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Kenny B! 07-25-2014 11:51 AM

Paysites? Make yours pay!
Hey everyone,
Our primary focus since launching our first site in August 1999 has been in the paysite realm. I?ll use this opportunity to discuss various ways paysite owners can put more money in their pockets.

Know Your Niche
The amount of niches out there are mind boggling. For the purposes of this article let?s assume your site focuses on a specific niche or even somewhat micro niche, but not quite as obscure as hairy midget amputees.

The consumer willing to pay for niche specific content knows what is authentic and what isn?t, so you better know it too. That isn?t to say if feet don?t get you off to never do anything in the foot fetish space, but for god sakes know the difference between nice and gnarly.

Limiting your niche also limits your audience. Thankfully the interweb is a big place and there are lots of eyeballs looking for all kinds of crazy stuff. If your paysite focuses on micro-niche content, members will stick around for as long as you provide them with the type of content they crave. The minute you stop, so will the re-bills. Which is why solo girl pregnant sites will convert great, but don?t expect to retain your members for too long.

I used those micro niches as examples, the same holds true for more general categories as well, regardless if the content is exclusive or not?. Know your niche!

Content - The meat and potatoes of any paysite.
One of the most frequent questions I get asked pertains to exclusive content, is worth the cost?

Just like everything in life you get what you pay for, the same goes for content. If you aren?t showing potential customers something they haven?t seen elsewhere you aren?t giving them a reason to join.

For performers staring in their own content, the cost is relatively cheap. For producers creating custom content the cost can vary dramatically. One thing holds true for both types of production, if you?re shooting it then you?re the only one who has it? Until someone uploads it to tubes and torrents, but that?s a whole different topic;-)

Creating content is an investment, one of the biggest advantages is it?s a onetime cost. If 10 people join your site or 10,000 join the cost of that scene is the same. There are many other avenues to monetize on your exclusive content, selling it through the multiple VOD outlets, clip stores , DVD distribution and reselling it as non-exclusive down the road. But this article is about paysites so I?ll try and stay on topic.

With the plethora of cheap, non-exclusive, content packages out there it makes it cheap and easy to launch a site with 100?s if not 1000?s of videos. Thing is, it?s cheap for a reason. You aren?t setting yourself apart from the others that are doing the exact same thing with the exact same content. That said, I buy many non-exclusive content packages, it makes for great bonus content and allows me to update my members areas daily helping with retention.

Just make sure your tour focuses on the exclusive content:-)

Odds are what was posted above isn?t anything new to the bulk of the people reading this. You know your niche, shoot some great content, launched your site and now want to know how to make more money from it.

Aside from more traffic, as that?s a whole other educational series, I want to share some tips that will help you from leaving money on the table with your existing traffic and member base.

Now They See It, Wait Maybe They Don?t!
We work day in and day out using desktop or laptops, we design our sites and test them using these devices. The thing is, more and more surfers are using their phones and tablets to look at porn, the mobility makes for a much more private viewing experience. How does your site look on these other devices?

Thankfully most modern tablets and phones are mini computers and display standard sites quite well, but if you don?t have a responsive design that formats itself to the users screen size than you?re losing potential business. Redesigning your site to today?s standards is a must, it?s all about ease of access and your content must be viewable and site easy to navigate.

Having high-rez pics and HD video is great, unless someone is on their mobile device. Having your content display responsively is also important. The latest JW player adapts to the users device and ensures your videos play on all devices, it?s a great solution for your streaming needs.

Remember it?s not just your tours, make sure your join form is legible and simple fill out on a phone as well.

Take My Money? Please!
You work hard to get the surfer to click that ?Join Now? link, make sure you have a way to take the money they want to give you!

Even though the bulk of consumers use a credit card to join a site, there are many other options that you can use to increase joins and the bottom line.

For North American traffic ACH is one of the most popular alternate payment methods, it allows users to join by using their checking account. The downside to ACH is it can sometimes take a couple days for the payment to clear, if you give the user instant access they may get it for free if the funds aren?t available. On the plus side, ACH customers rebill for far longer, people are less likely to check their bank statements as they do their credit card statements.

It?s a big world and there are many alternative payment methods available to monetize on traffic from around the globe. By using geo-targeting you can display country specific payment methods to monetize in places that don?t use credit cards as frequently as those of us in North America.

When it comes to credit cards, not all transactions are treated equally. Just because a user is denied by one processor, doesn?t always mean the card is bad, cascading the client to a secondary processor can often save the sale. It?s for this reason having multiple credit card processing solutions is important. Having your own merchant account will also lower costs and increase throughput, but most of the facilitators of these merchant accounts require a minimum monthly volume.

One of the newest players in the alternative payments sector allows users to join using gift cards from just about any large retailer. I happen to love when someone comes up with something completely different and that?s exactly what this company has done.

I haven?t mentioned any specific billing companies as to not play favorites but feel free to contact me if you want more information in the providers we use and are happy with.

