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BaldBastard 03-14-2019 11:27 PM

Mass Shooting New Zealand
Rightwing fanatic shoots 30 in a Mosque in New Zealand

Straight from the loser.

Were you a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose?.. sure


before you read this dribble.. understand New Zealand country that was invaded by the English, whose plan was to eradicate the indigenous population and then rape the country for its resources as they did in many other countries. The local Maori didn't like that idea and were quiet versed in warring themselves after many a battle the English decided it was the one country they could not invade. Which lead to the Treaty of Waitangi, where the Maori decided it would be ok for the white guys to share their paradise.

ALL white people in New Zealand are there as .. Guests of the local Maoris.

The main guy that did this is Australian.. he was an Immigrant to New Zealand.

According to his manifesto he had scoured numerous countries looking for a target and as the RightWing coward he is.. he choose Christchurch New Zealand.. as city already recovering from a tragic earthquake.



Its another case of Rightwing extremists openly posting their extremism online and no one does fuck all until its too late, FUCK THEM they should be labelled as terrorists and monitored in exactly the same way known Muslim terrorists are. There's more than a few dick heads on this board that fall into this category.

Bladewire 03-14-2019 11:30 PM

The same day that trump said this

"I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad."


Courtesy Crocket earlier today:

Trump has now officially threatened violence in a Britbart interview.

Diomed 03-14-2019 11:36 PM

Jesus you wreak of deception...

This just in..

"Crazy murderers account for .001 percent of the population!"

beerptrol 03-14-2019 11:37 PM

Violent alt right scum. They love to cry about the violent left when it's them who commit the most violence. They will be making excuses and deflecting as usual! Alt right should be labeled as terrorist!

Bladewire 03-14-2019 11:47 PM

↑↑↑ Truth

ghjghj 03-14-2019 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432595)


Mr Pheer 03-14-2019 11:54 PM

Fuck me?

lock 03-15-2019 12:32 AM

Now put them in same prison as other terrorists.

BaldBastard 03-15-2019 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Pheer (Post 22432597)
Fuck me?

yeah it is a fuck me.. cos yet again its radicalized right wingers doing this shit and those posting this shit should be monitored just as closely as radicalised Muslim's. Its overwhelmingly apparent in the west society, these right wing extremists are the most dangerous of all.. and should be treated as so//

from the shooters manifest

BaldBastard 03-15-2019 12:39 AM

Rightwing.. Australian.. Nutter


ghjghj 03-15-2019 12:40 AM

ghjghj 03-15-2019 12:41 AM

k0nr4d 03-15-2019 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22432602)
these right wing extremists are the most dangerous of all..

I'm not advocating this action, but are you really saying that right-wing extremists are more dangerous then islamic extremists?

"During this time period, there were 99 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 701 people were killed and 697 injured."

King Mark 03-15-2019 01:06 AM

Call me what you want, but I'd play soccer with his head.

BaldBastard 03-15-2019 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 22432607)
I'm not advocating this action, but are you really saying that right-wing extremists are more dangerous then islamic extremists?

"During this time period, there were 99 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 701 people were killed and 697 injured."

Do you even fucking look at the list of countries involved in your linked list? Most are war zones.

Last 30 days in American how many were shot and killed? got an outrage over that?

2079, so far this year https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/

So sure here in the west Rightwing nut cases are by FAR the larger problem and its time they were treated as terrorists, and the arrest worm hole goes beyond those directly involved to those doing the influencing and propaganda spins online which is where all these nutters are being clucked.

If this guy was a Muslim posting the same, he'd be interviewed, marked by authorities and wouldn't be able to take a shit without them knowing... but for some reason and we have seen this time and time again in all western countries, because he's white, non Muslim, they let these nut cases go, knowing fully well their just ticking time bombs.

k0nr4d 03-15-2019 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22432610)
Do you even fucking look at the list of countries involved in your linked list? Most are war zones.

Last 30 days in American how many were shot and killed? got an outrage over that?

2079, so far this year https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/

So sure here in the west Rightwing nut cases are by FAR the larger problem and its time they were treated as terrorists, and the arrest worm hole goes beyond those directly involved to those doing the influencing and propaganda spins online which is where all these nutters are being clucked.

So you're saying people being killed outside of America in places like Afghanistan or Nigeria don't count? People are only terrorists if they attack people and places in the west? These people were killed based on their islamic religion, right? Do you agree with this statement? The guy is literally playing "remove kebab" on the way to the mosque. He has kebab remover written on his gun.

2019.02.26 - Nigeria - Thirty-two people are killed in a targeted attack on a Christian community.

