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-   -   Told you this was coming.. Sane Republicans are jumping ship to the Democrats (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1271560)

crockett 07-15-2017 11:02 AM

Told you this was coming.. Sane Republicans are jumping ship to the Democrats
44 years a Republican, 1 year an Independent, today I’m joining the Democratic Party | Politics Now

The simple fact is you can't be sane and be a Republican today. People who aren't crazy are waking up and seeing their party has gone off the rails.

All that will be left in the GOP will be nutters. Sane Republicans, patriots and the smart middle class are running g to the Democrats.. It's the only sane and logical choice.

TheSquealer 07-15-2017 11:05 AM

Funny how your insane ramblings never explain why the Democrats were voted out of the White House, The House, The Senate and more state governments since the Civil War. In your world, there's only one right answer, one right way to see things, one right way to vote etc. Yet the voting public has gone completely in the opposite direction of you. Rather than opening yourself up to the views of others and accepting that answers are many faceted with valid arguments on all sides, you simply fall back on the logic of a simpleton and use words like "brainwashed", "stupid" etc to explain those many logical fallacies, contradictions and inconsistencies away.

crockett 07-15-2017 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21891715)
Funny how your insane ramblings never explain why the Democrats were voted out of the White House, The House, The Senate and more state governments since the Civil War. In your world, there's only one right answer, one right way to see things, one right way to vote etc. Yet the voting public has gone completely in the opposite direction of you. Rather than opening yourself up to the views of others and accepting that answers are many faceted with valid arguments on all sides, you simply fall back on the logic of a simpleton and use words like "brainwashed", "stupid" etc to explain those many logical fallacies, contradictions and inconsistencies away.

Its funny that you didnt even read the article before you went on rambling like a fool. It might have talked sense into you...

TheSquealer 07-15-2017 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21891721)
It's funny that you didn't even read the article before you went on rambling like a fool. It might have talked sense into you...

you are on the fringe. not the middle. your "side" is always the same. ... that is "everyone that doesn't see things the exact way that I see them is an asshole, is wrong, is brain washed, is stupid" etc.

I don't need to read an article you post, to know its general theme, which is your life's purpose.... finding and posting what you believe to be evidence which supports your position that the far left fringe, is the center and the only way to see anything.

crockett 07-15-2017 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21891733)
you are on the fringe. not the middle. your "side" is always the same. ... that is "everyone that doesn't see things the exact way that I see them is an asshole, is wrong, is brain washed, is stupid" etc.

I don't need to read an article you post, to know its general theme, which is your life's purpose.... finding and posting what you believe to be evidence which supports your position that the far left fringe, is the center and the only way to see anything.

Of course I'm not in the middle. The right has gone so far to the extreme the middle would be reganomics. The middle today would be the far right of the 80s...

It's funny though, you exclude yourself from the fringe and I bet you still didn't read the article.

Robbie 07-15-2017 12:47 PM

I wonder about all the DEMOCRATS who voted for Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc that won him the election.
That was who actually "jumped ship" and voted Republican.

Bladewire 07-15-2017 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21891706)
44 years a Republican, 1 year an Independent, today I?m joining the Democratic Party | Politics Now

The simple fact is you can't be sane and be a Republican today. People who aren't crazy are waking up and seeing their party has gone off the rails.

All that will be left in the GOP will be nutters. Sane Republicans, patriots and the smart middle class are running g to the Democrats.. It's the only sane and logical choice.

6 months in and Trump has imploded. The best thing to happen to the Democratic party ever!!! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Conservative Republicans are becoming independents and religious Republicans are becoming Democrats. All that will be left after Trump destroys the Republican party are the racists and fascists, both of which need to start immigration procedings ti Syria, North Korea or Russia immediately.

Bladewire 07-15-2017 01:04 PM

Bladewire 07-15-2017 01:05 PM

Joshua G 07-15-2017 01:07 PM


i just finished reading this not-fake news that democrats in youngstown ohio all converted to GOP.


