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Joshua G 03-19-2017 10:03 AM

oh uh key democrats are warning the base - no evidence of russia/trump collusion
looks like the truth is coming for dumb libs. months of bullshit by the liberal media are finally being called what it is by the left...

liberal lies all along!

dumb libs. keep thinking CNN is giving it to you straight.


Joshua G 03-19-2017 10:09 AM

what do you dumb libs have to say for yourselves...apparently you need the liberal media to inform you its all bullshit.

you wont believe anyone else!

dumb libs.


Joshua G 03-19-2017 10:11 AM

you would think, since obama wiretapped trump, & the NYTimes reported this on their headline on january 20, that there should be a smoking gun. no.

but dumb libs will still be quacking about trump being a russian pawn, for the next 8 years.

dumb libs.


Joshua G 03-19-2017 10:18 AM

dumb libs, remember the liberal medias lies of 2016?

hilary was up by 11 points! by 14 points! she was a sure thing. landslide. It wasn't even gonna be close, right rochard?

remember when huffpost said hilary had a 98% chance of winning? she lost.

remember NBC dug up 11 women to accuse trump of sexual assault? what happened to their stories? trumps a billionaire...no lawsuits? no charges? nope. not even a follow up from NBC news on their plight...gee, was NBC news trying to manipulate the election with lies???

so now that russia is turning into 1 big lie, when do you dumb libs wake up that you're being led around like a dog on a leash?

thats why I call you, dumb libs.


Joshua G 03-19-2017 10:20 AM

hey bladewire! when the liberal media tells you the cops pull over black people just for being black...they are lying to you.

FYI. i think you are too dumb to know better.


TheSquealer 03-19-2017 10:24 AM

Given that the NSA, CIA, FBI - DNI all said this from the start,... and its only been Democratic politicians furthering the narrative, it was bound to collapse in on itself eventually.

From day 1 its been "this guy met with that guy" and NO ONE EVER has ever once said "this thing was said by this person to that person and THAT is 100% illegal" - however, when it comes to an illegally recorded overseas phone call between two government officials, that has no trouble getting "leaked" to all major media outlets.

Sly 03-19-2017 10:43 AM

The following paragraph from the 1st linked article is extremely important to read, comprehend, and embrace. This same paragraph could be posted on any political bias website and it would still hold true.


The principal problem for Democrats is that so many media figures and online charlatans are personally benefiting from feeding the base increasingly unhinged, fact-free conspiracies ? just as right-wing media polemicists did after both Bill Clinton and Obama were elected ? that there are now millions of partisan soldiers absolutely convinced of a Trump/Russia conspiracy for which, at least as of now, there is no evidence.
Frothing at the mouth like this is no different than trailer trash screaming at Jerry Springer.

Wake the fuck up.

The media (of any sort) has no interest in serving truth. It's not sexy. It doesn't sell ads. The media has every interest in serving what "gets the people going."

Bladewire 03-19-2017 10:48 AM

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638734)
typical nonsense

and when you have no facts to argue... you do this. be sure to pop back in with your sophomoric "triggered" bs. ;) keep shouting down others with nonsense rather than facts.

Bladewire 03-19-2017 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21638746)
and when you have no facts to argue... you do this. be sure to pop back in with your sophomoric "triggered" bs. ;) keep shouting down others with nonsense rather than facts.

Rep. Schiff: 'Circumstantial Evidence of Collusion' Between Trump Campaign, Russia - NBC News

FACT: Trump is on TV lying about Brtitish inteligence

FACT: Trump is on TV lying about himself being wiretapped

You choose to focus on anything but Trump because you can't handle the truth & reality.

FACT: The Intercept is a far right gossip rag

FACT: The story is based on conjecture & conspiracy and does not quite actual sources warning the base - no evidence of russia/trump collusion

Bladewire 03-19-2017 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Sly (Post 21638719)
Wake the fuck up.

Comey testifies on live television tomorrow.

