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Simon_Spicecash 04-05-2010 03:56 PM

There is Money in Porn: Niche Paysites for the Newbie
For one reason or another through friends and acquaintances, I'm often referred to help people interested in getting into the adult online entertainment industry. Because of this I have seen many people come into this industry with big dreams and big plans ? their eyes glowing brightly with the glitz and glam that our industry is often represented by. Unfortunately I've seen the vast majority of those people fail and have to go back to their previous job. This article summarizes some of the things I talk about when conversing with these newcomers, and in general ? the ones who took my advice to heart, had a much easier time of things and succeeded. There is nothing new or revolutionary in this article, most of it is common sense, but in my experience ? most common sense isn't common until you're told.

The mistake I've seen occur over and over again, despite my constant advice is ? people create porn for themselves. It's like opening an auto parts store and only selling parts for your own car. What I've found is that just like any other business, you need to see an opportunity, an untapped market, become a virtuoso in that field, and then exploit it. If you come into this business with the goal of getting blowjobs while you hold a camera, and expect to be a millionaire in a month...you're in for a nasty surprise.

Many would argue that the paysite model is dying...and in a sense, it's true. It's not what it used to be, for a vast multitude of reasons ? but I don't believe that it's dead, or will be anytime soon. One must simply take their own interests, find an untapped market and amalgamate them together. Ideally you want to find a niche or fetish that you yourself are into. Ultimately you'll produce better content if the stuff you're shooting and marketing is of interest to you ? and you're into the community behind it. If all you're into is sologirl masturbation, my suggestion is to get into something else.

Before You Jump in:

Research: Do not jump into anything. Your perceptions about the adult industry are most likely wrong, and you need to learn about the business first. You need to understand that your start-up company with little to no cash flow and no traffic will likely not be able to compete against the top-dogs in this industry that command millions of visitors to their sites every month. Your ingenious POV blowjob site has been done ten thousand times before, by people who have the knowleadge, skill, and traffic/marketing to be able to make it a success. Look around and find fetishes that exist only in fictional literature, artwork, or message boards. Find that fetish that only has a few paysites or none at all dedicated to it. Learn about the fetish, the intricacies and psychology behind it ? understand it completely, and maybe even try and get into it yourself. Your customers will ultimately know if you're a fake or not ? and that will be a deciding factor in your success or failure. In short: know what you're getting into! Find the niche that has the highest interest/demand with the lowest amount of competition, and make sure it's something you can understand completely. Or be prepared to do it better, different, or somehow remarkable.

An interesting marketing seminar I saw a few years ago spoke about the word ?remarkable? - able to be remarked upon. Water cooler talk is driven by remarkable topics. Your content needs to be remarkable, in one way or another. Figure it out before you start shooting it!

Expectations: As this article is targeting the average Joe getting into the business, I won't talk about massive investment dollars, and investor returns. You are reading this because you are interested in taking your first steps, or have already ? and failed, and want to try again. One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when getting into the business is having high expectations. They expect their paysite to start earning thousands of dollars a day from the day it goes live. It just won't happen ? so don't expect it to. Expect the worse, and plan for it ? will you have enough money in the bank to sustain yourself during the grueling and low-profit first months of your new business? Will your dream die before it has a chance to live because you couldn't afford rent and food and have to get another job?

The online adult entertainment business is not what it used to be. There are a vast multitude of reasons as to why that is, and as many opinions as there are people in the industry ? but regardless, the fact remains...it is quite a bit more difficult to enter this industry and succeed than it used to be. Keep your expectations low and treat this business as you would any other. Don't be fooled by the glam and the glitz...it takes a tremendous amount of time, effort, money, blood, sweat and tears to make yourself a part of that glitz and glam ? it doesn't happen easily, and it doesn't happen quickly. The people that enjoy it today earned it the hard way, and you'll have to do so as well. In short: Plan in advance ? have options to work with, keep some capital aside to sustain yourself while your site develops and grows into something profitable ? keep your expectations low, but aim high.

