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-   -   Brietbart cucked! Has lost 90% of it's advertisers in 2 months 👍😉 (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1267726)

Bladewire 06-15-2017 04:40 PM

Brietbart cucked! Has lost 90% of it's advertisers in 2 months 👍😉
Another confirmation of the nearly dead failed white nationalist movement full of hateful trolls, bots & fake nics.

Their clickthrough rate is a miserable 0.15% damn! Looks like their Russian nots need to be updated to click on ads :winkwink:

Where do you think Brietbart will be in a year? Better off or worse off?

Breitbart lost 90 percent of its advertisers in two months: Who?s still there?

The number of advertisers on the alt-right site Breitbart.com has dropped 90 percent in recent months, from 242 in March to 26 in May, according to data from MediaRadar, a New York firm that tracks online advertising. Among those that continue to advertise on the site include a gentleman?s club in Northern Virginia, a golf resort near the coast of Spain and the conservative foundation Judicial Watch.

?Liberal activists want to destroy Breitbart, but we won?t be cowed,? the foundation?s president Tom Fitton said in an interview. ?We advertise widely on the internet, and we?re proud of the relationship and the partnerships we have.?

Fitton said Judicial Watch had been advertising on Breitbart for years, but would not elaborate on the company?s strategy or where else it places ads. ?I?m not talking about the details of our internal decision-making with the anti-Trump Washington Post,? he said.

There are also signs that ads on Breitbart might not be as effective as they are on other sites. The ?click-through rate? for ads on the site was about 0.15 percent in November, compared to 0.32 percent on the New York Times? website and 0.35 percent on FoxNews.com, according to WordStream, a Boston-based online marketing firm.

CaptainHowdy 06-15-2017 04:54 PM

Never kick them while they're down ...

oppoten 06-15-2017 05:01 PM

Breitbart is not a white nationalist site.

Let them destroy the alt-lite. It will radicalize their readers and push them further to the right.


Bladewire 06-15-2017 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by CaptainHowdy (Post 21836152)
Never kick them while they're down ...

You think they'll bounce back somehow?

beerptrol 06-15-2017 05:26 PM

Let their readers pay for it. They can open a store and sell stuff like Alex Jones.
Funny they had no problem getting paid for ads from elitist corporations before said companies started cracking down on how their money is spent

Matt 26z 06-15-2017 05:48 PM

Right wing websites lose advertisers because left wing snowflakes threaten advertisers with boycotts. This is how they get around that little problem called freedom of speech.

Acepimp 06-15-2017 05:50 PM

More fake News From BladeLIAR!.

You claim Breitbart is "alt-right" and "white nationalist." Goddamn you're gullible.

The fakestream media makes the claim (because they're scared of losing viewers / readers / income.)

That's false Bladewire. Try actually reading Breitbart instead of reading about Breitbart.

Bladewire, please find a "white nationalist" article on Breitbart and post it here, or it's confirmed that you're posting lies..

You can't do it. Quit believing hysterical media propaganda.


Matt 26z 06-15-2017 05:50 PM

These are the kind of people organizing the ad boycotts...

Barry-xlovecam 06-15-2017 05:51 PM


Bladewire 06-15-2017 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21836260)


Rochard 06-15-2017 07:47 PM

Where can I find a list of everyone still supporting them?

I kid you not.... I had a lot of Under Armour shirts for my biking, and I cut them all up, put them in a box, and send them back to Under Armour with a letter stating I will never buy their products again.

TheDynasty 06-15-2017 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21836551)
Where can I find a list of everyone still supporting them?

I kid you not.... I had a lot of Under Armour shirts for my biking, and I cut them all up, put them in a box, and send them back to Under Armour with a letter stating I will never buy their products again.


Bladewire 06-15-2017 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21836551)
Where can I find a list of everyone still supporting them?

Some are in the article.

I agree with beerptrol, if their customers thrive on hate so much they can pay to consume it :2 cents:

ilnjscb 06-15-2017 08:57 PM

They've got plenty of money. They have just a few real journalists and the rest are opinion writers that work for very little.

Acepimp 06-15-2017 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21836581)
Some are in the article.

I agree with beerptrol, if their customers thrive on hate so much they can pay to consume it :2 cents:

Hey Bladewire, you're spewing lies, typical leftist.

