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-   -   stephen hawking is a fucking idiot. just like musk. (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1268821)

Joshua G 06-23-2017 08:22 PM

stephen hawking is a fucking idiot. just like musk.
these modern day einsteins.

they quack that we need to get off the planet in 100 years, or else overpopulation & climate change will do us in.

i am certainly sympathetic to their concern about overpopulation causing a human calamity. less so climate change, we can adapt to that...unless it reaches a point of killing vegetation.

But their solution? what in the world makes these geniuses think people can live in space? what do they link generations of people born with no gravity, no air pressure, are going to evolve into?

nothing that can be called human.

& that assumes we can, through technology, actually live in space. Who the fuck wants to live entire existences in space stations? we can't "live" on mars. its too cold, there is no magnetic field, no ozone, no water, little to no gravity, no atmospheric pressure, all things required for human existence. just an errant space rock can destroy a space station with ease. bye bye civilization.

living in space stations is not living in space. its living in cocoons. this is too fragile a place to perpetuate the species over millions of years.

these smart people know through biology what happens in over-population: someday there will be a mass famine or plague or solar flare or volcano or comet that wipes out 90% of Man. The survivors will be living underground, not in space. & they will reboot the human race, & life will go on.

dumb libs.


beerptrol 06-23-2017 08:29 PM

ohh how cute. The residential retard thinks he's smarter. Must be, I mean a board troll while those other two are out in the world leaving their mark, unlike the skidmark OP

keep regurgitating what Breitfart, wikilinks, and Alex Jones feeds you, we all know it's shit!

Joshua G 06-23-2017 08:51 PM

underground ecosystems are far more practical, & realistic, for protecting the human race.

for example, howe caverns in NY is always 60 degrees inside the caves, no matter how hot or cold it is at the surface. People can live in comfortable temperatures, naturally, underground.

People can also utilize the energy produced by the earth's core for heat & power generation. minerals & water are abundant underground & can be mined much more effectively than in space.

its a fact. the earth surface will become uninhabitable someday thousands or millions of years out. most likely that will happen due to a natural force. whereby overpopulation, given enough time, is self correcting. however much we warm the atmosphere through over population can, to a point, be adapted to. Not true of a supervolcano.

so when overpopulation gets bad enough. most likely the fittest of the human race will move undergound, not into space. the dumb libs that move to space will die fast, make mutated babies. while the undergound people will have ample resources to live on.

dumb libs.


Joshua G 06-23-2017 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 21851383)
ohh how cute. The residential retard thinks he's smarter. Must be, I mean a board troll while those other two are out in the world leaving their mark, unlike the skidmark OP

keep regurgitating what Breitfart, wikilinks, and Alex Jones feeds you, we all know it's shit!

i never expect an intelligent reply from you. & you never prove me wrong.

go pack some ass, idiot.


Joshua G 06-23-2017 09:03 PM

look at the absurd tech we need to to have a handful of people exist in space, just for weeks or months.

but in 100 years, we need to be ready to leave the earth. What a fucking joke.

even geniuses can go full retard sometimes.

overpopulation is self correcting. it will be a mass catastrophe. but thats unavoidable. driving an electric car over a gas guzzler will not change that math. to survive a natural event that kills the earth surface, the fastest route is underground cities. not space cities that need NASA tech to survive & can be undone by an air conditioner hiccup.

:2 cents:

crockett 06-23-2017 09:09 PM

Lets see we have a guy who has a net worth of $20 million who made this money while not being able to move any of his limbs and can't even fucking talk.. Yet he's a dumb guy who made $20 million..

Then we have a guy who is literally sending rockets into space and almost single handedly created the market for electric cars and is worth a few billion dollars...

Yet our trailer park retard JoushaMo proclaims he's smarter than both these guys...


