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crockett 01-13-2017 07:22 AM

Trump picks the right people....
to fail....as expected, Trump has bashed Hillary endlessly over her hacks and then gives the cyber-tsar job to crony Rudy Giuliani. A guy who is running a 2007 version of Joomla, which is full of holes on his website...

Trump's cyber-guru Giuliani runs ancient 'easily hackable website' • The Register


US president-elect Donald Trump's freshly minted cyber-tsar Rudy Giuliani runs a website with a content management system years out of date and potentially utterly hackable.

Former New York City mayor and Donald loyalist Giuliani was today unveiled by Trump's transition team as the future president's cybersecurity adviser – meaning Giuliani will play a crucial role in the defense of America's computer infrastructure.

Giulianisecurity.com, the website for the ex-mayor's eponymous infosec consultancy firm, is powered by a roughly five-year-old build of Joomla! that is packed with vulnerabilities. Some of those bugs can be potentially exploited by miscreants using basic SQL injection techniques to compromise the server.

This seemingly insecure system also has a surprising number of network ports open – from MySQL and anonymous LDAP to a very out-of-date OpenSSH 4.7 that was released in 2007.

Security gurus are right now tearing strips off Trump's cyber-wizard pick. Top hacker Dan Tentler was first to point out the severely out-of-date Joomla! install.

"It speaks volumes," Tentler told The Register, referring to Giuliani's computer security credentials, or lack of, and fitness for the top post.

"Seventy-year-old luddite autocrats who often brag about not using technology are somehow put in charge of technology: it's like setting our country on fire and giving every extranational hacker a roman candle – or, rather, not setting on fire, but dousing in gasoline."

Content management system developer Michael Fienen also pulled no punches:

continued... Trump's cyber-guru Giuliani runs ancient 'easily hackable website' • The Register

In before the Trumplets make excuses and tell us it's different..Drain the Swap!!! This is why Putin loves Trump, because he's incompetent and surrounds himself with people even more incompetent....

Barry-xlovecam 01-13-2017 07:39 AM

"freshly minted cyber-tsar Rudy Giuliani" could only function as a manager with no practical knowledge to make important policy. Why could this be a good thing? I cannot think of any reason why. This is the epitome of political patronage.

Make him the Ambassador to the Congo or some shit-hole :2 cents:

bronco67 01-13-2017 08:15 AM

Basically Trump picks people who are the opposite of who he should be picking. This just shows there's almost no thought behind what Trump is doing...he's just basically handing out jobs to his cronies like lollipops.

"for sucking my nutsack, you get a lollipop. and you get a lollipop....and you get a lollipop too. Lollipops for all my minions. Have fun fucking up the country while I work on my brand, which is the reason I ran for president but it went too far and holy shit what the fuck am I going to do now I'm in over my head I wonder how bad it would look for me to resign maybe NBC would fire Arnie and put me back on the Apprentice."

2MuchMark 01-13-2017 08:18 AM

Wait, what? Is Rudy Giuliani really picked by Trump to be some kind of Cyber Security guy? How did I miss this?

directfiesta 01-13-2017 08:53 AM

just an overlook .....

He is topnotch on security :thumbsup


The New York Police Department produced a detailed analysis in 1998 opposing plans by the city to locate its emergency command center at the World Trade Center, but the Giuliani administration overrode those objections. The command center later collapsed from damage in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.

“Seven World Trade Center is a poor choice for the site of a crucial command center for the top leadership of the City of New York,” a panel of police experts, which was aided by the Secret Service, concluded in a confidential Police Department memorandum.

The memorandum, which has not been previously disclosed, cited a number of “significant points of vulnerability.” Those included: the building’s public access, the center’s location on the 23rd floor, a 1,200-gallon diesel fuel supply for its generator, a large garage and delivery bays, the building’s history as a terrorist target, and its placement above and adjacent to a Consolidated Edison substation that provided much of the power for Lower Manhattan.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, the mayor then, has acknowledged some police skepticism about the site, but he has described it as resulting from a jurisdictional dispute between police officials and his emergency management director, who had played a role in selecting the site.
back to the swamp ....

NatalieK 01-13-2017 08:57 AM

as said before, Trump's not running office, he's having a school "Tea party".

