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NatalieK 09-21-2017 03:15 PM

President Kim Jong-Un brands Trump as mentally deranged
Kim Jong-Un calls Trump's UN speech a 'declaration of war'.

Kim Jong-Un calls Trump's UN speech 'declaration of war' and brands US president 'mentally deranged' in rare speech - Mirror Online

the article also says...


At the summit, Mr Johnson met Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi and urged him to keep up the pressure on North Korea.

The Foreign Secretary told the Guardian: "No one in their right minds wants to see the US driven to use its military options - I do not see any good military options - and that is why all the pressure has to be on the Chinese to tighten the sanctions on oil.

"That is the jugular of the North Korean economy.
Trump needs to back off & realise being President of America does not mean he can control the world, the whole world is not behind him & only "probably now" 30 or 40% of the US are...

a small handful of the world :2 cents:

bns666 09-21-2017 03:24 PM


thommy 09-21-2017 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22009201)
Kim Jong-Un calls Trump's UN speech a 'declaration of war'.

Kim Jong-Un calls Trump's UN speech 'declaration of war' and brands US president 'mentally deranged' in rare speech - Mirror Online

the article also says...

Trump needs to back off & realise being President of America does not mean he can control the world, the whole world is not behind him & only "probably now" 30 or 40% of the US are...

a small handful of the world :2 cents:

well you know that i biggly dislike trump but what he said at the UN was the only language what NK will understand.

in this case trump´s unreliable character might even help to force china to act. nobody wants a war and trump is the only existing politician what is stupid enough to start such a war.
so in this case it is good that he is such a miserable person and politician because it forces the other nations to act before the idiot acts.

Bladewire 09-21-2017 03:33 PM

Takes one to know one :2 cents:

Barry-xlovecam 09-21-2017 03:45 PM


TheDynasty 09-21-2017 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 22009229)

hit the nail on the head

pimpmaster9000 09-21-2017 04:00 PM

He is right about trump how ever you look at it...

C H R I S 09-21-2017 04:04 PM

Trump and Kim Jong probably have the same mother, a scizhoid paranoid maniac.

They are both mentally deranged.

thommy 09-21-2017 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by C H R I S (Post 22009261)
Trump and Kim Jong probably have the same mother, a scizhoid paranoid maniac.

They are both mentally deranged.

that is what i mean.

one incalculable can only be stooped by another incalculable.

and because the world knows that here are 2 of the world´biggest idiots are playing with the red button the wise ones must react.

EonBlue 09-21-2017 05:49 PM

North Korea executed 5 security officials, South Korea says


Five North Korean officials have been executed by anti-aircraft guns, according to South Korean lawmakers.

North Korean defector 'forced to watch 11 musicians executed with anti-aircraft guns'

But, ya, Trump is the deranged one.

NatalieK 09-21-2017 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22009217)
well you know that i biggly dislike trump but what he said at the UN was the only language what NK will understand.

in this case trump´s unreliable character might even help to force china to act. nobody wants a war and trump is the only existing politician what is stupid enough to start such a war.
so in this case it is good that he is such a miserable person and politician because it forces the other nations to act before the idiot acts.

your points are heard & I for one totally agree! :2 cents:

Loving the biggly... (trumps word)... I laughed at some BS Trump piss take only earlier tonight! He´s so funny, he should´ve been a comedian. It´s funny when he "pretends" he doesn´t know where countries are, especially when he´s in them! Most of all, when he doesn´t know how to pronounce the President he´s speaking too... it´s too funny :winkwink: :thumbsup

Spunky 09-21-2017 06:17 PM

I just hope Canada doesn't get nailed by one of NK's missiles as we are in the middle of it

mineistaken 09-21-2017 06:24 PM

When crookedteers even cite the rocket man as long as he is anti Trump ...

mentally deranged OP train!

bronco67 09-21-2017 08:28 PM

Sorry dude, but Trump's already branded himself as mentally deranged.

EonBlue 09-21-2017 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 22009499)
Sorry dude, but Trump's already branded himself as mentally deranged.

Like being an idiot on Twitter type of mentally deranged or executing people with anti-aircraft guns type of deranged? I know it's hard to see the difference sometimes in this world of moral equivalency we live in.

LAJ 09-21-2017 08:42 PM

They are both keyboard warriors and man-children completely ill-suited for big boy jobs.

BaldBastard 09-21-2017 08:43 PM

Even if Trump has 30% of Americans behind him, everyone forgets Kim has 90% + of his country behind him.

