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$5 submissions 03-22-2024 05:33 PM

Bitcoin haters are all too predictable
BTC hits ATH then drops back

You can hear the barely contained jealousy in their voices

HINT: If you are crying with ANGER now that BTC is in the 60K to 75K range, how much worse would you be feeling with BTC finally hits 1M USD?

CAHEK 03-22-2024 06:37 PM

Stop pumping shitcoins

It’s going down.

mainstreammix 03-23-2024 03:07 AM

I was an early adopter of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin today is nothing but another slot machine for gambling addicts. How fucking stupid do you have to be to get excited about a coin that went from pennies to hundreds to 70k when the shit is in the 5 figure range. It can never increase like it did before, the magic is gone and those shilling it don't even pretend to give a fuck if it has a single use anymore.

It might go up, it will probably go up even, but acting like Bitcoin should be loved in 2024 is redacted. :2cents

adultinnovation 03-23-2024 07:41 AM

It only went up a few thousand above its peak years ago..

There is quick money to be made in Crypto when a new token is put in pre sale and you buy $1,000 worth of it for less than a penny then it goes up to 1 cent in value for some retarded meaningless reason.

But all these coins are actually completely worthless in the real world until they're sold and turned into DOLLARS. No one is buying bitcoin and hoping one day it will replace the dollar.

When the US government declares crypto illegal everyone's going to commit suicide

jscott 03-24-2024 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by CAHEK (Post 23246639)
Stop pumping shitcoins
It’s going down.

The ultimate shitcoin, that you most definitely support:



Originally Posted by mainstreammix (Post 23246731)
I was an early adopter of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin today is nothing but another slot machine for gambling addicts. How fucking stupid do you have to be to get excited about a coin that went from pennies to hundreds to 70k when the shit is in the 5 figure range. It can never increase like it did before, the magic is gone and those shilling it don't even pretend to give a fuck if it has a single use anymore.
It might go up, it will probably go up even, but acting like Bitcoin should be loved in 2024 is redacted. :2cents

You think you're "an early Bitcoin adopter", what do you have a badge or license for that? :1orglaugh
The gamblers are the dumbasses like you who buy meme coins, meme stocks, real gambling. To call a BTC holder a gambler is backwards, then again you're a backwards mofo, you proved that with your stance on ... just about everything. :clown


Originally Posted by adultinnovation (Post 23246760)
It only went up a few thousand above its peak years ago..
There is quick money to be made in Crypto when a new token is put in pre sale and you buy $1,000 worth of it for less than a penny then it goes up to 1 cent in value for some retarded meaningless reason.
But all these coins are actually completely worthless in the real world until they're sold and turned into DOLLARS. No one is buying bitcoin and hoping one day it will replace the dollar.
When the US government declares crypto illegal everyone's going to commit suicide

So you're suggesting gambling, for that "quick money" yet you're willing to also bash on people who use Bitcoin for savings. And "useless until sold for dollars", so you'd also include stock shares, metals, and almost anything else? Or you only choose to focus on using this as your usual 10+ years long attack on Bitcoin?
US gov declares crypto illegal would mean the US would have wiped their ass with the US constitution on just about every amendment, don't think that'll ever happen without a fight.
Question for you @adultinnovation and the rest of you FUD'ers, now that you've been trying to turn people away from Bitcoin for over a decade, do you feel guilty at all for probably losing them tons of money on investment/savings value appreciation? I really hope you never convinced anyone, but surely you have at least a few, sadly.
Have guilt? or not?

mainstreammix 03-24-2024 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23247036)
The ultimate shitcoin, that you most definitely support:

You think you're "an early Bitcoin adopter", what do you have a badge or license for that? :1orglaugh
The gamblers are the dumbasses like you who buy meme coins, meme stocks, real gambling. To call a BTC holder a gambler is backwards, then again you're a backwards mofo, you proved that with your stance on ... just about everything. :clown

No, I have BTC in my wallets that I bought at $60. I have more I bought at $300 and more from when I started a coin. I personally talked many businesses into accepting and paying in BTC, I built shit to utilize BTC and make it more user friendly.