Know Your Limitations: Before you go buy a camera and register your company ? know what you can and cannot do beforehand. As a small business owner you will wear a tremendous number of hats on any given day. Are you proficient with Photoshop? Do you know how to use editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro? Are you familiar with HTML and PHP? Can you juggle a full work-load and simultaneously have a dozen conversations on ICQ (the adult industry's instant messenger of choice) about business proposals, server problems, link/traffic exchanges, or whatever may arise that day? These are just a few things most of us will do in a day.

Figure out what you can and can't do first. There are many steps that aren't seen until they come up ? when starting a paysite and maintaining it. Figure out what your skills are, and figure out if you can learn what you'll need to learn. If you're not proficient with technology, you'll have to outsource, which means your going to need to allocate funds to accomplish that. Plan in advance, so your not hitting unforeseen roadblocks. In Short: Realize your shortcomings, embrace your strengths, structure your company accordingly.

Note: If your skill set is severely lacking in either the content production side, or the technological side of things - a solid option is finding a partner. This brings up an entirely new set of problems. Are they trustworthy? Are they as hard working? Will you need to motivate yourself as well as them, on a daily basis? If you can find someone that suits you, and compliments your skillset - I highly recommend teaming up. Something as small as not being able to type quickly will determine how much work you get done on any given day. Find someone that is technologically proficient to be your "Webmaster" while you concentrate on making and delivering the best content possible - likewise if you get shy around naked people, and can't hold a camera steady - find someone who can, and compliment them with your technical skill set.

Learn how to Learn: When I took computer sciences in college, there was a test that I'll remember until the day I die. The teacher had us open up Excel one day and gave us a paper that had a list of goals for this spreadsheet. None of us had ever really even opened Excel and we had no idea how to use it. The things she wanted the spreadsheet to do were pretty complex. She said ?Use the help file, google it, do whatever the heck it takes to get it done...Just figure it out. You have 1 hour.? Then she left the room.

Needless to say, we were pretty stunned ? what kind of test is that? We didn't get any study time, no preperation at all and we had to come up with this crazy formula to drive this huge excel sheet, it was pretty crazy and we'd never encountered anything like that before. But to this day, every time I need to ?Just Figure it out? I think of that test. If I have one skill ? it's the ability to learn how to learn, and I believe anyone that has had any success in this business has this skill. Nurture it, and you will have a much better experience in this industry.

Simon_Spicecash 04-05-2010 04:00 PM

A Paysite should not be your first Site: Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you can generate all your traffic through ad-buys and paid marketing. This is a huge part of your marketing effort, to be sure, but if it were as easy as just spending a bunch of money on traffic ? then there would be a lot more successful people in this business. In-house traffic is becoming more and more important every day. This is probably my biggest suggestion. Before you start a paysite, start a free site first ? based on the niche you are going to create a paysite for. This will allow you to build some traffic that will later feed your paysite. It will also teach you the intricacies of the industry, and put you in touch with people that will be able to help you out. This will allow you to push traffic at your soon-to-be competitors, and see how they convert, therefore giving you an idea of how you might convert ? or show you what doesn't convert so that you can stay away from it.

This was my own biggest mistake. I launched my first paysite, invested a ton of my own money (well what felt like a ton back then), shot a bunch of content etc. ? then stupidly sat there refreshing stats every five minutes saying ?where's the sales??. Well ? there was no traffic! Yes, I spent many nights curled up in a fetal position crying myself to sleep on the couch in my office that was in the backroom of the auto parts I worked for, which the owner was nice enough to let me use. It was a tough struggle to then build a blog on Wordpress and slowly but surely build up traffic and sales. It was long and painful and I don't wish that upon anyone. Poor planning on my part resulted in me having to work 12 hour days at the auto parts, then go to the office in the back, and work on my porn company for 8 to 10 hours...crash for a few hours, then be back at the day job, rinse and repeat for nearly a year before I earned enough from adult to support myself, and the business costs to quit the day job. I think the only reason I was able to do that was the fact that I was only twenty-three years old, and still had an abundant amount of energy! Don't make the same mistake ? plan in advance and make sure you can give your company 100% of your time, if you can. So...In short: Build a free site first, get traffic, learn the business, then spend a bunch of money and create a paysite.