Not this time. In the 2016 primaries, a number of Mahoning Valley Democrats changed their party affiliation to vote for Donald J. Trump.
then i stumble into this thread full of the usual crock-o-shit bullshit.

enjoy talking to yourself pea brain OP, spreading your liberal fairy tales.

queue up a russia thread, dumb lib. its almost sunday...


Joshua G 07-15-2017 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21891835)
6 months in and Trump has imploded. The best thing to happen to the Democratic party ever!!! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Conservative Republicans are becoming independents and religious Republicans are becoming Democrats. All that will be left after Trump destroys the Republican party are the racists and fascists, both of which need to start immigration procedings ti Syria, North Korea or Russia immediately.

dumb lib...


thommy 07-15-2017 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21891847)

i am really astonished from that video because i did not see a country yet where people joining a party with the intention to CHANGE this party.

in other countries people have usually the choice of many parties and join one what is in their political near.

poor america !!!! i wish one day you get a democrathy !

Tasty1 07-15-2017 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21891895)
i am really astonished from that video because i did not see a country yet where people joining a party with the intention to CHANGE this party.

in other countries people have usually the choice of many parties and join one what is in their political near.

poor america !!!! i wish one day you get a democrathy !

In Holland we have PvdA. They where pro immigration and more and more arab politicians joined. Last elections they where slaughtered and lost 82% of their votes.

Here the story of a PvdA member that says how she felt the influence of other Turkish members.

The leftwing media source:

So, yes, there are European parties where people joined to make CHANGE the party to become an more Arab party. Now they started their own. Thanks political correctness.

And a lot of time young people join a party to renew it and make changes.

RedFred 07-15-2017 01:51 PM

Doesn't matter. After the Bush fiasco less than 20% admitted they were Republican, they all claimed to be independent. But lo and behold, they still voted Republican.

Steve Rupe 07-15-2017 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21891895)
i am really astonished from that video because i did not see a country yet where people joining a party with the intention to CHANGE this party.

in other countries people have usually the choice of many parties and join one what is in their political near.

poor america !!!! i wish one day you get a democrathy !

In America there are around 50 different political parties to choose from but the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are the two major parties. There were, if I remember correctly about 35 Presidential nominees in the 2016 Presidential election.

Axeman 07-15-2017 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21891841)

Joe has been a democrat for decades. Glad he finally admitted it, instead of being a RINO. Well he said he's now Independent, but good enough. Now if he can take half the Republican party that are also really Democrats with him. McCain, Collins, Graham, McConnell etc etc.

Rochard 07-15-2017 02:03 PM

I used to be a hardcore Republican. I was a US Marine under President Reagan. "We were going to kill the communists". And then the Republicans asked President Clinton if he ever had sexual relations with an unknown intern during the Whitewater investigation. That was bullshit. It was nothing more than an attempt by the Republican party to make a sitting president look bad.

I want - I demand - my elected officials to do their jobs. I did not elect them to play games.

Bladewire 07-15-2017 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21891982)
In America there are around 50 different political parties to choose from but the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are the two major parties. There were, if I remember correctly about 35 Presidential candidates in the 2016 Presidential election.

For a year Trump said the American elections are rigged, then with some help from Putin Trump won, then he said he won the popular vote and over 3 million people voted for his opponent illegally, then he said his inaguration crowd was bigger than Obamas, then he said our intelligence agencies are corrupt, then he said they weren't, then he said they were again, then he said they don't know that Russia hacked us (even though Trump asked them to hack us on national television), then he said he has nothing to do with Russia....

Axeman 07-15-2017 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21892000)
I used to be a hardcore Republican. I was a US Marine under President Reagan. "We were going to kill the communists". And then the Republicans asked President Clinton if he ever had sexual relations with an unknown intern during the Whitewater investigation. That was bullshit. It was nothing more than an attempt by the Republican party to make a sitting president look bad.

I want - I demand - my elected officials to do their jobs. I did not elect them to play games.

Oh the irony! Hope that was said with tongue in cheek. I agree with you that all both sides play is games. They screw around. Keep people distracted. And meanwhile they all play the same game, which is make off like bandits at the taxpayers expense. Very very few on the hill are principled in a belief. Most have the same common belief of enriching themselves and their friends.

thommy 07-15-2017 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21892000)
And then the Republicans asked President Clinton if he ever had sexual relations with an unknown intern during the Whitewater investigation.