I didn't say holding shit, I said buying BTC now is retarded because it is. There was more shit going on with BTC at $300 than there is today and it costs a shit ton to even move it the fuck around. Anyone hopping on the train today is as dumb as you. :thumbsup

jscott 03-24-2024 11:15 AM

1st of all, you being a devout hypocrite and liar, I don't believe shit you say, especially about your $60 buys of BTC. You lying about this for what, clout?? :1orglaugh

2nd, to say more going on then compared to now you're insane. You must have your eyes closed or head in the sand, or just dumb as fuck (I believe the latter).

The reason for buying Bitcoin back then is the same as buying now, nothing has changed with fiat monetary policy it's still broken to the point of being a scam with them inflating away the value. That will always be a great reason to buy BTC at any fiat value price and hold it long term.

mainstreammix 03-24-2024 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23247134)
1st of all, you being a devout hypocrite and liar, I don't believe shit you say, especially about your $60 buys of BTC. You lying about this for what, clout?? :1orglaugh

2nd, to say more going on then compared to now you're insane. You must have your eyes closed or head in the sand, or just dumb as fuck (I believe the latter).

The reason for buying Bitcoin back then is the same as buying now, nothing has changed with fiat monetary policy it's still broken to the point of being a scam with them inflating away the value. That will always be a great reason to buy BTC at any fiat value price and hold it long term.

Lying, gaslighting fuck. I bought Bitcoin at $60 to play poker at SealsWithClubs.

Lying, retarded fuck. It's not even up for debate that there was more going on with Bitcoin at $300. There was a massive wave of supporters pushing to have it adopted in all areas; online stores, scripts, affiliate programs, coffee shops and everything else. It was a thriving, excited and grassroots base of support. Girls were even taking BTC for nudes and I guarantee you the threads on here from that timeframe were pushing for mass adoption.

That excitement carried over to DOGE before the creator went fucking apeshit and made the coin unlimited.

The dumb fuck part about you lying about such a simple fucking topic is that we all lived through it. Your dumb ass is really going to try to pass off more shit going on today, with a coin that is exclusively bought as an investment, than when everyone was hype as fuck about it?

Anyone buying Bitcoin today thinking they will recreate the magic of the last decades is a fucking goof. Anyone telling peole it's a good idea is a selfish fucking liar that just wants their own holdings to increase.

You are still and will always be a snivelling little dishonest shit. :thumbsup

mainstreammix 03-24-2024 12:22 PM

Totally not proof that jscott is once again talking out of his ass and that I've been into Bitcoin for well over a decade to the point I gave it out as gifts to friends and family. I definitely didn't do that or say the same stuff I said here in casual conversation, only the little antivax conspiritard liked crypto.


jscott 03-24-2024 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by mainstreammix (Post 23247139)
Lying, gaslighting fuck. I bought Bitcoin at $60 to play poker at SealsWithClubs.

Lying, retarded fuck. It's not even up for debate that there was more going on with Bitcoin at $300. There was a massive wave of supporters pushing to have it adopted in all areas; online stores, scripts, affiliate programs, coffee shops and everything else. It was a thriving, excited and grassroots base of support. Girls were even taking BTC for nudes and I guarantee you the threads on here from that timeframe were pushing for mass adoption.

That excitement carried over to DOGE before the creator went fucking apeshit and made the coin unlimited.

The dumb fuck part about you lying about such a simple fucking topic is that we all lived through it. Your dumb ass is really going to try to pass off more shit going on today, with a coin that is exclusively bought as an investment, than when everyone was hype as fuck about it?

You are an idiot and a fucking liar. I didn't even say what you suggest, but you're brain damaged ass saw Bitcoin not getting it's $2000 to move a coin sometimes dick sucked and got all in your stupid feelings about it.

Anyone buying Bitcoin today thinking they will recreate the magic of the last decades is a fucking goof. Anyone telling peole it's a good idea is a selfish fucking liar that just wants their own holdings to increase.

