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mce 10-11-2017 06:30 PM

Why did the Vikings have ALLAH embroidered in their funeral clothes?
The reach of Islamic culture goes all the way up the fjords

Why did Vikings have 'Allah' embroidered into funeral clothes? - BBC News

xKingx 10-11-2017 07:44 PM

Watch the 13th warrior


oppoten 10-11-2017 08:03 PM

If the BBC are pushing it, I wouldn't trust it.

They're writing non-whites into all aspects of white history, in the UK at least.

EonBlue 10-11-2017 08:10 PM


Enlarging the patterns and looking at the reflection in a mirror revealed the word 'Allah' (God) in Arabic
Sounds like a bit of a reach to me. I think this "researcher" is trying to see what isn't there.


Busty2 10-11-2017 08:14 PM

In Norse mythology, Valhalla (from Old Norse Valhöll "hall of the slain" ) is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin

Matt 26z 10-11-2017 08:31 PM

There is a big push in Europe right now to establish a muslim history there so that their presence seems more natural. It is of course junk history.

IF it does say allah then the most likely scenario was that it was obtained through trade and the wearer had no idea what it said. Of course the story doesn't mention that as a possibility. They want the narrative to be that vikings were muslims.

oppoten 10-11-2017 08:37 PM

Valhalla snackbar :D

oppoten 10-11-2017 09:00 PM

I'm waiting to see if the BBC starts counter-signaling Iceland at the World Cup.

They had "minority privilege" at the Euro's, since it was their first tournament and especially since they beat England. But now that their "success-relative-to-population-size" is starting to look like a white-race thing, the media might change their tune.

Maybe they'll say that jailing bankers is anti-semitic, especially since Iceland is recovering at a faster rate than the countries that bailed the bankers out. How To Run A Nation 101.

The Porn Nerd 10-11-2017 09:01 PM

Watch Vikings on the History Channel.
It does not address this issue, it's just fucking awesome.

oppoten 10-11-2017 09:23 PM


oppoten 10-11-2017 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22033543)
Watch Vikings on the History Channel.
It does not address this issue, it's just fucking awesome.

Seems like there's lots of high-end dramatizations of Vikings, or fictional versions of Vikings.

It was real life. Real white people did that stuff :thumbsup

DraX 10-12-2017 01:05 AM

Valhalla > Allah

It's almost identical words if you're a European self hating liberal...:2 cents:

jackiehst 10-12-2017 03:55 AM

It is Sweden, ruled by totalitarian communist regime. They are faking their own history

nico-t 10-12-2017 03:59 AM

Fucking retarded. When does this madness stop?

Markul 10-12-2017 04:26 AM

Because they didn't. Simple as that.if anything, it said Valhalla.

Paul Markham 10-12-2017 04:28 AM

If there had been the equivalent mass migration of Muslims into Viking territories in the 9th and 10th centuries. We know what the outcome would be. A lot of dead Muslims.

VRPdommy 10-12-2017 06:17 AM

I think many would be suprised just how many traveled to all parts of the earth before Christ.
In fact much before.
While I know this topic will be brushed of by many as like fake news because it has to many religious and political overtones, you do not know what you do not seek to know.

Even your biblical Joseph came to the Americas multiple times. He was the pharaoh's 'right hand man' or son of the right hand and was Asiatic looking, but not Asian. The reality is that we was Aztland in decent. His Egyptian name actually meant 'ruler of other lands'.

Solomans mines where in the great lakes area (Michigan and Wisconsin) and there are Egyptian tombs in the Grand Canyon. There were so many Egyptian and Latin findings when the earliest 'historic' settlers come to the America's that many of the towns are named as such. Just look at southern Illinois. Parts of Ohio. Mainly near good water transport areas.

And the land of Milk & Honey that Mosses seeked was in the Americas better known at that time as AZTLAND, where the name Atlantis was derived from. He needed to get on board the ships to get his people that he led them to Canaan (mostly Lebanon now) and was unable to deliver. For a round trip was about 3 years for a ship sailing along the coastlines from port to port for provisions and not many additional could travel on each ship & trip.