The guy's mocked by most of the world for his stupidity

Barry-xlovecam 01-13-2017 08:59 AM

Send him to the Congo Trump

Bladewire 01-13-2017 09:04 AM

Oh Giuluani! The guy who went on TV telling everyone "something big" was headed Clinton's way in a couple days via his New York FBI contacts. The loudmouth leaker is the antithesis of security :1orglaugh

Luckily it's a non paid volunteer position with no power.

It's allocated $24 million for expenditures which Giuliani is planning to use to "travel the world to find leading experts and introduce them and their ideas to Trump"

Since Giuliani is the CEO of a cyber security company you can put 2 & 2 together :disgust

Giuliani?s cyber role for Trump could be windfall for his own business - POLITICO

12clicks 01-13-2017 09:22 AM

I can count on GFY to give me the bottom's take on things.

Joshua G 01-13-2017 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 21449170)
I can count on GFY to give me the bottom's take on things.

its their only outlet for their grief, that hilary won by 3 million fake votes, but still lost, because she was so incompetent, arrogant.

like dumb libs themselves.


escorpio 01-13-2017 09:33 AM

It's time for Crockett and Friends!


Rochard 01-13-2017 09:46 AM

Rudy knows NOTHING about cyber security. He doesn't even know how to code a website. Rudy just manages people. And it seems those people have no idea what they are doing with his own website.

Grapesoda 01-13-2017 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21448867)
to fail....as expected, Trump has bashed Hillary endlessly over her hacks and then gives the cyber-tsar job to crony Rudy Giuliani. A guy who is running a 2007 version of Joomla, which is full of holes on his website...

In before the Trumplets make excuses and tell us it's different..Drain the Swap!!! This is why Putin loves Trump, because he's incompetent and surrounds himself with people even more incompetent....

President Obama was not supposed to go out like this. Since the improbable election of Donald Trump, he has been trying to salvage his legacy. After all, what could be a greater repudiation of a progressive Democrat?s presidency than Americans choosing Trump as your successor?

Obama didn?t expect this. He even admitted at one point during the campaign that if Hillary Clinton didn?t win, he would ?consider it a personal insult?an insult to my legacy.? So lately he?s been scrambling, not just to ram through last-minute regulations and executive orders but to convince the country that his presidency has been a success. In his farewell address on Tuesday night, Obama once again laid out his now-familiar litany of achievements: a rescued economy, Obamacare, the international climate change pact, the Iran nuclear deal, rising wages, and so on.

In Obama?s mind, his tenure has been nothing short of unbelievable. ?If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history, if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran?s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, and take out the mastermind of 9/11, if I had told you that we would win marriage equality, and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens?you might have said our sights were set a little too high.? But, he added, ?That?s what we did.? In Obama?s world, ?America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started.?

That?s not how most Americans feel, though. Voters rejected continuity with Obama?s policies in favor of uncertain change, placing power in the hands not just of a political novice, but a man of questionable judgment and temper. That?s how much Americans disagree that Obama?s time in the White House has been a success. It is a sobering indictment, even if Obama appeared to be unaware of it Tuesday night.

Obama?s Style of Governance Grew From Hubris

This indictment is made worse by how high the expectations were for Obama?s presidency when he took office in 2009. His supporters were optimistic, even ebullient, despite the worst economic recession since the 1930s and Obama?s inexperience. Obama was likewise optimistic. In his inaugural address, he spoke in lofty tones of choosing ?hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.? He proclaimed ?an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.?

Obama would be a ?post-partisan? president, his administration would herald a new era of transparency and honest dealing in government, and together we would transcend our differences. It was a new era, he said, and ?the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.?

So much for all that. Obama?s presidency proved instead to be a time of intense rancor and discord, worsening racial enmity, eroding trust in government, and a national public life marked by petty grievances, false promises, and endless recriminations. He leaves behind a polarized America, a Middle East in flames, an unstable international order, and a Republican-controlled Congress and incoming president who have staked their reputations on dismantling every signature achievement of his presidency.

The ?pen-and-phone? strategy he announced in 2014, rejecting bipartisan compromise with Congress, was predicated on a Democratic successor who would preserve his executive decrees and regulations. Instead of building support for major initiatives, Obama governed under the assumption that Democrats had achieved a permanent majority.

Indeed, his entire approach to governance belied a conceit that the major questions of policy had been settled. From health care to climate change to financial regulation, the question was not whether the federal government should take action, but what the details should look like. As Obama said Tuesday night, ?We can argue about how best to achieve these goals, but we can?t be complacent about the goals themselves.?