Eats popcorn and waits for Putin and Xi to step in, kick the USA back to the USA, calm NK overnight miraculously.

bronco67 09-21-2017 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 22009509)
Like being an idiot on Twitter type of mentally deranged or executing people with anti-aircraft guns type of deranged? I know it's hard to see the difference sometimes in this world of moral equivalency we live in.

We're not talking about North Korea style derangement. Just having a president who has Twitter diarrhea is deranged enough for me.

ReggieDurango 09-21-2017 08:52 PM

Trump and Un both have very unique hair!

oppoten 09-21-2017 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by C H R I S (Post 22009261)
Trump and Kim Jong probably have the same mother, a scizhoid paranoid maniac.

They are both mentally deranged.


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22009305)
that is what i mean.

one incalculable can only be stooped by another incalculable.

and because the world knows that here are 2 of the world´biggest idiots are playing with the red button the wise ones must react.

Your Bibi approved of his UN speech


EonBlue 09-21-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22009517)
everyone forgets Kim has 90% + of his country behind him.

Yes, under threat of execution.

ilnjscb 09-21-2017 09:12 PM

Yeah OP he isn't the president his title is chairman of the workers party and Supreme Leader.

Paul Markham 09-21-2017 11:58 PM

Trump is the first President to threaten NK with retaliation. All the others have barely muttered a whimper.

Gspot thinks he should say nothing like all the others. Until NK blows someone up.

BaldBastard 09-22-2017 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 22009531)
Yes, under threat of execution.

That's the mistaken conclusion, they love the guy, they LOVE how he stands up to the USA, and when provoked they will expect a reaction and if he asks them to die with him.. they will die.

And that is the core of the problem because the USA can flatten NK like they have done before, and they will come back more mean, more nutty and more capable than ever to strike you.

Talking the tuff American verbal wank like Trump did, has effectively sealed Americas fate. NK is coming and they are going to kill millions of you. Might be tomorrow might be in 50 years time, but when they come.. just mutter.. Thanks Trump.

One individual out of 25 million is all it will take, forget his nukes and research North Koreas biological weapons rumoured to already be deployed in the USA awaiting deployment.

BaldBastard 09-22-2017 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22009601)
Trump is the first President to threaten NK with retaliation. All the others have barely muttered a whimper.

Gspot thinks he should say nothing like all the others. Until NK blows someone up.

Ahhhh old man, did you never hear of the Korean war? Maybe put the hearing aids in Paul and read outside of pornworld for a while.

DraX 09-22-2017 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22009305)
that is what i mean.

one incalculable can only be stooped by another incalculable.

and because the world knows that here are 2 of the world´biggest idiots are playing with the red button the wise ones must react.

Spreading more fake news? Source that Trump is playing with the U.S. nuclear arsenal ?

2MuchMark 09-22-2017 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22009515)
They are both keyboard warriors and man-children completely ill-suited for big boy jobs.

^^^ This ^^^

thommy 09-22-2017 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by oppoten (Post 22009527)
Your Bibi approved of his UN speech


must be a strange feeling for you when your biggest enemy says that your biggest idol is a genius.

Barry-xlovecam 09-22-2017 06:14 AM

Funny hair diplomacy -- FAIL!
Trump was a total asshole at the UN


Remember this asshole?
Khrushchev (USSR) at UN, 3 weeks after JFK won the Presidency in 1960

Not unprecedented behavior.
Remember what happened to him?

thommy 09-22-2017 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22009861)
Spreading more fake news? Source that Trump is playing with the U.S. nuclear arsenal ?

shut the fuck up - you are the last one what have anything interesting to say here.
go back to your funny farm and eat your pills and have nice dreams.

Paul Markham 09-22-2017 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22009619)
Ahhhh old man, did you never hear of the Korean war? Maybe put the hearing aids in Paul and read outside of pornworld for a while.

Yes the Korean War, 65 years ago. How sure are you that NK wouldn't start it again if it knew no one would stop them?

Some commenters are so limited in their thinking no wonder they vote for the same dumbasses who are fucking it up.

EonBlue 09-22-2017 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22009615)
That's the mistaken conclusion, they love the guy, they LOVE how he stands up to the USA, and when provoked they will expect a reaction and if he asks them to die with him.. they will die.

That's because NK is the world's strictest police state full of a bunch of brainwashed zombies. They have to pretend they love him. If they are caught saying anything negative about him or displaying any sign of dissent at all they will be sent to prison camp. They are basically a living George Orwell novel. And somehow you twist it to make seem normal and ok.


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22009615)
And that is the core of the problem because the USA can flatten NK like they have done before, and they will come back more mean, more nutty and more capable than ever to strike you.

