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crockett 09-12-2018 06:35 AM

The excuse that Trump is ok because the economy is good...
Ive seen all the gfy right wing nerds saying they are ok with anything Trump does because the econemy is good...

Ok.... California the so called liberal hell hold with tofu has the best econemy in the country along with a surplus budget, legal weed, the strictest environmental laws and sanctuary cities.

Calif is literally everything Republicans hate yet has the biggest econemy in the US thanks to a Democrat Govoner..

Check mate dumb red hats, CA proves you guys are dumb... :1orglaugh

Klen 09-12-2018 06:40 AM

Liberal? Wasn't Arnold in charge there recently ?

crockett 09-12-2018 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by KlenTelaris (Post 22334081)
Liberal? Wasn't Arnold in charge there recently ?

Jerry Brown has been in office since 2011. He brought the state back from a massive deficit to a surplus.. Cali now has a 6,1 billion dollar surplus thanks to Jerry Brown..

There was a $27 billion dollar deficit after Arnold left office... yet all Bad Dog can do is bitch about the liberals..

crockett 09-12-2018 06:50 AM

As usual what we see time and time again, is Republicans talk and promise a lot and make a bunch of public hoopla nonsense.. Meanwhile Democrats actually get shit done..

Clearly if its only tbe econemy that matters as excuse for Trumps behaviour... then Republicans should be praising Cali and Democrat Jerry Brown...

GFED 09-12-2018 06:52 AM

Sounds like he's doing a great job...


California’s homeless population jumped nearly 14 percent from 2016 to 2017 — to a total of more than 134,00 people. It rose nearly 9 percent over the previous seven years.

That’s much different than the national picture. While the national homeless population ticked up about 1 percent in 2017, it remained 13 percent lower than in 2010, according to an NPR analysis following the report’s release.

dyna mo 09-12-2018 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 22334085)
Sounds like he's doing a great job...

You think Republicans give a shit about the homeless?

crockett 09-12-2018 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 22334085)
Sounds like he's doing a great job...

...but nothing matters but the econemy thats what you red hats say...

GFED 09-12-2018 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22334089)
You think Republicans give a shit about the homeless?

Obviously more than the Democrats who just want to import more illegal aliens.

crockett 09-12-2018 07:17 AM

Jerry Brown for POTUS.. Make America Great Again, deport Trump..


dyna mo 09-12-2018 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 22334091)
Obviously more than the Democrats who just want to import more illegal aliens.

There's nothing obvious about that at all. Because it's wrong. thinking that because the problem exists under a democrat then Republican's care more is a logical fallacy. That also ignores reality.

GFED 09-12-2018 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22334104)
There's nothing obvious about that at all. Because it's wrong. thinking that because the problem exists under a democrat then Republican's care more is a logical fallacy. That also ignores reality.

It's obvious that overpopulation leads to lower paying jobs and higher inflation. People not being able to afford an apartment or house is a direct result of it. Therefore homelessness is an effect of your open borders policy.

Rochard 09-12-2018 07:49 AM

California also just passed a law to be 100% green energy by 2045...

California's commitment to 100 percent 'clean energy' by 2045, explained - The San Diego Union-Tribune

I live in a Republican county in a Democratic state and the Republicans stun me. The federal deficit just went up 32% in the past year while California has a surplus.

Yet Republicans sit here and complain. The county is talking about building a 300 bed homeless shelter in the next town, and people are up in arms about it. "This is how our government spends our money?" one person asked. We can sit here and do nothing about our homeless population - which in my little town here is concentrated in the biggest city park - or we can put a roof over their head, try to get them stable so they can get a job, get them drug rehab, or mental health services. This is such an easy decision here and people are against this and it's mind blowing for me. It's always the same people bitching too. One of them is named Robert, who is in my HOA. He bitches about everything. Last month he made a post in my FB group about how they are finding needles in our parks, but here is a chance to do something about it and he is dead set against it.

dyna mo 09-12-2018 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 22334109)
It's obvious that overpopulation leads to lower paying jobs and higher inflation. People not being able to afford an apartment or house is a direct result of it. Therefore homelessness is an effect of your open borders policy.

entirely wrong.
The housing crisis in California isn't due to immigration. You're clinging to your republican play book in spite of reality.

GFED 09-12-2018 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22334129)
entirely wrong.
The housing crisis in California isn't due to immigration. You're clinging to your republican play book in spite of reality.

