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-   -   Morgan Freeman goes off the chart for anti russia! (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1279787)

NatalieK 09-20-2017 04:26 PM

Morgan Freeman goes off the chart for anti russia!
oh my, watch the clip & well, erm, well, I´m astonished, gob smacked & erm, well... :helpme


pimpmaster9000 09-20-2017 04:32 PM

LOL the US government influences elections all the time and the CIA does coups 24/7 and morgan freeman is all tender vagina about a cyber attack...no other country in the world meddles in politics like the USA and moran freeman has the gall to point his election meddling finger :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Sarn 09-20-2017 04:47 PM

ZiggiZiggiCrew 09-20-2017 09:43 PM

Chuck spoke about Russian attack in 1985:winkwink:

nico-t 09-21-2017 05:59 AM

Pathetic. This looks like it's from a bad dystopian future movie with obvious cartoonish war propaganda videos, like they had in Starship Troopers for example. That movie was meant to be fun... This career killing video is meant to be serious. Shows you that being a respectable older actor doesn't mean jack shit - they can be bought for anything just like the rest of them.

Here we all thought Morgan Freeman was the smarter one of the brainless Hollywood morons, turns out he's actually one of the dumbest. Creating war propaganda with a fantasy story, lies, demonizing... We've come full circle with WWII. This video is the EXACT same as Hitlers propaganda videos.

Craft 09-21-2017 06:18 AM

Stupid propaganda

klinton 09-21-2017 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22008391)
Pathetic. This looks like it's from a bad dystopian future movie with obvious cartoonish war propaganda videos, like they had in Starship Troopers for example. That movie was meant to be fun... This career killing video is meant to be serious. Shows you that being a respectable older actor doesn't mean jack shit - they can be bought for anything just like the rest of them.

Here we all thought Morgan Freeman was the smarter one of the brainless Hollywood morons, turns out he's actually one of the dumbest. Creating war propaganda with a fantasy story, lies, demonizing... We've come full circle with WWII. This video is the EXACT same as Hitlers propaganda videos.

Educate yourself, read more about KGB's "Active Measures", read Mitrokhin Archive and THEN post.
Why would Russia even want to help elect Trump ? because he will be obedient slave ?
NAH ! To DIVIDE USA Nation [as Trump is ideal for such task - controversial, eccentric, loved or hated]...this is what they usually do...why divide and create chaos ? Because its easier to manipulate such countries and enforce its own interests if their opponents are weakened...
Strangely enough, Russia is always so PRO catalan independence, Scottish independence, so PRO anything that wll weaken any country :)
Yet, ever heard about any separatist movements in Russia that wouldnt be silenced at the first day and their protestors put to jail ? This is what your defendant of democracy does ;-)
Now you may say.."Russia is great at protecting its own national interest and Putin is a great patriot"..now define both national interest and patriot and later speak maybe with Cyberseo and ask what he thinks about it ;-)

Russia = Russian government in this post, just for the record.

klinton 09-21-2017 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22007927)

PR_Glen 09-21-2017 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22007911)
LOL the US government influences elections all the time and the CIA does coups 24/7 and morgan freeman is all tender vagina about a cyber attack...no other country in the world meddles in politics like the USA and moran freeman has the gall to point his election meddling finger :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

They have a history of it for sure. But they have realized that it is extremely ineffective. They still mettle but they will not participate in coups any longer, and haven't for a while now.

Sarn 09-21-2017 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22008409)
Educate yourself, read more about KGB's "Active Measures", read Mitrokhin Archive and THEN post.



Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22008409)
Why would Russia even want to help elect Trump ? because he will be obedient slave ?
NAH ! To DIVIDE USA Nation [as Trump is ideal for such task - controversial, eccentric, loved or hated]...this is what they usually do...why divide and create chaos ? Because its easier to manipulate such countries and enforce its own interests if their opponents are weakened...

Russia to DIVIDE USA Nation on Democrat and Republicans. Russians vote for Trump and he win during democracy process. Russia always did that :1orglaugh
Russia grrr arrrriiiaa :1orglaugh, Russia please stop :1orglaugh
USA not enough strong need be more strong and smart like Poland :1orglaugh
Nuclear war with Russia it main interest of USA!!11 ))

Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22008409)
Yet, ever heard about any separatist movements in Russia that wouldnt be silenced at the first day and their protestors put to jail ? This is what your defendant of democracy does ;-)
Now you may say.."Russia is great at protecting its own national interest and Putin is a great patriot"..now define both national interest and patriot and later speak maybe with Cyberseo and ask what he thinks about it ;-)
Russia = Russian government in this post, just for the record.

>Yet, ever heard about any separatist movements in Russia
Kicked by ass :1orglaugh

celandina 09-21-2017 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22007901)
oh my, watch the clip & well, erm, well, I´m astonished, gob smacked & erm, well... :helpme


What an idiot !

klinton 09-21-2017 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22008483)
My politruk is an alcoholic and he drank away all my money for the English course, suka blyat

I know !
Also, Im not sure where do you find that Im pro war with Russia or even worse - pro nuclear war. I distance myself from the actions and words of my government, but you, COMMIE ! wont fool me :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

But there is some painful (and entertraining) arrow in Russian for you !
Домашнее задание.

