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-   -   I carry a gun into grocery stores too. And into my bank as well. (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1063950)

Donny 04-09-2012 02:07 AM

I carry a gun into grocery stores too. And into my bank as well.
One of the reasons I wanted to be unbanned is because I logged on a few days ago and read some of the ridiculous things people were saying to AaronM about his concealed carry permit. I think some of y'all need to have a paradigm shift in your thinking about guns.

I have a concealed carry permit too. I carry my Glock 26 everywhere that I'm legally able to do so, which includes grocery stores, church and even into my bank (what better place to have a weapon of protection than in a place like a bank, which is known to be an attractive target by those who wish to commit certain crimes).

What is so hard to understand about carrying guns? Our society is getting more violent every day and it's just good sense to be better prepared to protect yourself and those you care about.

xenigo 04-09-2012 02:13 AM

Lots of legitimate arguments for guns. Even more legitimate are the arguments against the use of guns. Let's look at statistics...

You're more likely to be killed by your own gun by a family member or intruder than you are likely to kill an intruder in your own home.

Personally, I like to minimize risk.

Let's look at another reality behind gun ownership... and this applies to members of law enforcement as well. If you carry a gun, you're much more likely to convince yourself someone else also has a gun...

Food for thought. :2 cents:

Donny 04-09-2012 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by xenigo (Post 18874090)
Lots of legitimate arguments for guns. Even more legitimate are the arguments against the use of guns.

That's a matter of opinion. I don't find the arguments against guns "even more legitimate" at all.

xenigo 04-09-2012 02:22 AM

Like I said... the statistics tell the whole story. They're not matters of opinion, and they're not subjective. There's no 'argument' there. It's just safer to not be around them. That's it.

I seek to minimize risk, maximize the length of time I spend on earth, and minimize conflict.

xholly 04-09-2012 02:23 AM

Donny 04-09-2012 02:24 AM

Do you have sources for your statistics? If so, please share.

xenigo 04-09-2012 02:33 AM

There was a story about a year ago of a Roseville police officer (gun expert, no?) who's daughter picked up his loaded weapon and put a .40 round right through her stomach... intestines all over the ground. She lived about an hour after that.

Also a story about 2 months ago about a police officer (gun expert, right?) who left a gun in a glove compartment... his son found it, and killed his sister with it while he was running an errand in a nearby store.


Anyway, every month or so there's a headline about someone accidentally killing someone with a gun... Gun advocates typically will use the analogy of "well, why don't we ban knives too? If someone's going to kill someone, they're going to use whatever means necessary..." There seems to be a lot more accidental shootings than accidental knifings. :)

$5 submissions 04-09-2012 02:35 AM

Carry a gun into a bank...


xholly 04-09-2012 02:36 AM

Responsible gun owners unite! :1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

xenigo 04-09-2012 02:42 AM

Here's an interesting article...

ArsTechnica: Guns at home more likely to be used stupidly than in self-defense

AsianDivaGirlsWebDude 04-09-2012 02:46 AM


Y'all been troll'd... :1orglaugh


$5 submissions 04-09-2012 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by AsianDivaGirlsWebDude (Post 18874118)

Y'all been troll'd... :1orglaugh


Just playing along :)

Here's an awesome gun pic

Grams ready to cap


xholly 04-09-2012 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by AsianDivaGirlsWebDude (Post 18874118)

Y'all been troll'd... :1orglaugh


damm, I just found all these vids of responsible gun owners shooting themselves or teaching their kids to shoot and the kids getting knocked out :1orglaugh

nico-t 04-09-2012 04:08 AM

A mentally unstable born-again religious kook carrying a gun everywhere. Sounds pretty safe to me.

Grapesoda 04-09-2012 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by xenigo (Post 18874107)
There was a story about a year ago of a Roseville police officer (gun expert, no?) who's daughter picked up his loaded weapon and put a .40 round right through her stomach... intestines all over the ground. She lived about an hour after that.