You are still and will always be a snivelling little dishonest shit. :thumbsup


Originally Posted by mainstreammix (Post 23247144)
Totally not proof that jscott is once again talking out of his ass and that I've been into Bitcoin for well over a decade to the point I gave it out as gifts to friends and family. I definitely didn't do that or say the same stuff I said here in casual conversation, only the little antivax conspiritard liked crypto.


Seek help.

$5 submissions 04-09-2024 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by CAHEK (Post 23246639)
Stop pumping shitcoins

It’s going down.

BITCOIN is NOT a shitcoin LOL

CaptainHowdy 04-09-2024 05:50 PM

I'm not a hater, cryptos just fly over my head . . .

camgirlpal 04-09-2024 06:25 PM

asset classes like USD or Bitcoin ares suppose to be valuable because of "rarity"

inflation makes the USD less "rare", if everyone has $1,000 in their wallet, $1,000 doesn't buy you as much anymore and prices in the real world go up.

Bitcoin is valuable because it's designed to have multiple factors that contribute to the "rarity" mechanic.

in theory, when things become rare the price goes up. that's why Bitcoin is $70,000
the halving event makes minting new bitcoin harder and rare

the limited supply of 21,000,000 also contributes to the rarity. there is no inflation that is possible like the USA dollar, the USA dollar has inflation by about 6% each year.

there for Bitcoin will always be more valuable than the USA dollar because Bitcoin has rarity and the USA rarity mechanism is broken, because the government can print unlimited money.

camgirlpal 04-09-2024 06:26 PM

asset classes like USD or Bitcoin ares suppose to be valuable because of "rarity"

inflation makes the USD less "rare", if everyone has $1,000 in their wallet, $1,000 doesn't buy you as much anymore and prices in the real world go up.

Bitcoin is valuable because it's designed to have multiple factors that contribute to the "rarity" mechanic.

in theory, when things become rare the price goes up. that's why Bitcoin is $70,000
the halving event makes minting new bitcoin harder and rare

the limited supply of 21,000,000 also contributes to the rarity. there is no inflation that is possible like the USA dollar, the USA dollar has inflation by about 6% each year.

there for Bitcoin will always be more valuable than the USA dollar because Bitcoin has rarity and the USA rarity mechanism is broken, because the government can print unlimited money.

Look Chang 04-09-2024 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by CaptainHowdy (Post 23252433)
I'm not a hater, cryptos just fly over my head . . .

Same for me . . . :stoned


CAHEK 04-13-2024 01:58 PM

BTC is dropping like Iran is attacking bitcoin mining centers.

jscott 04-14-2024 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by CAHEK (Post 23253563)
BTC is dropping like Iran is attacking bitcoin mining centers.

Zoom out and chill. War will always shake up markets, especially when on the brink of WW3.

Btw, haven't you been telling us BTC will drop since the $xxx range? or was it even before then in the $xx range? Asking for a friend :pimp

jamezon 04-14-2024 08:10 AM

btc is not the issue, binance is releasing one shitty meme coin after another , this will hurt credibilty of more serious altcoins sooner or later . id suggest not putting money in one of those alts atm

jamezon 04-14-2024 08:13 AM

btc is not the issue, atm binance is listing one shitty meme coin after another to cash in on the hype , this will hurt credibilty of more serious altcoins and we will see some bubbles burst sooner or later . id suggest not putting money in one of those new alts and not expect too much before end of the year.

mainstreammix 04-14-2024 09:19 AM

Imagine pushing people hardcore into buying into something to the point you call them dumb for not and it drops 20% while the convo is still going on. :1orglaugh

adultinnovation 04-14-2024 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by jamezon (Post 23253730)
btc is not the issue, binance is releasing one shitty meme coin after another ,

you can make a lot of money quick investing in new meme coins. My friend made $20k in 2 weeks from a 4k investment off one. You have to buy pre sale.

BitCoin is buy and hold for several years unless you buy in now and it reaches $200,000 value by end of 2025

Get ready to buy right after the halving. BitCoin will drop in price for a while after halving then start to shoot up until late 2025

ruff 04-19-2024 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by mainstreammix (Post 23246731)
I was an early adopter of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin today is nothing but another slot machine for gambling addicts. How fucking stupid do you have to be to get excited about a coin that went from pennies to hundreds to 70k when the shit is in the 5 figure range. It can never increase like it did before, the magic is gone and those shilling it don't even pretend to give a fuck if it has a single use anymore.

