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-   -   Rabid gun nut Alex Jones reveals his deranged gun lunacy on live TV. (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1095708)

GrantMercury 01-08-2013 09:05 PM

Rabid gun nut Alex Jones reveals his deranged gun lunacy on live TV.

Piers Morgan decided to advocate gun control after Sandy Hook. That caused this radio host, Alex Jones, who has millions of listeners (listeners I'd prefer to never meet), to create a petition to have Piers deported.

Being the reasonable bloke he is, Piers invited Alex on his show to have a civil debate about guns. What follows is the most jaw-droppingly incoherent interview I have ever seen, in two deranged parts. The fact that this interview actually made Piers Morgan the most tolerable person on TV for 14 minutes isn't even the craziest thing about it.


DTK 01-08-2013 09:08 PM

I'm no fan of Morgan, but Jones made a complete ass of himself

Rochard 01-08-2013 10:48 PM

Didn't we already have a thread about this?

This Alex guy is a fucking idiot.

Dirty F 01-09-2013 12:28 AM

The guy is a complete fuvking idiot. And the type of people he attracts says enough.

CyberHustler 01-09-2013 01:28 AM

Mexico: Total gun ban, highest crime rate in the world

Switzerland: Gun rich, has lowest crime rate in Europe

England: Gun ban, highest crime rate in Europe

America: ???

georgeyw 01-09-2013 03:17 AM

Finally, someone who has some sense. How anyone can possible think Jones came off well in that interview is beyond me.

Rochard 01-09-2013 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by CyberHustler (Post 19416359)
Mexico: Total gun ban, highest crime rate in the world

Switzerland: Gun rich, has lowest crime rate in Europe

England: Gun ban, highest crime rate in Europe

America: ???

That's not really true, is it?

The United States falls in just behind Mexico as having the most gun deaths. England has a lot less gun deaths then the Swiss.


candyflip 01-09-2013 08:06 AM

He was good on the Opie and Anthony show this morning.

Piers Morgan has gotten more exposure from this. His show doesn't fair well in the ratings, and it's CNNs top rated show.

They mentioned he gets about 500k in viewers each night.

Caligari 01-09-2013 09:39 AM

Jon Stewart made an interesting statement in regards to Alex Jones' rant which went something like this-

"We have people in the U.S. like Jones who are worried about a future dystopia while they offer no solutions to the current dystopia we are living in."

On the subject of guns, banning them is not the answer, but making them as hard to get as getting a driver's license is. How could anyone disagree with that? Sure you can have a gun, but you need to prove that you are responsible and know how to use it.

Big pharma needs to be reigned in. Too many kids diagnosed with "ADD" etc., and given dangerous drugs which cause suicide and suicidal thoughts, probably homicidal thoughts as well.

It's surely more complex than that, but it's a start.


MaDalton 01-09-2013 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Caligari (Post 19416766)
Jon Stewart made an interesting statement in regards to Alex Jones' rant which went something like this-

"We have people in the U.S. like Jones who are worried about a future dystopia while they offer no solutions to the current dystopia we are living in."

On the subject of guns, banning them is not the answer, but making them as hard to get as getting a driver's license is. How could anyone disagree with that? Sure you can have a gun, but you need to prove that you are responsible and know how to use it.

Big pharma needs to be reigned in. Too many kids diagnosed with "ADD" etc., and given dangerous drugs which cause suicide and suicidal thoughts, probably homicidal thoughts as well.

It's surely more complex than that, but it's a start.


i do very much agree on this

SuckOnThis 01-09-2013 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by CyberHustler (Post 19416359)
Mexico: Total gun ban, highest crime rate in the world

Switzerland: Gun rich, has lowest crime rate in Europe

England: Gun ban, highest crime rate in Europe

America: ???

Wrong. The US has the highest crime rate in the world, Mexico is not even in the top ten.