Also a story about 2 months ago about a police officer (gun expert, right?) who left a gun in a glove compartment... his son found it, and killed his sister with it while he was running an errand in a nearby store.


Anyway, every month or so there's a headline about someone accidentally killing someone with a gun... Gun advocates typically will use the analogy of "well, why don't we ban knives too? If someone's going to kill someone, they're going to use whatever means necessary..." There seems to be a lot more accidental shootings than accidental knifings. :)

there is EVEN more evidence than this to ban cars :2 cents:

Grapesoda 04-09-2012 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18874086)

What is so hard to understand about carrying guns? Our society is getting more violent every day and it's just good sense to be better prepared to protect yourself and those you care about.

yes but you have everything thing to gain and nothing to loose if you get killed... think 'in the arms of sweet baby jebus'

suesheboy 04-09-2012 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by $5 submissions (Post 18874119)
Just playing along :)

Here's an awesome gun pic

Grams ready to cap


Grams got no trigger control...FAIL!

BTW. in one of the states I live, you can not carry into a bank.

Fletch XXX 04-09-2012 04:58 AM

inhouse troll.

Eyeball 04-09-2012 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18874086)

I have a concealed carry permit too. I carry my Glock 26 everywhere that I'm legally able to do so, which includes grocery stores, church and even into my bank


Would you say you are a tad paranoid?

Zoxxa 04-09-2012 05:20 AM

I am so fucking happy to be Canadian more and more everyday.

These retarded conversations about guns, health care, gay rights, immigrants (Besides complaining about them driving in the fast lane.) and much more are barely even discussed here because we used common sense to settle these issues, and when discussed it is barely ever in such a conflictive / hostile / ignorant tone as Americans. If Canadians disagree on something, at least both sides generally have a logical argument.

I don't know one Canadian that has the mentality that they need to carry a gun because they think they would have a better chance of "saving the day" than well trained professionals such as the police force. Your country has lost respect for your fellow countryman and having trust with your own police force.

I do not want to make this a Canadian / American issue, but maybe it would be a good idea just once in awhile for you bat shit crazy lunatics to look outside your bubble once in awhile so you can get some type of self reflecting opinions about yourselves & how fucked up the rest of us think you are.

This obviously doesn't apply to all Americans, but I think some of you have your fucking rebel flag bandanas wrapped around your heads too tight.

fris 04-09-2012 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Donny (Post 18874086)
One of the reasons I wanted to be unbanned is because I logged on a few days ago and read some of the ridiculous things people were saying to AaronM about his concealed carry permit. I think some of y'all need to have a paradigm shift in your thinking about guns.

I have a concealed carry permit too. I carry my Glock 26 everywhere that I'm legally able to do so, which includes grocery stores, church and even into my bank (what better place to have a weapon of protection than in a place like a bank, which is known to be an attractive target by those who wish to commit certain crimes).

What is so hard to understand about carrying guns? Our society is getting more violent every day and it's just good sense to be better prepared to protect yourself and those you care about.

when they wrote right to bare arms, they had muskets, not glocks.

Spudstr 04-09-2012 05:48 AM

In VA you can open carry, I open carry into a lot of places, banks, grocery stores, home depot.. to go get food etc.. you name it.

For every 'bad' gun story there is a good gun story on how a man with a CCW saved someones life or related.

I carry because its my right. And I exercise my right just like everyone else on this form exercises their first amendment right every day.

slapass 04-09-2012 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by Zoxxa (Post 18874270)
I am so fucking happy to be Canadian more and more everyday.

These retarded conversations about guns, health care, gay rights, immigrants (Besides complaining about them driving in the fast lane.) and much more are barely even discussed here because we used common sense to settle these issues, and when discussed it is barely ever in such a conflictive / hostile / ignorant tone as Americans. If Canadians disagree on something, at least both sides generally have a logical argument.

I don't know one Canadian that has the mentality that they need to carry a gun because they think they would have a better chance of "saving the day" than well trained professionals such as the police force. Your country has lost respect for your fellow countryman and having trust with your own police force.