How do "their customers thrive on hate?" Please show an example, post an article of theirs here.

Oh wait, the site has nothing like that. Lying-ass liberal lunatic. Prove me wrong,


EonBlue 06-16-2017 06:52 AM

Welcome to fascist America where corporations now get to decide what is and what is not acceptable speech.

This campaign by the left, backed by the media and now corporations, to ostracize an entire segment of the population ultimately leads to repression and atrocity.


beerptrol 06-16-2017 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 21837244)
Welcome to fascist America where corporations now get to decide what is and what is not acceptable speech.

This campaign by the left, backed by the media and now corporations, to ostracize an entire segment of the population ultimately leads to repression and atrocity.


lol shut the fuck up you mental midget!
How dare a corporation be able to decide how and where it's ad money is spent. Sounds like you are a socialist

Put your money where your mouth is and support those sites
Next you are going to bitch how the NAACP should pay for ads on KKK and skin head sites!

EonBlue 06-16-2017 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 21837259)
lol shut the fuck up you mental midget!
How dare a corporation be able to decide how and where it's ad money is spent. Sounds like you are a socialist

Put your money where your mouth is and support those sites
Next you are going to bitch how the NAACP should pay for ads on KKK and skin head sites!

Ya, what ever you say retard. One of the many here that is not even worth addressing.



Grapesoda 06-16-2017 07:12 AM

this limpwire is a perfect example of where you are going, I can't go... being happy because people are not able to keep their jobs and feed their families... really dude?

look in the mirror and you'll see a total piece of shit homey. no joke. :2 cents:

Grapesoda 06-16-2017 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21836551)
Where can I find a list of everyone still supporting them?

I kid you not.... I had a lot of Under Armour shirts for my biking, and I cut them all up, put them in a box, and send them back to Under Armour with a letter stating I will never buy their products again.

cool, they got rid of a problematic, reactionary customer :thumbsup btw don't marines have an oath of fidelity to the USA and president??? fuck that, right marine? you spend ALL day belittling POTUS and the USA... brilliant asshole

nico-t 06-16-2017 07:16 AM

Censorship through "shaming" advertisers is the new low, disgusting, treacherous weapon of the establishment against non-mainstream news.

-> Select non-mainstream news target
-> Select out of context quotes, and select comments from crazy commenters cursing and preferably being racist.
-> Create headline in MSM as if the creators and editors of the site said it themselves.
-> Mention the advertisers in the article or news topic and lay the connection with the companies advertising and some racist commenter or out of context quote.
-> Advertisers get negative press and pull out.

This exact tactic happened in Holland to a website not playing by the rules of the mainstream media's false narratives.
Advertisers didn't pull out though, so JOURNALISTS of old media actually wrote letters to the advertisers! One of these letters was leaked, the content of it said "You're advertising on a site spreading hate" with quotes from COMMENTERS on articles, written in that letter as if the site itself said it! Then it went on like "Do you want to associate yourself with these monsters?"

Remember, this was a big mainstream newspaper who did this! They lie, weasel and snitch, all to destroy the biggest revenue source of the sites they target, to shut them down. This is not only about destroying their competition but for the people behind the mainstream narrative as a whole, where this paper is part of, it is about the annihilation of any truthful reporting going against their propaganda agenda.

The site in question has been a thorn in the side of the establishment for years. They caused the Ukraine referendum going against the EU, they expose fraud and disgusting back room deals our politicians do.

Fortunately for them this tactic didn't work. But in the US where everything is 10 times more PC, where the money advertisers have at stake is a 100 times more and where they have 24 hour "news" channels (thank god we don't have that here), a site and its advertisers really have to be strong to not let it have any effect. It's a truly despicable tactic, censorship fascism 2.0, dirty rats.

crockett 06-16-2017 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 21837244)
Welcome to fascist America where corporations now get to decide what is and what is not acceptable speech.

This campaign by the left, backed by the media and now corporations, to ostracize an entire segment of the population ultimately leads to repression and atrocity.


Hey dildo, it's called the free market. If advertising on a side gives negative returns you stop advertising there.

It's funny you right wingers love to cry free market about everything until it works bad for you.. Then it's always some excuse you can think up to blame the left..

