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TheSenator 03-01-2012 10:14 AM

Jeb Bush Will Enter The Presidential Race
You heard it hear first.

Jeb Bush will be president.

onwebcam 03-01-2012 10:17 AM

No way in hell will he be President. They may throw him in to reassure Obama's reelection though.

AsianDivaGirlsWebDude 03-01-2012 10:23 AM

Spare us...I think the Bush family has done enough damage to this country.


What could possibly go wrong with another Bush presidency (Gulf War 3?)...


No thanks! :)


bns666 03-01-2012 10:26 AM

jeb means fuck in some languages :)

raymor 03-01-2012 10:36 AM

W ruined the Bush name. Where I live they actually passed a city council resolution declaring that "George Bush Drive" is named for HW (41), not for W (43).

TheSenator 03-01-2012 10:37 AM

He is a moderate Republican and has the Latino vote LOCKED.

JFK 03-01-2012 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by bns666 (Post 18791945)
jeb means fuck in some languages :)


Brujah 03-01-2012 10:46 AM

In 2016 maybe, definitely not this round.

pimpmaster9000 03-01-2012 10:48 AM

American elections have become such a joke...

L-Pink 03-01-2012 10:58 AM

Awesome! Now I can wear my Bush for President t-shirts again!


jimmycooper 03-01-2012 11:01 AM

See sig.

pornguy 03-01-2012 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by TheSenator (Post 18792004)
He is a moderate Republican and has the Latino vote LOCKED.

And actually did very well in Florida many years ago.

Might actually be good for the US.

Wizzo 03-01-2012 11:16 AM

Its still early, but if the stock market keeps going up and unemployment going down it won't matter who the GOP puts up... :winkwink:

NaughtyRob 03-01-2012 11:18 AM

Exactly what I was thinking.


Originally Posted by Brujah (Post 18792099)
In 2016 maybe, definitely not this round.

AsianDivaGirlsWebDude 03-01-2012 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by TheSenator (Post 18792004)
He is a moderate Republican and has the Latino vote LOCKED.


Since it sounds like you may be moderately serious, at this late point in the primary game, it would make little sense for Jeb Bush to run, since it would simply throw the GOP into even bigger disarray, and likely infuriate the far-right evangelical Christian conservative base (Jeb is a moderate Catholic - 4th Degree, Knights of Columbus).

Better for Jeb to sit this one out, and then make a run in 2016 if he wants to improve his odds of winning the White House someday.

Personally, I would rather have Jeb Bush running than Romney, Santorum, or Gingrich, since if he won, I believe that he might be more pragmatic, and less devisive than Mitt et al.


Paul Markham 03-01-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Brujah (Post 18792099)
In 2016 maybe, definitely not this round.

Yes. The Republicans will come back when the economy's recovering and say it's all down to them. :upsidedow

Nikki_Licks 03-01-2012 11:32 AM

Just what this country needs, is another POS bush.......

KillerK 03-01-2012 12:00 PM

This country needs more BUSH!

Chosen 03-01-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by KillerK (Post 18793158)
This country needs more BUSH!


kane 03-01-2012 12:03 PM

Jeb would have to enter the race as an independent since it is too late for him to get on the primary ballots for the republican party.

With his family connections he could raise enough money to make a serious run, but he would likely split the republican vote with the republican nominee thus guaranteeing Obama another term.

raymor 03-01-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 18792550)
Yes. The Republicans will come back when the economy's recovering and say it's all down to them. :upsidedow

Yeah I wouldn't want to be elected in 2012. I'd definitely rather be elected in 2016, after the costs of Obama's trillions in solar "stimulus", Obamacare, etc. have already kicked in, rather than take over in 2012 just before all of those bills starting coming due. I think that's one reason this year's republucan field is less than stellar - the smart republicans don't want to sign up to take the blame for what's coming. Much better to wait until 2016 when they can promise to save us from the mess which by then will be so obvious that average joes see it clearly.

ilnjscb 03-01-2012 12:06 PM

No he won't

DaddyHalbucks 03-01-2012 12:07 PM

An interesting choice.

