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2MuchMark 11-29-2017 02:20 PM

Really good article about Trump and the danger he is putting people in.
Really good article about Trump and the danger he is putting people in.

Trump's behavior raises questions of competency - CNNPolitics


Trump's behavior raises questions of competency

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump potentially has millions of lives in his hands as the threat of a devastating war with North Korea swiftly escalates.

Yet the President of the United States is raising new questions about his temperament, his judgment and his understanding of the resonance of his global voice and the gravity of his role with a wild sequence of insults, inflammatory tweets and bizarre comments.

On Wednesday Trump caused outrage and sparked fears of violent reprisals against Americans and US interests overseas by retweeting graphic anti-Muslim videos by an extreme far right British hate group. Earlier this week he used a racial slur in front of Native American war heroes. He's attacked global press freedom, after cozying up to autocrats on his recent Asia tour.

And now there are reports that the President has revived conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama's birthplace and is suggesting an "Access Hollywood" video on which he was heard boasting sexually assaulting women, and for which he apologized last year, had been doctored.

In normal times, it would be a concern that the President is conducting himself in a manner so at odds with the decorum and propriety associated for over two centuries with the office he holds.

But the sudden escalation of the North Korean crisis, following the Stalinist state's launch of its most potent ever missile on Tuesday, takes the world across a dangerous threshold.

If diplomacy is unable to defuse the North Korea crisis, or slow its march to the moment when Kim Jong Un can credibly claim to be able to target all of the United States with a nuclear payload, Trump will face one of the most intricate dilemmas of any modern President. Will he live with the threat posed by a mercurial, wildly unpredictable adversary? Or, will he launch what could turn out to be a hugely bloody and destructive war to remove Kim's nuclear threat?

There will be a premium on Trump's judgment, his capacity to absorb the most serious detail and to make choices that could put many, many lives at risk, and draw the United States into escalating situations in Northeast Asia.

For years, Trump, living his life in the glare of the New York tabloids took refuge in convenient alternative truths, constructed his own version of reality and actively promoted conspiracy theories. He maintained that model of behavior as a candidate and a President. But the fact such conduct is coinciding with what could evolve into a major global crisis will force his staff, fellow world leaders, the media and the public to grapple with the implications.

That's the context in which Trump's recent behavior is coloring and is the reason why this moment could turn about to be more significant than the unorthodox and unconventional months of his presidency up to now.

It's also why its fair to ask questions about his state of mind when, for instance, retweeting explosive videos of doubtful authenticity featured by the far right nationalist group Britain First, as he did on Tuesday.

"I have no idea what would motivate him to do that," former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on CNN's "New Day" on Tuesday. "To me, it's bizarre and disturbing, particularly when I think of him doing that in the context of North Korea, where moderation, and temperance and thought I think is critical."

Conversations about Trump's fitness and mental state have percolated in Washington for months. They have been fanned by the comments of GOP Sen. Bob Corker who warned the President could spark World War III.

Republican Sen. Jeff Flake last month fired off an explosive Senate speech in which he said that no one should stay silent, "as the norms and values that keep America strong are undermined and as the alliances and agreements that ensure the stability of the entire world are routinely threatened by the level of thought that goes into 140 characters."

On Wednesday, Flake said he was "flummoxed" at Trump's latest behavior after reading his latest Tweets.

"It's very inappropriate. Why? What does that get us? I'm having a hard time understanding it," Flake said, adding that he would start a series of Senate speeches on Trump's disregard for the truth.

In some ways, Trump's latest wild behavior turn gives Republicans yet another problem.
GOP senators will shortly vote on a tax reform bill that if it passes will give Trump a long awaited victory.

But that win will also bolster his prestige and power as President, leaving some to question whether the likes of Flake and Corker are putting principled objections to Trump's leadership aside for their own political reasons.

Trump has always crushed convention and been ready to step on racial, cultural and behavioral taboos, evidenced in his response for instance to Charlottesville riots and willingness to exploit foreign terror attacks to push his immigration policies. In many ways his spurning of political correctness has been key to his appeal. But some close observers of the President say they believe he has become even more unmoored in recent weeks.

