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Grapesoda 01-11-2018 03:07 PM

a serious question to some the wall deniers
what a funny phrase, anyway my question is how many of you know undocumented immigrants from south of texas and cally personally?

I do and speak with them every day about what the fuck ever and have known some of these men, with families, for 15 years or more. both documented and undocumented.

and you guys? what is your 'real world' experience with this situation?

the reason I ask is this is a bit reminiscent of the condom chapter at GFY. everybody had an opinion and nobody produced sex in LA, maybe 2%.

I have not heard knowledgeable chat about the wall situation... just a lot of political BS that avoids the real issues.

just polarized hot-button stuff. :2 cents:

TheDynasty 01-11-2018 03:21 PM

People are People a wall isn't going to stop a damn thing.

Sly 01-11-2018 03:29 PM

The Internet, and world, is full of people talking about things they know shit about.

Nature of humans. Easier to gossip than create meaningful contributions.

Instant gratification (gossip) vs true gratification (contribution.)

Sly 01-11-2018 03:31 PM

Instant gratification is cheap and easy, but short-term, so people need more of it nonstop. Swipe left.

True gratification is long and hard, takes serious work and balls, but has staying power. Writing a book, creating a song, painting a portrait, taking a beautiful photo, running a successful company, having a meaningful relationship.

slapass 01-11-2018 03:47 PM

I don’t think I have met anyone who wants an open border. The problem people have is that chanting build the wall and being inflexible is stupid. We don’t need to be stupid. It is not this simple so why pretend it is? Why argue about height and ladders, and then rope? We need to continue to build the barrier that was researched and designed with the help of the border patrol and looking st what others have done round the world. The law passed. It was slowly being built. Speed it up. Why pretend that we want a simple tall wall when we know it is not the most effective way to do this? Just because the chant plays well?

Rochard 01-11-2018 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by slapass (Post 22160409)
I don?t think I have met anyone who wants an open border. The problem people have is that chanting build the wall and being inflexible is stupid. We don?t need to be stupid. It is not this simple so why pretend it is? Why argue about height and ladders, and then rope? We need to continue to build the barrier that was researched and designed with the help of the border patrol and looking st what others have done round the world. The law passed. It was slowly being built. Speed it up. Why pretend that we want a simple tall wall when we know it is not the most effective way to do this? Just because the chant plays well?

Building a wall is a poor solution to a problem that no longer exists.

Illegal immigration from South America is down, and deportations are up. Deportations increased under Obama and of course have continued under Trump. Building a wall is not going to stop the drugs - They will go around it, over it, under it, or through it.

This will be tens of billions of dollars that will not fix the problem.

ruff 01-11-2018 05:42 PM

I knew a number of migrant workers in this country illegally. They were welcomed by farmers to help harvest crops. Been this way for more than a century. People that worked their ass off doing jobs special white men wouldn't be caught dead doing. They earn their money and then go back home.
So tRump wants to fuck them over, then get ready to pay and pay and fucking pay for your groceries. You fucking neo-con assholes. You only have a few years before you are just a footnote in this country. Pretty soon you will be a very small minority and your world will just fade away. The sooner the fucking better.

bronco67 01-11-2018 05:56 PM

There's nothing wrong with border security.

But big, expensive, showy campaign promises are not border security solutions.

By the way...illegal immigration is a problem that Fox News has convinced you it exists. Because you're a dumb, old fool.

kane 01-11-2018 06:16 PM

I'm not sure how knowing or talking to people who are here illegally will affect whether or not the wall is effective. That said, over the course of my life I have known a few people who admitted they were undocumented and I have spoken to many others I suspect were. I live in a small town that is surrounded by farms so during the summer we have a big influx of laborers, most of which I am confident are here illegally.

The reason I think the wall is a waste of money is that of the two I knew that were undocumented, both came here legally as a tourist then never went back. It's estimated that at least half the undocumented people in this country came here that way. The wall will do nothing to stop them and likely will have us seeing more of those types of people. The wall might stop a few people from just walking across the border into the US, but I just don't think it is going to stop very many. One of the reasons is that there simply aren't enough people to patrol a wall. There are over 1,400 open requests for new border patrol agents and they can't get enough qualified people to fill those spots.

I personally think we would be better off if we put the money and effort that would be going to a wall into doing a couple other things. First, change the anchor baby law so kids born here aren't automatically US citizens. Second, crack down on employers who hire them and make the consequences for doing so very serious. If people know they can't come here and have a kid that they can then use to get on welfare and/or that they aren't going to be able to find a job, it will stop a lot of people from coming here.