AllAboutCams 03-01-2012 12:15 PM

i wish i was american so i could vote him in

DWB 03-01-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by AsianDivaGirlsWebDude (Post 18791931)
Spare us...I think the Bush family has done enough damage to this country.


What could possibly go wrong with another Bush presidency (Gulf War 3?)...


No thanks! :)


I believe the American people are in fact stupid enough to vote in another Bush. He'll ride in, make a bunch of promises to put people back to work, lower taxes, better schools, blah, blah, blah, and people will believe he will actually make a difference. But the joke is on them.

And after 4 more years of the current administration, they may be begging for another Bush.

2012 03-01-2012 12:43 PM

presidents ... :1orglaugh

DWB 03-01-2012 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 18793248)
Yeah I wouldn't want to be elected in 2012. I'd definitely rather be elected in 2016, after the costs of Obama's trillions in solar "stimulus", Obamacare, etc. have already kicked in, rather than take over in 2012 just before all of those bills starting coming due. I think that's one reason this year's republucan field is less than stellar - the smart republicans don't want to sign up to take the blame for what's coming. Much better to wait until 2016 when they can promise to save us from the mess which by then will be so obvious that average joes see it clearly.

I agree with this 100%.

edgeprod 03-01-2012 12:46 PM

Let's see here ... Bush's highest approval rating was 90, Obama's was 69. The high/low on Obama is only 31, whereas Bush was 65 (his Dad was 60). Average approval is:

GHW Bush: 60.9
GW Bush: 49.4
Obama: 49

Data accurate as of March 1st, 2012.

So, instead of making retarded blanket statements that have no basis in reality, these are the facts.

kane 03-01-2012 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by edgeprod (Post 18793645)
Let's see here ... Bush's highest approval rating was 90, Obama's was 69. The high/low on Obama is only 31, whereas Bush was 65 (his Dad was 60). Average approval is:

GHW Bush: 60.9
GW Bush: 49.4
Obama: 49

Data accurate as of March 1st, 2012.

So, instead of making retarded blanket statements that have no basis in reality, these are the facts.

I'm not sure what these facts point put.

GHW Bush had the highest average approval rating of all three of them and yet failed to get re-elected. GW Bush while running up big debt, getting us stuck in a war we didn't need to fight and generally being a fuck up did get re-elected.

edgeprod 03-01-2012 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 18793695)
I'm not sure what these facts point put.

GHW Bush had the highest average approval rating of all three of them and yet failed to get re-elected. GW Bush while running up big debt, getting us stuck in a war we didn't need to fight and generally being a fuck up did get re-elected.

It's in reference to all of the people crying about GWB's approval ratings. I don't mind the people who endlessly whine about other things he did, but the approval rating is kind of a funny thing .. it's like when John Kerry talked about the stupidity, yet had worse grades at Yale.

Political threads on GFY are like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

kane 03-01-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by edgeprod (Post 18793730)
It's in reference to all of the people crying about GWB's approval ratings. I don't mind the people who endlessly whine about other things he did, but the approval rating is kind of a funny thing .. it's like when John Kerry talked about the stupidity, yet had worse grades at Yale.

Political threads on GFY are like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

Ah, I get it now.

That was classic when it came out how bad Kerry's grades were.

Everytime I hear his name I think of this joke the comedian Earthquake told: "Why is John Kerry even running for president? He married the Heinz heir. He married ketchup. Every time someone orders fries. . . cha ching cha ching!"

StickyGreen 03-01-2012 01:20 PM

Obama, Jeb Bush, Clinton, Romney... etc... it doesn't matter, America is fucked regardless...

acrylix 03-01-2012 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by DWB (Post 18793604)
I believe the American people are in fact stupid enough to vote in another Bush. He'll ride in, make a bunch of promises to put people back to work, lower taxes, better schools, blah, blah, blah, and people will believe he will actually make a difference. But the joke is on them.

