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brassmonkey 05-31-2018 08:07 PM

Ok another one in miami...
a pitbull killed a 8 month old in a bouncy chair... not posting the story.

the article...

Look Chang 05-31-2018 08:26 PM

Do pitbull owners are also protected by the NRA in America?

Natalie_K 06-01-2018 12:20 AM

I saw that, absolutely horrible story.

overdose 06-01-2018 01:24 AM

Edit: I see x)

brassmonkey 06-01-2018 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by overdose (Post 22279676)
no offense or any mocking prejudice but why all these news come from the US? Maybe some of these dog breeds' genetics been seruiousy fucked up / mutated during the time over there


BaldBastard 06-01-2018 01:46 AM


Summary: In the 13-year period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2017, canines killed at least 433 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% of these deaths. Rottweilers, the second leading canine killer, inflicted 10% of attacks that resulted in human death. Combined, two dog breeds accounted for 76% of the total recorded deaths.

Between 2005 and 2017 how many people did Muslims kill in America?

When there's thousands of other breeds available and pit bulls have a well documented past... it really brings in to question reasons for those wanting to own one. Tough guys own Pit bulls, so everyone wanted a Pit bull, Until they realise that they need training, attention, money and food. Humans have spent a century carefully selecting pit bulls for their most dominant trait: aggression. They were bred to fight other dogs, to bait bulls and to bring down prey. Now dogfighting and bullbaiting are illegal, our suburbs are full of amped-up canine killing machines with no hobbies.

pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 03:10 AM

list of animals who kill just as much if not more humans than pitbulls but lets focus on pitbulls:

ants (30 deaths/year)
jellyfish (30x more than pitbulls)
deer (120 per year...5x more than pitbulls)
hippos (2900 people per year)
snakes (50.000 people per year)
tsetse fly (500.000 people per year)
mosquitoes (1.000.000 people per year)
humans...nobody kills more humans than humans...

now please just hate on pitbulls...muslim pitbulls are the worst :mad::mad::mad: ...lets just ignore all the other crap like 10.000 gun deaths per year just in the USA, the tobacco/alcohol/drugs deaths that are in the millions...the wars and the crap...

lets just focus on the 26 dead per year from putbulls because some dick chugger is bound to come back with a mouth-full-of-semen argument how the other animals are mostly wild or how only pitbulls count and nothing else :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

mopek1 06-01-2018 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279717)
list of animals who kill just as much if not more humans than pitbulls but lets focus on pitbulls:

First of all, all of the animals you cited are banned as pets, in so far as you can't just take any one of those to the park or other public places.

Second, with most of those animals, people VOLUNTARILY go to their habitat (water, forests) knowing the risks. With Pitbulls, small children with no choice die and the general public is also at risk with them having no say in the matter because people bring them outside.

Very different things.

marlboroack 06-01-2018 04:06 AM

I hate pitbulls

Matyko 06-01-2018 05:32 AM

Here's my 5 year old dog, "Tücsök" (cicada) who won't ever bite a living creature. He is absolutely used to live together with all kinds of animals: he has a cat friend, hens, chickens and lambs.. :)


I have no idea why pitbull-style "dogs" attract people. So many peaceful dogs out there... my fav btw is the hungarian beagle

pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 05:34 AM

the prophecy:


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279717)
lets just focus on the 26 dead per year from putbulls because some dick chugger is bound to come back with a mouth-full-of-semen argument how the other animals are mostly wild or how only pitbulls count and nothing else :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

and as the prophecy foretold:


Originally Posted by mopek1 (Post 22279717)
First of all, all of the animals you cited are banned as pets, in so far as you can't just take any one of those to the park or other public places.

Second, with most of those animals, people VOLUNTARILY go to their habitat (water, forests) knowing the risks. With Pitbulls, small children with no choice die and the general public is also at risk with them having no say in the matter because people bring them outside.

Very different things.


mopek1 06-01-2018 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279775)


??? That's your reply?

GFED 06-01-2018 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Look Chang (Post 22279585)
Do pitbull owners are also protected by the NRA in America?

People that say Pitbulls commit more violent crimes than other dogs are just racist. :pimp

pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by mopek1 (Post 22279777)
??? That's your reply?