Bladewire 01-11-2018 06:20 PM

DBS.US 01-11-2018 06:32 PM

A wall will create jobs:2 cents:

crockett 01-11-2018 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 22160367)
what a funny phrase, anyway my question is how many of you know undocumented immigrants from south of texas and cally personally?

I do and speak with them every day about what the fuck ever and have known some of these men, with families, for 15 years or more. both documented and undocumented.

and you guys? what is your 'real world' experience with this situation?

the reason I ask is this is a bit reminiscent of the condom chapter at GFY. everybody had an opinion and nobody produced sex in LA, maybe 2%.

I have not heard knowledgeable chat about the wall situation... just a lot of political BS that avoids the real issues.

just polarized hot-button stuff. :2 cents:

So driving cross country today, I was scanning through the radio stations and pulled a Robbie.. You know I just happened to come across Rush Limprod's station and decided to listen him whine a bit.. He was doing the typical, bitching about liberals and calling millennials socialists that wanted everything given to them..

It was rather funny though.. he was bitching about how 70% of millennials identify as socialists, or whatever fake number he pulled out of his ass, but he's like " these millennial dont know what socialism really is" he was like, "They think its blah,, blahh,blah Bernie Sanders, but really"... now this is the kicker...

He says..." but really socialism is commies and walls".. The dumb fucker took like 2 breaths and hurried on to a diffrent subject hoping his dumb, dumb fan bases didnt put two and two together..

You know.. Trump is neck deep in love with the commies and wants to build walls. Of course dats diffrent apparently... :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

slapass 01-11-2018 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 22160568)
There's nothing wrong with border security.

But big, expensive, showy campaign promises are not border security solutions.

By the way...illegal immigration is a problem that Fox News has convinced you it exists. Because you're a dumb, old fool.

There are other ways to stop it as well.

crockett 01-11-2018 06:56 PM

Anyway Grapesoda, we dont need a wall, we need only to fine employers $10k a pop for hirring illegals.. If Trump and Republicans wanted to stop illegals from taking jobs they'd just fine the people who hire them,..

Of course they won't do that..... because that would piss the big doners off who shovel campaign dollars at them, while giving them a wink and a nod about you arent really gonna deport my cheap labor....

poncabare 01-11-2018 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22160544)
Building a wall is a poor solution to a problem that no longer exists.

Illegal immigration from South America is down, and deportations are up. Deportations increased under Obama and of course have continued under Trump. Building a wall is not going to stop the drugs - They will go around it, over it, under it, or through it.

This will be tens of billions of dollars that will not fix the problem.

you are crazy

Acepimp 01-11-2018 07:51 PM

Yo, Trump Haters: Guess How Many BILLIONS Building The Wall Will SAVE Taxpayers

Shock Study: Trump’s Wall Would Pay for Itself

So if taxpayers spend $130 billion on illegal aliens every year, and the wall costs $20 billion, if it stops just 10% of the illegal immigration it will pay for itself and save us billions. How is that a bad idea? Oh right, the left thinks their feelings are facts :1orglaugh


aztecboi2003 01-11-2018 08:43 PM

I work with some every day. Good hard workers.

Helix 01-11-2018 08:49 PM

Build the fucking wall.

bronco67 01-11-2018 08:58 PM

I love how he posts a thread under the guise of gently starting a civilized discourse with people who have opinions that aren't always thinking backwards in time like him. He really wanted he thread title to be "Hey you filthy liberals, why don't you want to keep dirty Mexicans out of 'Merika Like I Do?!!!"

Bladewire 01-11-2018 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 22160772)
I love how he posts a thread under the guise of gently starting a civilized discourse with people who have opinions that aren't always thinking backwards in time like him. He really wanted he thread title to be "Hey you filthy liberals, why don't you want to keep dirty Mexicans out of 'Merika Like I Do?!!!"


astronaut x 01-11-2018 11:15 PM

Corporations profit from illegal immigration. The wall will be merely a very expensive mirage. The mirage is not the wall, but idea that it will keep people out. Yet, illegals are still going to get in. And you will let them. Because you will sanction it by not wanting to pay higher prices for everything. The corporations will use their army of psychologists and lobbyists to convince you that illegal immigration is bad so they can continue to profit by using slave labor. Keeping immigration illegal keeps those who work here, slaves. Tax payer money funding the policing of these people is just another government incentive handed to corporations.

NewNick 01-12-2018 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by DBS.US (Post 22160604)
A wall will create jobs:2 cents:

As would building roads and bridges.

As would spending the money on research into cancer.