...and still leaves the open question why a president who likes blowjobs canīt be a good president....

CoolMikey 07-15-2017 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21891787)
Of course I'm not in the middle. The right has gone so far to the extreme the middle would be reganomics. The middle today would be the far right of the 80s...

"Extreme" by definition is only supported by a few, so "extreme" can not possibly hold power everywhere.

But as you are probably aware of, the "right" actually DOES holds power everywhere making them not "extreme" like you are claiming, but actually making them mainstream.

Bladewire 07-15-2017 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21892111)
"Extreme" by definition is only supported by a few, so "extreme" can not possibly hold power everywhere.

But as you are probably aware of, the "right" actually DOES holds power everywhere making them not "extreme" like you are claiming, but actually making them mainstream.


Look up the definition of extreme and post it.

CoolMikey 07-15-2017 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21892147)

Look up the definition of extreme and post it.

"Nowadays, the term is mostly used in a political or religious sense, for an ideology that is considered (by the speaker or by some implied shared social consensus) to be far outside the (acceptable) mainstream attitudes of society."

Right wing ideology is getting majority of the votes across the country in most state, senate, house, etc elections, so clearly it's not "outside the mainstream attitudes of society."

I'm not sure what is hard to understand, if their position was "extreme" no one would vote for it, and the person holding that position wouldn't be voted in.

baddog 07-15-2017 03:59 PM

What a fucking joke.

baddog 07-15-2017 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21892183)
"Nowadays, the term is mostly used in a political or religious sense, for an ideology that is considered (by the speaker or by some implied shared social consensus) to be far outside the (acceptable) mainstream attitudes of society."

Right wing ideology is getting majority of the votes across the country in most state, senate, house, etc elections, so clearly it's not "outside the mainstream attitudes of society."

I'm not sure what is hard to understand, if their position was "extreme" no one would vote for it, and the person holding that position wouldn't be voted in.

Dude, he is a fucking idiot; he will never grasp the concept.

Joshua G 07-15-2017 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21892111)
"Extreme" by definition is only supported by a few, so "extreme" can not possibly hold power everywhere.

But as you are probably aware of, the "right" actually DOES holds power everywhere making them not "extreme" like you are claiming, but actually making them mainstream.

careful. throwing logic & common sense at the dumb libs will cause them to call you redhat & hater & label you someone elses fake nick. should happen any post now by crock-o-shit or bladewire...


crockett 07-15-2017 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21892111)
"Extreme" by definition is only supported by a few, so "extreme" can not possibly hold power everywhere.

But as you are probably aware of, the "right" actually DOES holds power everywhere making them not "extreme" like you are claiming, but actually making them mainstream.

1st of all it isn't the majority of people voting Republican or for Trump. The majority of voters voted AGAINST Trump. That is actual fact you can look up in the voting records.

Trump won because Republicans figured out how to game the EC and did it illegally as we'very seen in many states with the gerrymandering that was done illegally as the courts are starting to prove.

Second Hitler was extreme and he was brought into power by the majority of Germans.

NatalieK 07-15-2017 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21891715)
Funny how your insane ramblings never explain why the Democrats were voted out of the White House, The House, The Senate and more state governments since the Civil War.

Crockett explained...


Sane Republicans, patriots and the smart middle class are running g to the Democrats
The only insane people are those still following Trump...



NatalieK 07-15-2017 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21892186)
What a fucking joke.


seems Trumpīs the joke :2 cents:

baddog 07-15-2017 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21892231)

Trump won because Republicans figured out how to game the EC and did it illegally as we'very seen in many states with the gerrymandering that was done illegally as the courts are starting to prove.

Game the EC? Courts are proving? Fuck, you really are crock-o-shit.


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21892243)

Garry, you are just an imbecile; did you even read the article? Do you know what an estimate is?

Do you honestly believe a budget in the trillions gives a rat fuck about $250 million?