That one attack alone, targetted against people because of their religion, has more dead then this one, but it's ok because it's not in the west, and you didn't hear about it on CNN?

How many of those 2079 were killed in the US by right-wing extremists? 90% of that number is probably gang violence, and I bet zero or close to that was murdered on basis of their religion or as a political statement.

Is right wing extremism a problem? Sure - but are they the biggest threat as you wrote? There are bigger threats.

Anyways, i'm not going to argue with you any further. You will believe what you want to believe, I will believe what I believe, and neither of us is going to change the mind of the other. :thumbsup

BaldBastard 03-15-2019 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 22432612)
So you're saying people being killed outside of America in places like Afghanistan or Nigeria don't count? People are only terrorists if they attack people and places in the west? These people were killed based on their islamic religion, right? Do you agree with this statement? The guy is literally playing "remove kebab" on the way to the mosque. He has kebab remover written on his gun.

I'm not supporting the Muslim's here ya know, just pointing out this guy was a right wing radical extremist, you can flip out "rightwing" with Muslim, or Jewish or Irish or even Nigerian and it matters little.

A lone extremist, radicalized via the internet by sites/ feeds promoting extremist views "usually just clickbait" to a gullible audience.

trillions of dollars has been spent worldwide on Islamic radicalization, anyone who fly's knows that everystep in the flying process is delayed due to that fight against "Islamic radicalization " yet we know fully well the issue in the west is not so much "Islamic radicalization" its just "radicalization" by its self. We have left and right wing racialists and yep some Muslim ones and Christians, we as a society should stand up against such radicals just as we have done to the "Muslim radicals" who we've poured trillions of dollars into while ignoring the growing right and left wing extremists.

I can tell you right now in this part of the world after today.. that will no longer be the case... well at least I hope so.

pimpmaster9000 03-15-2019 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 22432607)
I'm not advocating this action, but are you really saying that right-wing extremists are more dangerous then islamic extremists?

"During this time period, there were 99 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 701 people were killed and 697 injured."

considering the west created these extremists, trained them. funded them and gave them decades of motivation with invasions and oppression, your question lies on a false foundation...

the shooter wrote serbian names on some the gun magazines...


ianmoone332000 03-15-2019 02:25 AM

I consider myself on the right. This is disgusting. Hope they kill the cunt and he rots in hell. Violence is not the answer. Especially violence against innocent people, regardless of race. Sad truth is things will just keep getting worse. Islam is not compatible with modern societies and i dont know how you ever solve that

Sloane 03-15-2019 02:26 AM

That video is fucking brutal. I thought I was watching a video game.

The sad thing about this is Australia/NZ's legal systems are so forgiving he will probably be back on the streets in 15 years. Lets hope he gets locked up with some Muslim Brothers.

pimpmaster9000 03-15-2019 02:34 AM

the shooter listened to serbian music before entering the mosque and was apparently inspired by" serbian attacks on muslims in bosnia"...we have a "paul markham" type of shooter here who does not know that serbia never took part in the bosnian war or what even happened there and that the war had nothing to do with religion or serbia LOL...also the names on the mags he wrote are serbian leaders who fought against the turks at some point in time like 100-s of years ago...

k0nr4d 03-15-2019 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22432626)
the shooter listened to serbian music before entering the mosque and was apparently inspired by" serbian attacks on muslims in bosnia"...we have a "paul markham" type of shooter here who does not know that serbia never took part in the bosnian war or what even happened there and that the war had nothing to do with religion or serbia LOL...also the names on the mags he wrote are serbian leaders who fought against the turks at some point in time like 100-s of years ago...

It wasn't serbian music for the sake of being serbian music. On the way to the mosque he had the "remove kebab" song playing (posted earlier in this thread). When leaving he had getaway music planned - initial-d sound track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuFSv2bLa8

His gun said 'kebab remover' and names of a bunch of victims of muslim terrorist attacks.

I found his manifesto

He clearly put ALOT of work into the planning. The live stream, the music choices, the lengthy manifesto to make sure that no one can skew his motives for their political gain (ie. "he was a trump supporter!")

BaldBastard 03-15-2019 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Sloane (Post 22432624)
That video is fucking brutal. I thought I was watching a video game.

The sad thing about this is Australia/NZ's legal systems are so forgiving he will probably be back on the streets in 15 years. Lets hope he gets locked up with some Muslim Brothers.

hey Sloany!

Not this guy, he will be on the never to be released list.

Where the legal system failed is he's a known right wing nut case with extreme views that was allowed to travel freely and not be monitored. If he'd been Muslim with the exact opposite ideology, he'd be on every nofly list and warning list there is.