Joshua G 06-23-2017 09:16 PM

i really should look to a new forum to share ideas. this place is nothing but a beehive of liberal idiots that are dumb as rocks.

look at the shit dumb libs post in my threads. their idiocy is embarrassing. an indictment of our schools.

dumb libs.


RedFred 06-23-2017 09:18 PM

Stopped reading at "Mars has no gravity"

Joshua G 06-23-2017 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21851416)
Then we have a guy who is literally sending rockets into space and almost single handedly created the market for electric cars and is worth a few billion dollars...

yeah. musk is so smart, he gave away the hyperloop that is the future of rapid mass transit in favor of a sexy car that does nothing to help the CO2 equation. given teslas are powered by coal. real bright idea. oh, & you have to mine tons of rare earths to make them. not that you dumb libs care when you are busy being smug about how your helping reduce your faux global warming horseshit.

where did i say i was smarter than them? making shit up, as ususal. I just called them idiots. like you.

idiot dumbfuck.


Bladewire 06-23-2017 09:21 PM

Joshua G 06-23-2017 09:25 PM

by crockett's definition, making 20 million, or billion, proves "smart"

so crockett thinks jared fogle is smart too...how about keanu reeves. he's another smarty, right dumb lib?

how about nicola tesla dumb lib? he never got rich. was he smart? or dumb to you? do you even know who he is???

what a fucking moron.


Joshua G 06-23-2017 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 21851422)
Stopped reading at "Mars has no gravity"

well apparently you cant read at all. i said little to no gravity.

another idiot dumbfuck.

keep it coming, dumb libs. you cant even get basic english right.


RedFred 06-23-2017 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851446)
well apparently you cant read at all. i said little to no gravity.

another idiot dumbfuck.

keep it coming, dumb libs. you cant even get basic english right.


Little to no gravity implies you have no clue about simple physics. No wonder you can't grow weed.

Bladewire 06-23-2017 09:41 PM

Joshua G 06-23-2017 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 21851458)
Little to no gravity implies you have no clue about simple physics. No wonder you can't grow weed.

& you're so fucking stupid you are sitting here refuting that mars has little gravity. you dont back up that nonsense, at all. how fucking dumb are you??? still waiting for 1 single intelligent thought from a dumb lib. im not holding my breath.

owned. again.


Bladewire 06-23-2017 09:49 PM

Bladewire 06-23-2017 09:51 PM

RedFred 06-23-2017 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851467)
& you're so fucking stupid you are sitting here refuting that mars has little gravity. you dont back up that nonsense, at all. how fucking dumb are you??? still waiting for 1 single intelligent thought from a dumb lib. im not holding my breath.

owned. again.


Joshua W, you said little to no gravity, which means you literally do not know mass=gravity and yet you're calling true geniuses quacks. Yea, you sure owned me. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

RedFred 06-23-2017 10:04 PM

Joshua W is now searching Alex Jones site on 'how gravity works'.


Bladewire 06-23-2017 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 21851500)
Joshua W is now searching Alex Jones site on 'how gravity works'.



Google Expert 06-23-2017 10:25 PM

The solution to overpopulation is getting rid of all the worthless asians/hindus/negros/muzzies who breed like parasites.

A good population size for planet Earth is about ~2B

Bladewire 06-23-2017 10:29 PM

deonbell 06-23-2017 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Google Expert (Post 21851530)
The solution to overpopulation is getting rid of all the worthless asians/hindus/negros/muzzies who breed like parasites.

A good population size for planet Earth is about ~2B

There are some white people that are smart. But I see many white people with no jobs, getting disability. Spend their disability on drugs. EBT keeps their useless lung and heart pumping.