Just stfu already..

EonBlue 06-16-2017 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21837319)
Censorship through "shaming" advertisers is the new low, disgusting, treacherous weapon of the establishment against non-mainstream news.

-> Select non-mainstream news target
-> Select out of context quotes, and select comments from crazy commenters cursing and preferably being racist.
-> Create headline in MSM as if the creators and editors of the site said it themselves.
-> Mention the advertisers in the article or news topic and lay the connection with the companies advertising and some racist commenter or out of context quote.
-> Advertisers get negative press and pull out.

This exact tactic happened in Holland to a website not playing by the rules of the mainstream media's false narratives.
Advertisers didn't pull out though, so JOURNALISTS of old media actually wrote letters to the advertisers! One of these letters was leaked, the content of it said "You're advertising on a site spreading hate" with quotes from COMMENTERS on articles, written in that letter as if the site itself said it! Then it went on like "Do you want to associate yourself with these monsters?"

Remember, this was a big mainstream newspaper who did this! They lie, weasel and snitch, all to destroy the biggest revenue source of the sites they target, to shut them down. This is not only about destroying their competition but for the people behind the mainstream narrative as a whole, where this paper is part of, it is about the annihilation of any truthful reporting going against their propaganda agenda.

The site in question has been a thorn in the side of the establishment for years. They caused the Ukraine referendum going against the EU, they expose fraud and disgusting back room deals our politicians do.

Fortunately for them this tactic didn't work. But in the US where everything is 10 times more PC, where the money advertisers have at stake is a 100 times more and where they have 24 hour "news" channels (thank god we don't have that here), a site and its advertisers really have to be strong to not let it have any effect. It's a truly despicable tactic, censorship fascism 2.0, dirty rats.

^^^ This. But brainwashed minions of the left like crock-of-shit with his fake nicks boreptrol and blabwire don't see it.

They go off on some stupid rant about "right wingers, free market, blah, blah, blah" but they fail to see that it's not really a free market if pressure groups and the media can effectively control where a company advertises by threatening to harm their business if they don't comply with their demands.

They also fail to realize that many corporations are now run by the same kind of retarded leftists that they are. And sure, it is "supposed" to be free market and they are free to advertise where they choose to, but many of these left leaning companies are now using their advertising money to steer the political discourse in the country. That combined with the fact that it is now effectively taboo to advertise on anything seen as even remotely conservative leads to a very one sided environment.

This all leads to group-think and ultimately fascism as the powers trying to direct everyone into the group-think (leftist media, leftist corporations, leftist politicians) start to crack down harder and harder on those resisting. And they now have a compliant and increasingly hateful and violent army of the aforementioned brainwashed minions to go out to boot-stomp the general population for them.

George Orwell's "1984" was a fictional novel but the leftists today are using is as an instruction guide.


Bladewire 06-16-2017 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21837319)
Censorship through "shaming" advertisers is the new low, disgusting, treacherous weapon of the establishment against non-mainstream news.

-> Select non-mainstream news target
-> Select out of context quotes, and select comments from crazy commenters cursing and preferably being racist.
-> Create headline in MSM as if the creators and editors of the site said it themselves.
-> Mention the advertisers in the article or news topic and lay the connection with the companies advertising and some racist commenter or out of context quote.
-> Advertisers get negative press and pull out.

This exact tactic happened in Holland to a website not playing by the rules of the mainstream media's false narratives.
Advertisers didn't pull out though, so JOURNALISTS of old media actually wrote letters to the advertisers! One of these letters was leaked, the content of it said "You're advertising on a site spreading hate" with quotes from COMMENTERS on articles, written in that letter as if the site itself said it! Then it went on like "Do you want to associate yourself with these monsters?"

Remember, this was a big mainstream newspaper who did this! They lie, weasel and snitch, all to destroy the biggest revenue source of the sites they target, to shut them down. This is not only about destroying their competition but for the people behind the mainstream narrative as a whole, where this paper is part of, it is about the annihilation of any truthful reporting going against their propaganda agenda.

The site in question has been a thorn in the side of the establishment for years. They caused the Ukraine referendum going against the EU, they expose fraud and disgusting back room deals our politicians do.