1 in 20.000 pitbuls kills somebody and in the vast majority of cases it is the owners fault because he is a dumb rube who never should have had any dog let alone a pitbull...

there are 5.000.000 pitbulls in the USA and they have killed 26 people total per year...they actually have a better track record per capita than homo sapiens in the USA...

do you know somebody who was killed by a pitbul? no...you do not...
do you know somebody who knows somebody? no...you do not...
more people win the lottery than get killed by a pitbul....

you are cherry picking because you know shit about pitbulls...thats all there is to it...lets just ban 5.000.000 dogs so somebody who does not know shit about dogs can feel safe...

balint 06-01-2018 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Matyko (Post 22279773)
Here's my 5 year old dog, "Tücsök" (cicada) who won't ever bite a living creature. He is absolutely used to live together with all kinds of animals: he has a cat friend, hens, chickens and lambs.. :)


I have no idea why pitbull-style "dogs" attract people. So many peaceful dogs out there... my fav btw is the hungarian beagle

He is sweet :)

I have them:
An around 7 adopted beagle girl and a more than 10 also adopted labrador+something mixture boy :)

celandina 06-01-2018 08:36 AM

Pitbulls are for men who have a small penis complex and who cannot afford a Ferrari :2 cents:

OneHungLo 06-01-2018 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279781)
1 in 20.000 pitbuls kills somebody and in the vast majority of cases it is the owners fault because he is a dumb rube who never should have had any dog let alone a pitbull...

there are 5.000.000 pitbulls in the USA and they have killed 26 people total per year...they actually have a better track record per capita than homo sapiens in the USA...

do you know somebody who was killed by a pitbul? no...you do not...
do you know somebody who knows somebody? no...you do not...
more people win the lottery than get killed by a pitbul....

you are cherry picking because you know shit about pitbulls...thats all there is to it...lets just ban 5.000.000 dogs so somebody who does not know shit about dogs can feel safe...

Pits kill upwards of 30,000 pets and livestock a year.

Have you ever seen another dog launch a non-stop unrelenting attack on something like a pit does? This is what the dog was bred to do.

There's a good reason why 90% of dogs in a shelter are pits. They constantly turn on their owners. Total shit dogs that need to be extinct.

brassmonkey 06-01-2018 08:47 AM

was a really cute baby :( jeezus i read a article last nite a neighbor of a lady in oklahoma his dachshunds murdered her

OneHungLo 06-01-2018 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279717)
list of animals who kill just as much if not more humans than pitbulls but lets focus on pitbulls:

ants (30 deaths/year)
jellyfish (30x more than pitbulls)
deer (120 per year...5x more than pitbulls)
hippos (2900 people per year)
snakes (50.000 people per year)
tsetse fly (500.000 people per year)
mosquitoes (1.000.000 people per year)
humans...nobody kills more humans than humans...

haha look at this retarded argument. Yeah so if there was a baby car seat on the market that was resulting in 29 deaths do you think the manufacturer would say don't worry you're still more likely to fall in a bathtub and die? What the fuck kind of argument is that?

Dude there's like 100 different brands of laxatives on the market. If one brand was killing 29 people a year they would pull it.

Listen, there will be a federal ban on these dogs. It's coming. I bet about 5000 more kids will die, but it will happen. And it will happen because of dipshits like you that don't think there should be any regulations.

OneHungLo 06-01-2018 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by brassmonkey (Post 22279864)
was a really cute baby :( jeezus i read a article last nite a neighbor of a lady in oklahoma his dachshunds murdered her

No dude, those weren't dachshunds (how absurd). They were pit mixes. Lying assholes. I saw the pics of the dogs.

This is a dachshund


These were the dogs that killed that lady in OK


pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22279869)
haha look at this retarded argument. Yeah so if there was a baby car seat on the market that was resulting in 29 deaths do you think the manufacturer would say don't worry you're still more likely to fall in a bathtub and die? What the fuck kind of argument is that?

Dude there's like 100 different brands of laxatives on the market. If one brand was killing 29 people a year they would pull it.