As would building social housing.

As would providing free child care for low income families.

Or you could just not spend the money and lower taxes or reduce the national debt.

:2 cents:

tony286 01-12-2018 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22160643)
Anyway Grapesoda, we dont need a wall, we need only to fine employers $10k a pop for hirring illegals.. If Trump and Republicans wanted to stop illegals from taking jobs they'd just fine the people who hire them,..

Of course they won't do that..... because that would piss the big doners off who shovel campaign dollars at them, while giving them a wink and a nod about you arent really gonna deport my cheap labor....

Bingo ! Take two or three CEOs out in cuffs for hiring illegals and watch it drop like a rock.

CaptainHowdy 01-12-2018 06:21 AM


Bladewire 01-12-2018 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 22161039)
As would building roads and bridges.

As would spending the money on research into cancer.

As would building social housing.

As would providing free child care for low income families.

Or you could just not spend the money and lower taxes or reduce the national debt.

:2 cents:

^^^ This

crockett 01-12-2018 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Helix (Post 22160760)
Build the fucking wall.

Why dont you put your money where your mouth is and go volunteer to police the border?

pimpmaster9000 01-12-2018 07:13 AM

sheeeet I hope no mexicans buy a rope ladder from wallmart for like 30$

astronaut x 01-12-2018 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by astronaut x (Post 22160862)
Corporations profit from illegal immigration. The wall will be merely a very expensive mirage. The mirage is not the wall, but idea that it will keep people out. Yet, illegals are still going to get in. And you will let them. Because you will sanction it by not wanting to pay higher prices for everything. The corporations will use their army of psychologists and lobbyists to convince you that illegal immigration is bad so they can continue to profit by using slave labor. Keeping immigration illegal keeps those who work here, slaves. Tax payer money funding the policing of these people is just another government incentive handed to corporations.

What I said.

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22160544)
Building a wall is a poor solution to a problem that no longer exists.

Illegal immigration from South America is down, and deportations are up. Deportations increased under Obama and of course have continued under Trump. Building a wall is not going to stop the drugs - They will go around it, over it, under it, or through it.

This will be tens of billions of dollars that will not fix the problem.

richard you have turned in to a character of a person. I can predict every post from you: obama has a nice dick and trump has a nasty dick :2 cents:

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by tony286 (Post 22161162)
Bingo ! Take two or three CEOs out in cuffs for hiring illegals and watch it drop like a rock.

you really are clueless, aren't you? fuck a bunch guys out of the food to feed their famili8es...yeah that will fix everything... what a fucking dope. :2 cents:

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22160643)
Anyway Grapesoda, we dont need a wall, we need only to fine employers $10k a pop for hirring illegals.. If Trump and Republicans wanted to stop illegals from taking jobs they'd just fine the people who hire them,..

Of course they won't do that..... because that would piss the big doners off who shovel campaign dollars at them, while giving them a wink and a nod about you arent really gonna deport my cheap labor....

a usual you have your head up your has AND you have NO experience with illegals.

PR_Glen 01-12-2018 07:52 AM

If you remove politics from it 100% it doesn't make sense logically.

A wall would not deter entrance into the nation, it would just change how they get in. boats, planes, tunnels are all things that happen already so spending a potentially harmful amount of money on something that wouldn't be more than a symbol wouldn't make sense. Using that money for anything else would probably be a better idea.

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22160544)
Building a wall is a poor solution to a problem that no longer exists.

Illegal immigration from South America is down, and deportations are up. Deportations increased under Obama and of course have continued under Trump. Building a wall is not going to stop the drugs - They will go around it, over it, under it, or through it.

This will be tens of billions of dollars that will not fix the problem.

you are a dumb ass, which problem doesn't exist? people south of the US border are fine, healthy families, a chance to go to school and have medical care.

it's nice to know Obama fixed all that shit... I was concerned.... you are fucking clueless as well. being a touch typer with good grammar is not a sign of carefully considered well-reasoned thought. :2 cents:

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22160721)
Yo, Trump Haters: Guess How Many BILLIONS Building The Wall Will SAVE Taxpayers

Shock Study: Trump?s Wall Would Pay for Itself

So if taxpayers spend $130 billion on illegal aliens every year, and the wall costs $20 billion, if it stops just 10% of the illegal immigration it will pay for itself and save us billions. How is that a bad idea? Oh right, the left thinks their feelings are facts :1orglaugh


I feel like having a nice cuppa and that's a fact :)

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by aztecboi2003 (Post 22160754)
I work with some every day. Good hard workers.

you chat them up about the situation?