Alright, You're in:

Content Production: There are a few things you need to take into consideration before you press record on your brand spankin' new camera:

Are you going for the amateur/reality feel? Or professional high-end?

Buy appropriate equipment for the job. Nothing is worse than shooting for high-end and looking amateur. Whichever way you go ? do it right.

Know the average price of models in your area before you start casting.

You want to pay your performers their due. They are worth it, and they talk with their friends. If you pay them right, you'll get referrals ? but you don't want to overpay either and be taken for a fool. Besides, you might need that money later to buy Kraft Dinner during the first few months after you launch! (remember, expectations!)

Be professional! Don't hit on your models, or be that weird skeezy dude that creeps everyone out. Keep that professional distance and your models will be far more comfortable and eager to work with you in the future. This even goes if you are performing in your own scenes. Be an actor ? don't be there to get your jollies off. When the scene ends, it ends.

Know your niche inside and out.

Example: When I am shooting femdom scenes focusing on male chastity ? I know that my members that are into the chastity lifestyle hate the words ?chastity play? - to them it's a chastity lifestyle, it's not play ? and saying it's play ruins the fantasy that I've layed out for them. This is one small example in a sea of things I need to look out for when I'm shooting content.

Example: If you're shooting foot fetish content, know the difference between nice feet and ugly feet ? most non-foot fetishists think all feet are ugly, or don't know the difference...your customers will know, so you need to know too. There are intricacies like this in most fetishes, so be aware of what they are.

Lighting makes all the difference!

Newcomers often underestimate the power of lighting and how it affects your quality. Take this into consideration, and buy lights that fit what you are going for. If you're going for an amateur feel, you don't want the best studio lights available. You want some dinky 100$ heads you can buy as a set at a photo store. Likewise if you're shooting high-end, make sure your lights fit the job.

Quick tip: You can always make something darker in post-production (editing) ? it's not as easy to make something brighter. It'll make it look grainy and bad. Keep this in mind when your lighting your set ? and make sure you check your lighting through your viewfinder, and don't trust your own eyes. Cameras often interpret light differently than your eyes do. Also, if possible, set down your camera next to a few different monitors ? try to adjust the brightness to be around what it looks like on a few different monitors, that way on-set you'll have a bit better of an idea of what the content will look like when it's on your computer, as well as your customers computers. Or bring a laptop with you and connect your camera to it on set, and adjust your lights accordingly. There are several pieces of software such as Adobe's On Location that will capture your footage straight to your laptop's hard drive as well, which is an extra bonus - albeit you'll be tethered to your laptop via a firewire, which can be cumbersome when shooting hand-held. Some newer cameras have bypassed mini-dv tapes altogether and capture to a hard drive instead.

Do a little pre-production!

Write out some scripts, know exactly what you want done, plan out your scenes. Nothing wastes time, causes frustration, and creates a bad vibe more than a director saying ?ummmm what should we do next?? - be on the ball, take charge, and direct. Most models I work with prefer to have direction, as opposed to flip-flopping around trying to figure out what you want.

Setup your lights and location before your models are ready to shoot. If your model is doing hair/makeup take the time to perfect your location...use your time wisely. If a model talks to her friend and tells them that you made them wait for 3 hours while you figured stuff out, chances are her friends won't want to come work with you, and neither will she.

Outsourcing Content Production: I've never done this so I won't say too much about it, but this is a nice option for many newcomers. It can be a little more expensive, and you may not get content that fully realizes the vision you had for the content ? because ultimately your vision is yours alone, and you won't be on set directing. But it can save a lot of headaches, and produce some great results. There are many top-notch content producers out there, but you need to be very clear on exactly what it is that you want ? otherwise if it's not ? there will only be yourself to blame.

Post-Production: You want to make your content the best it can be, whether that means making it look amateur, or high-end, you'll want the proper tools for the job, and know how to use them. Most people can figure out Adobe Premiere, or Final Cut Pro pretty easily, and there are a million tutorials online for you to learn from ? so I won't go into too much detail about it.

