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-   -   Trump lied about USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strikeforce en route to North Korea (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1258141)

Bladewire 04-18-2017 02:09 PM

Trump lied about USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strikeforce en route to North Korea
Yep, it was never headed to North Korea, it was headed the opposite direction, South, away from North Korea!

Of course Trump is blaming others for his lie, as usual.

Allies learning not to trust Trumps word :disgust


US Navy photo reveals aircraft carrier nowhere near North Korea

USS Carl Vinson wasn't headed for North Korea when defense officials said it was

Barry-xlovecam 04-18-2017 02:15 PM

Carrier strike group wasn't headed to Korean Peninsula, despite Trump's saber-rattling - LA Times

IDK maybe there are subs off NK? Dog and pony show indeed ...

nico-t 04-18-2017 02:23 PM

I do not understand. Why do you still hate Trump? He did a 180 to be another warmongering establishment puppet and is now executing Bush's, Obamas and Hillary Clintons plans.

Essentially he is Clinton right now, you know that witch you preferred over Trump? So you should be cheering him on, like the mainstream media did when he bombed Syria! You progressive peace loving lefties love war! What are you doing!

Rochard 04-18-2017 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21712006)

IDK maybe there are subs off NK? Dog and pony show indeed ...

There are ALWAYS boomer submarines off the cost of North Korea.

Rochard 04-18-2017 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21712015)
I do not understand. Why do you still hate Drumpf? He did a 180 to be another warmongering establishment puppet and is now executing Bush's, Obamas and Hillary Clintons plans.

Essentially he is Clinton right now, you know that witch you preferred over Trump? So you should be cheering him on, like the mainstream media did when he bombed Syria! You progressive peace loving lefties love war! What are you doing!

If Trump is "like Clinton now" then he is doomed. The Democrats will never like him, and the Republicans will hate him too.

I was never into Clinton. It was pretty much "anyone other than Trump" for me. Hell, I would have voted for Nixon over Trump.

I hate Trump because Trump is Trump. Everything out of his mouth is pure bullshit. Right now, today, Trump promoted his "buy American, hire American" program. Bullshit. Half of the staff at his resort in Florida is foreign, and his daughter is hawking products made in China.

Everything about him is fake.

nico-t 04-18-2017 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21712045)
Everything about him is fake.

Fortunately career politicians are not fake at all :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Trump is more real than any of those creepy establishment liars. Too bad they somehow got him by the balls since a couple of weeks, but at least he tried, riled them up good and made them panic like headless chickens running circles for 2 years.

At least we now know we cannot trust mainstream media corporations whatsoever. Well i already knew it, but now a broader public has awakened. More people will wake up as time goes by so hopefully this sick system will get cleaned out once and for all. The EU is next, they're on the verge of collapsing. I guess the revolution is on us europeans now :thumbsup

Bladewire 04-18-2017 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21712075)
Fortunately career politicians are not fake at all :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Trump is more real than any of those creepy establishment liars. Too bad they somehow got him by the balls since a couple of weeks, but at least he tried, riled them up good and made them panic like headless chickens running circles for 2 years.

At least we now know we cannot trust mainstream media corporations whatsoever. Well i already knew it, but now a broader public has awakened. More people will wake up as time goes by so hopefully this sick system will get cleaned out once and for all. The EU is next, they're on the verge of collapsing. I guess the revolution is on us europeans now :thumbsup

I hope you don't plan to come to America on a skilled workers visa, Trump signed an executive order to stop that today. :thumbsup

You foreigners supporting Trump who doesn't want any of you smart ones here to work :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

thommy 04-18-2017 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21712075)
I guess the revolution is on us europeans now :thumbsup

what a fuck you are talking about ?
there might be some idots in europe but not that much as you think.

we do not want a trump here - your pestilence should stay where he is and play golf or sending his troups to NK in the wrong direction.

that is pure comedy what happens in USA right now with a clown in the oval office with no clue of nothing.

i donīt know what messi life you have in europe or why you are so angry against the EU. we do fucking MUCH better then the majority in US where only 0,1% of the population have all rights all power and all money.

you had all the chances to be someone in your country if you missed that chance donīt complain others for it - if you are a fucking loser: complain yourself!