Obama was uninterested in debate, still less in persuasion. If you didn?t agree, you were on the wrong side of history. In this, Obama helped shape the dominant ethos of the Democratic Party, which was also the basis of Clinton?s campaign: we are on the winning side. The ?deplorables? who support Trump, who aren?t on board with the progressive agenda, are ?irredeemable.? Why bother reaching out to them? Why compromise, when victory is certain?

Thus the shock of Trump?s victory. In his speech Tuesday night, Obama could not even conjure the grace to wish Trump success?something even Jimmy Carter managed to do. Carter pledged to support Ronald Reagan ?to the very limits of conscience and conviction,? and wished him ?success and Godspeed.? Obama could not do this, because success for Trump will mean dismantling everything Obama tried to build.

Obama?s Lasting Legacy Will Be War

If Obama?s domestic legacy is evanescent, his enduring legacy will be in foreign policy. In 2008, Obama promised to ?restore our moral standing? in the world, by which he meant that America would retreat from the international stage to ?focus on nation-building here at home.?

In practice, that meant abandoning the Middle East and allowing ISIS to rise from the ashes of Iraq. Obama was elected on nothing so much as a desire among Americans to be done with that part of the world, and Obama had an idea how to do it: elevate Iran as a regional hegemon to replace America.

That?s why he pursued the Iran nuclear deal. The price he was willing to pay is that the regime in Tehran could have nuclear weapons within the next decade, if not sooner. The mullahs know this, and it has emboldened them. (Just this week, Iranian naval vessels made a simulated attack run at a U.S. destroyer, which opened fire in response.)

The story is much the same all over the world: American retreat is emboldening our adversaries. Russian aggression has grown to the point that Moscow launched an ?active measures? campaign to disrupt our presidential election, even as it pursues revanchist aims in Eastern Europe and an irregular military conflict in Ukraine that has left more than 10,000 dead. Nearly a half-million have perished in Syria?s civil war, thanks in large part to Obama?s refusal to intervene. Iraq, left to its own devices when Obama pulled out American troops in 2011, has proven unable to defeat ISIS. An irredentist China is installing military bases on man-made islands in the South China Sea, forcing a strategic realignment along the Asia Pacific.

All of which to say, on the eve of Obama?s departure from office the world is more unstable, and a major conflict more likely, than at any time since the Cold War. This was not inevitable; it was the result of conscious choices by Obama and his inner circle. In assessing his likely place in American history, it calls to mind James Buchanan, perhaps our worst president ever. In one of his last public addresses before leaving office, Buchanan laid out the reasons for his inaction following the secession of South Carolina. On January 8, 1861, he gave a speech about the ?threats to the peace and existence of the Union??a bit of a euphemism, since South Carolina had seceded weeks earlier, and the Union had in fact already ceased to exist.

Buchanan?s approach to national security in this moment of ultimate crisis was much the same as Obama?s approach to foreign policy: he determined to do nothing, hoping for a ?peaceful solution of the questions at issue between the North and South.? Buchanan refused even to send reinforcements to Fort Sumter, ?lest it might unjustly be regarded as a menace of military coercion, and thus furnish, if not a provocation, at least a pretext for an outbreak on the part of South Carolina. No necessity for these reinforcements seemed to exist.?

The next day, Mississippi seceded. The day after that, Florida. Before the month was out, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana would secede, followed by Texas on February 1. Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter on April 12, and war was joined between North and South.

If Obama has a legacy that will endure, it will be a major war. Not a civil war of the kind Buchanan helped provoke, but a global conflict made possible by America?s retreat from the world?a retreat that Obama pursued for the sake of a domestic agenda that belongs to the wind.

-other than teeing off WWIII, the only thing I see that Obama has done is make a man woman of the year :2 cents:

bronco67 01-13-2017 10:36 AM


If you're going to rip tspeech off whatever conservative rag you cruise, at least have the decency to quote the original asshole who wrote this. An asshole who is much more adept at structuring sentences than you are, but still an asshole.

You guys truly have a distorted prism you see the world through.

escorpio 01-13-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21449407)

If you're going to rip tspeech off whatever conservative rag you cruise, at least have the decency to quote the original asshole who wrote this. An asshole who is much more adept at structuring sentences than you are, but still an asshole.

You guys truly have a distorted prism you see the world through.