Updates Aren?t Just For Members
I see it often and have been guilty of it myself, having a static tour that doesn?t update alongside the members area. Anytime content is added to the members? area, something should be added to the tour and blog, otherwise your site looks like its stagnant. Returning potential clients may check back once or twice, with nothing new to see the odds of them coming back a 3rd time or joining drops dramatically.

Adding a sample of your updates to the tour also gives you the opportunity to add keyword rich descriptions which is great if you have pornstars featured on your sites.

If you are using cheaper non-exclusive content as filler, make sure the image you chose for your tour isn?t one that is seen on every ex-gf tour out there. I see some of the same models, or even the same pose used over and over, it drives me crazy.

Giving surfers a reason to come back increases the odds converting them to a member, it?s that simple!

Get Social, Communicate!
Ever get the feeling someone is following you? If not then you better do something about it.

With the plethora of social networking avenues available, getting in front of someone?s face has never been easier. For the more mainstream social platforms that don?t allow adult you?ll have to be creative and less in your face with the content you upload. Choose your efforts wisely, trying to promote your new PissSlaveGagGape.com site through facebook and Instagram isn?t the best use of your time as your profiles will get deleted rather quickly.

Twitter is a fantastic tool to inform your fans of new updates and promotions. Most people check twitter on their phone, so if your site isn?t mobile friendly you?re losing out.
There are tools out there like Hootsuite that will help you manage all of your social media accounts through one dashboard, saving you time and making your life easier.

E-mail marketing has gotten a bad rap over the years but it works if done properly. Having email collection boxes on your site to send out monthly newsletters is a great thing, just make sure you send a confirmation (double opt-in) and keep your list clean. Sending e-mails that go straight to the spam/junk folder is a waste of time and effort.

Emailing ex-members with win back offers also works exceptionally well, if done somewhat infrequently. Remember, it?s only a special if it?s special.

We have found e-mailing expired members within a week of their expiration asking them for their feedback on the site is a great way of opening the lines of communication.

There are a few 3rd party e-mail solutions where a company will mail your ex-members win back offers for you, as well as mail their site offers to your ex-members with your affiliate code, giving you a % of any sales. We found this type of solution works at first but the oversaturation of emails killed our lists rather quickly.

Not to sound repetitive but most people check their mail on their phones, so if your site doesn?t work properly on mobile you are losing out.

DamianJ has a few great tutorials on e-mail marketing, I suggest reviewing those.


Kenny B! 07-25-2014 11:52 AM

The Cinema Scenario
The concept here is; the price of admission is just that, the price of admission. Movie theaters make more money from popcorn, drinks, video games and all the other crap they sell than from the take at the door. Your members area should be no different, after all you have the attention and trust of a qualified buyer, make the most out of it!

Live cam upsells can increase your revenue substantially, after all there is no limit to what someone can spend on cam shows and tips. Many of the live cam providers also have one click solutions making it that much easier to convert watchers into buyers. We work with many great live cam companies, feel free to contact me if you?re looking for a reputable company to work with.

Dating is another way of making an extra few bucks per member, you won?t get the same results as you?ll see from landing a whale live cam spender but it can increase your profit per member.

Cross promotion of other sites in similar niches. Having links to other sites your member may be interested in means you can make an ongoing % of the income as an affiliate of the other site. It also means getting a link back to you from the site you?re promoting and seeing some joins in return.

Some people think ?why would I send my members elsewhere?? Fact is a member that will stay around, will do so regardless, members who get their fill and leave will join another site, why shouldn?t you get a piece of that action?

Toys and more ? We have never had much luck selling tangible products through our general niche member areas, and had marginal success with fetish oriented sites. But it costs nothing to throw a link to a white label site and see the results for yourself.

Selling Space ? Member traffic is the highest quality around, there are plenty of people willing to buy spots in your members area. Many of these deals are pre-paid or pay per click, guaranteeing you income.

Definition of Insanity
?Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? While I agree with this I think the definition of insanity is; manually doing similar things over and over when it could be automated. This is where a proper CMS (Content Management System) comes into play. Time is money and if you?re short on either or both of those then you need to get a CMS that will free up your time so you can focus on building your business.
There are many solutions when it comes to a CMS there is no one size fits all out there, no matter what their sales pitch says:-) Since your needs may differ from ours I cannot recommend one CMS that is better than any other, besides I?m not here to promote any products.

We use a custom built in house solution to suit our needs, if anyone would like to discuss what software paid or free might best suit them feel free to hit me up.

The End! Well kinda...
Little things can make a big difference to the bottom line. I hope this article helps those of you with paysites and anyone looking to start one.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your site and how you can make more from it, feel free to contact me.

About the Author:
I started in 1999 with amateur sites, travelling to swinger parties having fun and shooting content. Over the years we stayed the course in the paysite field but found our talents were more suited towards the tech, marketing, support, admin, basically the business side of things. We now focus on making strategic partnerships (or acquisitions) with producers, models and site owners, where we each bring our strengths to the table to create a mutually beneficial arrangement.

fitzmulti 07-25-2014 07:54 PM

Great read! Thanks, Kenny!