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22160631)
So driving cross country today, I was scanning through the radio stations and pulled a Robbie.. You know I just happened to come across Rush Limprod's station and decided to listen him whine a bit.. He was doing the typical, bitching about liberals and calling millennials socialists that wanted everything given to them..

It was rather funny though.. he was bitching about how 70% of millennials identify as socialists, or whatever fake number he pulled out of his ass, but he's like " these millennial dont know what socialism really is" he was like, "They think its blah,, blahh,blah Bernie Sanders, but really"... now this is the kicker...

He says..." but really socialism is commies and walls".. The dumb fucker took like 2 breaths and hurried on to a diffrent subject hoping his dumb, dumb fan bases didnt put two and two together..

You know.. Trump is neck deep in love with the commies and wants to build walls. Of course dats diffrent apparently... :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

actually, I don't know, you can't read trump's mind any better than you can read mine and I have NEVER listened to Rush limprod, EVER. all that shit you say about me,you are making up

Rochard 01-12-2018 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 22161294)
richard you have turned in to a character of a person. I can predict every post from you: obama has a nice dick and trump has a nasty dick :2 cents:

Well, Obama is a young(ish) black man who must be hung look a moose.

Trump is.... A seventy-one year old man with limp dick.

Sorry, everything Trump does is wrong or an embarrassment. Our very best ally - the United Kingdom - doesn't want Trump to visit. That's how bad this is. If that isn't bad enough, Trump this morning tried to blame this Obama by saying it's because Obama decided to move the US Embassy in England... Which is completely false because this decision was made before Obama was in office.

This is bat shit crazy.

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 22160589)
I'm not sure how knowing or talking to people who are here illegally will affect whether or not the wall is effective. That said, over the course of my life I have known a few people who admitted they were undocumented and I have spoken to many others I suspect were. I live in a small town that is surrounded by farms so during the summer we have a big influx of laborers, most of which I am confident are here illegally.

The reason I think the wall is a waste of money is that of the two I knew that were undocumented, both came here legally as a tourist then never went back. It's estimated that at least half the undocumented people in this country came here that way. The wall will do nothing to stop them and likely will have us seeing more of those types of people. The wall might stop a few people from just walking across the border into the US, but I just don't think it is going to stop very many. One of the reasons is that there simply aren't enough people to patrol a wall. There are over 1,400 open requests for new border patrol agents and they can't get enough qualified people to fill those spots.

I personally think we would be better off if we put the money and effort that would be going to a wall into doing a couple other things. First, change the anchor baby law so kids born here aren't automatically US citizens. Second, crack down on employers who hire them and make the consequences for doing so very serious. If people know they can't come here and have a kid that they can then use to get on welfare and/or that they aren't going to be able to find a job, it will stop a lot of people from coming here.

if you work and live with these guys then you know: every one of those motherfuckers would go home tomorrow if they could. you get that right? :

PR_Glen 01-12-2018 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 22161300)
a usual you have your head up your has AND you have NO experience with illegals.

ok this argument is childish... who cares if you have a few friends who are illegals? That doesn't make you an authority on the politics involved. I can't start going around saying that I have a deep understanding of the blacklivesmatter movement because I have a black neighbour.

Where do you come up with these arguments anyway? you are getting into markham territory these days...

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22161333)

Sorry, everything Trump does is wrong or an embarrassment.

it's nice to know you are not a bigoted asshole... how in the fuck do you expect me to BELIVE anything you say when the ONLY thing you say is its trumps fault...what a dumb ass dude.. seriously... I have time for bigots. :2 cents:

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22161342)
ok this argument is childish... who cares if you have a few friends who are illegals? That doesn't make you an authority on the politics involved. I can't start going around saying that I have a deep understanding of the blacklivesmatter movement because I have a black neighbour.

Where do you come up with these arguments anyway? you are getting into markham territory these days...

that's interesting, the truth finally seeps out of you; who fucking cares about them. bingo! I'm saying that I do NOT feel responsible for the people south of the US border, it is NOT the responsibility of the UNITED STATES to care for them, it is the GOVERNMENT of the MEXICO that is responsible for the Mexican citizens, NOT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

is that concept a bit too elusive for you? the government of Mexico is hostile to human life... every latin I know would go home tomorrow if they could survive it. yop0u just keep running your mouth about a fucking wall that will do NOTHING to stop the people of Mexico being stripped of their dignity and forced to sneak out of their country and come here just to be abused and humiliated.

what the fuck is wrong with you? putting the wall up going to get the assholes in Mexico to stop murdering their population? or it's running your piehole about nothing going to solve the issue? that's what I'm the fuck I'm on about. people are having terrible lives and you guys talk about shit.