Any constructive rebuttal to the article or can you only spew "asshole" when confronted with the irrefutable truth?

Robbie 01-13-2017 10:58 AM

Love this hypocrisy!

Rudy was the beloved "America's Mayor" after 9-11.
Liberal media were falling all over themselves about how great he was and how he led New York through the worst terror attack in history and how he helped pull the nation together by his strength blah-blah-blah

I didn't buy that shit then. He was the guy who fucked up Times Square and made it into a family friendly Disneyland (I preferred it as a sleazy street full of hookers and porn theaters)

But yeah...he was King Shit to CNN and MSNBC and CBS, NBC, ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times...

AND THEN...he supported Trump. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

So now, of course...he is EVIL!

The media and the sheeple who react like zombies are just ridiculous.

Rudy was the same guy after 9-11 that he was before 9-11. And he's the same guy he was before he endorsed Trump as he is after he endorsed Trump.

Same as Trump himself.
The media LOVED the guy for 30 years.
And THEN he ran for President as a Republican.

You can basically insert any name into that tired old formula that the media uses to destroy people

McCain...remember? The media LOVED the guy. He was the "Maverick" and the only Republican who was "good".
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
The media tore him to shreds and made him out to be a monster.

Or Romney? Same thing. He was the "adult in the room" for the Republicans. He was the sane one. The decent human being.
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
Suddenly he was anti-gay, a bully in college, an abuser of animals...you name it, Romney did it...as long as it was EVIL.

And then after McCain and Romney lost?
Well then the liberal media loves them again!

Isn't that nice how that works?

Barry-xlovecam 01-13-2017 11:06 AM

Look-- so far Trump has only made one wise choice of Ret. General Mad Dog Mattis -- the rest are marginally qualified.

This is not a joke.

Trump was ''forced'' to choose Pence and Sessions so he could deal with a Congress Trump knows little about. Trump is like a little kid with a box of Legos when it comes to governing.

bronco67 01-13-2017 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by escorpio (Post 21449437)
Any constructive rebuttal to the article or can you only spew "asshole" when confronted with the irrefutable truth?

You guys seem to have your own truth...

Like how the country is so much worse off after the clean up of the Bush mess. You've created your own alternate reality in which the US is a dystopian hellscape brought about by liberal policies. You can feed yourselves those lies as much as you want if it makes you feel better.

ruff 01-13-2017 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21449488)
Love this hypocrisy!

Rudy was the beloved "America's Mayor" after 9-11.
Liberal media were falling all over themselves about how great he was and how he led New York through the worst terror attack in history and how he helped pull the nation together by his strength blah-blah-blah

I didn't buy that shit then. He was the guy who fucked up Times Square and made it into a family friendly Disneyland (I preferred it as a sleazy street full of hookers and porn theaters)

But yeah...he was King Shit to CNN and MSNBC and CBS, NBC, ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times...

AND THEN...he supported Trump. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

So now, of course...he is EVIL!

The media and the sheeple who react like zombies are just ridiculous.

Rudy was the same guy after 9-11 that he was before 9-11. And he's the same guy he was before he endorsed Trump as he is after he endorsed Trump.

Same as Trump himself.
The media LOVED the guy for 30 years.
And THEN he ran for President as a Republican.

You can basically insert any name into that tired old formula that the media uses to destroy people

McCain...remember? The media LOVED the guy. He was the "Maverick" and the only Republican who was "good".
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
The media tore him to shreds and made him out to be a monster.

Or Romney? Same thing. He was the "adult in the room" for the Republicans. He was the sane one. The decent human being.
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
Suddenly he was anti-gay, a bully in college, an abuser of animals...you name it, Romney did it...as long as it was EVIL.

And then after McCain and Romney lost?
Well then the liberal media loves them again!

Isn't that nice how that works?

Are you kidding? Have you heard a word said by Guiliani over the past few years? He is completely off the rails. Unfuckingbelievable.

crockett 01-13-2017 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21449488)
Love this hypocrisy!

Rudy was the beloved "America's Mayor" after 9-11.
Liberal media were falling all over themselves about how great he was and how he led New York through the worst terror attack in history and how he helped pull the nation together by his strength blah-blah-blah

I didn't buy that shit then. He was the guy who fucked up Times Square and made it into a family friendly Disneyland (I preferred it as a sleazy street full of hookers and porn theaters)

But yeah...he was King Shit to CNN and MSNBC and CBS, NBC, ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times...