And after 4 more years of the current administration, they may be begging for another Bush.

Sounds about right to me.



The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.

- Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope (1966), pg. 1247-1248

tony286 03-01-2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 18793248)
Yeah I wouldn't want to be elected in 2012. I'd definitely rather be elected in 2016, after the costs of Obama's trillions in solar "stimulus", Obamacare, etc. have already kicked in, rather than take over in 2012 just before all of those bills starting coming due. I think that's one reason this year's republucan field is less than stellar - the smart republicans don't want to sign up to take the blame for what's coming. Much better to wait until 2016 when they can promise to save us from the mess which by then will be so obvious that average joes see it clearly.

Thank you I needed a good laugh today.

2MuchMark 03-01-2012 02:23 PM

You're fucked. If he enters, he'll steal the election the way Dubya did it.

StickyGreen 03-01-2012 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by acrylix (Post 18793780)

lol, they will never learn...

Nikki_Licks 03-01-2012 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by StickyGreen (Post 18793769)
Obama, Jeb Bush, Clinton, Romney... etc... it doesn't matter, America is fucked regardless...

So true!

edgeprod 03-01-2012 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 18793746)
Ah, I get it now.

That was classic when it came out how bad Kerry's grades were.

Everytime I hear his name I think of this joke the comedian Earthquake told: "Why is John Kerry even running for president? He married the Heinz heir. He married ketchup. Every time someone orders fries. . . cha ching cha ching!"

That's awesome! Never heard that one. ;)

raymor 03-01-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by tony286 (Post 18793822)
Thank you I needed a good laugh today.

Maybe you can explain your math to me:


Submitted February 1, 2010
Submitted by Barack Obama
Submitted to 111th Congress
Passed April 15, 2011 (Pub.L. 112-10)

Total revenue $2.567 trillion (requested) $2.314 trillion (enacted)
Total expenditures $3.834 trillion (requested) .$3.360 trillion (enacted)
Debt payment $0.25 trillion (requested) Deficit $1.56 trillion (requested)

Library of Congress

How do YOU figure a country can spend 50% more than it brings in and not go broke within a few years. How does that math work?

Based on the arithmetic I learned in second grade, in three years we'll owe $18.5 trillion and bring in $2.5 trillion. To put that into perspective, that's like someone making $100k who owes $720,000. Tell me how that works in your world.

Treasury bonds average about 5%, so figure just under a trillion per year in interest four years from now. So we're bring in $2.5 trillion and spending $1 trillion on interest. That leaves $1.5 trillion to fund the government, but Obama is spending $3.5 trllion. Do you think he's going to cut spending 60%-70%? Explain how that can work, please.

ruff 03-01-2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by TheSenator (Post 18791900)
You heard it hear first.

Jeb Bush will be president.

No, Jeb Bush will not be president. The republicans have fucked up this election. Obama will win because he is the incumbent, he's presidential and he's good. Jeb Bush is a smart man and won't run because he knows he cannot win. The rest of the clown shoes are just entertainment. It's going to take years for the republicans to clean up the shit house they've got going on. Hopefully the democrats will wize up fast enough to take advantage of these asshats. No, Jeb Bush, if he decides to run, will wait until Obama second term is finished, then he might run.

StickyGreen 03-01-2012 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 18795573)
No, Jeb Bush will not be president. The republicans have fucked up this election. Obama will win because he is the incumbent, he's presidential and he's good. Jeb Bush is a smart man and won't run because he knows he cannot win. The rest of the clown shoes are just entertainment. It's going to take years for the republicans to clean up the shit house they've got going on. Hopefully the democrats will wize up fast enough to take advantage of these asshats. No, Jeb Bush, if he decides to run, will wait until Obama second term is finished, then he might run.