Republican playbook? No, it's called supply and demand.

crockett 09-12-2018 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 22334132)
Republican playbook? No, it's called supply and demand.

You know they have the same issues in the oil towns in Texas right? Not enough housing because people are moving there for the jobs so the prices have skyrocketed..

Do you blame liberals for that and illegals?

dyna mo 09-12-2018 08:08 AM

heads up: illegal immigrants didn't drive up the median house price here to ~$1 million.

american pervert 09-12-2018 08:19 AM

as someone who lives in Cali, Jerry Brown is a wack job.

He has done such a great job at protecting the forests from logging that they are full of dead wood (fuel) for the largest forest fires the state has ever seen.

And now he just let 20 convicted murders have their sentences commuted

oh, and the homeless problem is the worst in the country

and the taxes...

but yeah, we have sunshine, palm trees and weed.

GFED 09-12-2018 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22334133)
You know they have the same issues in the oil towns in Texas right? Not enough housing because people are moving there for the jobs so the prices have skyrocketed..

Do you blame liberals for that and illegals?

What does this have to do with California having the largest homeless population in the country? You just confirmed the fact that more people equals higher prices.

crockett 09-12-2018 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 22334139)
What does this have to do with California having the largest homeless population in the country?

What does that have to do with Democrat led Cali having the best economy in the country? You havent made a comment on topic yet.. just typical red hat distractions..

Why are you scared to say Democart Jerry Brown did it right?

american pervert 09-12-2018 08:26 AM

oh, and his train to no where runs on fossil fuels.

dyna mo 09-12-2018 08:28 AM

the excuse that trump is ok because the economy is good baloney extends beyond cali.

tax cuts when the economy is humming = bad

deregulations of climate change regs

25% increase in military budget

all of that is extremely reckless and unthinking.

crockett 09-12-2018 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by american pervert (Post 22334138)
as someone who lives in Cali, Jerry Brown is a wack job.

He has done such a great job at protecting the forests from logging that they are full of dead wood (fuel) for the largest forest fires the state has ever seen.

And now he just let 20 convicted murders have their sentences commuted

oh, and the homeless problem is the worst in the country

and the taxes...

but yeah, we have sunshine, palm trees and weed.

And a great econemy and thats all that matters according to Trump supporters

astronaut x 09-12-2018 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 22334091)
Obviously more than the Democrats who just want to import more illegal aliens.

Nope, that would be republicans as well.

crockett 09-12-2018 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by american pervert (Post 22334143)
oh, and his train to no where runs on fossil fuels.

You mean like coal?

dyna mo 09-12-2018 08:59 AM

cali bullet train has been a debacle since Arnold pushed the plan through when he was governor.

can't hang the train on jerry.

cali logging has been restricted for decades leading to overgrown forests.

can't blame jerry for that.

i can go on.

crockett 09-12-2018 10:12 AM

Nothing but excuses from Trump supporters when you show them a Democrat actually gets the shit done that Trump can only promise..

Acepimp 09-12-2018 10:30 AM

Crockette, you misspelled 'ECONOMY' like 5 times. On top of that, you don't know what you're talking about. If there's such a big surplus why is Moonbeam always begging Trump to send more money? Oh right, they blew it all on illegal aliens instead of important shit like fixing that dam.


Why do you support criminal illegal aliens and not Americans, Crockette?


crockett 09-12-2018 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22334174)
Crockette, you misspelled 'ECONOMY' like 5 times. On top of that, you don't know what you're talking about. If there's such a big surplus why is Moonbeam always begging Trump to send more money? Oh right, they blew it all on illegal aliens instead of important shit like fixing that dam.


Why do you support criminal illegal aliens and not Americans, Crockette?


I can mis spell it and still doesnt change the fact that Democrats are better for the economy.. While Trump drives up our deficit with massive spending a Democrat balanced and created a surplus in Cali..

Sucks to be a loser fake nick doesnt it?

dyna mo 09-12-2018 11:19 AM

Cali does have a budget surplus. moreover, moonbeam inherited a budget deficit when he took over.

TheSquealer 09-13-2018 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22334078)

Ok.... California the so called liberal hell hold with tofu has the best econemy in the country along with a surplus budget, legal weed, the strictest environmental laws and sanctuary cities.

Great job on another liberal success story!!! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Oh and which major liberal cities don't have MASSIVE homeless problems/ None?

Federal data released Wednesday show that California has the highest poverty rate in the nation.