xXXtesy10 04-18-2017 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21712111)
what a fuck you are talking about ?
there might be some idots in europe but not that much as you think.

we do not want a trump here - your pestilence should stay where he is and play golf or sending his troups to NK in the wrong direction.

that is pure comedy what happens in USA right now with a clown in the oval office with no clue of nothing.

i donīt know what messi life you have in europe or why you are so angry against the EU. we do fucking MUCH better then the majority in US where only 0,1% of the population have all rights all power and all money.

you had all the chances to be someone in your country if you missed that chance donīt complain others for it - if you are a fucking loser: complain yourself!

nico-t 04-18-2017 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21712111)
what a fuck you are talking about ?
there might be some idots in europe but not that much as you think.

we do not want a trump here - your pestilence should stay where he is and play golf or sending his troups to NK in the wrong direction.

that is pure comedy what happens in USA right now with a clown in the oval office with no clue of nothing.

i donīt know what messi life you have in europe or why you are so angry against the EU. we do fucking MUCH better then the majority in US where only 0,1% of the population have all rights all power and all money.

you had all the chances to be someone in your country if you missed that chance donīt complain others for it - if you are a fucking loser: complain yourself!

you're one of the most delusional people on this board, and that's a feat :thumbsup

and I am doing better than ever honestly, but i do see the big picture unlike you: The EU is a sick dictatorship of power hungry bureaucrats enforcing their laws onto our sovereign countries.

We, the Dutch people, massively voted against EU constitution (61,5% No) in the Netherlands in 2005 - what do you think they did? They just slapped another label on it calling it "The Lisbon Treaty" and shoved it down our throats anyway.

We, the Dutch people, never asked for the Euro. But to add more fraud to the mix, at the introduction of the Euro they sold every Euro to us for fl.2,20, while in reality the value of 1 euro was fl.2,00 to fl.2,10. They made some huge, huge money with this nationwide scheme. This was revealed 6 years later, buried in the back of a paper in a small article.

We, the Dutch people, voted last year against the Ukranian "trade deal" with the EU, which is actually a EU join form. Our government ignored this vote once again in good "democratic" tradition, and a couple of weeks ago (exactly one year after our NO vote) they officially agreed with it anyway...

Great success, that EU and all their puppets in all of our countries who ignore us, the citizens... What a great "democracy"...

Keep on sleeping buddy! :thumbsup:thumbsup

Bladewire 04-18-2017 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21712156)

We, the Dutch people, in the Netherlands voted Liberal Mark Rutte into power in 2017, denying alt-right Asian Geert Wilders a win.

nico-t 04-18-2017 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21712174)

I think i need to correct you for the funny mistake you constantly make: "Liberal" in Holland means right wing as well you idiot :1orglaugh

Problem with this particular right winger is that he is a manipulative EU slave: He talks the talk to get the votes, but never walks the walk. Says 'yes' during election time and does 'no'. Lot of retards who watch too much mainstream news fell for his lies once again. He won the election with a very, very dirty manipulative propaganda stunt/scheme but lets not get into that right now.

Bladewire 04-18-2017 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21712189)
I think i need to correct you for the funny mistake you constantly make: "Liberal" in Holland means right wing as well you idiot :1orglaugh

Problem with this particular right winger is that he is a manipulative EU slave: He talks the talk to get the votes, but never walks the walk. Says 'yes' during election time and does 'no'. Lot of retards who watch too much mainstream news fell for his lies once again. He won the election with a very, very dirty manipulative propaganda stunt/scheme but lets not get into that right now.

Mark Rutte won, you lost, as did the hateful populism movement, it ends with Trump, he showed the world what hate mongering losers populist "leaders" can be :2 cents:

TheDynasty 04-18-2017 07:02 PM

What doesn't he lie about?

Matt 26z 04-18-2017 07:05 PM

Libtard word play.

Lie... bluff... same thing.

directfiesta 04-18-2017 07:28 PM

He didnčt lie ....

It is an ... alternate .... heuuu ..... route !:)

Bladewire 04-18-2017 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 21712387)
Libtard word play.

Lie... bluff... same thing.