I do not want to make this a Canadian / American issue, but maybe it would be a good idea just once in awhile for you bat shit crazy lunatics to look outside your bubble once in awhile so you can get some type of self reflecting opinions about yourselves & how fucked up the rest of us think you are.

This obviously doesn't apply to all Americans, but I think some of you have your fucking rebel flag bandanas wrapped around your heads too tight.

well said

Spudstr 04-09-2012 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by fris (Post 18874314)
when they wrote right to bare arms, they had muskets, not glocks.

they had pistols back then.

PR_Glen 04-09-2012 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by bm bradley (Post 18874222)
there is EVEN more evidence than this to ban cars :2 cents:

that's not the same thing and you know it.. try harder.

CaptainHowdy 04-09-2012 06:01 AM

I stopped reading at "paradigm shift". Welcome back.

Grapesoda 04-09-2012 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 18874329)
that's not the same thing and you know it.. try harder.

exactly the same: irresponsible behavior causing death and injury. not my fault you can't see things in a wider scope. :2 cents:

Best-In-BC 04-09-2012 06:04 AM

if everyone had one, we would all be safer since the criminals are already carrying

BAKO 04-09-2012 06:11 AM

Guns are so 90's

BAKO 04-09-2012 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Zoxxa (Post 18874270)
I am so fucking happy to be Canadian more and more everyday.

These retarded conversations about guns, health care, gay rights, immigrants (Besides complaining about them driving in the fast lane.) and much more are barely even discussed here because we used common sense to settle these issues, and when discussed it is barely ever in such a conflictive / hostile / ignorant tone as Americans. If Canadians disagree on something, at least both sides generally have a logical argument.

I don't know one Canadian that has the mentality that they need to carry a gun because they think they would have a better chance of "saving the day" than well trained professionals such as the police force. Your country has lost respect for your fellow countryman and having trust with your own police force.

I do not want to make this a Canadian / American issue, but maybe it would be a good idea just once in awhile for you bat shit crazy lunatics to look outside your bubble once in awhile so you can get some type of self reflecting opinions about yourselves & how fucked up the rest of us think you are.

This obviously doesn't apply to all Americans, but I think some of you have your fucking rebel flag bandanas wrapped around your heads too tight.


BAKO 04-09-2012 06:15 AM

Why would anyone in a right state of mind carry a weapon around? My dick is big enough already and so are my balls

raymor 04-09-2012 06:16 AM


I don't know one Canadian that has the mentality that they need to carry a gun because they think they would have a better chance of "saving the day" than well trained professionals such as the police force.
People carry a pistol because it's hard to carry a cop. I don't know about Canada, but here the cops investigate violent crime after the fact, not swoop in from above like Spider Man and save the day.

So am I more likely to stop an assault on my family than to have the calvary show up at just that second? Yeah, about a million times more likely. Here, it's news if the cops happen to be there and stop a crime - a rare event.

Hell, I spotted a cop a block away as I saw a man assaulting a woman with a tire iron. I rushed over to the cop who shrugged when I reported what was happening. The cop shrugged and said "what am I going to do about it?" Maybe the RCMP is different, but here the good cops show up an hour later to figure out who killed you. The bad cops sit a block away while you're being killed.

Having said all that, you mentioned "well trained". I agree anyone carrying a weapon should be well trained and should keep training on an ongoing basis.

Zoxxa 04-09-2012 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874348)
You're making a typical snooty Canadian comment in an American porn forum, a primarily American porn market with opinionated generalization ie., rebel flag about American culture?

From my previous post, which you replied to but obviously did not read, I know it can be difficult for some of you: "This obviously doesn't apply to all Americans".


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874348)
The only person living in a bubble is you because you still don't get it. The reason why most Americans know little or nothing about your politics, culture, or you is because you have ZERO significance in our lives and the fact, we couldn't change/contribute even if you did. Americans couldn't give a flying fuck what Canadians think about our gun laws, politics, as we tolerate you making money in our American market place as you call us ignorant.