Fucking dense.

directfiesta 07-15-2017 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Axeman (Post 21891988)
Joe has been a democrat for decades. Glad he finally admitted it, instead of being a RINO. Well he said he's now Independent, but good enough. Now if he can take half the Republican party that are also really Democrats with him. McCain, Collins, Graham, McConnell etc etc.

please ....

Political party Independent (from 2017)

Other political Republican (until 2017)


In 1994, Scarborough won the Republican Party primary for Florida's 1st congressional district. The seat had come open when eight-term Democratic incumbent Earl Hutto announced his retirement. In the general election Scarborough defeated the Democratic candidate, Pensacola attorney Vince "Vinnie" Whibbs Jr., with 61 percent of the vote, becoming the first Republican to represent this part of Florida since the Reconstruction Era

directfiesta 07-15-2017 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21892306)
Game the EC? Courts are proving? Fuck, you really are crock-o-shit.

Garry, you are just an imbecile; did you even read the article? Do you know what an estimate is?

Do you honestly believe a budget in the trillions gives a rat fuck about $250 million?

Fucking dense.

you could either replace Devos at education or whoever is at finance . You are surely qualified .... :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Joshua G 07-15-2017 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21892231)
Second Hitler was extreme and he was brought into power by the majority of Germans.

no he wasn't you fucking idiot. hitler was never voted into power, by any majority dipshit. he was appointed chancellor by the guy that kicked his ass, & when that guy croaked, hitler simply took over.

you & rochard haven't the foggiest notion of history or facts. you just talk straight out your dumbass.

god you libs are dumb.


Axeman 07-15-2017 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by directfiesta (Post 21892318)
please ....

Political party Independent (from 2017)

Other political Republican (until 2017)


You should have first educated yourself about what a RINO is. Joe called himself a Republican for nearly 20 years now, and he was nothing remotely like a Republican. He could call himself a Unicorn and be the same thing. So I am glad he has admitted it finally. Now if he could get other RINO's like McCain, Flake, Collins, and about 30% of the Republican party to admit who they are. They are democrats who call themselves Republicans in order to get elected. And for those few months every election cycle, they sure campaign as if they were the most die hard conservatives you ever did see. And then once elected, back to their Democratic ways. Note I didn't say Liberals.

crockett 07-15-2017 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21892306)
Game the EC? Courts are proving? Fuck, you really are crock-o-shit.

Garry, you are just an imbecile; did you even read the article? Do you know what an estimate is?

Do you honestly believe a budget in the trillions gives a rat fuck about $250 million?

Fucking dense.

Bitch open your ignorant eyes.. we've posted at least 3 court cases here where the courts have ruled Republicans illegally gerrymandered voting districts at state levels.

It's not up to your ignorat fucking opinion, it's fuck court records. I'm not even going to waste my time posting, you want to educate your self use fucking google. But we all know you wont.

Bladewire 07-15-2017 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21892306)
Game the EC? Courts are proving? Fuck, you really are crock-o-shit.

You must be drunk again, or just uninformed again.

thommy 07-15-2017 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21892306)

Do you honestly believe a budget in the trillions gives a rat fuck about $250 million?

Fucking dense.

if you would READ the article instead spending time research names to call you would have mentioned that it was a writing error - they talk about 250 BILLION and not million.

Paul Markham 07-15-2017 11:24 PM

You will not know until the next batch of elections.

thommy 07-15-2017 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21892345)
no he wasn't you fucking idiot. hitler was never voted into power, by any majority dipshit. he was appointed chancellor by the guy that kicked his ass, & when that guy croaked, hitler simply took over.

you & rochard haven't the foggiest notion of history or facts. you just talk straight out your dumbass.

god you libs are dumb.


burn your history books you moron.

hitler was not voted directly because there is and was never a vote for a person in germany.

the NSDAP was the strongest party and was elected on 31. of july 1932 as the strongest party.

as he was the face of the NSDAP you can say "he was elected" same as trump was elected as the candidate of the republicans.

that hitler could go for that was the weakness of the election system in that time.
he was not even german and became german with a legal trick because ONE CITY gave him the german status.

hitler or the NSDAP had more or less the same number of public votes in germany as trump have. they got around 33% - FAR from the majority.

there are so many similarities between hitler and trump that you can replace the name hitler with trump in the history til the beginning of the war.
i am pretty sure that he have studied hitlerīs strategic concept well and just use it again 90 years later.

and the same americans who teached us how bad he was get tricked the same fucking way.