Oh look the fake ghost nic is back being negative and bitchy imagine that, always after his shift at McDonald's is over.

shiraz9944 04-18-2017 11:51 PM

I've been a member since the beginning of 2002 on this board, been doing this 20 years and it used to be really good and professional, like it should be. Now every other thread is some sensational fake shit about Trump or why Trump sucks or Hillary, or North Korea, etc............

If I want lies about Trump I'll watch CNN and MSNBC, if I want lies for TRUMP I'll watch Fox news. Why can't you guys every just do business and keep it that way? I guess that's why the serious guys are members of the pay boards like STM and a few others, they are so amazing compared to this shit show.

For the record, Trump is doing exactly as he said he would do, round up illegals, start funding for the wall, bomb countries that deserve it. Rochard is right on that one, I'm SURE there are multiple boomers near the korean peninsula, and the Pacific Fleet is HUGE, it can be there is matter of days, plus the virginia and ohio class subs can fire more tomahawks if needed. Nuclear tipped if they want to strategically hit something. Not to mention Air strikes from Diego Garcia where B-1's are kept, the only supersonic bomber in the world. Plus the airfields in S. Korea and Japan where f35's are being sent now. He will hit them I'm sure, it's been what 4 months LOL, and he's done a lot of what he said already.

bronco67 04-19-2017 06:26 AM

I don't think it's a lie, as much as it is just more ineptitude and amateurishness by this administration. God help us if some shit hits the fan, if they can't even get things like this correct. If they can't even spell properly and name people by their correct names in Twitter posts, read outs and press releases -- how can we expect them to have any level of competence to handle a domestic or global crisis? We will be fucked. Maybe not at this moment, but they will do something that will affect all of us for the long term. This fuckstick in the oval office will change your life in some way, and most likely not for the better.

ruff 04-19-2017 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21712015)
I do not understand. Why do you still hate Trump? He did a 180 to be another warmongering establishment puppet and is now executing Bush's, Obamas and Hillary Clintons plans.

Essentially he is Clinton right now, you know that witch you preferred over Trump? So you should be cheering him on, like the mainstream media did when he bombed Syria! You progressive peace loving lefties love war! What are you doing!

You're from the Netherlands? You people bent over right quickly when Hilter came around. You need to shut the fuck up and learn from your own history.

AndyA 04-19-2017 07:26 AM

The story that there was an 'armada' of ships headed to North Korea was repeated again and again by Mattis and MacMaster

Our National Security Advisor said the reason we're telling the press about our movements was to explain why we had to cancel our maneuvers with Australia... (some practice I guess)
But the ships were headed to do the maneuvers the entire time... they were never rerouted to North Korea and were still heading to Australia

as of this morning the ship is headed to the Korean Peninsula. They are now saying that once Trump started telling the story it was hard to clarify.... yikes

2MuchMark 04-19-2017 07:34 AM

If you're (still) a Donald Trump supporter, you are a fucking idiot. Not only is everything he has ever said pure shit, but every reason you may have voted for him has either failed, or been a lie, or he has flip-floppped on. Grow some fucking balls, man the fuck up and admit that you've been played for the idiot you are already and stop defending the man-child in chief.

beerptrol 04-19-2017 07:44 AM

wouldn't expect anything less from the conman and liar. Wouldn't surprise me if he ordered the fleet to china to pick up his and his daughter's china made merchandise in order to save shipping cost to them while costing the tax payers millions

CjTheFish 04-19-2017 07:47 AM

Why is it libtards expect our president to announce every move our military makes? When playing a chess match you don't tell your opponent what you're thinking.

I respect the possibility that EVERYTHING Trump says about our military could not be the truth. WHY WOULD YOU TELL YOUR OPPONENT WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO?!? So they can prepare for it?

Fucking morons

directfiesta 04-19-2017 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by shiraz9944 (Post 21712705)
I've been a member since the beginning of 2002 on this board, been doing this 20 years and it used to be really good and professional, like it should be. Now every other thread is some sensational fake shit about Trump or why Trump sucks or Hillary, or North Korea, etc............