1) Переведите с геополитического на сущностный следующий диалог американского (А) и российского (Р) дипломатов:

А.: ? Россия не демократия и никогда не была ею ? а российская государственность с тринадцатого по двадцать первый век представляет собой постоянно мимикрирущее и пытающееся вооружиться новейшими технологиями татаро-монгольское иго.

Р.: ? Извините, но это довольно примитивная концепция. Советский Союз в годы Второй мировой войны вынес на себе главную тяжесть борьбы с нацизмом, а потом создавал ядерный щит, что было невозможно без временного ограничения прав и свобод. А про хваленую американскую демократию всем известно, что она является просто фиговым листком, прикрывающим преступное бесстыдство мафий Уолл-Стрита, такое же отвратительное, как отрицание Холокоста, и все об этом знают. А вам про это даже вслух говорить нельзя.

Доза 5 гр. («бригадир», «гранит», «Карлсон», встречается очень часто).
Небольшой лист пластика с цветной фотографией президента и премьер-министра РФ, идущих вместе по набережной. Снизу подпись:

Шло начальство по деревне,
Бригадир и счетовод.
Поднимайся на работу,
В жопу ебаный народ!

На обороте листа мелко набранный текст ? цитата из книги Т. Равенгрофа «Кремлевская власть и ее новый лексикон» в переводе на русский. Текст трудночитаем из-за большого количества орфографических ошибок.

Автор утверждает, что фразы «мочить в сортире» и «отлить в граните» имеют один и тот же смысл и описывают акт мочеиспускания в некой отделанной гранитом уборной, по всей видимости ? правительственном туалете Грановитой палаты. Одновременно с этим, по мысли Т. Равенгрофа, должны существовать две других криптоидиомы ? тривиальное «отлить в сортире» и еще не встречавшееся в открытых документах «мочить в граните».

Смысл последнего выражения, возможно, передают слова Пастернака о Маяковском: «Маяковского стали вводить принудительно, как картофель при Екатерине. Это было его второй смертью. В ней он неповинен». По мнению автора, подобным образом режим расправляется с теми, кто претендует на статус народной совести ? например, с покойным А. Солженициным.

В конце текста вместо полиграфической звездочки напечатан трубящий в рог Карлсон размером 5 мм.

NatalieK 09-21-2017 09:24 AM


omg, he´s really losing the plot :2 cents:

klinton 09-21-2017 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22008483)

COMMIE, the only person that listens to hate speech is YOU and the guy that propagates it is this guy:


TheDynasty 09-21-2017 09:51 AM

old video?

Sarn 09-21-2017 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22008677)
COMMIE, the only person that listens to hate speech is YOU and the guy that propagates it is this guy:

The Two Minutes Hate, from George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, is a daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies (notably Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers) and express their hatred for them for exactly two minutes.

Originally Posted by TheDynasty (Post 22008689)
old video?

old story, new video ))

klinton 09-21-2017 10:19 AM

here comes the commie...
Kiselyov has gained particular notoriety in the West for his commentary on gay people[2] and statements made during the 2014 Crimean crisis.[11] Kiselyov considers himself a liberal, while questioning the liberal credentials of his rivals Sergey Parkhomenko and Alexei Navalny. Regarding Parkhomenko and Navalny, he has asked, "Why are they liberals? They are absolutely totalitarian people. I am a liberal, because I put up with them."[12] Kiselyov has been described by The Economist as Russia's propagandist-in-chief,[13][3] and in a piece entitled "Russian TV host: Russia is the only country with capability to turn U.S. into 'radioactive ashes'" the Washington Post says that:

He may seem extreme, but Kiselyov apparently has the blessing of the Kremlin: He's been selected to head the new Russian state media conglomerate, Rossiya Segodnya, that is due to replace the well-respected RIA Novosti. He also has a point. Russia is still a major nuclear power, with an estimated 8,500 nuclear warheads, more than the United States.[14][15]


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22008721)
The Two Minutes Hate, from George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, is a daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies (notably Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers) and express their hatred for them for exactly two minutes.

old story, new video ))

oppoten 09-21-2017 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22007901)
oh my, watch the clip & well, erm, well, I´m astonished, gob smacked & erm, well... :helpme


Have they made him a saint yet?

crockett 09-21-2017 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by celandina (Post 22008559)
What an idiot !

Only a idiot would ignore what happened...

Sarn 09-21-2017 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22008729)
Russia is the only country with capability to turn U.S. into 'radioactive ashes'"

It is true.
PS: Do you want to retell Russian television, because I do not watch TV? How much Putin pay for it to you? :1orglaugh

Sarn 09-21-2017 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22008851)
Only a idiot would ignore what happened...