The cute thing is you guys think we want you to give us attention, we will gladly encourage you to ignore us so we can continue to rape your markets with horse shit products only greed addicted Americans would ever buy. You pretty much proved my point as well with this statement, you think I am in a bubble, yet look at what you just fucking wrote. Unreal. :1orglaugh


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874348)
In short, if every Canadian dropped dead tomorrow, American lives would not change one bit and if the roles were reversed? You'd be looking for a job.

Yea, because our economy was damaged so badly when your wall street scammers ass fucked you. </sarcasm>

You need to read up a little bit on our economy and how your president and the rest of the world have been examining our techniques so they can implement them into their own economies. I know this may hurt your pride a little, but this is not 20-40 years ago, nobody fucking needs you and we would all do just fine without you.

You are a complete moron, but I can't hold it against you, you were dealt a bad hand from birth.

Best-In-BC 04-09-2012 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874348)
In short, if every Canadian dropped dead tomorrow, American lives would not change one bit and if the roles were reversed? You'd be looking for a job.

Yeah, not like your power, water & wood wouldn't disappear, ;)

Zoxxa 04-09-2012 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 18874374)
People carry a pistol because it's hard to carry a cop. I don't know about Canada, but here the cops investigate violent crime after the fact, not swoop in from above like Spider Man and save the day.

So am I more likely to stop an assault on my family than to have the calvary show up at just that second? Yeah, about a million times more likely. Here, it's news if the cops happen to be there and stop a crime - a rare event.

Hell, I spotted a cop a block away as I saw a man assaulting a woman with a tire iron. I rushed over to the cop who shrugged when I reported what was happening. The cop shrugged and said "what am I going to do about it?" Maybe the RCMP is different, but here the good cops show up an hour later to figure out who killed you. The bad cops sit a block away while you're being killed.

Having said all that, you mentioned "well trained". I agree anyone carrying a weapon should be well trained and should keep training on an ongoing basis.

I respect this idea, and I imagine the gun problems in America would be much less if everyone that carried a gun was well trained. That just simply does not look like the case and you have people that could not pass Grade 7 math on a good day carrying loaded weapons expecting to use them in extremely high pressure situations when you need to make logical thought a priority. This sounds like a recipe for innocent people getting killed, and I would love to know the statistics on how many people have saved their family from a criminal compared to how many innocent people were murdered from people "trying to save the day".

Lastly, what disturbs me even more than gun carrying is how you describe your police force. It is almost sad the opinion you have of them and I think that should be a valid and much more important topic Americans should be discussing about and fixing. You should feel safe in your own neighborhood, from an outside perspective it seems like Americans feel like they have no say anymore in how their country is run, maybe that is true, but I am sure as fuck Canadians would have rioted city halls all over the country for changes if we had half your problems.

Best-In-BC 04-09-2012 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Zoxxa (Post 18874403)
Lastly, what disturbs me even more than gun carrying is how you describe your police force. It is almost sad the opinion you have of them and I think that should be a valid and much more important topic Americans should be discussing about and fixing. You should feel safe in your own neighborhood, from an outside perspective it seems like Americans feel like they have no say anymore in how their country is run, maybe that is true, but I am sure as fuck Canadians would have rioted city halls all over the country for changes if we had half your problems.

Our police force in Vancouver can be just as bad, I know from my own personal experiences that we have a very poor police force as well, not to the crazy racial shit like they have down there in abundance but we have more than enough police brutality cases going on, I recall a 14year old girl getting beat up when she was drunk and tossed out on the streets in the morning.

xholly 04-09-2012 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 18874374)
Hell, I spotted a cop a block away as I saw a man assaulting a woman with a tire iron. I rushed over to the cop who shrugged when I reported what was happening. The cop shrugged and said "what am I going to do about it?" Maybe the RCMP is different, but here the good cops show up an hour later to figure out who killed you. The bad cops sit a block away while you're being killed.