AND THEN...he supported Trump. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

So now, of course...he is EVIL!

The media and the sheeple who react like zombies are just ridiculous.

Rudy was the same guy after 9-11 that he was before 9-11. And he's the same guy he was before he endorsed Trump as he is after he endorsed Trump.

Same as Trump himself.
The media LOVED the guy for 30 years.
And THEN he ran for President as a Republican.

You can basically insert any name into that tired old formula that the media uses to destroy people

McCain...remember? The media LOVED the guy. He was the "Maverick" and the only Republican who was "good".
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
The media tore him to shreds and made him out to be a monster.

Or Romney? Same thing. He was the "adult in the room" for the Republicans. He was the sane one. The decent human being.
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
Suddenly he was anti-gay, a bully in college, an abuser of animals...you name it, Romney did it...as long as it was EVIL.

And then after McCain and Romney lost?
Well then the liberal media loves them again!

Isn't that nice how that works?

Yes Robbie, Rudy was a Mayor of NY.. Great.. was he a cyber security expert? NO?

Oh I guess that makes him unqualified right? No not in your mind because he was "popular".. Rah, rah go team!!!

Perhaps make him the press security if Trump feels the need to give his crony a job... The cyber czar? to a guy that is running a 2007 version of Joomla on his own website?

Seriously Robbie you are nothing but a partisan hack. You bitch endlessly about Obama & Hillary and you do nothing but make excuses for this sort of incompetence.

Bladewire 01-13-2017 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21449509)
Look-- so far Trump has only made one wise choice of Ret. General Mad Dog Mattis -- the rest are marginally qualified.

This is not a joke.

Trump was ''forced'' to choose Pence and Sessions so he could deal with a Congress Trump knows little about. Trump is like a little kid with a box of Legos when it comes to governing.

The little born rich kid Trump is gonna get tired of his toys real quick :1orglaugh

You know he's worked the hardest in his life this last month and he's not even POTDS yet :1orglaugh He's gonna be misserable, if he isn't already.

crockett 01-13-2017 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21449587)
The little born rich kid Trump is gonna get tired of his toys real quick :1orglaugh

You know he's worked the hardest in his life this last month and he's not even POTDS yet :1orglaugh He's gonna be misserable, if he isn't already.

Notice the difference in the last several US presidents..

Bill Clinton, Obama came from average middle class families and worked their way up the ladder.

Bush Jr, Trump were entitled spoiled brats who made their way thanks to their rich daddies.

Meanwhile Republicans tell us "liberals" are entitled and Republicans are for the working people.. You just can't make up the dumb which is the right wing. They literally believe anything they are told by their sheep herders.

candyflip 01-13-2017 12:55 PM

The site is offline. :1orglaugh

Bladewire 01-13-2017 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21449488)
Love this hypocrisy!

Rudy was the beloved "America's Mayor" after 9-11.
Liberal media were falling all over themselves about how great he was and how he led New York through the worst terror attack in history and how he helped pull the nation together by his strength blah-blah-blah

I didn't buy that shit then. He was the guy who fucked up Times Square and made it into a family friendly Disneyland (I preferred it as a sleazy street full of hookers and porn theaters)

But yeah...he was King Shit to CNN and MSNBC and CBS, NBC, ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times...

AND THEN...he supported Trump. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

So now, of course...he is EVIL!

The media and the sheeple who react like zombies are just ridiculous.

Rudy was the same guy after 9-11 that he was before 9-11. And he's the same guy he was before he endorsed Trump as he is after he endorsed Trump.

Same as Trump himself.
The media LOVED the guy for 30 years.
And THEN he ran for President as a Republican.

You can basically insert any name into that tired old formula that the media uses to destroy people

McCain...remember? The media LOVED the guy. He was the "Maverick" and the only Republican who was "good".
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
The media tore him to shreds and made him out to be a monster.

Or Romney? Same thing. He was the "adult in the room" for the Republicans. He was the sane one. The decent human being.
And THEN he ran for President against Obama.
Suddenly he was anti-gay, a bully in college, an abuser of animals...you name it, Romney did it...as long as it was EVIL.

And then after McCain and Romney lost?
Well then the liberal media loves them again!

Isn't that nice how that works?

Robbie you have clear signs of Republican victimization syndrome.

Giulani is not evil. He's a 72 year old man that did a short stint as an attorney then spent his life as a carreer politician. Now, miraculously he's a cyber security expert that needs to travel the world for the president.