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 11:16 AM

you just said it... "circumstantial evidence" - not "here are facts that prove conclusively...."

but the narrative is that its not only "fact" but getting worse daily.

why is a phone call between Flynn and a Russia illegally recorded and released (a phone call that represented the normal course of business in executing his duties - representing 1 phone call of ~50 to other ambassadors and officials over a couple days) - yet no facts between Trump and Russia released? Just "circumstantial evidence"...? The intelligence community had zero issue with illegally recording and releasing Flynns call. They don't have any more evidence? They are suddenly super shy" They suddenly support Trump?

Why is it now 100% irrelevant that the FBI, CIA, NSA etc all said there were no conclusive Russian ties to Trump, yet CNN et al won't stop with the narrative?

Why is Trump an asshole for blaming the Obama administration for Trump tower surveillence when its well known to have happened and widely reported to have happened in the media? OR... are you now pissed at news outlets like the New York Times or even HILLARY CLINTON FOR REPORTING IT?

you didn't share this view for fighting for all things "true" when Hillary was mishandling classified documents, deleting classified documents, taking a hammer to phones under subpoena or hard drives or deleting emails under subpoena and destroying hard drives and lying with 100% certainty every time she addressed the issue.

You guys are super selective in your fight for "justice and truth".

by the way, since we are posting links...

Intelligence Official: Transcripts Of Flynn's Calls Don't Show Criminal Wrongdoing : The Two-Way : NPR

thats a long way to go, breaking the law and committing multiple felonies by individuals in the intelligence community for what amounts to nothing really.... yet somehow there is no smoking gun for Trump/Russia? All the intelligence agencies hate him and are trying to sabotage him and they've got nothing?

Not a very credible position.

Joshua G 03-19-2017 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638767)

Rep. Schiff: 'Circumstantial Evidence of Collusion' Between Trump Campaign, Russia - NBC News

FACT: Trump is on TV lying about Brtitish inteligence

FACT: Trump is on TV lying about himself being wiretapped

You choose to focus on anything but Trump because you can't handle the truth & reality.

FACT: The Intercept is a far right gossip rag

FACT: The story is based on conjecture & conspiracy and does not quite actual sources warning the base - no evidence of russia/trump collusion

brings up "facts." links to NBC news.

was my buzzfeed link alt-right fake news too? dumb lib.


Bladewire 03-19-2017 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21638788)
you just said it... "circumstantial evidence" - not "here are facts that prove conclusively...."

but the narrative is that its not only "fact" but getting worse daily. why is a phone call between Flynn and a Russia illegally recorded and released (a phone call that represented the normal course of business in executing his duties) - yet no facts between Trump and Russia released?

Why is it 100% irrelevant that the FBI, CIA, NSA etc all said there were no conclusive Russian ties to Trump, yet CNN et al won't stop with the narrative?

you didn't share this view for fighting for all things "true" when Hillary was mishandling classified documents, deleting classified documents, taking a hammer to phones under subpoena or hard drives or deleting emails under subpoena and destroying hard drives and lying with 100% certainty every time she addressed the issue.

Why are you deflecting to last year's election? Why do you float consiracies with no evidence then act like circumstantial evidence about Trump collussion has no value?

Trumps attorney General was forced to recuse himself from the Russia investigation because he lied UNDER OATH about his ties with Russia.

Trumps National Security Advisor was forced to resign for lying about his ties to Russia. It's since been discovered he was an unregistered foreign agent and taking money from Russia.

As Russia probe looms, Roger Stone touts relationship to WikiLeaks

Trump lies.

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638812)
Why are you reflecting to last year's election? Why do you float consiracies with no evidence then act like circumstantial evidence about Trump collussion has no value?

Trumps attorney General was forced to recuse himself from the Russia investigation because he lied UNDER OATH about his ties with Russia.

Trumps National Security Advisor was forced to resign for lying about his ties to Russia. It's since been discovered he was an unregistered foreign agent and [urlhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/new-details-released-on-russia-related-payments-to-flynn-before-he-joined-trump-campaign/2017/03/16/52a4205a-0a55-11e7-a15f-a58d4a988474_story.html
=taking money from Russia.[/url]

Trump lies.