Smart Fred 06-23-2017 11:48 PM

I just wonder why you care.
You will never stop humanity to explore the world.
In the middle ages people thougt crazy to think the earth was a sphere.
Colombus was crazy to try to reach the west-indias traveling to the east.
Now we have nearly fully explored our planet so it looks just normal to me that new adventurers are looking to the space despite all dangers we could meet there.
If Musk ring at my door telling me he needs me to travel to Mars I will sign for it and die for it. God knows I love my wife and kids but I'm just like that from my teenage days looking at the sky to try to know what's up there!
Some people could live without wondering what's life, I can't. Some people could live without caring about religions, I can't despite I'm an agnostic.
There will always people who don't think like you.
Trying to convince them is a lack of time and usually results in conflicts between people and countries.
Trying to understand them is the beginning of wisdom!

pimpmaster9000 06-24-2017 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851380)
these modern day einsteins.

they quack that we need to get off the planet in 100 years, or else overpopulation & climate change will do us in.

i am certainly sympathetic to their concern about overpopulation causing a human calamity. less so climate change, we can adapt to that...unless it reaches a point of killing vegetation.

But their solution? what in the world makes these geniuses think people can live in space? what do they link generations of people born with no gravity, no air pressure, are going to evolve into?

nothing that can be called human.

& that assumes we can, through technology, actually live in space. Who the fuck wants to live entire existences in space stations? we can't "live" on mars. its too cold, there is no magnetic field, no ozone, no water, little to no gravity, no atmospheric pressure, all things required for human existence. just an errant space rock can destroy a space station with ease. bye bye civilization.

living in space stations is not living in space. its living in cocoons. this is too fragile a place to perpetuate the species over millions of years.

these smart people know through biology what happens in over-population: someday there will be a mass famine or plague or solar flare or volcano or comet that wipes out 90% of Man. The survivors will be living underground, not in space. & they will reboot the human race, & life will go on.

dumb libs.


spacesuits will advance and man will not depend on atmosphere...an errant rock can be intercepted considering we already have the tech to intercept man made missiles, I am willing to bet a rock is not such a formidable opponent...mars is just 1 in trillions of planets we will explore...you are acting like mars is the only planet out there and that its low gravity is the norm for every other planet...we can make our own gravity with simple centrifuge...

as for musk, you are pretending like coal is the only way to get electricity...you are pretending that space is not loaded with metals needed to make batteries...you are pretending that batteries will not advance and will not get better...there is 10.000 years worth of clean energy just on the moon and guess who is building tech to advance space travel? musk...

OP logic: wright brothers plane flew only 10m at great expense...screw that shit, it will never get better, buy a horse...

weak mind OP :2 cents:

wehateporn 06-24-2017 04:20 AM

Stephen Hawking doesn't exist, it's easy to prove

CoolMikey 06-24-2017 05:06 AM

OP makes a good point, it's 1000x easier to build underground cities, it's not as as glamorous as building a colony on mars, but if things get bad on the surface, underground is a way more practical solution.

We should still explore space with an open mind, but living on another planet is a pipe dream likely 100s of years away.

crockett 06-24-2017 07:43 AM

Should we start a go fund me to send JoshuaMo to Uranus?

crockett 06-24-2017 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by CoolMikey (Post 21851767)
OP makes a good point, it's 1000x easier to build underground cities, it's not as as glamorous as building a colony on mars, but if things get bad on the surface, underground is a way more practical solution.

We should still explore space with an open mind, but living on another planet is a pipe dream likely 100s of years away.

You realize that just over 100 years ago, the main transportation was horse and buggy? We came a long way in 100 years. We are half way to Mars now as far as technology we simply have to put forth the effort and do it.

Btw as far as Mars goes, I've been saying for awhile that the 1st habitats need to be underground there.

It's much safer and requires a lot less things being taken there. We send digging machines ahead of time to bore out some tunnels. Then we set up fabric habitats that are pressurized because they are easy to transport and Mars requires a lot less pressure than here on Earth.

You can pretty much use big blow up tents made out of Kevlar and set them up underground.

BaldBastard 06-24-2017 07:59 AM

How do you go underground, if there is no planet?

The only hope the human race has is to establish its self on another planet otherwise we are one hundred percent dependant on this one and then its just a matter of time.