Bryan G 01-09-2013 11:13 AM

Piers had the mother of the girl who was shot and killed in arizona on last night. She said that 85% of kids that are killed by guns in the world are in the USA?? Is that true?

Scott McD 01-09-2013 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Bryan G (Post 19416945)
Piers had the mother of the girl who was shot and killed in arizona on last night. She said that 85% of kids that are killed by guns in the world are in the USA?? Is that true?

Probably. But it's only because the kids don't have guns to defend themselves, silly.


CyberHustler 01-09-2013 11:28 AM

Was listing what I gathered from the video clip. Alex Jones annoys me and reminds me exactly of my loony ex-grandpa-inlaw. I want to keep guns though.

grumpy 01-09-2013 11:38 AM

wow, how do you feel as a gun owner when this i a guy "representing" you??? And i understand no one supports him :) But he has over 100k signatures

Fat Panda 01-09-2013 11:45 AM

is alex going to be back on tonight?

Dirty F 01-09-2013 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by SuckOnThis (Post 19416932)
Wrong. The US has the highest crime rate in the world, Mexico is not even in the top ten.


How is that possible with all those guns???????


bronco67 01-09-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Caligari (Post 19416766)
Jon Stewart made an interesting statement in regards to Alex Jones' rant which went something like this-

On the subject of guns, banning them is not the answer, but making them as hard to get as getting a driver's license is. How could anyone disagree with that? Sure you can have a gun, but you need to prove that you are responsible and know how to use it.


This won't work, because common sense doesn't exist for gun rights nuts. Any change to laws regarding their precious guns is looked at as an attack.

Tom_PM 01-09-2013 01:47 PM

Said it before and will again. Jones should stop preaching to his loyal choir and move his show to the UK where he can convince them to re-arm their citizenry. He's wasting his talents here where you can get any redneck to agree with anything if it has enough guns and hot sauce on it.

Caligari 01-09-2013 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 19417210)
This won't work, because common sense doesn't exist for gun rights nuts. Any change to laws regarding their precious guns is looked at as an attack.

It will work if it's a law, the gun nuts will just have to suck it up.

U.S. had an assault weapons ban in the U.S. for 10 years, 1994 to 2004 and there was no revolution, there were no white guys in the streets with their AR 15's screaming bloody murder. It was largely complied with.

Of course now a black guy is president and the hicks have their panties in a bunch already, so watch out if a black man wants to take their gunzzzzz...


DTK 01-09-2013 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Caligari (Post 19416766)
Jon Stewart made an interesting statement in regards to Alex Jones' rant which went something like this-

"We have people in the U.S. like Jones who are worried about a future dystopia while they offer no solutions to the current dystopia we are living in."

On the subject of guns, banning them is not the answer, but making them as hard to get as getting a driver's license is. How could anyone disagree with that? Sure you can have a gun, but you need to prove that you are responsible and know how to use it.

Big pharma needs to be reigned in. Too many kids diagnosed with "ADD" etc., and given dangerous drugs which cause suicide and suicidal thoughts, probably homicidal thoughts as well.

It's surely more complex than that, but it's a start.


I generally agree, but I'm far more concerned kids being prescribed antidepressants like they were candy. THOSE drugs lead to suicidal etc thoughts, not ADD drugs.

privatesociety 01-09-2013 03:07 PM

Really made an ass of himself!

StickyGreen 01-09-2013 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by DTK (Post 19417438)
I generally agree, but I'm far more concerned kids being prescribed antidepressants like they were candy. THOSE drugs lead to suicidal etc thoughts, not ADD drugs.

This is a serious problem that no one seems to want to talk about, especially the mainstream media... for what should be obvious reasons...

vdbucks 01-09-2013 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 19416624)
That's not really true, is it?

The United States falls in just behind Mexico as having the most gun deaths. England has a lot less gun deaths then the Swiss.