"Something is unleashed with him lately," said New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, who wrote about Trump's return to Birther conspiracy theories in on Wednesday morning.

"I don't know what is causing it, I don't know how to describe it," said Haberman, who is also a CNN contributor.

Trump's supporters often counter that the media is overreacting to his tweets and a style of conduct that often appears designed to cause outrage and offense -- or to distract attention from other political controversies.

They point to the roaring stock market, prospering economy and the dismembering of ISIS in Syria as evidence of a presidency that is doing far better than it appears from news reports.

Though some admit they wish he would not be so inflammatory in his tweeting, it is often maintained that his behavior should not be taken literally.

Yet in a time of national crisis, and as Trump's words resonate around the world, that conceit seems a dangerous one, that could lead the President and the rest of the world into misunderstandings and escalation.

In the end, the President's recent unrestrained conduct also leaves the public with serious questions to consider -- for instance in his preference on many occasions for conspiracy theories over objective truth.

At some point, he might be forced to come before the world and explain why such a potentially bloody war in Asia is necessary.

But his habit of creating alternative realities and eroding trust could come back to haunt him.

The entire world will breathe a breath of relief when that son of a bitch is out of office.

Busty2 11-29-2017 02:38 PM

That cannot come too soon for me

Rochard 11-29-2017 03:24 PM

This is just batshit crazy.

Matt 26z 11-29-2017 03:29 PM

"On Wednesday Trump caused outrage and sparked fears of violent reprisals against Americans and US interests overseas by retweeting graphic anti-Muslim videos"


Those three videos were originally put online by muslims themselves; one showing gays being thrown off a building, one of muslims breaking a christian statue for the camera and a third apparently showing a muslim beating up a white kid on crutches.

If these videos are anti-muslim, it's only because of what people think of the muslims who made these videos.

TheDynasty 11-29-2017 03:32 PM

it will only get crazier as more time goes on. North Korea etc.

bns666 11-29-2017 03:35 PM

blah blah blah

nico-t 11-29-2017 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22090377)
Really good article about Trump and the danger he is putting people in.

Trump's behavior raises questions of competency - CNNPolitics

The entire world will breathe a breath of relief when that son of a bitch is out of office.

Finally CNN is posting something critical about president Trump.


Bladewire 11-29-2017 03:55 PM

RedFred 11-29-2017 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22090491)
"On Wednesday Trump caused outrage and sparked fears of violent reprisals against Americans and US interests overseas by retweeting graphic anti-Muslim videos"


Those three videos were originally put online by muslims themselves; one showing gays being thrown off a building, one of muslims breaking a christian statue for the camera and a third apparently showing a muslim beating up a white kid on crutches.

If these videos are anti-muslim, it's only because of what people think of the muslims who made these videos.

You really are a special kind of stupid.

Dutch officials debunk Donald Trump's Britain First tweet about 'Muslim migrant'

Fat Panda 11-29-2017 04:03 PM

hahahah cnn

Matt 26z 11-29-2017 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22090593)

So then he was an anchor baby muzzie.

Even worse!

beerptrol 11-29-2017 04:15 PM

Chump's supporters are cult members. Everything he says is truth to them. They are like that Heavens Gate cult and will gladly follow their leader even if it means their own deaths. As you can see they will spin, deflect, and out right lie. The sooner they all follow their leader over a cliff, the better off the world will be!

RedFred 11-29-2017 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22090614)
So then he was an anchor baby muzzie.

Even worse!

He wasnt a muslim, dipshit.

2MuchMark 11-29-2017 04:19 PM

Question for the Trump supporters:

You really aren't worried that his casual insults and casual, no-fucks-given attitude, might end up in a serious military exchange?

Let's say you are completely right about Trump, and that he is doing a great job. Do you really think that he could handle things if NK decided to launch an armed missile?

RedFred 11-29-2017 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22090632)
Question for the Trump supporters:

You really aren't worried that his casual insults and casual, no-fucks-given attitude, might end up in a serious military exchange?

Let's say you are completely right about Trump, and that he is doing a great job. Do you really think that he could handle things if NK decided to launch an armed missile?