Yeah, Flynn lied to Trump.

Trump asked for his resignation.

HOWEVER, FLYNN DID NOT DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL.... as the media keeps trying to imply.

And when people point out the exact same relationships with Kislyak (sp?) with Democrats, same donation patterns, same meetings or that anything anyone else did, Hillary also did, suddenly you hear crickets. Thats not how the media is supposed to work.

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638812)

Trump lies.



He runs his stupid mouth and will say anything. This is no surprise to anyone who has been awake for the last 3 decades. He's still the exact same person, behaving in the exact same way he always has.


Trump lies.

Hillary lies.

Bernie Sanders lies.

Everyone in politics lies.

The media lies.


The single biggest problem in the USA in that regard right now is that you guys only see one person lying in this whole big shitty mess.

Bladewire 03-19-2017 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21638827)
Yeah, Flynn lied to Trump.

Trump asked for his resignation.


Flynn was forced to resign because he did something very wrong, including lying to VP Pence.

Trump didn't care about what Flynn did, including lying to Pence, until it went public, then Flynn was forced to resign.

Flynn is still under investigation.

Trump, Comey & Sessions will protect Flynn.

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638839)
Flynn was forced to resign because he did something very wrong, including lying to VP Pence.

Trump didn't care about what Flynn did, including lying to Pence, until it went public, then Flynn was forced to resign.

Flynn is still under investigation.

Trump, Comey & Sessions will protect Flynn.

I haven't disagreed with any of that. In fact, i said exactly that.

Your problem is that you conflate everything on one side to unreal proportions and dismiss every issue on the other.

Once you take the blinders off and start looking at each side with equal suspicion, you'll start to see how fucked up the whole system and the media is.

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 11:43 AM

And i seriously doubt Comey will protect Flynn in the same way he protected Hillary. Flynn has not been proven to do anything illegal. Hillary was.

Bladewire 03-19-2017 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21638833)


He runs his stupid mouth and will say anything. This is no surprise to anyone who has been awake for the last 3 decades. He's still the exact same person, behaving in the exact same way he always has.


Trump lies.

Hillary lies.

Bernie Sanders lies.

Everyone in politics lies.

The media lies.


The single biggest problem in the USA in that regard right now is that you guys only see one person lying in this whole big shitty mess.

The MSM reports the truth to the best of their ability.

The MSM's reporting is what's holding Trump and his henchman accountable for their lies and Session has paid for his lies, Flynn has paid for his lies, and that's just in the first 60 days of Trump's term :winkwink:

Bladewire 03-19-2017 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21638851)
I haven't disagreed with any of that. In fact, i said exactly that.

Your problem is that you conflate everything on one side to unreal proportions and dismiss every issue on the other.

Once you take the blinders off and start looking at each side with equal suspicion, you'll start to see how fucked up the whole system and the media is.

Comey threw the election for Trump & is forcing congress to subpoena him for info on the investigation.

Republican Senator Threatens Comey With SUBPOENA for Stonewalling Congress On Trump Investigation

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638863)
Comey threw the election for Trump & is forcing congress to subpoena him for info on the investigation.

I honestly don't know what is going on with him today. However, i do think that his announcement that he was re-opening the investigation was weird.

IT WAS rooted in fact and he only announced it to Congress via a letter. He didn't hold a press conference or anything. It was members of Congress that leaked it to the press... not Comey.

So it seemed more of a thing to protect his own ass to me. I think he's a douche as does everyone in the FBI, however, in that moment with the discovery of new evidence (the laptop and all of its 1000s of emails) he was in a pretty weird spot... which seemed to be lose/lose for him.

And to say "Comey threw the election for Trump" again implies Hillary would have won and totally ignores voters, what they voted for,... Hillary, her low trust ratings by her base, her inability to connect with voters with a message (jobs, border, economy, trade etc), her failure to campaign for the EC. Hillary failed on her own. And not only failed, but failed against what is little more than a rich circus clown - thats what is really freaking Democrats out and why they just can't let go of the MANY MANY "why Hillary Lost" narratives which place blame anywhere and everywhere and which have nothing to do with Hillary and her messaging.