Render your movies out into multiple formats, for the convenience of your user. Flash streaming, WMV High res, WMV Low res, MP4 High res, MP4 Low res, iPod/iPhone etc. - when I first started doing this, my retention sky-rocketed immediately, there was a direct correlation between adding formats and my bottom line. To automate this check out "Episode" for Mac, or "Sorenson Squeeze" for PC.

Keep the master copies of all your content! Don't get rid of those tapes or files...chances are you'll need that raw content again further down the line. There are many platforms for you to sell your content on, and you'll want to have the original source footage to edit to different lengths, resolutions etc. Also, if your server gets hacked and he gets delete trigger happy ? well you're up the creek without a paddle.

Your Website: Whether you designed your tour and members area yourself or outsourced it ? you'll want to be comfortable with tweaking it. Small things can effect sales and retention. Sometimes changing up some text on a tour will increase sales, sometimes that brand new trailer that you spent 9 hours editing and put up on your tour will negatively effect sales. Give everything a fair chance, and gather data, but don't be afraid to replace or remove something ? even if you think it's awesome and you think your users should think it's awesome too. The only thing that matters is money in your pocket ? check your ego at the door, and be able to accept that not everything you do is a gold-mine. Create an entirely new and totally different tour, and test some traffic on it ? see if it converts better or worse. Test, analyze, test, analyze, then test and analyze some more!

Simon_Spicecash 04-05-2010 04:00 PM

Member Areas: You'll want to give as much bang for the buck to your members, to help with retention. Something I highly recommend was actually referred to me and setup by Jill for one of our sites (same person that asked me to write this article...thanks by the way for the vote of confidence, Jill!). At her previous company, CamZ.com – they have a great plugin for member areas. It's a module that you stick in your member's area and your members can view/chat with the model for free. Goddess Starla (the focus of that particular site) is on there every Tuesday night at 9PM, like clockwork. She interacts with the members – chats with them live. It's a great experience – and again...sales/retention numbers sky-rocketed from the first time she went live on that CamZ.com members area cam plugin. The members feel connected to Goddess Starla , they interacted, they built emotional bonds from being spoken to directly, and ultimately – they continued their subscription because of it. In Wasteland.com we have a veritable library of literature ranging from stories, to articles, to tutorials on bondage, bonus content and DVD's, chat rooms, and so much more. The more you give, the better the chances a member will stay with you.

Do not underestimate the power of recurring subscriptions. When you have a bad week on sales, your rebills will keep you afloat....if you concentrate all your effort on marketing and making that initial sale – your site will never enjoy the “snowball” effect and slowly grow bigger and bigger. Divide your efforts between making the sale, then keeping them there.

Marketing and Traffic: Leave no stone unturned is my motto for developing traffic. And I believe firmly in the old adage: “Content is King, Traffic is God”. Product and marketing obviously go hand in hand, and one cannot live without the other, but I believe it's easier to sell a sub-par product with great advertising and marketing, than it is to sell a great product with no traffic. You can make the best apple fritters in the world – but if your storefront is in Antarctica with no one walking by your store...well, you won't really be selling many of your amazing apple fritters.

There are countless ways to get someone to find and visit your site. From submitting galleries and freesites, to building blogs, to using twitter. Even this article is one of those ways, albeit it wasn't my primary reason for writing it. You'll need to use every method to build up your traffic. Some methods will work better than others of course, so divvy up and prioritize your time accordingly. As I also mentioned before – test and analyze until your fingers and eyes bleed. When you find something that works, duplicate it and improve upon it, but don't forget to change it up and try something totally different either. Never get too comfortable, and always be on the prowl for the next thing.

Hopefully you will have taken my advice and started a free site (like a blog, link list, TGP, or legal tube site) and developed some in-house traffic before you started your paysite. But aside from that – you'll want to also look around to buy traffic. There are some great brokers out there, but you want to make sure that you are paying a fair price, and getting traffic that is for your niche. Buying Big Boob traffic for your foot fetish website, simply won't work – and you might as well have tossed that money in a fire.