And that's where we are fucking up as a society

ghjghj 03-15-2019 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sloane (Post 22432624)
That video is fucking brutal. I thought I was watching a video game.

In case anyone else wants to see it:


pimpmaster9000 03-15-2019 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 22432629)
It wasn't serbian music for the sake of being serbian music. On the way to the mosque he had the "remove kebab" song playing (posted earlier in this thread). When leaving he had getaway music planned - initial-d sound track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuFSv2bLa8

His gun said 'kebab remover' and names of a bunch of victims of muslim terrorist attacks.

I found his manifesto

He clearly put ALOT of work into the planning. The live stream, the music choices, the lengthy manifesto to make sure that no one can skew his motives for their political gain (ie. "he was a trump supporter!")

he posted other videos where he listens to several different nationalistic songs that were not even popular down here in serbia...our media is all over this, they are desperate for clicks...

directfiesta 03-15-2019 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 22432612)
So you're saying people being killed outside of America in places like Afghanistan or Nigeria don't count? People are only terrorists if they attack people and places in the west? These people were killed based on their islamic religion, right? Do you agree with this statement? The guy is literally playing "remove kebab" on the way to the mosque. He has kebab remover written on his gun.

2019.02.26 - Nigeria - Thirty-two people are killed in a targeted attack on a Christian community.

That one attack alone, targetted against people because of their religion, has more dead then this one, but it's ok because it's not in the west, and you didn't hear about it on CNN?

How many of those 2079 were killed in the US by right-wing extremists? 90% of that number is probably gang violence, and I bet zero or close to that was murdered on basis of their religion or as a political statement.

Is right wing extremism a problem? Sure - but are they the biggest threat as you wrote? There are bigger threats.

Anyways, i'm not going to argue with you any further. You will believe what you want to believe, I will believe what I believe, and neither of us is going to change the mind of the other. :thumbsup

Wow '' ''....

DukeSkywalker 03-15-2019 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22432589)
Rightwing fanatic shoots 30 in a Mosque in New Zealand

Straight from the loser.

Were you a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose?.. sure


before you read this dribble.. understand New Zealand country that was invaded by the English, whose plan was to eradicate the indigenous population and then rape the country for its resources as they did in many other countries. The local Maori didn't like that idea and were quiet versed in warring themselves after many a battle the English decided it was the one country they could not invade. Which lead to the Treaty of Waitangi, where the Maori decided it would be ok for the white guys to share their paradise.

ALL white people in New Zealand are there as .. Guests of the local Maoris.

The main guy that did this is Australian.. he was an Immigrant to New Zealand.

According to his manifesto he had scoured numerous countries looking for a target and as the RightWing coward he is.. he choose Christchurch New Zealand.. as city already recovering from a tragic earthquake.



Its another case of Rightwing extremists openly posting their extremism online and no one does fuck all until its too late, FUCK THEM they should be labelled as terrorists and monitored in exactly the same way known Muslim terrorists are. There's more than a few dick heads on this board that fall into this category.

What does new zealand have to do with trump? Wrong country.

aimike 03-15-2019 03:44 AM

Pray there's never a civil war Libs. You're all too weak to survive.

That dude was thorough as hell.

beerptrol 03-15-2019 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by aimike (Post 22432652)
Pray there's never a civil war Libs. You're all too weak to survive.

That dude was thorough as hell.

Speaking of weak, you alt right are pussies and target unarmed people who can't defend themselves. The moment someone bitch slaps you, you run and cry about the violent left!

aimike 03-15-2019 04:21 AM


MatureKing 03-15-2019 04:23 AM


DraX 03-15-2019 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by ianmoone332000 (Post 22432623)
I consider myself on the right. This is disgusting. Hope they kill the cunt and he rots in hell. Violence is not the answer. Especially violence against innocent people, regardless of race. Sad truth is things will just keep getting worse. Islam is not compatible with modern societies and i dont know how you ever solve that

It's disgusting indeed, the future doesn't look bright. These extremists will sadly pop up more frequently if our western societies don't deal with Islam in a mature and rational way.

There must be a stop to the overly tolerant approach with Muslims and Islam and enough with the political correctness.

Mainly thinking of Europe now but It was a stupid idea by world leaders to push globalism and open borders for hordes of refugees from the middle east and think it would not have any consequences.


Originally Posted by Sloane (Post 22432624)
That video is fucking brutal. I thought I was watching a video game.

The sad thing about this is Australia/NZ's legal systems are so forgiving he will probably be back on the streets in 15 years. Lets hope he gets locked up with some Muslim Brothers.

That was exactly what I was thinking when I watched it, a fucking video game.

k0nr4d 03-15-2019 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22432662)

That was exactly what I was thinking when I watched it, a fucking video game.