Fortunately for them this tactic didn't work. But in the US where everything is 10 times more PC, where the money advertisers have at stake is a 100 times more and where they have 24 hour "news" channels (thank god we don't have that here), a site and its advertisers really have to be strong to not let it have any effect. It's a truly despicable tactic, censorship fascism 2.0, dirty rats.

Nico-T is a fascist that's angry because advertisers dropped his YouTube channel due to adult toon content.

Now Nico-T feels he has a right to force Americans & American advertisers to support him and force them to support sites & content they don't want to.

Like little bitch baby fascists crying they want to ban together and force people & companies to do everything they want. Fucking unreal! This is just one of the many reasons why the world rejects the fascist white nationalist alt-right nazi movement and why you will never ever, EVER take over the world :2 cents:

beerptrol 06-16-2017 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 21837418)
^^^ This. But brainwashed minions of the left like crock-of-shit with his fake nicks boreptrol and blabwire don't see it.

They go off on some stupid rant about "right wingers, free market, blah, blah, blah" but they fail to see that it's not really a free market if pressure groups and the media can effectively control where a company advertises by threatening to harm their business if they don't comply with their demands.

They also fail to realize that many corporations are now run by the same kind of retarded leftists that they are. And sure, it is "supposed" to be free market and they are free to advertise where they choose to, but many of these left leaning companies are now using their advertising money to steer the political discourse in the country. That combined with the fact that it is now effectively taboo to advertise on anything seen as even remotely conservative leads to a very one sided environment.

This all leads to group-think and ultimately fascism as the powers trying to direct everyone into the group-think (leftist media, leftist corporations, leftist politicians) start to crack down harder and harder on those resisting. And they now have a compliant and increasingly hateful and violent army of the aforementioned brainwashed minions to go out to boot-stomp the general population for them.

George Orwell's "1984" was a fictional novel but the leftists today are using is as an instruction guide.


Go to your safe room cupcake. You're just as brain washed. You don't seem to have any problem when your movement runs over people, but it's all the sudden a problem when it doesn't go your way!

Like I said time to put your money where your mouth is and support those sites. Funny how I don't see companies owned/ran by conservatives rushing in to buy those ad spots, But it's the liberal companies you are focused on!

I don't see chump buying any ads on those sites!

Bladewire 06-16-2017 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 21837418)
^^^ This. But brainwashed minions of the left like crock-of-shit with his fake nicks boreptrol and blabwire don't see it.

They go off on some stupid rant about "right wingers, free market, blah, blah, blah"

Fuck you I'm a verified individual you Nazi piece of shit don't drag me into your fascist nazi bullshit. I'm American, you know, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of the press, etc. unlike your values to shut people up and force corporations to your will you Nazi fascist.

"free market, blah, blah, blah" exactly! Putin takes over companies and makes them Russian state owned, this is what happens in every fascist country, it will never happen in America and Putin isn't putting ads on Nico-T's YouTube channel. You're probably just another one of his ass licking fake nics

I'm so glad American companies aren't supporting Nico-T's YouTube channel and other fascists. If they would have only known how much you pieces of shit hate America and American free speech free choice values :1orglaugh.

This is how fucked in the head Nazis like you & Nico-T are, you want American business & ad revenue yet you want America to fail. You are all fucked in the head! So stupid :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh You're all so broken with your failed global "movement" crying like cucks so fun to watch :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Bladewire 06-16-2017 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 21837310)
this limpwire is a perfect example of where you are going, I can't go... being happy because people are not able to keep their jobs and feed their families... really dude?

look in the mirror and you'll see a total piece of shit homey. no joke. :2 cents:

Fuck off Gaysoda look in the mirror. I don't think about you or post shit about you, I only respond when you constantly do so about me. You can't have political views without name calling & insulting others so unfortunate for you.

Acepimp 06-16-2017 09:08 AM

Well Bladewire? Still waiting for an article from Breitbart that's "white nationalist."

My only question is: Do you intentionally spread lies, or are you so gullible that you get duped all the time and spread lies, believing the fake news is true? Which is it??