Especially with micro-niches there are often community and fan sites that go along with it. You'll want to find and become intimately knowledgeable about as many of them as you can. If there are forums, sign up and start posting. Read what the community is saying – understand your clientele, become part of them. They will tell you what they want, if you're willing to hear it. Contact the owners of these sites and try and buy advertising with them, which harks back to my point about targeted advertising. These community/fan sites will be about as targeted as it gets - along with search engine traffic.

Don't Be a Loner; Build Strong Business Relationships: This business is full of amazing people that are generous and willing to help you succeed. There are of course the exact opposite type of people – but in general over the years I've found that approaching people is much easier in this industry than it is many others. Myself as an example, I would not be where I am today if not for that one fateful day that I contacted Colin Rowntree of Wasteland/Spicecash for an interview. In an article AVN featured on Colin last month in February, they called him an “OG” or “Original Gangstah” - not because he has gold teeth, and a 9mm at his side, but rather because he was there at the beginning of the online adult industry, having built the first BDSM paysite in existence (Wasteland.com), back in 1994. What started as a simple interview for one of my blogs flourished into a great friendship and business relationship. My point is that, I could still be puttering along, doing my own thing if I hadn't met Colin...but rather, I achieved things I didn't think possible in so short a time. Moral of the story is: Don't be a loner – get out there and meet people. Your business to business relationships will often last throughout your career. Don't burn any bridges, and give to others as much as possible – and you'll usually get just as much in return.

Self-motivation, and hard work: Many people getting into this business will work from home. It's a nice lifestyle – you are your own boss, you take a day off...no one will scream at you. Keep in mind though that your business will only return to you what you've put into it. Keep your schedule as if you were working for someone else. Work as if you had a boss, and your boss was a real perfectionist, OCD jackass. It's entirely too easy to let it all slip away from you and get lazy.

Summary and Closing: This little article barely scratches the surface of everything that you will face in your new business venture, but I hope that it will shed some light and guide you away from some of the pitfalls that have effected many before you.

Keep in mind that before you make the decision to launch yourself into the adult entertainment industry – to make sure that you are willing to be in this for the long haul. There is no quick money in porn, but there is most certainly money in porn.

If you have any questions, or need help with anything – please feel free to contact me at any time. Over the years I've had many newcomers to the industry start out as small affiliates – and because I spent the time on teaching them the basics, gave them tips and tricks, and improved their sites for them – they are now some of our biggest affiliates. Please don't be shy! Contact me.

About the Author: Simon is Vice-President of Spicecash.com and is responsible for the development of such micro-niche paysites as Femdombride.com, Paddedkink.com, and Animalizm.com with Spicecash.com, and is involved with maintaining and growing the Spicecash suite of sites including the oldest BDSM site on the internet and Spicecash flagship site Wasteland.com.

Barefootsies 04-05-2010 04:38 PM

While I do not agree on all of your points in this article, it is still a good read and broad overview of issues that many fall pitfall to without a mentor, guidance, or good research ahead of time.


DVTimes 04-05-2010 04:44 PM

good read.

one point i could make is be prepared to have negative comments and act on them.

i have seen people do sites but they may not be doing somthing correct, but get upset when people point it out to them. instead of acting on it, they just tell people (who are often making millions) that they are wong.

Relentless 04-05-2010 05:00 PM

Thanks for sharing Simon ;)

John. 04-05-2010 10:38 PM

excellent thread. thanks

clicker 04-05-2010 10:55 PM

Another solid GFY Educational Series. Thanks Simon.

Jack Sparrow 04-05-2010 11:35 PM

Very good read, not everything i agree on, but 99% of the points are true.
If more people would read this we would have far less "no money in porn" threads :)

Lightning 04-06-2010 01:52 AM

Good reading boss, at the least it was very informative.:2 cents::thumbsup

Davy 04-06-2010 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Simon_Spicecash (Post 17008239)
Quick tip: You can always make something darker in post-production (editing) ? it's not as easy to make something brighter.