NewNick 06-24-2017 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by wehateporn (Post 21851752)
Stephen Hawking doesn't exist, it's easy to prove

Are there any internet bullshit hoaxes that you dont believe hook line and sinker ?

thommy 06-24-2017 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851467)
& you're so fucking stupid you are sitting here refuting that mars has little gravity. you dont back up that nonsense, at all. how fucking dumb are you??? still waiting for 1 single intelligent thought from a dumb lib. im not holding my breath.

owned. again.


how can one person be so stupid as you are ?
your brain deficit would be enough for a big city.
i really wonder how people like you can survive in normal life.

NatalieK 06-24-2017 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 21851383)
ohh how cute. The residential retard thinks he's smarter


this whole thread is a load of BS when Stephen Hawkins is a genius, an intelligent man knowing what can be the future...

but instead, some Trump supporter likes the idea of not listening to the reality & prefer to listen & support DirtyDon & his BS.

When will these idiots learn to listen & not blurt of their shit... Gobby idiot JoshuaG :1orglaugh

noshit 06-24-2017 12:19 PM

Hawking has looked the same for 30yrs, where do the globalists find all these Hawking look-a-likes

Hawking is Pure Shit


wehateporn 06-24-2017 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 21851866)
Are there any internet bullshit hoaxes that you dont believe hook line and sinker ?

Flat Earth and No Planes

MPGdevil 06-24-2017 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851425)
where did i say i was smarter than them? making shit up, as ususal. I just called them idiots. like you.

idiot dumbfuck.


So they are idiots yet still smarter than you. I guess idiot dumbfuck is a suitable signature then.

bronco67 06-24-2017 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21851872)
how can one person be so stupid as you are ?
your brain deficit would be enough for a big city.
i really wonder how people like you can survive in normal life.

He most likely lives very far from a normal life.

That retard calling Hawking and Musk idiots is on a whole new level of stupid. God I would love to see what this jackass actually looks like. What kind of vile human creates this persona and rampages across a message board with his righteously indignant, dumb-ass, half-baked rants? A special kind of human which repels others who possess any radar for walking excrement.

Not only is he incredibly dumb--- but he's also a giant, gaping asshole with no friends and a mom who is tired of his shit. Anyone within 5 feet of him wishes he would die a slow painful death, gasping and farting on the pavement. I wonder if there's any girl alive who would hit that, unless she somehow got tricked by his brilliant, 4D chess-like mental games.

oppoten 06-24-2017 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851380)
these modern day einsteins.

you got that right


these geniuses
They are archetypes of "genius". They might as well have been created by Hollywood.

SixNein 06-24-2017 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851380)
these modern day einsteins.

they quack that we need to get off the planet in 100 years, or else overpopulation & climate change will do us in.

i am certainly sympathetic to their concern about overpopulation causing a human calamity. less so climate change, we can adapt to that...unless it reaches a point of killing vegetation.

But their solution? what in the world makes these geniuses think people can live in space? what do they link generations of people born with no gravity, no air pressure, are going to evolve into?

nothing that can be called human.

& that assumes we can, through technology, actually live in space. Who the fuck wants to live entire existences in space stations? we can't "live" on mars. its too cold, there is no magnetic field, no ozone, no water, little to no gravity, no atmospheric pressure, all things required for human existence. just an errant space rock can destroy a space station with ease. bye bye civilization.

living in space stations is not living in space. its living in cocoons. this is too fragile a place to perpetuate the species over millions of years.

these smart people know through biology what happens in over-population: someday there will be a mass famine or plague or solar flare or volcano or comet that wipes out 90% of Man. The survivors will be living underground, not in space. & they will reboot the human race, & life will go on.

dumb libs.


I lost you at climate change. When did dumbasses such as yourself work in this industry?

deonbell 06-24-2017 11:09 PM

I have to agree that Stephen Hawking hasn't really built anything cool. All theory.