Have you ever seen the movie hardcore henry? It's an action movie filmed from the first person. Reminded me more of that then a video game. There's also a music video by the same director.

pimpmaster9000 03-15-2019 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22432662)
It's disgusting indeed, the future doesn't look bright. These extremists will sadly pop up more frequently if our western societies don't deal with Islam in a mature and rational way.

There must be a stop to the overly tolerant approach with Muslims and Islam and enough with the political correctness.

Mainly thinking of Europe now but It was a stupid idea by world leaders to push globalism and open borders for hordes of refugees from the middle east and think it would not have any consequences.

why does the west not just fuck off out of their countries and stop making war zones out of them? oh right! the west makes $$$$$$ with the oil and weapons :thumbsup

fuck off hypocrite :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

femdomdestiny 03-15-2019 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by ghjghj (Post 22432606)

Original remove kebab video removed from youtube. Better make your copies, this one is going down soon probably.

ghjghj 03-15-2019 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by femdomdestiny (Post 22432676)
Original remove kebab video removed from youtube. Better make your copies, this one is going down soon probably.

Youtube-dl is rather useful.


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 22432663)
Have you ever seen the movie hardcore henry? It's an action movie filmed from the first person. Reminded me more of that then a video game. There's also a music video by the same director.

You should add youtube-dl to mechbunny Konrad.

ghjghj 03-15-2019 05:33 AM

OneHungLo 03-15-2019 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22432610)
Do you even fucking look at the list of countries involved in your linked list?

Yeah.. that’s where all the muslims are idiot.

ghjghj 03-15-2019 05:35 AM

k0nr4d 03-15-2019 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by ghjghj (Post 22432677)
You should add youtube-dl to mechbunny Konrad.

It's been in there for about 3 years

Phoenix 03-15-2019 06:11 AM

Liveleak is the only place with the vid?

ghjghj 03-15-2019 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 22432692)
It's been in there for about 3 years

:thumbsup Nevermind then

OneHungLo 03-15-2019 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix (Post 22432695)
Liveleak is the only place with the vid?

I keep getting a 503 when accessing liveleak

Matt 26z 03-15-2019 06:18 AM

For thousands of years invasions relied on armed force. The third world has found that they can exploit first world policy by sending their people unarmed.

The response to an armed invasion has always been obvious. It's going to take awhile for the left wing members of first world nations to realize that unarmed invasions are low key acts of war that must be met with government sanctioned military force -- if it's not too late by the time leftists realize this.

pimpmaster9000 03-15-2019 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22432702)
For thousands of years invasions relied on armed force. The third world has found that they can exploit first world policy by sending their people unarmed.

The response to an armed invasion has always been obvious. It's going to take awhile for the left wing members of first world nations to realize that unarmed invasions are low key acts of war that must be met with government sanctioned military force -- if it's not too late by the time leftists realize this.

or you could just fuck off home, not invade their countries with weapons, and the will stay home :thumbsup

oh wait...you can not afford to :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

ghjghj 03-15-2019 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22432700)
I keep getting a 503 when accessing liveleak





Matt 26z 03-15-2019 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22432704)
or you could just fuck off home, not invade their countries with weapons, and the will stay home :thumbsup

The middle east can't be left alone when they control the flow of oil in such a way that has a great impact on the developed world. Our military action there was a justified use of force to stabilize the flow of natural resources.

Phoenix 03-15-2019 06:38 AM

holy shit.
shooters dont open closed doors i guess
The guy at the 7 minute mark almost got to be a hero. I knew he failed but was hoping he would get him.

Bladewire 03-15-2019 06:41 AM

Racist white nationalist Trump supporters are fucking idiots.

You guys act all tough like you're going to change the world and wipe out minorities and muslims then when your fellow piece of shit cowards in New Zealand wipeout 49 innocent unarmed people in 2 CHURCHES you act like it has nothing to do with you with that stupid smirk on your face.

That's the thing about you piece of shit cowards you never stand up like men and own it! This is why people don't respect you pieces of shit and never will and this is why societies around the world are working to wipe YOU out and also throw you behind bars.

Every day there's a new story of another stupid racist xenophobic Trump supporter that loses their job and/or ends up in jail for being a racist xenophobic asshole. The world doesn't want the shit you're oozing. Do you get that yet?

pimpmaster9000 03-15-2019 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22432714)
The middle east can't be left alone when they control the flow of oil in such a way that has a great impact on the developed world. Our military action there was a justified use of force to stabilize the flow of natural resources.

yes yes gangster...this is why I think small countries should have bacteria and nukes :thumbsup

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