Paul Markham 01-12-2018 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by TheDynasty (Post 22160379)
People are People a wall isn't going to stop a damn thing.

Some people bring value to their new home. Most expect something for nothing or to get someone else's job.

Hasidic Jews came to the UK in the 1800s. They haven't integrated, resist all attempts to meet the native community half way. But very good at collecting welfare.

Orthodox Jews Denied Benefits For Refusing To Work Saturdays



Haredi: Half of Britain?s Jews will soon be strictly Orthodox, says new study | The Independent

Most have 5-6 children, all on welfare.

Paul Markham 01-12-2018 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22160544)
Building a wall is a poor solution to a problem that no longer exists.

Illegal immigration from South America is down, and deportations are up. Deportations increased under Obama and of course have continued under Trump. Building a wall is not going to stop the drugs - They will go around it, over it, under it, or through it.

This will be tens of billions of dollars that will not fix the problem.

It's a problem that does exist, 11% of the American population is illegal. Now add children born in the US. Now factor in the money the Government has to shell out to meet the cost, unemployment, housing, education, healthcare, inner-city problems where Americans are unemployed in the millions.

Will you pay the extra taxes to meet the costs?

Paul Markham 01-12-2018 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 22160556)
I knew a number of migrant workers in this country illegally. They were welcomed by farmers to help harvest crops. Been this way for more than a century. People that worked their ass off doing jobs special white men wouldn't be caught dead doing. They earn their money and then go back home.
So tRump wants to fuck them over, then get ready to pay and pay and fucking pay for your groceries. You fucking neo-con assholes. You only have a few years before you are just a footnote in this country. Pretty soon you will be a very small minority and your world will just fade away. The sooner the fucking better.


Do what Australia has done.


They have no migrants and agriculture.

Paul Markham 01-12-2018 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22160631)
So driving cross country today, I was scanning through the radio stations and pulled a Robbie.. You know I just happened to come across Rush Limprod's station and decided to listen him whine a bit.. He was doing the typical, bitching about liberals and calling millennials socialists that wanted everything given to them..

It was rather funny though.. he was bitching about how 70% of millennials identify as socialists, or whatever fake number he pulled out of his ass, but he's like " these millennial dont know what socialism really is" he was like, "They think its blah,, blahh,blah Bernie Sanders, but really"... now this is the kicker...

He says..." but really socialism is commies and walls".. The dumb fucker took like 2 breaths and hurried on to a diffrent subject hoping his dumb, dumb fan bases didnt put two and two together..

You know.. Trump is neck deep in love with the commies and wants to build walls. Of course dats diffrent apparently... :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

You have no clue what Socialism is.

Most of Europe is Socialist. We don't have walls.

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22161393)

Do what Australia has done.


They have no migrants and agriculture.

so fuck the immigrants. let them starve... thanks Paul :thumbsup

Grapesoda 01-12-2018 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22161402)
You have no clue what Socialism is.

Most of Europe is Socialist. We don't have walls.

I believe that I have no clue either

Paul Markham 01-12-2018 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22160643)
Anyway Grapesoda, we dont need a wall, we need only to fine employers $10k a pop for hirring illegals.. If Trump and Republicans wanted to stop illegals from taking jobs they'd just fine the people who hire them,..

Of course they won't do that..... because that would piss the big doners off who shovel campaign dollars at them, while giving them a wink and a nod about you arent really gonna deport my cheap labor....

Give this man a coconut for coming up with the right answer.

There is a cost for running https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._I...ms_Enforcement. Whatever the cost divide it among the illegal migrants found employed and fine the employers and landlords the money. Even if it sends the business bankrupt.

Withdraw driving licenses, healthcare, education, etc. Will also send a message that illegals are not welcome.

The only problem is getting it through the politicians who are in the pockets of big corporations.

Paul Markham 01-12-2018 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by aztecboi2003 (Post 22160754)
I work with some every day. Good hard workers.

Are you happy they work for low wages and deny Americans a job?

crockett 01-12-2018 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22161402)
You have no clue what Socialism is.

Most of Europe is Socialist. We don't have walls.

You didn't get what I wrote.. Rush Limprod is a consertive talk show host that pushes far right non sense.. He pushes paranoia to guys like grapesoda. He was trying to say socialism leads to walls and commies..

But he forgot that Trump is the guy trying to build walls and is neck deep with the commies.. Rush Limprod is a big Trump nutter, so it was very ironic..

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