Think about it Robbie, and be honest with youself, call it what it is, be honest :2 cents:

crockett 01-13-2017 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by candyflip (Post 21449758)
The site is offline. :1orglaugh

HAHA I knew it wouldn't take long...

crockett 01-13-2017 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 21449170)
I can count on GFY to give me the bottom's take on things.

Usually, you getting to the bottom of things means you fell off the roof again. This seems to be an improvement.. Well Done!

Robbie 01-13-2017 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 21449569)
Are you kidding? Have you heard a word said by Guiliani over the past few years? He is completely off the rails. Unfuckingbelievable.

I agree. That was my point. He has always been the same person and acted the same way ever since he was the DA in NY
The media put him on a pedestal after 9-11. Now they are painting him as "bad".
Nothing changed except the media's perception of him.
It's pure hypocrisy

Bladewire 01-13-2017 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21449905)
I agree. That was my point. He has always been the same person and acted the same way ever since he was the DA in NY
The media put him on a pedestal after 9-11. Now they are painting him as "bad".
Nothing changed except the media's perception of him.
It's pure hypocrisy

The world isn't black and white Robbie. Nobody is saying Giuliani is evil, anywhere, in any media. Your media must be telling you that, why would they do that?

Robbie you're playing the republican victim game again. Giuliani is a 72 year old career New York politician.

flashfire 01-13-2017 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21449509)
Look-- so far Trump has only made one wise choice of Ret. General Mad Dog Mattis -- the rest are marginally qualified.

This is not a joke.

Trump was ''forced'' to choose Pence and Sessions so he could deal with a Congress Trump knows little about. Trump is like a little kid with a box of Legos when it comes to governing.

And the General disagrees with pretty much everything Trump has said over the last year lol

romeo22 01-13-2017 02:31 PM

There wss a hack on the election system by the Russian

bronco67 01-13-2017 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21449905)
I agree. That was my point. He has always been the same person and acted the same way ever since he was the DA in NY
The media put him on a pedestal after 9-11. Now they are painting him as "bad".
Nothing changed except the media's perception of him.
It's pure hypocrisy

No...he's different. Your perception that he's always acted like a professional dickhead is what's wrong.

crockett 01-13-2017 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21449014)
Basically Trump picks people who are the opposite of who he should be picking. This just shows there's almost no thought behind what Trump is doing...he's just basically handing out jobs to his cronies like lollipops.

"for sucking my nutsack, you get a lollipop. and you get a lollipop....and you get a lollipop too. Lollipops for all my minions. Have fun fucking up the country while I work on my brand, which is the reason I ran for president but it went too far and holy shit what the fuck am I going to do now I'm in over my head I wonder how bad it would look for me to resign maybe NBC would fire Arnie and put me back on the Apprentice."

I pretty much think the only reason Trump ran for president is so he could try his damnest to get his face on a piece of money.

He is just that full of himself to try it.

TheSquealer 01-13-2017 03:42 PM

This place really has became a self help grief counseling center for Democrats. A dozen dickheads frantically singing the same old song day in and day out - as a coping strategy.

Funny stuff.

kane 01-13-2017 03:43 PM

I also love how he picked Rick Perry to be Secretary of Energy. Perry failed a science class in college and was average at best in the other science classes he took. Obama had Dr. Chu, a Nobel Prize winning physicist and Dr. Moniz, a professor at MIT and former Associate Director of Science under Bill Clinton.

One of these is not like the others.

bronco67 01-13-2017 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 21450109)
I also love how he picked Rick Perry to be Secretary of Energy. Perry failed a science class in college and was average at best in the other science classes he took. Obama had Dr. Chu, a Nobel Prize winning physicist and Dr. Moniz, a professor at MIT and former Associate Director of Science under Bill Clinton.

One of these is not like the others.

Or how about Ben Carson to be in charge of Housing and Urban Development? His qualification is that he's a black guy who grew up in the "inner city"???? Flying on a jumbo jet 500 times doesn't make you a jet mechanic.

crockett 01-13-2017 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21450106)
This place really has became a self help grief counseling center for Democrats. A dozen dickheads frantically singing the same old song day in and day out - as a coping strategy.

Funny stuff.