And that is how Culture, Religion and language migrated around the globe. But not always in the same direction of each with the people.
The so called American Indian feathered head dress is actually rooted from Persia.
The American Eagle is also patterned from the same... Anzu who guarded the tablet of knowledge (ark of the covenant story after exodus) and many of the US founding fathers were aware of this story.

Even Cris Columbus was looking for the land of Ophir when he stumbled near the Americas. The maps that led him there are still in dispute. Being found in Turkey showing the Americas and the Antarctic without ICE. The fact they were found there were really from fault of Alexander the Great, who wanted all ships coming to port to have all their documents copied. And many were transferred to Istanbul (his primary residence) after the great library was partially burned near the time of Cleopatra (actually pronounced keo-Tat-Pa)

While many can continue to be in denial of facts for whatever reason you might have, some of us continue to read artifacts found in the US written in Phonetician (what some call ancient Hebrew), 2/3 forms of Early Latin and at least one unidentified that I found a source for in Greece 3000BC that is also found on pottery fragments in some coastal towns in China.

I find it a shame nobody is really putting this stuff in front of the public for nobody really understands their own history. This is why many of the American Indian story's have some similarity to things found in other religions and cultures for many of them (not all) have migrant ancestors as well. It just become hard to separate since cultures blended with native communities over time, even if there language did not. But at least one of Columbus's crew herd the natives talk in a language he thought was old Hebrew.

But I guess if they were to do so, the conspiracy theorist would come around and many others would be making so many outlandish claims, it would be hard to know what to believe.
Kinda like some of the stuff I read here. We seem to have the need to spin any fact if it does not make sense of the world we have been taught.
Well the problem here is you are at least not being taught completely.
But how do you make proper judgements about the present and future without knowing the past.

Google Expert 10-12-2017 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by mce (Post 22033423)
The reach of Islamic culture goes all the way up the fjords

Why did Vikings have 'Allah' embroidered into funeral clothes? - BBC News

Because of raids and traders.

Vikings raided as far as Middle East and India.



In March of 2015, Sweden Post released a stamp that depicts the Buddha sitting in a lotus as part of a series commemorating the Era of Vikings. The illustration is of a small, bronze statuette of the Buddha, which was uncovered by archaeologists in a small Swedish town in 1954. The archaeologists dated the statue to the 5th century, likely coming from Kashmir, Northern India.

Leather straps on the statue indicate that it was carried as a talisman by merchant traders. Historians hypothesize that the Buddha was carried over thousand of miles, up and down the rivers and steppes of Eurasia, before arriving on the mantlepiece of a Viking home in Sweden, perhaps after two or three hundred years of travel.

Google Expert 10-12-2017 06:34 AM

Oh yeah, North America was also discovered by Vikings, 500 years before Columbus.

crockett 10-12-2017 07:31 AM

This topic is quite entertaining, It shows how dumb red hats are. Something they don't like is instantly fake news and a liberal conspiracy. Seriously you guys are fucking mentality ill, you are scared of reality which is why you guys hate science so much.

PR_Glen 10-12-2017 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by oppoten (Post 22033563)
Seems like there's lots of high-end dramatizations of Vikings, or fictional versions of Vikings.

It was real life. Real white people did that stuff :thumbsup

There lies amazing stories and people in all cultures and their skin colours have nothing to do with them. I know you live in your forever cloudy day shack in your own personal hell that believes otherwise, but this world is full of great cultures and people of all sorts and it will continue to whether you like it or not.

CaptainHowdy 10-12-2017 07:37 AM

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh ...

VRPdommy 10-12-2017 08:19 AM

Here is a well known map of the Mississippi, then known as the HIO river.
Yes, the OHIO is the upper HIO.
This was found in a cavern/tomb in Illinois in the 1980's.
While I will not spend time explaining everything here. I will sight one example from it.
The lower left side of the stone you will see a tributary and a lake.
The writing next to it reads (Pronounced) Chet Taw Leg - which is today Lake Ouachita.
Chet as a meaning here is a stone fortress which is also found just to the north which is Hot Springs in the Ozarks. 'leg is a body of water with a output stream So the full meaning of the text is Stone Fortress by the lake. Please read the old history of that area for it is huge.
And it is disgraceful the officers of the government set to destroy the entire native community and culture in the 1800's. So much lost.
And the language as used here is around 300bc - 300 AD
Oh... you might also notice a cave symbol along the Ohio river, known today as 'cave-in-rock' and is still there. The other strange looking fence symbol to the north of it is a representation of where the cave is that this artifact was found. It too is known as a chet in symbol form.
Just thought you might find it interesting.

celandina 10-12-2017 08:29 AM


EonBlue 10-12-2017 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Markul (Post 22033773)
Because they didn't. Simple as that.if anything, it said Valhalla.