Listen, there will be a federal ban on these dogs. It's coming. I bet about 5000 more kids will die, but it will happen. And it will happen because of dipshits like you that don't think there should be any regulations.

bullshit argument...all types of animals I listed kill...especially the white man...your brands argument means shit...

also, using your argument, since white people kill much more EVERYTHING per capita than pitbulls, when is the ban on whitey coming?...

fuck off with your cherry pick hate mongering...you do not give 2 shits about the victims and you never did....all you want is to pick on the weak...if you can not pick on muslims then you pick on dogs...you are dumpster juice trying to pass off as a "concerned citizen"....

reminder: you do not really give 2 shits about the victims :thumbsup

pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22279860)
There's a good reason why 90% of dogs in a shelter are pits. They constantly turn on their owners. Total shit dogs that need to be extinct.

bullshit...the humans who take the pits are a certain type of rube...they look for pits specifically so that they can compensate for their lack of penis...pits turning on owners is extremely rare, there are 5.000.000 of them in the USA...you do not know shit about dogs...all the anti pit crew here know shit...

brassmonkey 06-01-2018 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22279871)
No dude, those weren't dachshunds (how absurd). They were pit mixes. Lying assholes. I saw the pics of the dogs.

This is a dachshund


These were the dogs that killed that lady in OK


yeah they changed the title... google has "Pack of dachshund-terrier mix dogs maul, kill woman in Oklahoma" then in the article the vet says she does not know the breed. she says they are not dachshund. thank you for the correction


Bladewire 06-01-2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by marlboroack (Post 22279735)
I hate pitbulls

Seriously? You have a bad experience with one?

Bladewire 06-01-2018 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Matyko (Post 22279773)
Here's my 5 year old dog, "Tücsök" (cicada) who won't ever bite a living creature. He is absolutely used to live together with all kinds of animals: he has a cat friend, hens, chickens and lambs.. :)


I have no idea why pitbull-style "dogs" attract people. So many peaceful dogs out there... my fav btw is the hungarian beagle

So damn cute & such a happy little fella!

dyna mo 06-01-2018 10:09 AM

wait, so now the anti-American putin dick sucker is a pitbull advocate

it's just more misdirected feigned outrage. it's gotta suck waking up everyday to a life so crappy you have to misdirect your anger about that onto American GFYers.


list of nations that have banned pitbulls-


where's the feigned outrage re: ruskie dog killing teams? I know.

Stray Dogs Are Being Killed Across Russia's Cities Ahead of 2018 World Cup

dyna mo 06-01-2018 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22279686)

Summary: In the 13-year period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2017, canines killed at least 433 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% of these deaths. Rottweilers, the second leading canine killer, inflicted 10% of attacks that resulted in human death. Combined, two dog breeds accounted for 76% of the total recorded deaths.

Between 2005 and 2017 how many people did Muslims kill in America?

When there's thousands of other breeds available and pit bulls have a well documented past... it really brings in to question reasons for those wanting to own one. Tough guys own Pit bulls, so everyone wanted a Pit bull, Until they realise that they need training, attention, money and food. Humans have spent a century carefully selecting pit bulls for their most dominant trait: aggression. They were bred to fight other dogs, to bait bulls and to bring down prey. Now dogfighting and bullbaiting are illegal, our suburbs are full of amped-up canine killing machines with no hobbies.

then why did australia ban pitbulls?

dyna mo 06-01-2018 10:19 AM


even putin regulated pitbulls

suck more putin dick anti-American.

pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22279919)
wait, so now the anti-American putin dick sucker is a pitbull advocate

it's just more misdirected feigned outrage. it's gotta suck waking up everyday to a life so crappy you have to misdirect your anger about that onto American GFYers.


list of nations that have banned pitbulls-


where's the feigned outrage re: ruskie dog killing teams? I know.

Stray Dogs Are Being Killed Across Russia's Cities Ahead of 2018 World Cup

american terrorists kill much more civilians than pitbulls do but what do you care...as for your bullshit list of nations, it is a list where politicians caved in to journalist bullshit cherry picking or wanted to score easy political points..1 billion people will die as a result of tobacco in this century alone (world health organization stats) but none of them politicians care enough about people to ban tobacco because they would lose votes...but pitbulls kill 26 people and its an outrage...

do you know anybody who was killed by a pitbull? no?...do you know anybody who knows anybody?...exactly...you are just over consuming penis...as usual...

dyna mo 06-01-2018 10:47 AM

you have zero credibility.


pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22279949)
you have zero credibility.