The Census Bureau's Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) for 2017 estimates that California's poverty rate is at 19 percent. That figure is a slight 1.4 percent drop from last year, but still the highest of any state.

TheSquealer 09-13-2018 07:38 PM

But... a slight drop from even worse poverty numbers in 2016. Thats... uhm... good?

Keep up the GREAT work!

BaldBastard 09-13-2018 08:13 PM

Nike stock closes at $83.47, an all-time high for the company.

Maybe trump does have some magic :)

crockett 09-14-2018 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22334955)
Nike stock closes at $83.47, an all-time high for the company.

Maybe trump does have some magic :)

Yea he's a fortune teller...

Just like the NFL, whose ratings have gone WAY DOWN, Nike is getting absolutely killed with anger and boycotts. I wonder if they had any idea that it would be this way? As far as the NFL is concerned, I just find it hard to watch, and always will, until they stand for the FLAG!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2018

RedFred 09-14-2018 05:50 AM


poncabare 09-14-2018 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22334090)
...but nothing matters but the econemy thats what you red hats say...

You can’t even spell economy

crockett 09-14-2018 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by poncabare (Post 22335067)
You can’t even spell economy

All you guys can do is distract with meaningless shit when you are proven time and time again of being wrong.. Its all you guys have, distraction and lies...

TheSquealer 09-14-2018 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22335070)
All you guys can do is distract with meaningless shit when you are proven time and time again of being wrong.. Its all you guys have, distraction and lies...

You just touted the worst run state in the nation with the highest poverty rates as being a Democrat success story. Chicago... murder central. Portland? Homeless central. San Francisco - homeless, drugs, tourists having to wade through shit and needles. Seattle, on of the worst homeless problems in the nation. Los Angeles... same shit.

Every Democrat run city, traditionally run by Democrats is a disaster

California - which you just called a "democrat success story" has the highest poverty rates in the nation. Thats where you've put the bar for success. 19% poverty rates.
But yeah... "distraction".

Even Bladefred had to dig deep to find one example in the backwoods of Kentucky - likely some failed coal mine town with no industry to even make any kind of argument at all. Whereas, all anyone else needs to do is look at almost every large city run by Democrats by any period of time to see the problem. Drugs. Crime. Poverty.

RedFred 09-14-2018 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 22335092)
You just touted the worst run state in the nation with the highest poverty rates as being a Democrat success story. Chicago... murder central. Portland? Homeless central. San Francisco - homeless, drugs, tourists having to wade through shit and needles. Seattle, on of the worst homeless problems in the nation. Los Angeles... same shit.

Every Democrat run city, traditionally run by Democrats is a disaster

California - which you just called a "democrat success story" has the highest poverty rates in the nation. Thats where you've put the bar for success. 19% poverty rates.
But yeah... "distraction".

Even Bladefred had to dig deep to find one example in the backwoods of Kentucky - likely some failed coal mine town with no industry to even make any kind of argument at all. Whereas, all anyone else needs to do is look at almost any city run by Democrats by any period of time to see the problem.

You can go off on this dumb tangent all day long but the fact is ALL large cities in the US are democratically controlled. What's the largest ran red city? Oklahoma City? A fucking bankrupt disaster. Colorado Springs? A crime ridden dump. Do tell us though how the right wing has conquered the homeless problem. Never mind we already know, they just ignore it and don't report it. We all know if the south seceded they would be a 3rd world country the second they did, they mooch off the blue states as much as Trump mooches off of Putin.

TheSquealer 09-14-2018 07:32 AM

Bladefred, i'm on your side. I want you to argue all day long with crocketscience that the highest poverty rates in the nation are a great example of a Democrats at work. Please don't stop. Trump will surely thank you later. Maybe you'll get a signed Maga hat? Fingers crossed buddy!

RedFred 09-14-2018 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 22335101)
Bladefred, i'm on your side. I want you to argue all day long that the highest poverty rates in the nation are a great example of a Democrats at work. Please don't stop.

Funny how some guy who used to live in Russia has become an expert on American demographics.

But please, do tell your idea of a great republican ran city.

dyna mo 09-14-2018 07:46 AM

the housing crisis which is the problem is cali is much more complicated than is being portrayed here and has more to do with local governments than state. the fact is local governments have been approving commercial building and not approving residential housing projects, due to more taxes derived from commercial real estate, at the same time we've had a huge migration of tech workers who get paid well and drive up the cost of housing,leading to gentrification of entire areas.