Not true. :2 cents: If something is too bright, information is lost and you have no way to recover it.
On the other hand, it is pretty easy to bring out details that are too dark.

SEO Expert 04-06-2010 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Simon_Spicecash (Post 17008241)
This business is full of amazing people that are generous and willing to help you succeed.



Sarah_Jayne 04-06-2010 03:13 AM

A good read for sure. I do most of my own work in micro-niche but have never done my own paysite with it. I even had exclusive content sitting here I had shot with it in mind but then never got it to that stage with doing blogs, avs, SEO page instead.

myjah 04-06-2010 06:58 AM

Simon! I truly appreciate your contribution to our Educational Series! There is tons of valuable info here to make everyone think and *re-think* about their current methods of production, promotion, and follow-thru. THANK YOU!

Klen 04-06-2010 07:09 AM

Wow this post is freaking huge

Kolargol 04-06-2010 09:02 AM

one more thing - try not to let the model do hair / make up on her own, make up artist will really improve your content quality.

18teens 04-09-2010 07:17 PM

Excellent read :thumbsup

HomeFry 04-10-2010 12:06 AM

Niche paysites for the newbie can make them money if they research. They will need to make a good business plan.

MasterBlow 04-10-2010 01:15 AM

Thanks for sharing

trevesty 04-10-2010 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by allanuk (Post 17008344)
good read.

one point i could make is be prepared to have negative comments and act on them.

i have seen people do sites but they may not be doing somthing correct, but get upset when people point it out to them. instead of acting on it, they just tell people (who are often making millions) that they are wong.

You and I must talk to a lot of the same people :1orglaugh

Unfortunately some people in this industry and every other industry think that they're the smartest kids on the block, either because mommy and daddy are rich.. or.. I don't know why, but that's their biggest downfall - their ego. I know way too many people like that. :Oh crap

As to the OP.. read the first post - will read the rest when I wake up. Good read thus far though! :thumbsup

Rangermoore 04-10-2010 04:28 AM

Nice read... Thanks for sharing

PXN 04-10-2010 04:59 AM

Great read.

shimmy2 04-10-2010 05:43 AM

This was a good informative post, much thanks

Simon_Spicecash 04-10-2010 06:19 AM

Thanks everyone for the great comments! Much appreciated!

I do wish I had touched on this subject, and thank you very much for pointing it out allanuk - your absolutely right. Ability to receive constructive criticism, not take it personally and act upon it is a huge asset coming into this business!

Again, thanks all!


Originally Posted by allanuk (Post 17008344)
good read.

one point i could make is be prepared to have negative comments and act on them.

i have seen people do sites but they may not be doing somthing correct, but get upset when people point it out to them. instead of acting on it, they just tell people (who are often making millions) that they are wong.

wasteland 04-10-2010 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Davy (Post 17009161)
Not true. :2 cents: If something is too bright, information is lost and you have no way to recover it.
On the other hand, it is pretty easy to bring out details that are too dark.

Actually, I think what Simon is suggesting is to make sure it's lit well enough to be able to film detail. The detail the viewer wants to see. Specifically the insertion and model's plumbing. The hallmark of "bad porn" is high key lighting everywhere else but in the crotch where the entire point of the film lays.

At Wasteland, we shoot with Sony EX3 cams that can take a real pounding in the low-key lighting for that our bdsm "Orson Wells" film noir look that we win lots of awards for, but ALWAYS have a portable LED "pussy light" mounted on a spare audio boom to light up the interesting bits and pieces. A very good one is made by Lowell - see it here - that is our best friend for lighting up anything from upshot insertion to screaming faces that are in a shadow. And poor Simon is usually laying flat on his back shooting these shots and frequently needs safety goggles, but gets the details in well-lit, glorious (and often disturbing) brilliance.

But, correct, too much light and the footage is blown out and can't be corrected at all. The other obvious trick here is to make sure the zebra display in on and only striping just a few small skin highlights at any given moment. Taking the time to do a white and gray balance test of each lighting setup during a shoot is also critical for those that shoot in manual mode. But, this is a whole larger topic.....