So... you don't care if a lot of people get killed; just as long as they aren't killed by guns... I mean, that's basically what you're saying. Of course England has less gun deaths... and of course you'd ignore the facts on their non firearm related crime stats... of course.

vdbucks 01-09-2013 03:46 PM

And for the record, Alex Jones makes a ton of valid points, and presents a lot of facts that no one wants to address. The largest issue with him is he comes off as a raving lunatic, which ends up making more people ignore him than take him seriously.

I generally think of people like Alex Jones and Michael Moore as muppets. The best way to cover a lie is to tell the truth in such a way that people believe it to be nonsense, therefore believing the lie.

For instance, when everyone laughed at the idea of the existence of FEMA camps, Alex Jones showed everyone the link to the document from the Army's own website, proving they exist. But no one listened because he comes off as a completely insane madman. This is the problem I have with media frontmen who are supposedly proactively defending our rights and the little freedoms we have left.

Caligari 01-09-2013 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by DTK (Post 19417438)
I generally agree, but I'm far more concerned kids being prescribed antidepressants like they were candy. THOSE drugs lead to suicidal etc thoughts, not ADD drugs.

You are correct that anti-depressants are a major concern, but any behavior modification or mood altering drugs including ADD or ADHD drugs are typically ill-prescribed and lead to life long addictions with a variety of side effects.

On use of ADHD drugs-
Results showed that 48 percent of the 325 patients surveyed reported at least one side effect, most often loss of appetite, sleep problems, and mood swings.

So the idea of big pharma baby sitting your kids should be cause for alarm.


ColBigBalls 01-09-2013 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 19416624)
That's not really true, is it?

The United States falls in just behind Mexico as having the most gun deaths. England has a lot less gun deaths then the Swiss.


Listen posting comments on the Internet with no real facts to back up those comments is inherently factual.

kane 01-09-2013 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by grumpy (Post 19417020)
wow, how do you feel as a gun owner when this i a guy "representing" you??? And i understand no one supports him :) But he has over 100k signatures

There was a comic several years ago that I saw who told a joke about legalizing weed. He said that part of the problem is that the spokespeople for the movement always seemed high. It was funny, but true and now we are seeing a different side of the movement and it is working.

Gun owners and pro-gun advocates can't feel good when someone claiming to represent them goes on TV and comes off like a rabid wombat. All he was missing was the frothing from the mouth and it would have been complete.

DTK 01-09-2013 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Caligari (Post 19417608)
You are correct that anti-depressants are a major concern, but any behavior modification or mood altering drugs including ADD or ADHD drugs are typically ill-prescribed and lead to life long addictions with a variety of side effects.

On use of ADHD drugs-
Results showed that 48 percent of the 325 patients surveyed reported at least one side effect, most often loss of appetite, sleep problems, and mood swings.

So the idea of big pharma baby sitting your kids should be cause for alarm.


I agree that all sorts of things are being over-prescribed to children. big pharma puts big pressure (and rewards) on doctors to push their pills.

This country has been sold out to big money interests in sooooo many ways :disgust:(

DTK 01-09-2013 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by StickyGreen (Post 19417468)
This is a serious problem that no one seems to want to talk about, especially the mainstream media... for what should be obvious reasons...

Sure, it's obvious to everyone who recognizes the mainstream media for what it is...:disgust:(

kane 01-09-2013 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by DTK (Post 19417781)
I agree that all sorts of things are being over-prescribed to children. big pharma puts big pressure (and rewards) on doctors to push their pills.

This country has been sold out to big money interests in sooooo many ways :disgust:(

That isn't the half of it. Insurance companies also put heavy pressure on doctors to modify treatment. My mom was diagnosed with depression about 15 years ago. Over the years she tried a few different medications with varying degree of success. The insurance didn't want to pay for her to see a therapist on a regular basis if a drug could handle her symptoms. Her doctor found a new drug that worked really well, but was expensive so the insurance wouldn't pay for it unless my mom had tried at least two other, cheaper, drugs from a list. She had tried one of them so she had to try another and after a few months they learned it didn't work as well as the new drug. Then and only then did they let her get the new, good drug.