Now Musk, Different story. Modern day Howard Hughes. Yes, He spends money like a madman. But he gets results.

pimpmaster9000 06-25-2017 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by deonbell (Post 21852604)
I have to agree that Stephen Hawking hasn't really built anything cool. All theory.

Now Musk, Different story. Modern day Howard Hughes. Yes, He spends money like a madman. But he gets results.

Hawking's work will be applied in centuries to come and in countless ways...

thommy 06-25-2017 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21853195)
Hawking's work will be applied in centuries to come and in countless ways...

no - we can see it already because hawking found the answers to open questions in einsteinīs relativity theory and PROVED them (he got the adams price from the university of cambridge for that).

without that we would not even think about a quantum computer yet.

CaptainHowdy 06-25-2017 12:15 PM

Thank you for putting this right, Joshua ...

pimpmaster9000 06-25-2017 01:28 PM

Joshua mo > Stephen hawking
Joshua mo > Elon musk

Joshua mo is working on his book on theoretical physics and making a spaceship as we speak...

thommy 06-25-2017 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21853477)
Joshua mo > Stephen hawking
Joshua mo > Elon musk

Joshua mo is working on his book on theoretical physics and making a spaceship as we speak...

Before, in or after the sobering cell ?

2MuchMark 06-25-2017 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Joshua G (Post 21851380)
these modern day einsteins.

they quack that we need to get off the planet in 100 years, or else overpopulation & climate change will do us in.

i am certainly sympathetic to their concern about overpopulation causing a human calamity. less so climate change, we can adapt to that...unless it reaches a point of killing vegetation.

But their solution? what in the world makes these geniuses think people can live in space? what do they link generations of people born with no gravity, no air pressure, are going to evolve into?

nothing that can be called human.

& that assumes we can, through technology, actually live in space. Who the fuck wants to live entire existences in space stations? we can't "live" on mars. its too cold, there is no magnetic field, no ozone, no water, little to no gravity, no atmospheric pressure, all things required for human existence. just an errant space rock can destroy a space station with ease. bye bye civilization.

living in space stations is not living in space. its living in cocoons. this is too fragile a place to perpetuate the species over millions of years.

these smart people know through biology what happens in over-population: someday there will be a mass famine or plague or solar flare or volcano or comet that wipes out 90% of Man. The survivors will be living underground, not in space. & they will reboot the human race, & life will go on.

dumb libs.



NatalieK 06-25-2017 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 21853777)

this is what Scott McD needs, it may chill him out a bit :1orglaugh :winkwink:

Joshua G 06-25-2017 08:31 PM

hey dumb libs. riddle me this? how can people live in space when there is no evidence of any life in the universe???

how can people live in space when any babies born in space will be mutations?

people cant even live on large regions of this planet. but we are going to live on another one? dumb libs.

do you even have a clue how far the nearest habitable zone planet is? it would take tens of thousands of years in a little space ship to get there, with little to no probability of even getting there at all. & by that time there will not be human beings on the ship. They will be some other creature, entirely.

& living on the moon? mars? they have nothing people need to live. earth has a molten iron core that generates a magnetic field. do you even have a clue why we need that to live dumb libs?

Idiots. the only intelligence that will exist in space will be richard branson, & AI. thats it. We will be stuck here until nature packs a punch we cant overcome. like a supervolcano.

AI will carry intelligence to space & will explore the universe. not people.

dumb libs.


Bladewire 06-25-2017 08:52 PM

Why is it the "People" destroying our planet have all the money?

Think about this :smokin

If an alien race wanted our resources, they could disguise themselves like us, and BUY our resources from us, which is exactly what's happening in a way.

Matyko 06-26-2017 04:04 AM

You worked yourself up to the top 3 retarded niemands on this board.
Congratulations! :pimp
I guess you do no business here, so you are officially trolling the shit out of what remained from this forum.
Die in a fire :pimp

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