"He's presidential and he's good"


_Richard_ 03-01-2012 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by AsianDivaGirlsWebDude (Post 18791931)

i.. does that person look dumber than Dubya?

epitome 03-02-2012 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 18793248)
Yeah I wouldn't want to be elected in 2012. I'd definitely rather be elected in 2016, after the costs of Obama's trillions in solar "stimulus", Obamacare, etc. have already kicked in, rather than take over in 2012 just before all of those bills starting coming due. I think that's one reason this year's republucan field is less than stellar - the smart republicans don't want to sign up to take the blame for what's coming. Much better to wait until 2016 when they can promise to save us from the mess which by then will be so obvious that average joes see it clearly.

Legislative Branch handed over the checkbook to the Executive Branch? When did that happen?

Michael O 03-02-2012 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 18793219)
Jeb would have to enter the race as an independent since it is too late for him to get on the primary ballots for the republican party.

With his family connections he could raise enough money to make a serious run, but he would likely split the republican vote with the republican nominee thus guaranteeing Obama another term.

Yep the filing deadline have passed in so many states that if he entered now and won the rest of the primaries he would not be able to get 1144 delegates BUT it could deadlock the convention and if no one gets the nomination after the first round of voting delegates are free to vote for anyone they want even someone that have not been running for example Chris Christie, that scenario would piss off a lot of republican voters and would never happen but its a possibility.

kane 03-02-2012 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Michael O (Post 18795786)
Yep the filing deadline have passed in so many states that if he entered now and won the rest of the primaries he would not be able to get 1144 delegates BUT it could deadlock the convention and if no one gets the nomination after the first round of voting delegates are free to vote for anyone they want even someone that have not been running for example Chris Christie, that scenario would piss off a lot of republican voters and would never happen but its a possibility.

They were actually talking about something like this happening even without someone else jumping in. Apparently the odds makers say there is about a 20% chance that neither Romney or Santorum will win enough delegates to get the nomination and there will be a brokered convention. That could cause all kinds of chaos and could, potentially, fracture the republican party.

Michael O 03-02-2012 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 18795796)
They were actually talking about something like this happening even without someone else jumping in. Apparently the odds makers say there is about a 20% chance that neither Romney or Santorum will win enough delegates to get the nomination and there will be a brokered convention. That could cause all kinds of chaos and could, potentially, fracture the republican party.

If Newt would drop out very soon (if he loses Georgia?) then it comes closer to that it can happen since his following is more likely to go to Santorum than Romney.

I always loved this site http://www.electoral-vote.com not updating every day at the moment but usually gets busier and busier as we approach the general election.

kane 03-02-2012 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Michael O (Post 18795829)
If Newt would drop out very soon (if he loses Georgia?) then it comes closer to that it can happen since his following is more likely to go to Santorum than Romney.

I always loved this site http://www.electoral-vote.com not updating every day at the moment but usually gets busier and busier as we approach the general election.

That is a great site. I have a feeling Newt will be gone after next Tuesday. I think he will win Georgia. The polls have him ahead there, but I doubt he will win any other states so he will likely drop. The polls show Santorum ahead in a few of the Super Tuesday states so he could win enough to stick around and like you say if Newt bails those voters will likely got to Santorum and prolong the ordeal.

It could be a very interesting few months.

raymor 03-02-2012 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by epitome (Post 18795677)
Legislative Branch handed over the checkbook to the Executive Branch? When did that happen?

So in your opinion Obama had nothing to do with Obamacare? Interesting.
The president is required to.submit a budget. The congress debates it and makes changes, based on favors they and the president owe, to come up with something the president will sign. The president then signs it. So the budget starts with the president and ends with the president.

brassmonkey 03-02-2012 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by bns666 (Post 18791945)
jeb means bung weasel in some languages :)

:1orglaugh :)

DEA 03-02-2012 07:55 AM

50 Bush Presidents........


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