Roald 07-25-2014 11:37 PM

Thanks Kenny

brassmonkey 07-25-2014 11:40 PM

can i have one free?

Relentless 07-26-2014 02:57 AM

Thanks Kenny. Good info and lots of useful reminders.

myjah 07-28-2014 07:10 PM

Great article Kenny - you really put a great deal of time and effort into this and it shows. Very much appreciated! :thumbsup

The Porn Nerd 07-28-2014 07:21 PM

I disagree with every single point you made. :D
Just kidding - great read! And thanks!!

cybermike 07-28-2014 07:44 PM

Nice post kenny.. one issue I have had is trying to figure out onclick cam upselling with ccbill.. no nats or anything.. I guess I need a programmer?

fuzebox 07-28-2014 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by cybermike (Post 20174046)
Nice post kenny.. one issue I have had is trying to figure out onclick cam upselling with ccbill.. no nats or anything.. I guess I need a programmer?


AmeliaG 07-29-2014 02:20 AM

Cool post, Kenny! :thumbsup

rastan 07-29-2014 04:07 AM

Thanks Kenny, timely reminders to do those small things you've put on the back burner!

arock10 07-29-2014 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by cybermike (Post 20174046)
Nice post kenny.. one issue I have had is trying to figure out onclick cam upselling with ccbill.. no nats or anything.. I guess I need a programmer?

Or an army of robots

Jman 07-29-2014 05:33 AM

Thanks for sharing this my friend ;)

trevesty 07-29-2014 07:41 AM

Great article!

LeRoy 07-29-2014 10:34 AM

Great article Kenny! Thanks for posting :)

Mickey_ 07-29-2014 10:38 AM

Quality article Kenny. :thumbsup :thumbsup

Kenny B! 07-29-2014 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by cybermike (Post 20174046)
Nice post kenny.. one issue I have had is trying to figure out onclick cam upselling with ccbill.. no nats or anything.. I guess I need a programmer?

No programmer needed, hit up Kimi at Video Secrets kimi at flirt4free.com and she'll hook you up:thumbsup

Kenny B! 07-29-2014 01:07 PM

Very happy you guys took the time to read it, means a lot!

Morgan 07-29-2014 01:17 PM

Right on Kenny!!

Doug of Montreal 07-29-2014 01:31 PM

Kenny be the man! Thanks for taking the time. May you and all your latest acquisitions lead to a bigger and brighter tomorrow ;)

Nicky 07-30-2014 03:12 AM

Nice read Kenny :thumbsup

Dirty D 07-30-2014 05:25 AM

Anyone running paysites should read this TWICE :)
Very good info Kenny!

I agree with ALL the points Kenny made.
It is very important to seek more revenue than just "Joins"

Dirty D has always enjoyed multiple income streams :)

Ruseful 07-30-2014 01:11 PM

Great article Kenny. Will be hitting you up about the store cards

Marialovesporn 07-30-2014 02:55 PM

Great article.

Karlstorm 11-18-2014 09:26 AM

Nice read, thanks for sharing.

silviustr 12-12-2014 02:07 AM

Very interesting reading and thank you.

bella.franceska 12-12-2014 02:08 AM

Cool read!

miss.ralu 12-12-2014 02:34 AM

Wow, this is fucking fantastic:D

parleal 12-12-2014 02:34 AM

Killer article.

newjack509 12-16-2014 02:58 PM

interesting read!

fappingJack 12-17-2014 05:50 PM

Excellent writings!

1726cash 12-21-2014 10:21 PM

Good post. Kenny Rocks

Jel 01-21-2015 05:31 AM

gfy winner list brought me here - nice read Kenny :thumbsup

Kenny B! 01-22-2015 08:27 AM

Wow I'm very happy this educational series was voted best educational series of 2014.
I'll make sure to keep updating it regularly.

Thanks to everyone that voted!

NatalieK 02-08-2015 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jel (Post 20365528)
gfy winner list brought me here - nice read Kenny :thumbsup

Exactly the same, many thanks. Good read :thumbsup

jscott 02-09-2015 03:18 AM

Well deserved. Some info in his post that i'll be using, needing and wanting very soon ;)

Great one Kenny!

mixxxtura 02-09-2015 04:24 AM

Thanks for your teaching
I'm only in affiliate programs with free sites but that's useful for me as well.:thumbsup

iamwiki 02-10-2015 03:30 AM

Cool Informative Posts.thanks Kenny

j3rkules 01-05-2016 12:12 PM

Excellent information. Thanks for sharing.

berchfried 01-20-2016 04:29 AM

Very interesting read. I have one additional question towards payment solutions. Do you have any experience with mobile payment?

xxxclusive 01-22-2016 05:50 AM

thanks for interesting guide!

Tomxxx 02-03-2016 12:37 PM

Nice read Kenny! tnx

blogspot 02-23-2016 02:11 PM

Thanks for an awesome article now someday maybe I will make a pay site!

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