Happy shooting!

ParlourCash Karl 04-10-2010 11:02 PM

Good reading - Thanks

LoveSandra 04-11-2010 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by SEO Expert (Post 17009168)


ahahahahahahah:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orgl augh:1orglaugh

fatfoo 04-11-2010 02:54 PM

I agree that there is money in porn. Nice tutorial.

arock10 04-12-2010 06:40 AM

good thread, niche is how you gotta do it

djtomcat 05-13-2010 09:32 AM

nice post

Leshansom 05-19-2010 04:50 AM

Good reading, nice one.

exsexvideos 10-06-2010 09:53 AM

Wow this was a really good read, thanks a lot. Here is my site ExSexVideos (com) can you please take a look at it and tell me what you think?

The site is still under construction so right now is the best time for me to make any changes. Right now i just having my domain point to the site.

exsexvideos 10-06-2010 09:55 AM

the site is a free site and im just looking to make money off affiliates so if you can recommend a good toy site or cam site that would be good.

exsexvideos 10-07-2010 09:44 AM

Anyone want to reply to my posts?

Maxi 10-11-2010 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by exsexvideos (Post 17583797)
Anyone want to reply to my posts?

OK I looked at your site.

First of all it doesn't seem to focus on a niche, so that's not good. The newer you are the rarer your niche needs to be, like the original post said, making money on mainstream porn is hard when you are new.

Also your site is asking people to sign up, I don't see the point of this since it's a free site, surfers don't like filling in forms, I know you don't, when building a site build something that YOU would visit, not necessarily because you like the niche but because the content is delivered cleanly and without nagging signup forms.

Also don't put TOO much effort into one free site it won't be the last one you build, you need to pump out a lot of free sites to build your traffic, so keep that in mind.

Also I suggest using hosted content instead of hosting your own, lots of hosted content out there.

odotjdot 10-13-2010 05:16 PM

great great great advice. thanks!

Alice.Webber 10-19-2010 03:43 PM

Thanks for the great article and advices!


Django 11-06-2010 08:50 AM

great read, bookmarked

Veggetto 11-22-2010 07:18 PM

I love you guys. I'm gonna read this all up tonight.

desiredusername 11-26-2010 05:44 AM

Don't let them tell you otherwise...they just want to suck your talent newbies
so they can beat their dead horse:


realsexibarbie 11-26-2010 03:10 PM

nice post

boy777 01-06-2011 04:38 AM

It was interesting to read

The Admiral 01-09-2011 12:36 PM

Thanks for taking the time to write that. Good stuff.

lance1413 02-06-2011 03:53 PM

I want to join an affiliate program that hosts and gives me all the content and allows me to choose according to my theme. Of course good reliable payouts. All I want to do is drive traffic. Can you point me in the right direction. email [email protected]

Baicuk 03-29-2011 07:36 AM

cool post, thanks
I think a lot of people start this business and quit because they have little experience.

JWTies 04-01-2011 04:34 PM

I Started Wrong But Seem To Have Gotten It Right
After reading through all your information, I see where alot of my screw ups were but somehow I accidentally stumbled on a niche market and am thriving (paying the bills). I wish I had seen this when I started 3 years ago but there is still money to be made in this industry if you are diligent in keeping up with trends and finding tiny niches to expand.

Thanks For An Informative Article,

GARY LEE 04-02-2011 12:17 AM

I wish I would have had access to this article years ago when I first started.
Even reading it now it was nice to know that in the authors opinion I more or less took the right path. I did blow it (according to the OP) in that I started a paysite first. If I would have followed the OP's advice it might not have taken over a year to start breaking even and making a dollar. I'm glad that was years ago and I'm still surviving and now very comfortable. All in all, great article.

awwhoez 04-02-2011 09:06 AM

nice information needed this

chief_wolfinjo 04-19-2011 03:55 AM

Thanks ! great tread!

mukeshsnp 07-09-2011 03:00 AM

good stuff...

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