Talking the tuff American verbal wank like Trump did, has effectively sealed Americas fate. NK is coming and they are going to kill millions of you. Might be tomorrow might be in 50 years time, but when they come.. just mutter.. Thanks Trump.

You don't know much about history, or much of anything for that matter, do you? This shit has been going on for decades but now somehow it is all Trump's fault? You are delusional.


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22009615)
One individual out of 25 million is all it will take, forget his nukes and research North Koreas biological weapons rumoured to already be deployed in the USA awaiting deployment.

I bet you are giddy with excitement hoping for millions of Americans to die, right? You sound just like crucifisio. Did you have an American girlfriend that dumped you too?

Paul Markham 09-22-2017 06:53 AM

NK is militarily superior to SK by a wide margin. And it's getting more powerful by the day. Japan has very little to combat any threat. So what do you Trump haters think is stopping NK from pouring across the borders or sending ballistic missiles to SK or Japan?

The only thing stopping Kim is a strong voice in Washington and the certainty he signs his own death warrant if he invades.

EonBlue 09-22-2017 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22009937)
NK is militarily superior to SK by a wide margin. And it's getting more powerful by the day. Japan has very little to combat any threat. So what do you Trump haters think is stopping NK from pouring across the borders or sending ballistic missiles to SK or Japan?

Doubtful. NK may have more boots on the ground but their equipment is antiquated and in a state of disrepair. They basically have no air power and SK/US could establish air superiority immediately. Their navy is also useless and they would be blockaded right away as well. They would run out of supplies very quickly unless China stepped in and supplied them over the border.

Also Japan has the world's #4 ranked military.

TheDA 09-22-2017 07:06 AM

Reminds me of those other 2 complete fucking idiots exchanging blows on here a while back - Garrry and DVTimes.

C H R I S 09-22-2017 07:12 AM

Bump this thread in one year - I doubt there will be any military assault. Just more of the same - maybe more sanctions that NK will get around.

EonBlue 09-22-2017 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by C H R I S (Post 22009967)
Bump this thread in one year - I doubt there will be any military assault. Just more of the same - maybe more sanctions that NK will get around.

I predict China is finally going to step in and take the buffoon in NK out and install a puppet government.

C H R I S 09-22-2017 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 22009973)
I predict China is finally going to step in and take the buffoon in NK out and install a puppet government.

That is possible, China isn't much better than NK in terms of Human rights.

EonBlue 09-22-2017 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by C H R I S (Post 22009991)
That is possible, China isn't much better than NK in terms of Human rights.

Ya true about the human rights but at least China would stabilize the situation and prevent the dough boy from launching a nuke at somebody.

BaldBastard 09-22-2017 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 22009901)
That's because NK is the world's strictest police state full of a bunch of brainwashed zombies. They have to pretend they love him. If they are caught saying anything negative about him or displaying any sign of dissent at all they will be sent to prison camp. They are basically a living George Orwell novel. And somehow you twist it to make seem normal and ok.

So your saying just like Russia And China? Leaders who are liked in their own countries but to anyone from outside of that country a big wtf? USA is basically the same now, think about world leader support for Trump, who have you got.. Oh Putin and Durete. Allies like Australia still fully back the USA, but that's only because a country is more than the leadership, and the USA has a right douche right now.


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 22009901)
You don't know much about history, or much of anything for that matter, do you? This shit has been going on for decades but now somehow it is all Trump's fault? You are delusional.

It certainly has been going on for years but in any conflict or previous wars there are always major pivotal points, and I believe we are going through one now.


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 22009901)
I bet you are giddy with excitement hoping for millions of Americans to die, right? You sound just like crucifisio. Did you have an American girlfriend that dumped you too?

I don't but I think Trump is

World can throw what ever sanctions they want at NK, just understand they already have all the weapons they need, and Russia has supplied them with a means to deliver them.

I'm guessing Trump is expecting Kim to become scared of him, back down, remove himself from leadership and tell the North Koreans, America is really their friend.

Because if that is not what Kim does, the consequences for him, the USA and the rest of the world are really quiet grim.

Million dollar question is will Kim do that? And I'd guess the only people in the world who believe that are Tramp and his supporters.

EonBlue 09-22-2017 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22010059)
World can throw what ever sanctions they want at NK, just understand they already have all the weapons they need, and Russia has supplied them with a means to deliver them.

So you agree that it is the world imposing the sanctions but somehow you hold Trump fully accountable for whatever happens.

The Korean war was a UN operation to oppose the North Korean invasion of the south. It included not just the USA but Australia, Canada and many other countries. There was never a formal peace agreement so technically we are all still at war with NK.

And outside of missiles and some heavy artillery most of the weapons that NK has are useless. They have no means to fight in the air or on the water.


