, looking for anything to fling shit on trump.

when breitbart & vladmir putins RT post more facts & truth than everything crockett posts, you know the dumb libs are in lala land.

keep trying crockett. nobody is listening, nobody cares. just your gaggle of dumb lib robots believe your stupid echo chamber of liberal fairy tales.

idiot dumbfuck.


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