TheSquealer 09-14-2018 07:46 AM

I'm going to write the White House every day to make sure you get your signed MAGA hats Bladefred, for working so hard on Trumps re-election with your daily ignoring of what voters care about, your voter alienating hysterics, your ridiculous protests and you're constant "resist no matter how retarded the argument is and no matter what the facts are" determination. Thats the least Trump owes you.

RedFred 09-14-2018 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 22335109)
I'm going to write the White House every day to make sure you get your signed MAGA hats Bladefred, for working so hard on Trumps re-election with your daily ignoring of what voters care about, your voter alienating hysterics, your ridiculous protests and you're constant "resist no matter how retarded the argument is and no matter what the facts are" determination. Thats the least Trump owes you.

Deflect and reflect. Cannot answer the question.

I could ask you why every Republican President since Roosevelt has driven the economy into a recession, or why you think Nazis are just a figment of everyones imagination but you would just give your usual reply with a bunch of irrelevant gibberish bullshit.

poncabare 09-14-2018 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22335070)
All you guys can do is distract with meaningless shit when you are proven time and time again of being wrong.. Its all you guys have, distraction and lies...

All brown did was raise taxes to create this so called surplus. You dont even know what your talking about.

crockett 09-14-2018 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by poncabare (Post 22335126)
All brown did was raise taxes to create this so called surplus. You dont even know what your talking about.

Ah so what you are saying is raising taxes to pay for spending equals surplus budget while lowering taxes and borrowing equals massive debt..

Who knew budgets were so easy!

dyna mo 09-14-2018 08:27 AM

let's not kid ourselves, cali was run like shit when ahnold was guv.

this isn't the best run state for a while now.

Acepimp 09-14-2018 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22335112)
I could ask you why every Republican President since Roosevelt has driven the economy into a recession, or why you think Nazis are just a figment of everyones imagination but you would just give your usual reply with a bunch of irrelevant gibberish bullshit.

Just how big do you think this "nazi" problem is? That Richard Spencer clown has like 15 followers.

Also, did you know that Obama was supporting neo-nazis? Yes, really.

Never forget: Obama put neo-Nazis in power in Ukraine, who’s now arming North Korea


Fred, please pause for a moment. Take a deep breath. Realize that you've been misled.


TheSquealer 09-14-2018 08:40 AM

Remember the "you didn't build that... someone else made that happen" line from Obama's speech?


tony286 09-14-2018 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 22335092)
You just touted the worst run state in the nation with the highest poverty rates as being a Democrat success story. Chicago... murder central. Portland? Homeless central. San Francisco - homeless, drugs, tourists having to wade through shit and needles. Seattle, on of the worst homeless problems in the nation. Los Angeles... same shit.

Every Democrat run city, traditionally run by Democrats is a disaster

California - which you just called a "democrat success story" has the highest poverty rates in the nation. Thats where you've put the bar for success. 19% poverty rates.
But yeah... "distraction".

Even Bladefred had to dig deep to find one example in the backwoods of Kentucky - likely some failed coal mine town with no industry to even make any kind of argument at all. Whereas, all anyone else needs to do is look at almost every large city run by Democrats by any period of time to see the problem. Drugs. Crime. Poverty.

Do you have any thoughts that are actually yours, not right wing talking points? Chicago isnt even in the top 10 for most dangerous cities in America but that scary black president came from there so we only focus on that city.

TheSquealer 09-14-2018 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by tony286 (Post 22335170)
Do you have any thoughts that are actually yours, not right wing talking points? Chicago isnt even in the top 10 for most dangerous cities in America but that scary black president came from there so we only focus on that city.

It's funny, i was just looking up murder rates and nations most dangerous cities and they're Democrat run. Look up homeless rates per major city and they're Democrat run.

It's relevant that a Democrat President came from a city with black on black violent crime of epic proportions (1000s of murders and thousands more shootings per year) and didn't do a thing about it while continually lecturing on policing, police tactics, discrimination against blacks, black communities, racism and applauding protestors like those in Ferguson protesting a fabricated narrative as they destroyed a town or black lives matter while they were chanting to kill police etc etc.

And by the way... who is behind all the shootings in a Democrat run city like Baltimore which tops the rankings for murders of blacks day in and day out? the Lefts favorite myth of "white supremacists"? or "Nazis?", or the multitudes of so-called "Racists"? Nope.

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