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22010059)
I'm guessing Trump is expecting Kim to become scared of him, back down, remove himself from leadership and tell the North Koreans, America is really their friend.

Because if that is not what Kim does, the consequences for him, the USA and the rest of the world are really quiet grim.

Million dollar question is will Kim do that? And I'd guess the only people in the world who believe that are Tramp and his supporters.

Trump is trying to either prompt a coup inside of North Korea and hope that saner heads prevail and/or he is trying to pressure China to get rid of Kim.

Let me ask you - do you support Kim and the type of communist police state he runs? Because it sounds like you do and that you are hoping he wins.

EonBlue 09-22-2017 08:15 AM

REPORT: China tells its banks to stop doing business with North Korea


China reportedly told its banks to stop doing business with North Korea.

The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, told banks to "strictly implement United Nations sanctions against North Korea," four sources told Reuters.

Reuters added that banks were "told to stop providing financial services to new North Korean customers and to wind down loans with existing customers."

The UN Security Council last week unanimously voted to levy a new round of economic sanctions in response to the country's recent nuclear provocations.

Much attention has been paid to the commercial and financial ties between China and North Korea in recent months. Some have argued that the North Korean crisis could be "solved" if China applied economic pressure on the isolated government.

BaldBastard 09-22-2017 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 22010081)
And outside of missiles and some heavy artillery most of the weapons that NK has are useless. They have no means to fight in the air or on the water.


It is the second largest branch of the Korean People's Army comprising an estimated 110,000 members. It possesses 940 aircraft of different types.


There are some 780 vessels including 70 midget submarines (including the Yono-class submarine and Sang-O-class submarine), 20 Romeo-class submarines, and about 140 air cushioned landing craft

And I guess anyone would laugh at that but you have to consider that the most advanced American ships are unable to even detect an 2 mile long oil tanker rolling on the ocean at 15 mph without colliding with them.. TWICE in the past 6 months I might add.

Then factor in that Kim does not have to play by international rules, he sits on one of the biggest stock piles of chemical and biological weapons. So does he really need more than crop dusters?

thommy 09-22-2017 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22009897)
Yes the Korean War, 65 years ago. How sure are you that NK wouldn't start it again if it knew no one would stop them?

Some commenters are so limited in their thinking no wonder they vote for the same dumbasses who are fucking it up.

maybe you should read a bit about the korean war. NK was fucked after a few weeks.
and there would not be any further war if mc arthur would not go far over the line what brought china into the conflict.

that NK is still existing is only because the alliance fought finally against china and not against NK.

do you really think that china would help them again?

we live in a world what is not split into communism and capitalism any more.
china lives from trading with the world (as long as you do not make the rules)
and that makes the world much more calculable.

Steve Rupe 09-22-2017 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22009937)
NK is militarily superior to SK by a wide margin. And it's getting more powerful by the day. Japan has very little to combat any threat. So what do you Trump haters think is stopping NK from pouring across the borders or sending ballistic missiles to SK or Japan?

The only thing stopping Kim is a strong voice in Washington and the certainty he signs his own death warrant if he invades.

You are very ignorant of facts to think that NK is the military superior of SK and for you to think that NK is any kind of a match for Japan is really, really ignorant.

Grapesoda 09-22-2017 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22009201)
Kim Jong-Un calls Trump's UN speech a 'declaration of war'.

Kim Jong-Un calls Trump's UN speech 'declaration of war' and brands US president 'mentally deranged' in rare speech - Mirror Online

the article also says...

Trump needs to back off & realise being President of America does not mean he can control the world, the whole world is not behind him & only "probably now" 30 or 40% of the US are...

a small handful of the world :2 cents:

he would be the guy to know that's for sure...

Sarn 09-22-2017 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 22009879)
Funny hair diplomacy -- FAIL!
Trump was a total asshole at the UN


Remember this asshole?
Khrushchev (USSR) at UN, 3 weeks after JFK won the Presidency in 1960

Not unprecedented behavior.
Remember what happened to him?

What happened?



pimpmaster9000 09-22-2017 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 22010541)
You are very ignorant of facts to think that NK is the military superior of SK and for you to think that NK is any kind of a match for Japan is really, really ignorant.

Yeah they have nukes and gas and bacteria and have no problem breaking your laws...on the other hand the allies have high tech things that go boom but it will cost you dearly to use it...dearly...

So they kinda have the upper hand...

ruff 09-22-2017 05:00 PM

Kim and the orange dotard should settle this by comparing dicks. Bigglyest one wins.

TheDynasty 09-22-2017 06:19 PM


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