DukeSkywalker 07-16-2017 01:30 AM

Everyone, both sides, just stfu already. Let's carry on about biz, and making money. Like a shap thread. There used to be tons of guys like shap. Now we have the above. All day like cable news. Hey, i'm a tool too. I'm trying to fix that.
Im trying

Look Chang 07-16-2017 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21892048)
...and still leaves the open question why a president who likes blowjobs canīt be a good president....

Blowjobs help to open mind and clarify ideas. :stoned

Acepimp 07-16-2017 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21892375)
Bitch open your ignorant eyes.. we've posted at least 3 court cases here where the courts have ruled Republicans illegally gerrymandered voting districts at state levels.

It's not up to your ignorat fucking opinion, it's fuck court records. I'm not even going to waste my time posting, you want to educate your self use fucking google. But we all know you wont.

You liberal lunatics are lying- again. Do you do it intentionally, or do you believe fake news?

Maryland Democrats Finally Confess To Gerrymandering A Republican Out Of Office

Democrats and Gerrymandering: Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind

Michael Maloney: Democrats gerrymandered, too

Also please explain how Trump "gamed the electoral college" by winning at least 83% of US counties. :1orglaugh

Guys, Hillary lost because she's evil and no one likes her. Get over it already. :2 cents:


Barry-xlovecam 07-16-2017 06:56 AM

Not really. Trump's opinion polls among *independent* "swing" voters continues to erode.
The radical fringe on the right and left has not changed much.


Losing the middle is what matters.

Bladewire 07-16-2017 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 21892420)
You will not know until the next batch of elections.

True. If Republicans win the next batch of elections well know the voting machines have been compromised.

wehateporn 07-16-2017 08:55 AM

He's been bought that's all, nothing to do with anything else, just money, not to be admired.

There are still some Globalists in the Zionist Republican party, they will gradually be clensed out.

Paul Markham 07-16-2017 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21892828)
True. If Republicans win the next batch of elections well know the voting machines have been compromised.

No you will know the American political system is fucked.

Whats wrong with these?




poncabare 07-16-2017 09:48 AM

get a life

Robbie 07-16-2017 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21892777)
Not really. Trump's opinion polls among *independent* "swing" voters continues to erode.
The radical fringe on the right and left has not changed much.


Losing the middle is what matters.

Barry, that's a Washington Post ABC News poll.
First off...those 2 news organizations are so anti-Trump that they would never commission a poll that shows Trump is popular.
These are the same polls that showed Hillary winning in a landslide.

No way I would base my thoughts on polls. That is designed to make them and you feel better about yourselves.

You were misled and lied to for over a year during the campaign season by these organizations polling (which is heavily weighted politically and geographically to achieve those numbers).
You know the old saying: "Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me"

You are falling for their b.s. attempt to change true public opinion again.

NatalieK 07-16-2017 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21892306)
Garry, you are just an imbecile; did you even read the article? Do you know what an estimate is?

Do you honestly believe a budget in the trillions gives a rat fuck about $250 million?

Fucking dense.

oh I forget I canīt add up & donīt realise every $250 billion will add up...

Iīd made a mistake when writing but you could have read the article for yourself, itīs a huge amount, 250 billion!

donīt be a twat all your life! Was only a week ago I showed proof with another moronic post you wrote :2 cents:

ruff 07-16-2017 10:14 AM

Well, all you tRump supporters. What has tRump managed to do? What has the Republican party managed to do in the 6 months they've been in power. I think that speaks big time, don't you? Still think you made the right call? Let's see, tRumps approval rating is down to 36% now isn't it? How much more of this buffoon do you think we need? He's not going to make America great, he's going to make America about as relevant as Australia. His incompetence has pushed China to the forefront of world leadership. Imagine that. We will never be seen as number one on this planet again. Nice job idiots.

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