If I want lies about Trump I'll watch CNN and MSNBC, if I want lies for TRUMP I'll watch Fox news. Why can't you guys every just do business and keep it that way? I guess that's why the serious guys are members of the pay boards like STM and a few others, they are so amazing compared to this shit show.

For the record, Trump is doing exactly as he said he would do, round up illegals, start funding for the wall, bomb countries that deserve it. Rochard is right on that one, I'm SURE there are multiple boomers near the korean peninsula, and the Pacific Fleet is HUGE, it can be there is matter of days, plus the virginia and ohio class subs can fire more tomahawks if needed. Nuclear tipped if they want to strategically hit something. Not to mention Air strikes from Diego Garcia where B-1's are kept, the only supersonic bomber in the world. Plus the airfields in S. Korea and Japan where f35's are being sent now. He will hit them I'm sure, it's been what 4 months LOL, and he's done a lot of what he said already.

lol... you are so full of shit ... just looked at your other posts of a few minutes before or after ... lol ....

crockett 04-19-2017 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by CjTheFish (Post 21713221)
Why is it libtards expect our president to announce every move our military makes? When playing a chess match you don't tell your opponent what you're thinking.

I respect the possibility that EVERYTHING Trump says about our military could not be the truth. WHY WOULD YOU TELL YOUR OPPONENT WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO?!? So they can prepare for it?

Fucking morons

Hey dumb dumb, you have things backwards. No one said "Hey Mr Stubie fingers where are you sending our aircraft carrier today?"

No, no that's not what happened. Instead little stubbie fingers jumped on Twitter and yelled out to the whole world he was sending a carrier group to NK..which was a lie...

Get your facts straight and stop being a dumb, dumb..

VikingMan 04-19-2017 09:22 AM

Democrats and Republicans love killing brown people on the other side of the world. They should both be coming together in one big drunk orgy of stupidity, consumerism, and erotic murder now that Trump has turned war monger just like the last several Presidents.

Real Americans who love freedom, peace, and prosperity (long term), have fully realized Trump, the Clintons, Obama's, and the Bush family are all in the same bed.

DraX 04-19-2017 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21712207)

Mark Rutte won, you lost, as did the hateful populism movement, it ends with Trump, he showed the world what hate mongering losers populist "leaders" can be :2 cents:

As long as EU doesn't change, as long as European leaders keep making weak politically correct decisions, as long as dumb liberals run europe, as long as nothing changes in the political corridor YOU CAN BE SURE the hateful populism movement you like to call it won't stop with Mark Rutte or end with Trump. You still don't understand why Trump won in the first place, that's also why you can't see the big picture. :2 cents:

Barry-xlovecam 04-19-2017 09:47 AM


and one of these ...


nico-t 04-19-2017 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 21713083)
You're from the Netherlands? You people bent over right quickly when Hilter came around. You need to shut the fuck up and learn from your own history.

Hey the Hitler comparison. Original and truthful.

You sound bitter. Are you on your period?

nico-t 04-19-2017 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21712207)
Mark Rutte won, you lost, as did the hateful populism movement, it ends with Trump, he showed the world what hate mongering losers populist "leaders" can be :2 cents:

by the way, i noticed you do not have any arguments against my EU post, just a repetition of the same old boring lines.

I do not expect you to though, it's pretty hard arguing cold hard facts.

ruff 04-19-2017 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21713755)
Hey the Hitler comparison. Original and truthful.

You sound bitter. Are you on your period?

Is that the best that you can come up with, troll? You're not particularly knowledgeable, so, is it frustration that no one pays much attention to your useless opinions? I would guess that. If you're going to match wits with me, you better bring the other half of your wit to bear. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

xXXtesy10 04-19-2017 07:08 PM

Rochard 04-19-2017 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by shiraz9944 (Post 21712705)
I've been a member since the beginning of 2002 on this board, been doing this 20 years and it used to be really good and professional, like it should be. Now every other thread is some sensational fake shit about Drumpf or why Trump sucks or Hillary, or North Korea, etc............

If I want lies about Trump I'll watch CNN and MSNBC, if I want lies for TRUMP I'll watch Fox news. Why can't you guys every just do business and keep it that way? I guess that's why the serious guys are members of the pay boards like STM and a few others, they are so amazing compared to this shit show.