It might go up, it will probably go up even, but acting like Bitcoin should be loved in 2024 is redacted. :2cents

I'll tell you one thing, your comments sure match your avatar.:thumbsup

DukeSkywalker 04-19-2024 11:29 PM

It wont hold where it’s at. It will prob find a new floor around 28-30 k

adultinnovation 04-20-2024 01:29 AM

doubt that low... but if it does I'd definitely buy 1 whole one

jscott 04-20-2024 11:06 AM

So many short term thinkers. This is why some of you never can get ahead in life, you lack the long term mindset. Learn Bitcoin and after you do that you'll buy and HODL for decade(s).

adultinnovation 04-20-2024 11:51 AM

what are you holding on for

the collapse of the dollar? :1orglaugh

jscott 04-20-2024 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by adultinnovation (Post 23255788)
what are you holding on for
the collapse of the dollar? :1orglaugh

Nope, you hold Bitcoin or gold to retain (or increase) your value (in time, with patience) compared to holding dollars which are factually devalued with every passing minute.

Only an insane person would actually believe you can increase value by holding cash. Crazy. Some people refuse to learn.

nsfw.directory 04-22-2024 07:57 AM

prefer xmr than btc for privacy. not a hater of btc though since i used it too, a lot. it's just... another currency for me to use.

ruff 04-22-2024 08:10 AM

There is a lot of butthurt in this thread. When I buy some bitcoin at $200 and hodl until it's price reaches 60 or 70k, someone criticizes me, it makes me think, maybe I should have sold when it reached $250.

Instead, I just kept on hodling. What the fuck kind of idiot am I? I should have listened and become a broke-ass fuck instead of a wealthy broke-ass fuck.

What was I thinking?

JScott, you are wasting valuable energy fencing with these farts. I know they are easy targets, but still...

$5 submissions 04-23-2024 07:06 PM

The FIAT system is on thin ice

Let's just hope it doesn't bring TOTAL collapse when the JIG is finally up

jscott 04-24-2024 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 23256398)
JScott, you are wasting valuable energy fencing with these farts. I know they are easy targets, but still...

LOL True that ruff, sometimes I think maybe can convince a FUDster into learning first and criticizing later, but I know that seems to be a lost cause, and waste of time.

Ahwell, just trying every once in a while :winkwink:


Originally Posted by $5 submissions (Post 23256918)
The FIAT system is on thin ice
Let's just hope it doesn't bring TOTAL collapse when the JIG is finally up

Yup, agreed, hopefully everyone is protecting themselves somehow, imagine having all eggs in the fiat basket :helpme

adultinnovation 04-27-2024 10:08 AM


jscott 04-28-2024 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by adultinnovation (Post 23258056)

The older Bitcoin becomes the value appreciation will be more comparable to gold, slow and steady. :thumbsup

adultinnovation 04-30-2024 03:59 AM

looks like Bullrun might be over.. bitcoin keeps falling hard.

−2,675.30 (4.19%)today

if it is then it's going to be a pretty pathetic Bullrun.. peaking at $73.8k.. only 4k higher than previous all-time high... see those diminishing returns?

BitCoin will never be more valuable than gold. Gold is used to make valuable real-world products.
BitCoin isn't used for anything.

Bitcoin Slips Under $62K as Hong Kong ETFs Disappoint
Asia's first spot bitcoin and ether ETFs debuted in Hong Kong with dismal trading volumes.

kdz 04-30-2024 06:50 AM

that's how it works
you buy they go down you sell they go up
not worth of investment

jscott 04-30-2024 06:52 AM

Bitcoiners don't care. Buy and hold for long term. Watching the price on the daily is wasteful. Store your value with it.

Unless you're a day trading leverage gambler, then good luck with that.