Hillary lose it is sad :1orglaugh

GAMEFINEST 09-21-2017 11:56 AM

Great actor, horrible speech

klinton 09-21-2017 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22008869)
It is true.
PS: Do you want to retell Russian television, because I do not watch TV? How much Putin pay for it to you? :1orglaugh

you dont look like a person that wouldnt watch TV. You see brainwashed from the head to toe

wehateporn 09-21-2017 12:22 PM

If it wasn't for Israel Trump wouldn't have made it to power, it was them who helped him, Russia did very little

nico-t 09-21-2017 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22008851)
Only a idiot would ignore what happened...

so you disagree that this is a full breed propaganda video?

Sarn 09-21-2017 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22008879)
you dont look like a person that wouldnt watch TV. You see brainwashed from the head to toe

If you not like truth - it not means I am brainwashed.
Kiselev have this.))

Him photo with today Ukraine president(with wife)

klinton 09-21-2017 01:55 PM

and... ? what are you going to proove with these photos ?
That they are all the same ? and you are enlightened Budda and you see through all of them, and reach to the center and point ?
I dont think so actually, as most of your posts repeat and spread bullshit in Kisielov style.
even worse, as you dont have any respect for English readers of this forum as you dont even post in English. Is this some kind of revenge for bad Russian in Hollywood US movies ? :D
Also, if you will post here vintage photos from ppolitical meetings with Stalin, Hitler, Churchill or Roosevelt, will it mean that they are all the same ? what u trying to prove here ?

Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22009051)

2MuchMark 09-21-2017 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22008851)
Only a idiot would ignore what happened...


nico-t 09-21-2017 02:35 PM

I think Gspot is confused, he/she clearly didn't realise the popular leftard position is that they're in favor of this war mongering propaganda video reminiscent of WWII nazi propaganda.

nico-t 09-21-2017 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22009105)

So you are in favor of war mongering propaganda? Weird. I thought you were 'liberal'. Didn't 'liberals' used to be anti war not that long ago? Hm.

Smack dat 09-21-2017 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22007927)

Cool video. What movie is that from?

wehateporn 09-21-2017 02:39 PM

Lots of down votes on that video, people are not falling for it, posters in the comments feeling that Morgan Freeman has let himself down

Bladewire 09-21-2017 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by wehateporn (Post 22009125)
Lots of down votes on that video, people are not falling for it, posters in the comments feeling that Morgan Freeman has let himself down

Russians have lots of YouTube accounts :winkwink:

wehateporn 09-21-2017 02:42 PM

The evidence all points to Israel, not Russia, it is easy to trace the links.

Bladewire 09-21-2017 02:52 PM

^^^ Loves Putin & never finds any Russia conspiracies

nico-t 09-21-2017 02:56 PM

^^^ Loves war, hates Americans

Bladewire 09-21-2017 02:59 PM

^^^ Loves holding me naked in the morning

pimpmaster9000 09-21-2017 04:23 PM

Morgan Freeman is not getting invited to pootys birthday party that's for sure...

oppoten 09-21-2017 05:08 PM


klinton 09-21-2017 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22009131)
Russians have lots of YouTube accounts :winkwink:

heheh so true :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

RyuLion 09-21-2017 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22009569)
heheh so true :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

:2 cents::2 cents: :warning

Sarn 09-22-2017 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22009055)
and... ? what are you going to proove with these photos ?
That they are all the same ? and you are enlightened Budda and you see through all of them, and reach to the center and point ?
I dont think so actually, as most of your posts repeat and spread bullshit in Kisielov style.
even worse, as you dont have any respect for English readers of this forum as you dont even post in English. Is this some kind of revenge for bad Russian in Hollywood US movies ? :D
Also, if you will post here vintage photos from ppolitical meetings with Stalin, Hitler, Churchill or Roosevelt, will it mean that they are all the same ? what u trying to prove here ?

Kiselov learning in USA department of State, in CIA :1orglaugh After, he work with today president Ukraine. you have so many questions after it)) Panic?


Originally Posted by Smack dat (Post 22009117)
Cool video. What movie is that from?


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22009131)
Russians have lots of YouTube accounts :winkwink:


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22009569)
heheh so true :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

watch YouTube dangerous now :1orglaugh only CNN 24/7/365 :1orglaugh
look at center and count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

NatalieK 09-22-2017 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22009283)
Morgan Freeman is not getting invited to pootys birthday party that's for sure...

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh :thumbsup


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22009809)

cool movie :thumbsup

klinton 09-22-2017 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22009809)
look at center and count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

:sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep:s leep:sleep:sleep

mikesouth 09-22-2017 12:56 PM

Does this idiot not understand that if we actually lived in a "Democracy" his black ass would still be picking cotton? or at least living segregated?

he4 is a fine actor but these people have played smart people for so long they start thinking that THEY are smart...better off keeping their mouths shut

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