Quit your crying, we are just getting our fun payback in for 8 years of daily whining from you guys about Obama.. I mean for fucks sake the meme "Thanks Obama" was because you guys whined so fucking much and still conservatards are whining about Obama & Hillary..

but now "dats different"

BTW do you seriously see nothing at all wrong with Trump appointing all these guys with conflicts of interest or zero experience? You guys went ape shit claiming Obama had no experience his first term, but now no experience is ok because it's Trump? Literally the only reason some of these guys got the job is because they ass kissed Trump..

ruff 01-13-2017 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21450106)
This place really has became a self help grief counseling center for Democrats. A dozen dickheads frantically singing the same old song day in and day out - as a coping strategy.

Funny stuff.

The funny stuff is going to be happening in the next few months when things start going to shit, then we will hear the neocons whining that it's Obama's fault, like they've been doing the past 8 years. Yawn. The trouble is you think the Republicans have a political agenda. They don't, they have a social agenda. They want us to act and do they way they think we should, while giving themselves big tax breaks and giving us a dry assfucking. Yummy.:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

TheSquealer 01-13-2017 06:20 PM

Haha... laughing at you guys = "crying".. thats just weak.

And of course, Trump is just a distraction from the fact that Democrats were voted out of state governments and out of the House and Senate and White House... but yeah "Trump"... that's your problem. Trump. Couldn't possibly be the voting public that didn't like what they saw over the last 8 years. It can only be (in your minds) that FoxNews and brainwashed people or that people are crazy. By the way, how many counties across the nation that were owned by Obama flipped for Trump? 220?? Something like that. Er... wait, are we not talking about that?

"those guys"

etc etc etc

You are nothing more than the other side of the same retarded Democrat/Republican coin who put forth an equally fucked up candidate who wasn't even trusted by her own base and who ran a shitty campaing. But yeah...Trump.

TheSquealer 01-13-2017 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21450232)
Quit your crying, we are just getting our fun payback in for 8 years of daily whining from you guys about Obama.. I mean for fucks sake the meme "Thanks Obama" was because you guys whined so fucking much and still conservatards are whining about Obama & Hillary..

You're full of shit. You've been starting 10 fucking threads a day about "republicans" for many years. Now you're starting 10 Trump threads a day. Nothing about what you're doing now is any different than what you've been doing for years.

You're a lunatic who can't see past his own nose and when you get called out on your idiotic, one sided and obviously biased remarks, you then fall back to "i'm just trolling republicans". I barely post it... whereas, it seems thats all you do.... AND you only post about one thing, like a mindless robot running a looped program that is incapable of independent thought and who falls back on the same canned arguments as to why the "other guys" are so flawed and cant see the light, which usually describe you perfectly

Bladewire 01-13-2017 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21450106)
This place really has became a self help grief counseling center for Democrats. A dozen dickheads frantically singing the same old song day in and day out - as a coping strategy.

Funny stuff.

Why you come in here waving your dick around like this? I don't get it :disgust

crockett 01-13-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21450436)
You're full of shit. You've been starting 10 fucking threads a day about "republicans" for many years. You're a lunatic who can't see past his own nose and when you get called out on your idiotic, one sided and obviously biased remarks, you then fall back to "i'm just trolling republicans". I barely post it... whereas, it seems thats all you do.... AND you only post about one thing.

LOL you're insane.. in normal circumstances I might start a topic or 2 a week. However it's just far to fucking easy to make you tools rage right now. Look at you right now.. :1orglaugh

crockett 01-13-2017 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21450448)
Why you come in here waving your dick around like this? I don't get it :disgust

because it's different when they do it! They are justified, because liberals!

ruff 01-13-2017 08:03 PM

Well we will just wait and see how your buddy Trump does. I'm sure you and your friends will be lining up to kiss his ring as soon as you can. By the way, it was the sub-cretins that carried the Republicans into office. Trump has already started fucking them, they just don't know it. And those jobs Trump promised? Were they for rocket scientists or Amazon box packers? A nation of minimum wage middle class, we're going to be great! Yippee Ki Yay!

ufotestpilot 01-13-2017 08:48 PM

Trump picks the right people??? Like his son in law?
wtf r u on dude?

xXXtesy10 01-13-2017 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by escorpio (Post 21449191)
It's time for Crockett and Friends!



SilentKnight 01-13-2017 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21449110)
The guy's mocked by most of the world for his stupidity

Well...whaddya' know.

Gary shares a commonality with the Prez-elect. :thumbsup

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