Basically insurance companies are now dictating your care. They want you on whatever the cheapest medication is that will make you happy and keep you out of their hair. There is a ton if drama going on right now with pain meds because insurance companies don't want to pay for newer, more expensive, medicines that work really well. They would rather have the patient just get pumped full of Oxycontin or Methadone because it is cheap.

DTK 01-09-2013 07:44 PM

Totally agree Kane. The insurance companies are the other half of the corrupt monster.

I'm really sorry about your mom's situation. She's far, Far, FAR from alone in being a victim of the utterly corrupt "health care" system in this country.

This needs a thread of it's own

kane 01-09-2013 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by DTK (Post 19417808)
Totally agree Kane. The insurance companies are the other half of the corrupt monster.

I'm really sorry about your mom's situation. She's far, Far, FAR from alone in being a victim of the utterly corrupt "health care" system in this country.

This needs a thread of it's own

The good thing that happened with my mom is that eventually she got a doctor who simply doesn't put up with any shit. Many doctors just do what is easiest, write the scripts and move on to the next patient. This doctor fought for her to get the good meds and to be able to see a therapist. It wasn't easy and the doctor went way above and beyond and my mom ended up getting the right care so things have been turning around for her.

But there are millions out there that aren't so lucky. Between insurance companies and pharm companies it is a miracle anyone actually gets the right care at the right price. As you said, this could be a thread of its own.

DTK 01-09-2013 08:09 PM

IMO, you really need to audition doctors like people who need psychological help need to audition therapists.

So many are just worthless 'by the playbook' pill pushers

GrantMercury 01-09-2013 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 19416242)
Didn't we already have a thread about this?

This Alex guy is a fucking idiot.

Sorry. I didn't see the other post.

And yes, he is. :1orglaugh

GrantMercury 01-09-2013 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Caligari (Post 19416766)

On the subject of guns, banning them is not the answer, but making them as hard to get as getting a driver's license is. How could anyone disagree with that? Sure you can have a gun, but you need to prove that you are responsible and know how to use it.


QFT. :thumbsup

GrantMercury 01-09-2013 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Scott McD (Post 19416978)
Probably. But it's only because the kids don't have guns to defend themselves, silly.



GrantMercury 01-09-2013 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Caligari (Post 19417337)
U.S. had an assault weapons ban in the U.S. for 10 years, 1994 to 2004 and there was no revolution, there were no white guys in the streets with their AR 15's screaming bloody murder. It was largely complied with.

Of course now a black guy is president and the hicks have their panties in a bunch already, so watch out if a black man wants to take their gunzzzzz...


Yup. Nothing drives the white male paranoia like a black Democrat in the White House. I'm sorry to say that, but I believe it's true.

GrantMercury 01-09-2013 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by vdbucks (Post 19417519)
I generally think of people like Alex Jones and Michael Moore as muppets.

Moore has never acted the way Jones does. Jones is obviously batshit crazy. :Hollering

GrantMercury 01-09-2013 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by DTK (Post 19417781)
I agree that all sorts of things are being over-prescribed to children. big pharma puts big pressure (and rewards) on doctors to push their pills.

This country has been sold out to big money interests in sooooo many ways :disgust:(

QFT. :thumbsup

GrantMercury 01-09-2013 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 19417792)
Basically insurance companies are now dictating your care.

So fucking true. Health insurance companies are the devil.

Frank21 01-09-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by GrantMercury (Post 19417887)
Yup. Nothing drives the white male paranoia like a black Democrat in the White House. I'm sorry to say that, but I believe it's true.