I truly believe a lot of them would love to see the planet destroyed by nukes.

nico-t 11-29-2017 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22090623)
He wasnt a muslim, dipshit.

It was a Moroccan kid so its the 2nd generation living here, classic Moroccan youth who are out of control here: Conservative muslim parents, kids act innocent at home & act like frustrated idiots in the streets (and yes they see themselves as muslim) only attacking the weak. Even people living in Morocco cannot stand Dutch Moroccan youth.

Real stats: In 2012 research showed that 61% of Moroccan male youth up to 22 years of age have been in contact with law enforcement. Yes, 61%.

In conclusion, Trump was half right.

directfiesta 11-29-2017 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22090665)
It was a Moroccan kid so its the 2nd generation living here, classic Moroccan youth who are out of control here: Conservative muslim parents, kids act innocent at home & act like frustrated idiots in the streets (and yes they see themselves as muslim) only attacking the weak. Even people living in Morocco cannot stand Dutch Moroccan youth.

Real stats: In 2012 research showed that 61% of Moroccan male youth up to 22 years of age have been in contact with law enforcement. Yes, 61%.

In conclusion, Trump was half right.

That explains why Trump is a facist ... thanks for that :thumbsup

After all, Trump is third generation german ( Bavaria ) !

TampaToker 11-29-2017 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22090377)

The entire world will breathe a breath of relief when that son of a bitch is out of office.

That wont be until 2024 :winkwink:

Bladewire 11-29-2017 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by TampaToker (Post 22090698)
That wont be until 2024 :winkwink:

Trump is a morbidly obese 71 year old geriatric senior citizen that sleeps 4 hours a day with high blood pressure and all the symptoms of advanced Alzheimer's disease.

Mr Pheer 11-29-2017 05:35 PM

I'm glad that our president gives you foreigners something to do. It's like a sick twisted hobby or something. People do weird shit in other countries.

Bladewire 11-29-2017 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Pheer (Post 22090743)
I'm glad that our president gives you foreigners something to do. It's like a sick twisted hobby or something. People do weird shit in other countries.


Trump/Putin pay these freaks in Cheetos by the the post

CarlosTheGaucho 11-30-2017 03:43 AM

Note the games with terminology.

"Anti Muslim" is a PC play on victimhood - it replaces the criticism of an ideology with criticism of a person (doesn't make sense does it?). Any legitimate criticism of Islam is now twisted into this narrative, using the popular obsession with "victims".

Islamic activists and gullible apologists for Islam use this play anytime there is any criticism of Islam. The goal is to deliberately ignore the real point, and a fundamental issue, which is that all those acts are entirely in line with the doctrine of Islam.

How about talking about the victims of Islam for a change. After all, the only victims in these acts are those that were slayed, attacked, intimidated by these followers of Islam. But, turns out that PC is not concerned with them at all because, obviously, they were slayed by members of a privileged group following a privileged ideology that is to be immune from all criticism.

Can it get any more absurd - wake up people.

Lichen 11-30-2017 04:39 AM


Fake news.


Steve Rupe 11-30-2017 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22090593)

I concur and also is ignorant, as well as a disgusting person.

NewNick 11-30-2017 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22091385)
Note the games with terminology.

"Anti Muslim" is a PC play on victimhood - it replaces the criticism of an ideology with criticism of a person (doesn't make sense does it?). Any legitimate criticism of Islam is now twisted into this narrative, using the popular obsession with "victims".

Islamic activists and gullible apologists for Islam use this play anytime there is any criticism of Islam. The goal is to deliberately ignore the real point, and a fundamental issue, which is that all those acts are entirely in line with the doctrine of Islam.

How about talking about the victims of Islam for a change. After all, the only victims in these acts are those that were slayed, attacked, intimidated by these followers of Islam. But, turns out that PC is not concerned with them at all because, obviously, they were slayed by members of a privileged group following a privileged ideology that is to be immune from all criticism.

Can it get any more absurd - wake up people.

Wake up ?

Trump posts a video of a murder in Egypt 4 years ago and his people say it is because he wants to highlight the need for strong border control in the US.

Please explain.

CarlosTheGaucho 11-30-2017 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 22091505)
Wake up ?