Yes but in Old Norse it is "Valhöll".

And besides the supposed embroidered word was "mirrored". Why would they it embroider it that way?

My guess is that it was just a random pattern that happens to look like the word "Allah" when looked at through a mirror. Pure coincidence.


rogueteens 10-12-2017 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22033511)
There is a big push in Europe right now to establish a muslim history there so that their presence seems more natural. It is of course junk history.

IF it does say allah then the most likely scenario was that it was obtained through trade and the wearer had no idea what it said. Of course the story doesn't mention that as a possibility. They want the narrative to be that vikings were muslims.

Right on both points

The Porn Nerd 10-12-2017 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22033777)
If there had been the equivalent mass migration of Muslims into Viking territories in the 9th and 10th centuries. We know what the outcome would be. A lot of dead Muslims.

Nailed it. :thumbsup

NatalieMojoHost 10-12-2017 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22033511)
IF it does say allah then the most likely scenario was that it was obtained through trade and the wearer had no idea what it said. Of course the story doesn't mention that as a possibility. They want the narrative to be that vikings were muslims.

To their credit, the article actually does say "the material had come from central Asia, Persia and China". But not everyone reads the actual text.

Bladewire 10-12-2017 01:21 PM

Coming from Viking ancestry I'm disturbed at the new trend of the alt-right using our symbols in their white supremacy propaganda. Especially the alt-right wingnuts with brown dicks, or Hispanics & Spanish that aren't even really white people but classify THEMSELVES as white :2 cents:

These are white man

mineistaken 10-12-2017 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22033777)
If there had been the equivalent mass migration of Muslims into Viking territories in the 9th and 10th centuries. We know what the outcome would be. A lot of dead Muslims.

No pussies back then in Viking land. Now they are submitting themselves to the invaders like cucks.

mineistaken 10-12-2017 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by NatalieMojoHost (Post 22034587)
To their credit, the article actually does say "the material had come from central Asia, Persia and China". But not everyone reads the actual text.

Journalists specifically made the title and article this way...
You can push the agenda by hiding crucial details in the article and by naming your article in a certain way etc etc.

DraX 10-18-2017 12:58 AM

It was all fake news made up of a woman working on a university in Sweden, surely a left twisted feminist with liberal ideas.

Viking textile did not feature word 'Allah', expert says | The Independent

just a punk 10-18-2017 01:52 AM


VRPdommy 10-18-2017 04:26 PM

Hebrew's in America before Christ ?

Found at Bat Creek Tennessee in 1895


oppoten 10-18-2017 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22034009)
There lies amazing stories and people in all cultures and their skin colours have nothing to do with them. I know you live in your forever cloudy day shack in your own personal hell that believes otherwise, but this world is full of great cultures and people of all sorts and it will continue to whether you like it or not.

Congrats on totally, and perhaps deliberately, missing my point. I never said anything about other cultures.

My point is that white culture (yes we do have a culture) is being eroded, either by giving it to non-whites or by turning it into some kind of fantasy drama.

I know the world is full of great cultures, and they don't need your media elites representing them. It's no different from blackface, as 'BBC Pidgin' easily shows.

hdbuilder 10-18-2017 06:06 PM

VAllallah may more... One of their gods or Heaven cant remember

oppoten 10-18-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22034607)

Whatever the fuck that is....it ain't white.

VRPdommy 10-19-2017 11:08 AM

Bosnian Pyramids


VRPdommy 10-19-2017 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by oppoten (Post 22042069)
Congrats on totally, and perhaps deliberately, missing my point. I never said anything about other cultures.

My point is that white culture (yes we do have a culture) is being eroded, either by giving it to non-whites or by turning it into some kind of fantasy drama.