Would you mind explaining to me why it is that left wing people always think in race instead of the actual issue?
When 2 persons who have litterly said in campaingspeaches that they will never get any gun from american people. But then now they declare that they will use undemocratic means to take 80% of the guns instead of talking about that mega lie, you come up with skin colors WTF.

kane 01-09-2013 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Frank21 (Post 19417900)
Would you mind explaining to me why it is that left wing people always think in race instead of the actual issue?
When 2 persons who have litterly said in campaingspeaches that they will never get any gun from american people. But then now they declare that they will use undemocratic means to take 80% of the guns instead of talking about that mega lie, you come up with skin colors WTF.

I think for a lot of these very anti-Obama people there is a deep seeded fear of him. It might not be racism (although I am sure there is a good amount of that as well), but it is something. My uncle, who for the most part I consider to be a smart guy, believes to his core that Obama is a Muslim. You can't convince him otherwise. CBS did a poll about six months ago that showed about 17% of all people in the US and 34% of those who identify as conservative believe he is a Muslim.

That is not something they had with Clinton. The far right hated Clinton because he was a liberal. They hate Obama because he is a liberal and they think he is a Muslim. Now they think he is the liberal Mulsim who is going to take away all of their guns.

Frank21 01-10-2013 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 19417963)
I think for a lot of these very anti-Obama people there is a deep seeded fear of him. It might not be racism (although I am sure there is a good amount of that as well), but it is something. My uncle, who for the most part I consider to be a smart guy, believes to his core that Obama is a Muslim. You can't convince him otherwise. CBS did a poll about six months ago that showed about 17% of all people in the US and 34% of those who identify as conservative believe he is a Muslim.

That is not something they had with Clinton. The far right hated Clinton because he was a liberal. They hate Obama because he is a liberal and they think he is a Muslim. Now they think he is the liberal Mulsim who is going to take away all of their guns.

So you are full of bullshit you think this and that but the facts are that Obama and Biden both promised the american people and voters that they will never take any gun away.
Now they will do it with executive orders because they will never ever get enough votes, most americans are PRO selfdefense with a gun.
And you think it is because Obama had filed in his schoolcard that he was a muslim 50 years ago or so in Indonesia.
like if obama promised you a free obamaphone but instead raises your taxes 5 fold and you hate him because he is black epic FAIL.

This gun issue has nothing to do with blackness or muslims but with the right to bear arms which is 1 of the reasons why America has never been destroyed by a massive war.
Europe was unarmed 70 years ago and 100 years ago but we sufferd the worst of the world wars.

Nobody claims they will take ALL THE GUNS, instead it will be single shot rifles which may or may not be stored at home registered and mandatory home inspection every year to see if the guns are locked propperly just like in Europe.
If your not at home and the cop demands your wife to tell him where the key to the gunsave is while it is your registered gun and she knows where the key is your guns will be taken away!
Thats how it is in Europe. Only allowed a gun if you shoot at the gunrange at least 22 times a year! And if you use your gun in selfdefence you go to jail!
The gun is for sporting or hunting purpose only!

CyberHustler 01-10-2013 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Frank21 (Post 19418044)
Thats how it is in Europe. Only allowed a gun if you shoot at the gunrange at least 22 times a year! And if you use your gun in selfdefence you go to jail!
The gun is for sporting or hunting purpose only!

That's what makes you guys European, and us Americans. I like being different from you people.

kane 01-10-2013 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Frank21 (Post 19418044)
So you are full of bullshit you think this and that but the facts are that Obama and Biden both promised the american people and voters that they will never take any gun away.
Now they will do it with executive orders because they will never ever get enough votes, most americans are PRO selfdefense with a gun.
And you think it is because Obama had filed in his schoolcard that he was a muslim 50 years ago or so in Indonesia.
like if obama promised you a free obamaphone but instead raises your taxes 5 fold and you hate him because he is black epic FAIL.

This gun issue has nothing to do with blackness or muslims but with the right to bear arms which is 1 of the reasons why America has never been destroyed by a massive war.
Europe was unarmed 70 years ago and 100 years ago but we sufferd the worst of the world wars.