Im having a hard time believing this but if true then that is completely fucked up. was it like a mall cop or something?

Best-In-BC 04-09-2012 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by xholly (Post 18874410)
Im having a hard time believing this but if true then that is completely fucked up. was it like a mall cop or something?

Its like you never watch the news, or read the news. But I dont blame yeah, shit can make you crazy

xholly 04-09-2012 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Best-In-BC (Post 18874412)
Its like you never watch the news, or read the news. But I dont blame yeah, shit can make you crazy

I just don't live in the American bubble. I read the news every day here.

Such a thing would be front page news here without a doubt and it would be investigated.

If you take this as a normal occurance do you even get how fucked up of a society that puts you in?

beerptrol 04-09-2012 06:56 AM

you should be carrying around butt wipes instead

SlammedMedia 04-09-2012 06:58 AM

I bet there's a serious relationship between people who have small dicks and carry guns around. You need something to make yourselves feel like you're real men, huh?

Zoxxa 04-09-2012 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874421)
You silly fat little clown. Now we got the character assassinations out the way.

Ignorance is your strong point. You do realize we are raping your oil reserves with a contract you MUST supply us before you can even supply yourselves. Second, the State of California has a slightly larger population then Canada and the 8t largest economy in the world. In short, if California was it's own country, it's GDP is 3x that of Canada as they don't have your natural resources. So again, you do live in a bubble.

Your techniques? - What, whore out your natural resources as you cry in an American market porn forum searching for business?

You're a clown.

You can't even stay on topic, what are you even talking about anyway? What does this have to do with you thinking you need to carry a fucking gun around? Yet another problem you guys have, you start one debate and have to talk about 50 other fucking non-related arguments.

Just a quick fact, in the United States, you have less than a 0.004% of being murdered within your lifetime span of 70 years, not just by guns. If this is what you want to spend your time worrying about and arguing about, then awesome. That's your right as a fucking dumb ass.

SlammedMedia 04-09-2012 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874421)
you cry in an American market porn forum searching for business?

I'm pretty sure the majority of the biggest players in the business, aren't American

artwilliams 04-09-2012 07:06 AM

America has always been at war with itself.

Best-In-BC 04-09-2012 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by xholly (Post 18874414)
I just don't live in the American bubble. I read the news every day here.

Such a thing would be front page news here without a doubt and it would be investigated.

If you take this as a normal occurance do you even get how fucked up of a society that puts you in?

It puts me in reality, I dont think every cop is a bad cop, I look at every cop as a good cop till he shows me other wise, but it would be naive of me to think that its uncommon.

Best-In-BC 04-09-2012 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874434)
So are you trying to say, there is no wood in Alaska or the PNW, no fresh water in the Great lakes, or we don't know how to build dams? :winkwink:

Not at all, American Engineering and National Pride is What I love about America, but I do beleave atm BC is selling off power and water down south, and our lumber market here at least is driven by the trade between our two Country's.

xholly 04-09-2012 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Best-In-BC (Post 18874445)
It puts me in reality, I dont think every cop is a bad cop, I look at every cop as a good cop till he shows me other wise, but it would be naive of me to think that its uncommon.

plenty of corrupt cops of course but in a case like that i'd check his uniform id tag and report him. Not to other police but to the media first who would love the story.

brassmonkey 04-09-2012 07:24 AM

i sat my gun on the counter at the bank to count my money and bitch calls the police. :disgust

j/k :1orglaugh

SlammedMedia 04-09-2012 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874457)
the primary market, or paying market is Americans.

god bless the red states.

Zoxxa 04-09-2012 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874452)
Hey man I just answered your off-topic reply.

My post was still related to the topic of guns.


Originally Posted by Jesus H Christ (Post 18874452)
Again, I couldn't give a flying fuck what a Canadian thinks about American gun laws because there is NOTHING you could change or do about it.

...but yet you continue to respond.

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