I take a shit in your toilet water tank


dyna mo 06-01-2018 10:53 AM

you must have a bunch of dried putin splooge crusting up your eyes because you can see how much of a buffoon you are.

why do you leave the putin splooge all over your face like that?

Bladewire 06-01-2018 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by brassmonkey (Post 22279864)
was a really cute baby :( jeezus i read a article last nite a neighbor of a lady in oklahoma his dachshunds murdered her

Crazy times

Pack of wiener dogs mauls woman to death - New York Post › 2018/05/16


Garcia, 52, a housekeeper at the Hilton Inn, was buried Tuesday and is survived by a son and daughter, according to her obituary.


pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22279956)
you must have a bunch of dried putin splooge crusting up your eyes because you can see how much of a buffoon you are.

why do you leave the putin splooge all over your face like that?

Nah that's just you...pooty fucked you good with the elections and now youre dazed from the bangin'

RyuLion 06-01-2018 11:00 AM

Fuck that sucks..

dyna mo 06-01-2018 11:01 AM

I'm not the one ignoring putin's dog killing while pointing my finger at American GFYers over a dog that has been banned worldwide for being aggressive.

= putin splooge clouds your vision.

bronco67 06-01-2018 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279717)
list of animals who kill just as much if not more humans than pitbulls but lets focus on pitbulls:

ants (30 deaths/year)
jellyfish (30x more than pitbulls)
deer (120 per year...5x more than pitbulls)
hippos (2900 people per year)
snakes (50.000 people per year)
tsetse fly (500.000 people per year)
mosquitoes (1.000.000 people per year)
humans...nobody kills more humans than humans...

now please just hate on pitbulls...muslim pitbulls are the worst :mad::mad::mad: ...lets just ignore all the other crap like 10.000 gun deaths per year just in the USA, the tobacco/alcohol/drugs deaths that are in the millions...the wars and the crap...

lets just focus on the 26 dead per year from putbulls because some dick chugger is bound to come back with a mouth-full-of-semen argument how the other animals are mostly wild or how only pitbulls count and nothing else :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

hey you dumb motherfucker..learn how to make an argument. Those animals aren't housepets in close prximity to children. Get the fuck out of here with your dumb shit.

brassmonkey 06-01-2018 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 22279998)
hey you dumb motherfucker..learn how to make an argument. Those animals aren't house pets in close proximity to children. Get the fuck out of here with your dumb shit.

some people just can't focus... that's some real talk right there.

pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 02:27 PM

the oracle said:


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279998)
some dick chugger is bound to come back with a mouth-full-of-semen argument how the other animals are mostly wild or how only pitbulls count and nothing else

the prophecy comes true again!


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 22279998)
hey you dumb motherfucker..learn how to make an argument. Those animals aren't housepets in close prximity to children. Get the fuck out of here with your dumb shit.


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22279998)
I'm not the one ignoring putin's dog killing while pointing my finger at American GFYers over a dog that has been banned worldwide for being aggressive.

= putin splooge clouds your vision.

this is not about politics...it is about the simple fact that out of 5.000.000 pitbuls in the USA only 26 kill somebody each year...this is a much better score than humans towards any living being...

out of 5.000.000 pitbulls are 26 allowed to have some sort of mental disorder? Am I reaching? I mean come on, 1 in 20.000 that is a waaaay better mental health score than humans...are some of the 26 pitbulls in this argument allowed to have traumas and scumbag owners who abuse them?...

pitbulls are statistically much better than humans...the 5.000.000 pitbulls who did nothing do not deserve a ban...

everybody who is against pitbulls stands under a waterfall of semen with their mouth wide open :2 cents::2 cents:

Bladewire 06-01-2018 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 22279998)
hey you dumb motherfucker..learn how to make an argument. Those animals aren't housepets in close prximity to children. Get the fuck out of here with your dumb shit.


pimpmaster9000 06-01-2018 02:46 PM

^^^also stands under a waterfall of semen with mouth wide open....