Nobody claims they will take ALL THE GUNS, instead it will be single shot rifles which may or may not be stored at home registered and mandatory home inspection every year to see if the guns are locked propperly just like in Europe.
If your not at home and the cop demands your wife to tell him where the key to the gunsave is while it is your registered gun and she knows where the key is your guns will be taken away!
Thats how it is in Europe. Only allowed a gun if you shoot at the gunrange at least 22 times a year! And if you use your gun in selfdefence you go to jail!
The gun is for sporting or hunting purpose only!

Can you show me where Obama said he would never limit the types of guns people can have? I have found several quotes from him going back to 2008 where he says things like, " We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people?s traditions." and " I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms, but I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures." Here is another from 2008, "At the time, Obama said, ?I also believe that we have to make guns in this country childproof ... I support making the expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent. I believe that these weapons, such as AK-47s, belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets. These are also not weapons that are used by hunters, sportsmen, and sportswomen.?

Just show me where he said he would never take any kind of guns away.

Read more: http://thehill.com/homenews/administ...#ixzz2HYwHw13G

I do think there are many pro-gun people who hate Obama because of his moves now to potentially limit access to some types of guns, but I also think there is a good section of the conservatives that hate him because he is black, liberal and they think he is a Muslim.

Also, you are blowing things out of proportion.

First, there is not going to be a time when the police come to your door and demand you give them all your guns. It just isn't going to happen so calm down. Second, how many guns a person owns personally and what type of guns those are have had zero affect on the outcome of major US war in well over 100 years.

I am not for gun control, but I'm also not someone who is coming undone thinking they about to lose every gun they could ever own and the government is about to enact military law and we are going to have fight back.

vdbucks 01-10-2013 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 19417963)
I think for a lot of these very anti-Obama people there is a deep seeded fear of him. It might not be racism (although I am sure there is a good amount of that as well), but it is something. My uncle, who for the most part I consider to be a smart guy, believes to his core that Obama is a Muslim. You can't convince him otherwise. CBS did a poll about six months ago that showed about 17% of all people in the US and 34% of those who identify as conservative believe he is a Muslim.

That is not something they had with Clinton. The far right hated Clinton because he was a liberal. They hate Obama because he is a liberal and they think he is a Muslim. Now they think he is the liberal Mulsim who is going to take away all of their guns.

This is absolute horse shit... I don't give a fuck what color his damn skin is... the largest percentage of people that are bringing up race and racism are you dumb ass obama supporters.

The fact of the matter is this: Obama was just as unqualified and inexperienced to get elected president as that failure in life george dubya was. Yet some how, the majority of dumb ass americans voted them both in, and then re-elected them... and the true reason behind that is because all they do is sit around and believe what the mainstream media tells them to while being completely fucking ignorant to the true problems that america has.

kane 01-10-2013 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by vdbucks (Post 19418157)
This is absolute horse shit... I don't give a fuck what color his damn skin is... the largest percentage of people that are bringing up race and racism are you dumb ass obama supporters.

The fact of the matter is this: Obama was just as unqualified and inexperienced to get elected president as that failure in life george dubya was. Yet some how, the majority of dumb ass americans voted them both in, and then re-elected them... and the true reason behind that is because all they do is sit around and believe what the mainstream media tells them to while being completely fucking ignorant to the true problems that america has.

I'm not an Obama supporter. I didn't vote for him and I think he has been pretty disappointing as a president. That said, I think it didn't matter who got elected, the congress is so gridlocked with partisan crap that little would have have gotten done no matter what.

Still, it doesn't change my opinion. You might not hate him because he is black, fine. That's great. But I can assure you there are plenty of people who do. I'm not saying it is everyone, but I think there is a decent number of people who hate him because he is black or because they think he is a Muslim or both.


Shok 01-10-2013 05:40 AM

Alex and I went to highschool together

We used to go to slayer concerts, he was just as goofy back then too

sperbonzo 01-10-2013 08:49 AM

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