Trump posts a video of a murder in Egypt 4 years ago and his people say it is because he wants to highlight the need for strong border control in the US.

Please explain.

My observation is not related to Trump at all, it is related to that particular, recurring narrative.

Matt 26z 11-30-2017 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22090632)
You really aren't worried that his casual insults and casual, no-fucks-given attitude, might end up in a serious military exchange?

A serious military exchange is exactly what this world needs right now.

There is way too much tip toeing around important issues. The hammer needs to drop.

NewNick 11-30-2017 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22091517)
A serious military exchange is exactly what this world needs right now.

There is way too much tip toeing around important issues. The hammer needs to drop.


On you and your ilk.


Sarn 11-30-2017 06:47 AM

Trump going into Obama's fail way.

Steve Rupe 11-30-2017 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22091517)
A serious military exchange is exactly what this world needs right now.

There is way too much tip toeing around important issues. The hammer needs to drop.

Yes it does need to drop. The hammer needs to drop on you.

Sarn 11-30-2017 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22091517)
A serious military exchange is exactly what this world needs right now.
There is way too much tip toeing around important issues. The hammer needs to drop.

agree need did it :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

2MuchMark 11-30-2017 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 22091517)
A serious military exchange is exactly what this world needs right now.

There is way too much tip toeing around important issues. The hammer needs to drop.

A serious military exchange would cost tens of thousands of lives on both sides, add trillions to the US national debt, create instability that would last a decade or more, an overwhelming influx of refugees, and increase your chances of you and your loved ones getting cancer should the military exchange be nuclear.

What are those "important issues" that can only be solved by war?

RedFred 11-30-2017 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22091760)
A serious military exchange would cost tens of thousands of lives on both sides, add trillions to the US national debt, create instability that would last a decade or more, an overwhelming influx of refugees, and increase your chances of you and your loved ones getting cancer should the military exchange be nuclear.

What are those "important issues" that can only be solved by war?

Mark you don't get it. This is what some of these people want. Their lives suck so bad and they hate the world so much the thought of the rest of humanity suffering is the only thing that turns them on. Before Trump they were a silent minority, but now they feel empowered.

1/3 people in this country would kill another 1/3 while 1/3 sits back and watches.

crockett 11-30-2017 08:57 AM

Year after year the right wing goes further and further off the deep end. Sooner or later they will implode and fuck the rest of us in the process..

You cant sit here and read the crazed topics by the average Trump supporters here on gfy or around the net and look at them as "normal and sane"..

An entire segment of our population has been brainwashed by crazy..

crockett 11-30-2017 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22091760)
A serious military exchange would cost tens of thousands of lives on both sides, add trillions to the US national debt, create instability that would last a decade or more, an overwhelming influx of refugees, and increase your chances of you and your loved ones getting cancer should the military exchange be nuclear.

What are those "important issues" that can only be solved by war?

Obviously Mexicans and transsexuals in bathrooms...

poncabare 11-30-2017 09:03 AM

cnn... lol

OneHungLo 11-30-2017 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22091385)
Note the games with terminology.

"Anti Muslim" is a PC play on victimhood - it replaces the criticism of an ideology with criticism of a person (doesn't make sense does it?). Any legitimate criticism of Islam is now twisted into this narrative, using the popular obsession with "victims".

Islamic activists and gullible apologists for Islam use this play anytime there is any criticism of Islam. The goal is to deliberately ignore the real point, and a fundamental issue, which is that all those acts are entirely in line with the doctrine of Islam.

How about talking about the victims of Islam for a change. After all, the only victims in these acts are those that were slayed, attacked, intimidated by these followers of Islam. But, turns out that PC is not concerned with them at all because, obviously, they were slayed by members of a privileged group following a privileged ideology that is to be immune from all criticism.

Can it get any more absurd - wake up people.

One of the more confusing positions the dems have, next to wanting no borders and not vetting illegal aliens that flood over, is their stance with islam. Liberalism and islam are complete polar opposites. How in world have these 2 joined forces?

RedFred 11-30-2017 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22091940)
One of the more confusing positions the dems have, next to wanting no borders and not vetting illegal aliens that flood over, is their stance with islam. Liberalism and islam are complete polar opposites. How in world have these 2 joined forces?