OneHungLo 06-01-2018 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22280142)

this is not about politics...it is about the simple fact that out of 5.000.000 pitbuls in the USA only 26 kill somebody each year...this is a much better score than humans towards any living being...

out of 5.000.000 pitbulls are 26 allowed to have some sort of mental disorder? Am I reaching? I mean come on, 1 in 20.000 that is a waaaay better mental health score than humans...are some of the 26 pitbulls in this argument allowed to have traumas and scumbag owners who abuse them?...

pitbulls are statistically much better than humans...the 5.000.000 pitbulls who did nothing do not deserve a ban...

Your argument might be worth something if that's all there was to it. You've forgot about the 1000s of kids that get disfigured by them or the 30,000 pets and livestock that also get killed by them.

dyna mo 06-01-2018 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22280212)
Your argument might be worth something if that's all there was to it. You've forgot about the 1000s of kids that get disfigured by them or the 30,000 pets and livestock that also get killed by them.

or if he actually, you know, gave a crap about pit bulls.

Smack dat 06-01-2018 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22279781)
1 in 20.000 pitbuls kills somebody and in the vast majority of cases it is the owners fault because he is a dumb rube who never should have had any dog let alone a pitbull...

there are 5.000.000 pitbulls in the USA and they have killed 26 people total per year...they actually have a better track record per capita than homo sapiens in the USA...

do you know somebody who was killed by a pitbul? no...you do not...
do you know somebody who knows somebody? no...you do not...
more people win the lottery than get killed by a pitbul....

you are cherry picking because you know shit about pitbulls...thats all there is to it...lets just ban 5.000.000 dogs so somebody who does not know shit about dogs can feel safe...

Sometimes you are an idiot.
Why are you defending these dogs?

Take dogs as dogs. Fuck all the other wildlife.

Pitbulls still attack more than any other comparable dog.

gfyworldnews 06-01-2018 08:03 PM

Pitbulls adopt traits of their owners, 99.9% of whom are black or white trash.

Bladewire 06-02-2018 12:27 AM

just a punk 06-02-2018 01:19 AM

Pitbulls are absolutely unpredictable and they can attack a child at any moment. Also they have no trigger to stop when their victim shows that it was defeated (the dogs lay to their backs to show that they won't fight anymore).

pimpmaster9000 06-02-2018 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22280212)
Your argument might be worth something if that's all there was to it. You've forgot about the 1000s of kids that get disfigured by them or the 30,000 pets and livestock that also get killed by them.

and your argument might be worth something if you included how many people and pets americans kill and disfigure...considering the white man out-murders pitbuls easily, I am willing to bet white man also wins this one...

I am not addressing your desperate-for-clicks journalist figures until you give me stats for how much white boys disfigure/attack per year...lets start with USIS and their 25.000 bombs/year, even though it is just the tip of the iceberg...and yes, USIS counts...it is so deep in your culture that it would not be fair to ignore what you continuously do to your fellow human beings :thumbsup

now either you got some figures, or you go back under the semen waterfall with the rest of the semen chuggers...


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22280212)
or if he actually, you know, gave a crap about pit bulls.

my pitbull was the kindest, sweetest soul ever to walk the earth...he adored our cat and was bossed around by her all the time...the cat used him as a pillow and he was happy when she did...

a dog is what you make of it...just like a human...any living being can be turned in to a killer with sufficient abuse or neglect...

BaldBastard 06-02-2018 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22279923)
then why did australia ban pitbulls?

Because they're like Ar15's... It's not the dog or the gun.. its the owner and the sort of owners who are attracted to them. While I'd love society to be able to ban the owners, its a lot more "moral" just to ban the dog. Its a dog that's breed for fighting, why anyone would want one baffles me, its not there to protect you, but protect its self. Get a fucking poodle!

OneHungLo 06-02-2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22280383)
Because they're like Ar15's... It's not the dog or the gun.. its the owner and the sort of owners who are attracted to them. While I'd love society to be able to ban the owners, its a lot more "moral" just to ban the dog. Its a dog that's breed for fighting, why anyone would want one baffles me, its not there to protect you, but protect its self. Get a fucking poodle!

In one sentence you say it's not the dog then go on to say it was bred for fighting. If the dog was bred for fighting it is the dog.

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