And if you really believe Bitcoin won't surpass gold in market cap you're crazy.

adultinnovation 04-30-2024 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23258909)
Store your value with it.

why would you want to store your money in one of the most volatile things around

jscott 04-30-2024 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by adultinnovation (Post 23258961)
why would you want to store your money in one of the most volatile things around

Bitcoin Yearly Lows:

2012 - $4
2013 - $65
2014 - $200
2015 - $185
2016 - $365
2017 - $780
2018 - $3,200
2019 - $3,420
2020 - $4,565
2021 - $28,105
2022 - $15,635
2023 - $16,510
2024 - $38,550 (so far)

See the trend here? This is the mathematical outcome when you pair infinite (fiat) with finite (Bitcoin).

ruff 05-01-2024 09:36 PM

Great time to catch the Bitcoin train. Unusual buying opportunity that you probably won't ever see again.

Or not.

adultinnovation 05-02-2024 01:07 AM

On Wednesday, investors pulled a record $563 million from the U.S.-based spot bitcoin ETFs.

Fidelity's FBTC led the outflows, followed by GBTC, ARKB and IBIT.
Powell ruled out a rate hike as the next move, catalyzing a brief bounce in BTC.

Investors dumped U.S.-based spot bitcoin {{BTC}} exchange-traded funds (ETFs) at the fastest pace on Wednesday, even as Federal Reserve (Fed) chairman Jerome Powell dismissed the prospect of a rate hike.

adultinnovation 05-02-2024 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 23259409)
Great time to catch the Bitcoin train. Unusual buying opportunity that you probably won't ever see again.

Or not.

only if it gets down to $50k or under.. which it most likey will by end of this month

Mahadeva 05-03-2024 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by adultinnovation (Post 23258961)
why would you want to store your money in one of the most volatile things around

You absolutely would NOT want to. You'd want to store your investment capital there, as part of a balanced portfolio. You know, like the opposite of a crackhead.

adultinnovation 05-03-2024 11:10 AM

Imagine a bank with a bunch of gold coins. They keep a ledger to track how many coins are allocated to each customer.

Now imagine the bank is robbed and somebody takes all the gold. This is bad news for the customers right? Nope. Just keep the ledger going!

That’s bitcoin.

jscott 05-03-2024 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by adultinnovation (Post 23259908)
Imagine a bank with a bunch of gold coins. They keep a ledger to track how many coins are allocated to each customer.
Now imagine the bank is robbed and somebody takes all the gold. This is bad news for the customers right? Nope. Just keep the ledger going!
That’s bitcoin.

Each one of those customer Bitcoin addresses can be monitored and verified every single second of every day.

Over 10 years of you criticizing Bitcoin and you STILL have no clue how Bitcoin works LOL :1orglaugh

$5 submissions 05-05-2024 12:47 AM

Where the haters at? :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

jscott 05-05-2024 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by $5 submissions (Post 23260360)
Where the haters at? :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

I don't think the haters here are qualified to criticized Bitcoin. The only thing they can do is claim an altcoin is the new Bitcoin to pump their bags, or hate on it because they feel they missed the boat and wish to see it fail.

Sadly, nobody here has the knowledge or vision to criticize it in a decent way. Lets try to help them though, a few ideas:

- An alien technology breaks math.

- Nuclear war wipes out mankind, thus destroying Bitcoin and civilization.

- Quantum Computing - legit concern, but we all know this could be curbed

It's as if they're not even trying, but only pouting, crying, & coping.... c'mon haters, bring some real arguments!

$5 submissions 05-07-2024 01:30 PM

Trends looking like it's gonna bust out to $100,000

Feel free to change my mind

Mahadeva 05-08-2024 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by $5 submissions (Post 23261142)
Trends looking like it's gonna bust out to $100,000

Feel free to change my mind

September will see $98k-$112k per the charts at present, assuming no exogenous event.

$5 submissions 05-31-2024 12:51 AM

Even memecoins are blowing the fuck up

jscott 05-31-2024 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by $5 submissions (Post 23269099)
Even memecoins are blowing the fuck up

For every memecoin/shitcoin that pumps up there are 2000 that whither away and die.

Bitcoin = savings, investing.

Altcoins = gambling.

Both serve a purpose, to each their own :winkwink:

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