For the record, Trump is doing exactly as he said he would do, round up illegals, start funding for the wall, bomb countries that deserve it. Rochard is right on that one, I'm SURE there are multiple boomers near the korean peninsula, and the Pacific Fleet is HUGE, it can be there is matter of days, plus the virginia and ohio class subs can fire more tomahawks if needed. Nuclear tipped if they want to strategically hit something. Not to mention Air strikes from Diego Garcia where B-1's are kept, the only supersonic bomber in the world. Plus the airfields in S. Korea and Japan where f35's are being sent now. He will hit them I'm sure, it's been what 4 months LOL, and he's done a lot of what he said already.

Trump is fucking everything up.

He told us he "knew better then the generals" and would defeat ISIS in thirty days. Well, it's been nearly one hundred days, all he has done is continue on with what Obama was doing but now bombed Syria. Say what you want about Assad, but he is fighting ISIS. What is the point of this? We will NEVER be able to remove Assad by force because Assad has Russia to protect him. It's time to accept that and move, and continue concentrating on ISIS.

The way Obama was handling ISIS was perfect. Train the Iraqis to handle this on their own, and we can assist with bombing. Maximum effect with no American lives lost.

Now he is fucking with Korea. NOTHING is going to change with Korea. Korea is not going to change because America threatened them yet again. China is not going to change the way they handle things. The only third option is war, and that end with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands dead in South Korea. That is not acceptable which is why we have had the same policy for the past fifty years.

Then Trump is turning his attention to Iran. Fuck it. Let's kill the agreement we have with them. The only thing that will happen is Iran will development nuclear weapons, which is the direct opposite of what we want. How is that a win.

This is what is happening on the foreign affairs / military situatio with Trump. The domestic side is just as bleak. I honestly believe that we do not feel the full effect of a new president for six months to a year. I can't wait to see where we stand a year from now.

DukeSkywalker 04-19-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21713251)
Hey dumb dumb, you have things backwards. No one said "Hey Mr Stubie fingers where are you sending our aircraft carrier today?"

No, no that's not what happened. Instead little stubbie fingers jumped on Twitter and yelled out to the whole world he was sending a carrier group to NK..which was a lie...

Get your facts straight and stop being a dumb, dumb..

You don't understand his use of twitter. It's to keep everyone guessing

Bladewire 04-19-2017 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 21714325)
You don't understand his use of twitter. It's to keep everyone guessing

You don't understand the role of a president, it's go give stability and leadership, among other things, not to be a twitter whore.

DukeSkywalker 04-19-2017 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21714355)
You don't understand the role of a president, it's go give stability and leadership, among other things, not to be a twitter whore.

Times are changing.

Bladewire 04-19-2017 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 21714358)
Times are changing.

Times are always changing, and you are still wrong in your previous post.

nico-t 04-20-2017 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 21714235)
Is that the best that you can come up with, troll? You're not particularly knowledgeable, so, is it frustration that no one pays much attention to your useless opinions? I would guess that. If you're going to match wits with me, you better bring the other half of your wit to bear. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

I'm not knowledgable says another mainstream media parroting zombie :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

I have repeated facts so many times on here, not wasting my time again. Doesn't matter if you get hit with reality, you just ignore it anyway. So what's the point?

But please, do believe you are 'witty' and 'smart', it makes me laugh :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

You know what type of people declare themselves 'smart' as well? Gspotproductions. The mensa couple. So you're in good company :1orglaugh idiot :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

MaDalton 04-20-2017 06:02 AM


directfiesta 04-20-2017 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 21714325)
You don't understand his use of twitter. It's to keep everyone guessing

You don't understand the job of a president ....

crockett 04-20-2017 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21714319)
Trump is fucking everything up.

He told us he "knew better then the generals" and would defeat ISIS in thirty days. Well, it's been nearly one hundred days, all he has done is continue on with what Obama was doing but now bombed Syria. Say what you want about Assad, but he is fighting ISIS. What is the point of this? We will NEVER be able to remove Assad by force because Assad has Russia to protect him. It's time to accept that and move, and continue concentrating on ISIS.