Bladewire 03-19-2017 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21638875)
I honestly don't know what is going on with him today. However, i do think that his announcement that he was re-opening the investigation was weird.

IT WAS rooted in fact and he only announced it to Congress via a letter. He didn't hold a press conference or anything. It was members of Congress that leaked it to the press... not Comey.

So it seemed more of a thing to protect his own ass to me. I think he's a douche as does everyone in the FBI, however, in that moment with the discovery of new evidence (the laptop and all of its 1000s of emails) he was in a pretty weird spot... which seemed to be lose/lose for him.

And to say "Comey threw the election for Trump" again ignores voters, what they voted for,... Hillary, her low trust ratings by her base, her inability to connect with voters with a message (jobs, border, economy, trade etc). Hillary failed on her own. And not only failed, but failed against what is little more than a rich circus clown

... and Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote by over 3 million votes.

Usually the FBI classifies letters to congressional subcommittees regarding classified investigations.

Comey intentionally did not classify that letter knowing the Republicans on the subcommittee could legally go public with it.

TheSquealer 03-19-2017 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638890)
... and Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote by over 3 million votes.

Usually the FBI classifies letters to congressional subcommittees regarding classified investigations.

Comey intentionally did not classify that letter knowing the Republicans on the subcommittee could legally go public with it.

There is no such thing as a "classified investigation" and as i recall, the investigation with the email stuff was already concluded. He announced his intent to re-open the investigation but there was no active investigation at the time of the letter.

I can't find a single mention in any news media saying "he intentionally did not classify the letter...". Additionally, as i recall, classified documents don't have to bear that designation and responsibility falls on the recipient to identify its content as such as well.

I can't find anything about classifying letters to Congress in this case or that he should have done that. Only a lot of mentions of violating DOJ protocols for practices in and around election times to prevent influencing elections.

Further, having just read the letter from Comey, he was clear the Clinton case was closed and the letter was extremely vague and benign and specifically states that it is in regards to his previous testimony on the issue and that new facts might come to light affecting his previous testimony.

Joshua G 03-19-2017 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638890)
... and Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote by over 3 million votes.

trump won 2500 counties. hilary won 400.

trump won 30 states. hilary won 20.

trump in white house. hilary just getting back out of the house.

thank goodness the founding fathers forecast that leaving the president to a popular vote would cause "minorities" AKA small states, to be dis-enfranchised by big state voting blocs. so they created an affirmative action for rural america. funny that you dumb libs love race quotas but not electoral vote quotas.

trump appealed to the rural vote. hilary assumed they were in the bag. wrong.

when will you stop lying about hilarys popularity? she was hated in 2500 counties across america!

dumb lib.


TheSquealer 03-19-2017 12:09 PM

letter to FBI - Comey


TheSquealer 03-19-2017 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638767)

FACT: Trump is on TV lying about himself being wiretapped

incidentally, it was reported in the news... even mentioned by Hillary in a tweet well before Trump said anything. the news reports about the FISA warrants were very specific. New York Times and others also ran with the story. Not saying it's true... but its clearly not a Trump invention.

"The Guardian has reported that the FBI applied for a Foreign Intelligence Service Act (FISA) warrant last summer to monitor members of the Trump campaign, but was denied in its initial attempt. Last November, former British MP and openly anti-Trump journalist Louise Mensch reported that the FBI had succeeded in its second request for a FISA warrant, which was later confirmed by the BBC."

And either the warrants were issued or they weren't. Simple to know. I would presume the President of the USA would be able to know....

Regardless, these "facts" were out there well BEFORE Trump said anything... so its disingenuous to pretend Trump woke up one morning and invented it all.

Matt 26z 03-19-2017 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638863)
Comey threw the election for Trump

Amazing how libtards are so blind to Hillary's flaws that it seems like Comey handed Trump the win.