Even more fascinating is why conservatives hate Islam so much. They both have the same world view philosophies; they both want to institute laws based on their religion, they both think homosexuality should be illegal, they both think a womans place is in the kitchen, they both think science is bullshit, they both are for capital punishment, and the list goes on and on.

directfiesta 11-30-2017 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22091991)
Even more fascinating is why conservatives hate Islam so much. They both have the same world view philosophies; they both want to institute laws based on their religion, they both think homosexuality should be illegal, they both think a womans place is in the kitchen, they both think science is bullshit, they both are for capital punishment, and the list goes on and on.


Rochard 11-30-2017 02:24 PM


Acepimp 11-30-2017 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22090377)
The entire world will breathe a breath of relief when that son of a bitch is out of office.

So, Muslims aren't bad for killing people, it's Trump who's bad for tweeting about it?

^^ Liberal Logic :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

The Porn Nerd 11-30-2017 11:44 PM

Blah blah blah.
Trump is a celebrity and that's all America cares about.


OneHungLo 12-01-2017 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22093602)
So, Muslims aren't bad for killing people, it's Trump who's bad for tweeting about it?

^^ Liberal Logic :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

If islam became the majority in Canada, poor mark prince would be the first to either convert to islam, die or live like a dog / second class citizen as an infidel.

Bladewire 12-01-2017 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22094559)
If islam became the majority in Canada, poor mark prince would be the first to either convert to islam, die or live like a dog / second class citizen as an infidel.

You'd bend over for the first Arab with a machete and we all know it :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

nico-t 12-01-2017 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22092933)

Yes we know, Clinton got a couple of American soldiers killed and left their families to mourn. Clinton was also the architect of the Lybian regime change. I'm glad you point out that these unnecessary deaths and her continuation of the destabilization of the middle east, resulting in hundreds of thousands of more deaths and the growth of ISIS killing innocent civilians all the way to the European migrant crisis and terror attacks are a bit more important than a few tweets by Trump. I'm glad you finally see through the bullshit.

Hundreds of thousands of deaths, part of a continent completely in ruins and constant terror attacks... or non-politically correct tweets? Yes, the tweets are much more horrible.

Bladewire 12-01-2017 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22095090)
Yes we know, Clinton got a couple of American soldiers killed and left their families to mourn. Clinton was also the architect of the Lybian regime change. I'm glad you point out that these unnecessary deaths and her continuation of the destabilization of the middle east, resulting in hundreds of thousands of more deaths and the growth of ISIS killing innocent civilians all the way to the European migrant crisis and terror attacks are a bit more important than a few tweets by Trump. I'm glad you finally see through the bullshit.

Hundreds of thousands of deaths, part of a continent completely in ruins and constant terror attacks... or non-politically correct tweets? Yes, the tweets are much more horrible.

Holy shit you're off your meds again Pokack damn! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

RedFred 12-01-2017 05:59 PM


Bladewire 12-02-2017 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22095210)


blackmonsters 12-03-2017 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22095210)


Acepimp 12-03-2017 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22095090)
Yes we know, Clinton got a couple of American soldiers killed and left their families to mourn. Clinton was also the architect of the Lybian regime change. I'm glad you point out that these unnecessary deaths and her continuation of the destabilization of the middle east, resulting in hundreds of thousands of more deaths and the growth of ISIS killing innocent civilians all the way to the European migrant crisis and terror attacks are a bit more important than a few tweets by Trump. I'm glad you finally see through the bullshit.

Hundreds of thousands of deaths, part of a continent completely in ruins and constant terror attacks... or non-politically correct tweets? Yes, the tweets are much more horrible.

^^^ THIS is accurate. It's called unbiased facts, BladeLiar / Mark / Rochard. You people are SO convinced that Trump is the bad guy. Nevermind the hundreds of thousands of deaths that Obama and Hilary are responsible for! No offense, clueless libs, but we're sick of the dumb accusations against trump while you ignore mountains evidence on Hillary and obama. Get some fucking facts already, PLEASE. :2 cents:

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