Clearly your news sources are engaged in deception. Try getting some fact-based news, such as Breitbart.com, DailyCaller.com, and Infowars.com

You're welcome buddy


Bladewire 06-16-2017 09:18 AM

^^^ Fake nic doesn't know the definition of fascism.


an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization

Acepimp 06-16-2017 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21837613)
^^^ Fake nic doesn't know the definition of fascism.


an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization

More fake news from BladeLIAR

Fascist! Racist! Homophobe! Whaite nationalist!

Bro- when you make wild claims with no evidence, it's clear that YOU are engaged in deception, although you're very bad at it. :1orglaugh

Prove I'm a fake nic, or face ban. :2 cents:

Still waiting for that racist Breitbart article. :1orglaugh


Bladewire 06-16-2017 09:48 AM

^^^ Putin bot here to quash freedom of speech, freedom of choice & capitalism. Your alt-right movement is dead.

EonBlue 06-16-2017 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21837613)
^^^ Fake nic doesn't know the definition of fascism.


an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization

^^^ Fake nic doesn't know propaganda when he sees it.

Of course the leftists that have been running the education system for the past 40 years teach it that way. They constructed it that way as an easy way to smear their political opponents. It's one of the many ways in which they have brainwashed you to the point where all you can do is repeat what the have told you. You sure are a compliant little automaton.

If you honestly believe that fascism is as cut and dry as that then you really haven't been paying attention. Political theory in the world has evolved since you've been induced into your brainwashed coma.



In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the term left fascism has been used to describe unusual hybrid political alliances.[4] Historian Richard Wolin has used the term left fascism in arguing that some European intellectuals have been infatuated with post-modernist or anti-enlightenment theories, opening up the opportunity for cult-like, irrational, anti-democratic positions that combine characteristics of the Left with those of fascism.[5] Bernard-Henri Lévy, a philosopher and journalist, calls this political hybrid neo-progressivism, new barbarism or red fascism. Lévy argues that it is anti-liberal, anti-American, anti-imperialism, anti-Semitic and pro-Islamofascist.[6]


Acepimp 06-16-2017 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21837688)
^^^ Putin bot here to quash freedom of speech, freedom of choice & capitalism. Your alt-right movement is dead.

More wild claims from GayLIAR!

Bladewire, pointing out your lies is not quashing freedom of speech. You post lies daily, then ignore facts when you get called out. You're a delusional libtard. Sorry, free speech! The truth has no bias. :1orglaugh

Hey ERIC, can we please ban this clown Bladewire for making false claims and screaming fake nic all the time??

:2 cents:

Acepimp 06-16-2017 10:58 AM

Hey Bladewire:

Gay Rights Have Made Us Dumber, It?s Time to Get Back in the Closet


nico-t 06-16-2017 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 21837823)
^^^ Fake nic doesn't know propaganda when he sees it.

Of course the leftists that have been running the education system for the past 40 years teach it that way. They constructed it that way as an easy way to smear their political opponents. It's one of the many ways in which they have brainwashed you to the point where all you can do is repeat what the have told you. You sure are a compliant little automaton.

If you honestly believe that fascism is as cut and dry as that then you really haven't been paying attention. Political theory in the world has evolved since you've been induced into your brainwashed coma.



Wow. That quote describes the present leftwing crazies to a t. Everything about it is correct, including being pro Islamofascist. These complete morons even protested against people who were protesting against Sharia law... Sharia law! One of the most dehumanizing barbaric rules in the world today.

We have "feminists", who don't have it bad at all here in the west but they love to lie to themselves, protesting FOR the hijab and burqa... THE symbol of female oppression in the middle east. It's crazy. In Iran women voted for the moderate guy over an islam extremist, because they didn't want to go back to having to wear that thing. You bet that they look at the western world women being pro hijab, and even wearing these symbols of oppression of women while protesting for womens rights, have completely lost it!

Tofu 06-16-2017 02:07 PM


Bladewire 06-16-2017 02:58 PM

Breitbart News, Donald Trumpâ??s Pravda, Is in Crisis

"SimilarWeb, a company that uses Google Analytics to analyze web browsing patterns, found that Breitbart had 128 million total visits in November, but that the number has since dropped to 78 million total visits in April. That is still an amazing feat, one that places Breitbart well above most other news organizations. Yet some in the media wonder whether the high watermark of the site?s relevance was the election in November."


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