I know the world is full of great cultures, and they don't need your media elites representing them. It's no different from blackface, as 'BBC Pidgin' easily shows.

Perhaps if the whites have not been erasing the cultures of others over the last 2000 years or more, you would not feel this way.
Some of these cultures just want their identity back. Don't take offense to it if you feel minimized by it. Quickly referring to the America's, Australia, Africa but not limited to them.
And their histories have mostly been re-written by whites.
What do we really know of the Mayan's after the conquistador's. Only what they tell us.

But when it comes to fighting over religion or praising a higher power, count me out.
I do not feel I am any better than anyone else in this world.
And it's those that do that start all the problems with it.

And I'm not endorsing this article as a fact but to say people have traveled the world long before your historians have led you to believe.
And there is no real conspiracy in that , I hope, but it is what it is.
I find it as a plausible explanation. But history is written by the victor of invasion. If not by outright war.
The stone I pictured above from Bat Creek TN, was originally believed to be Cherokee Native Tribe In the US. It sat in the Smithsonian Inst. for decades before a person who could read 'part of it' noticed it was written in ancient Hebrew (phonetician) and was positioned upside down while on display.
And I will tell you what it says and that is not printed anywhere on the web, but I can read 'the full text' of this stone and surprised nobody has ever offered it...
"protect journey onto YAHWEH" and was most likely a headstone placed under the head at burial. yahweh was the leading word/prophet to the Hebrew's. Their GOD.
Could it be that Hebrew traveled here somewhere between 300bc and 900bc ?
and/or that they became the Cherokee nation that was discovered all this time later ?
Culture and history was lost to answer that because of white men killing them and pushing them from their lands. Same might be said for the Tula Indians in Hot Springs AK. Or many others worldwide.

When your view of history is narrow in scope, you are limiting your own comprehension to the present world around you. How can you take the right path for the future. You will be doomed to be conquered and erased yourself.

Learn your history. It will serve you well.

Iron Mike 10-19-2017 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22033511)
There is a big push in Europe right now to establish a muslim history there so that their presence seems more natural. [...]

Yes yes, Europeans are not very bright, 'white man' is responsible for literally all evils and plagues in this world, europeans are 'phobic', not rational, 'family' is a outdated concept, such as 'gender', 'nation' etc.

Cultural marxism. Socialism. Total destruction of society, 'burned soil', eternal revolution. Got it? The ('deep', adminstrative) states' enemy are the people. Who again invented/defined marxism/socialism ...


Let me polish my tinfoil hat. Ok. Let's go:

First there were the mysterious 'indo-iranian peoples' roaming around in central asia (the nomenclaturae know a lot of stuff about mankinds history prior to 10.000 BC but information is hidden from the public eye for several reasons). The indo-iranian people moved north, up to Scandinavia -> Norwegians/Scandinavians are in part descendants of indo-iranian (aryan) peoples.

Then the (R1A) nordic/norwegian people (some call them Vikings) who, previously coming FROM central asia (google 'urheimat'), moved back INTO central asia. They traversed and settled in western Russia (areas such as Belarus, Ukraine, Moscow & Novgorod area, Wolga area, west of ural) and founded the 'Rus' empire -> some (not all) Russians are descendants of the Vikings/Indo-Iranians.

The 'Vikings' traded goods between Skandinavia with areas in what is called the 'fertile crescent'. They used the waterways that connect the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea, which then connects to the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and further even to the Indian Ocean. Vikings met with Arabs in the Middle ages to do business. Some of these 'Vikings' were working as bodyguards for sultans/arab leaders. And, naturally, some individuals assimilated and adopted other peoples' culture and their religious views, that's why there are cultural connections such as various inscriptions. It's not a secret, all well known to scholars/historians.

Research: 'indo-iranians', 'Seibna-Turbino phenomenon', 'Tarim mummies', 'history of russia', 'history of europe', 'autochthonous europeans', 'rus empire', 'european genetics'

There's an information 'blockage', a wall of (dis-)information for everything that happened prior to 10000 BC. As if there was no humanity at all, just some simple-minded Neanderthals and Cro-Mags roaming around... BS.

Do not believe what the school books and the MSM want you to believe. And do not believe wikipedia.org. Tactics of disinformation are manifold.

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