The way Obama was handling ISIS was perfect. Train the Iraqis to handle this on their own, and we can assist with bombing. Maximum effect with no American lives lost.

Now he is fucking with Korea. NOTHING is going to change with Korea. Korea is not going to change because America threatened them yet again. China is not going to change the way they handle things. The only third option is war, and that end with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands dead in South Korea. That is not acceptable which is why we have had the same policy for the past fifty years.

Then Trump is turning his attention to Iran. Fuck it. Let's kill the agreement we have with them. The only thing that will happen is Iran will development nuclear weapons, which is the direct opposite of what we want. How is that a win.

This is what is happening on the foreign affairs / military situatio with Trump. The domestic side is just as bleak. I honestly believe that we do not feel the full effect of a new president for six months to a year. I can't wait to see where we stand a year from now.

Actually, we could take Asad out and there is nothing at all Russia would do other than talk tough, it would be a reversed Crimea. Accept we had the ability to put sanctions on Russia, but Russia could only talk shit if we took out Asad.

The reason we dont, is because it's bad policy to take out a leader no matter how bad he is. It's the same reason we never took out Castro.

crockett 04-20-2017 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 21714325)
You don't understand his use of twitter. It's to keep everyone guessing

Of course he has a grand master plan to make everyone think he's a fucking idiot.. brilliant!

just a punk 04-21-2017 05:53 AM

Russian armored vehicles and self-propelled artillery systems are being transferred to the NK border:

The commentator says it's a 3rd train for the same morning.

Barry-xlovecam 04-21-2017 06:09 AM


MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian military said on Friday it was not building up its forces near the border with North Korea, denying earlier media reports which said it was, the Interfax news agency reported, citing an army spokesman.

Some media in Russia's Ear East have cited local residents as saying they had seen military hardware being moved toward North Korea as tensions with the United States over its nuclear programme escalated.

"These are totally pre-planned military exercises, which are in no way related to political issues," Alexander Gordeyev, a spokesman for Russia's Eastern military district was quoted as saying.

He said the hardware that people had seen was being transported back to the bases where it was permanently deployed after the end of the exercises.

Who's lying and what is fake news?

Seems to me there should be some satellite imagery released -- why hasn't there been? Too soon?

Google Expert 04-21-2017 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21711994)
Yep, it was never headed to North Korea, it was headed the opposite direction, South, away from North Korea!

Of course Trump is blaming others for his lie, as usual.

Allies learning not to trust Trumps word :disgust


US Navy photo reveals aircraft carrier nowhere near North Korea

USS Carl Vinson wasn't headed for North Korea when defense officials said it was

So President Trump took the advantage of the situation to make North Koreans shit themselves. Smart move. Why u mad?

Relic 04-21-2017 07:10 AM

Edit your titles to something apolitical imho op, you're being the negative one now son.

Relic 04-21-2017 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21712111)
what a fuck you are talking about ?

fuck off pussy

just a punk 04-21-2017 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21717595)
Who's lying and what is fake news?

Lying about what? Everything what officials say has no meaning, because if (I said IF) there is any military-related purposes, they will never disclosure it. Nobody told you these transfers is a military preparation. The local people just mentioned the something which is unnatural on their opinion. So the questions have raised. The Russian military spokesman has confirmed the fact of transfers, simple because it's stupid to deny something that everybody could see. But the goals are still unknown.

thommy 04-21-2017 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Google Expert (Post 21717652)
So President Trump took the advantage of the situation to make North Koreans shit themselves. Smart move. Why u mad?

my dear god if your google expertise is that good as your political i doubt that you are successful.

first of all you need to understand asian mantality and donīt compare it with western - these people think not only with the other brainsite they have also a very other logic.

this korean punk plays with trump and makes him confused becaused even the idiot trump should know, that any kind of military intervention there will end in a BIG problem for the complete world.

you all should say thank you to the chinese what are smart and relaxed enough to handle that issue.

why do you think chinese are now in that game?
because they do not trust trump - same as NO politician in the world is trusting him (very good base to make america great again)

the only politician in the world of trump admired is kim jong un.
And he admires him for the fact that he takes from trump that the USA will replace north korea from place 1 of the most hated countries.

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