Bladewire 03-19-2017 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 21638911)
There is no such thing as a "classified investigation"


Stratfor emails: FBI had a 'classified investigation' open on PETA

Clinton's Classified Investigation

The Intelligence Committee?s classified investigation of the enhanced-interrogation program

List of FBI Classified Investigations

crockett 03-19-2017 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21638632)
you would think, since obama wiretapped trump, & the NYTimes reported this on their headline on january 20, that there should be a smoking gun. no.

but dumb libs will still be quacking about trump being a russian pawn, for the next 8 years.

dumb libs.


LoL you fucking idiot.. you sit here and whine about no proof of Trump/Russian connections and then you turn right around and repeat lies about Obama wiretapping Trump.

Fucking idiot.,

Joshua G 03-19-2017 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21638986)
LoL you fucking idiot.. you sit here and whine about no proof of Trump/Russian connections and then you turn right around and repeat lies about Obama wiretapping Trump.

Fucking idiot.,

like i said dumb lib, NYTimes said so. you've gotten so hateful now the NYTimes can't be trusted when the word wiretap is on the headline!

you always find a way to out-dumb yourself.

but yes, trump was tapped, no doubt about it. only question is how, & by who, under what legal authority.

dumb lib. :1orglaugh

nico-t 03-19-2017 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Sly (Post 21638719)
The following paragraph from the 1st linked article is extremely important to read, comprehend, and embrace. This same paragraph could be posted on any political bias website and it would still hold true.

Frothing at the mouth like this is no different than trailer trash screaming at Jerry Springer.

Wake the fuck up.

The media (of any sort) has no interest in serving truth. It's not sexy. It doesn't sell ads. The media has every interest in serving what "gets the people going."

exactly. I also like the 'partisan soldiers' wording, though they should be called 'partisan zombie retards'. Cuckett is a fine example of that who believes anything the mainstream media tells him, and uses these lies in relentless ammunition (which are duds in reality) against people who he thinks are from 'the other side'.

All while the funny thing is that most of the people who favor Trump on this board are also the ones who know that both parties don't mean shit and are completely 1 and the same. The zombie retards will never comprehend this because their extreme 'team vs team' brainwashing will never go away.

Relic 03-19-2017 01:24 PM


Bladewire 03-19-2017 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 21639010)
exactly. I also like the 'partisan soldiers' wording, though they should be called 'partisan zombie retards'. Cuckett is a fine example of that who believes anything the mainstream media tells him, and uses these lies in relentless ammunition (which are duds in reality) against people who he thinks are from 'the other side'.

All while the funny thing is that most of the people who favor Trump on this board are also the ones who know that both parties don't mean shit and are completely 1 and the same. The zombie retards will never comprehend this because their extreme 'team vs team' brainwashing will never go away.

Meanwhile, in Holland...

crockett 03-19-2017 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21639004)
like i said dumb lib, NYTimes said so. you've gotten so hateful now the NYTimes can't be trusted when the word wiretap is on the headline!

you always find a way to out-dumb yourself.

but yes, trump was tapped, no doubt about it. only question is how, & by who, under what legal authority.

dumb lib. :1orglaugh

No, I'm not being hateful, I just no longer sugar coat it. I call it like I see it... You're a fucking idiot.

I even typed that with a smile...

Bladewire 03-19-2017 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21639268)
No, I'm not being hateful, I just no longer sugar coat it. I call it like I see it... You're a fucking idiot.

I even typed that with a smile...

Joshua G 03-19-2017 03:07 PM

^^^ dumb libs flinging shit spotted.

i go - NYTimes said wiretap...crockett goes "you're an idiot"

then bladewire brings out a retard to use as a weapon of mockery.

like i say. dumb libs. thats why hilary lost. trump won.


Bladewire 03-19-2017 03:11 PM


Robbie 03-19-2017 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638812)
Why are you deflecting to last year's election?


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638863)
Comey threw the election for Trump & is forcing congress to subpoena him for info on the investigation.


Bladewire 03-23-2017 07:32 PM

^^^ Triggered

escorpio 03-23-2017 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21638890)
... and Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote by over 3 million votes.


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