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Steve Rupe 03-20-2017 06:01 AM

Who here will be watching Comey testify today?
I will be watching on C-Span. I don't expect anything new to come out of the hearing today other than to make Trump out to be the liar we all know that he is.

john1975 03-20-2017 06:20 AM

first question should be :

"what do you have to say for yourself, for costing Hillary the election" ?

"why open a secondary , nonsense email investigation just before the election....like a clueless idiot, and then closing the case for no reason a few days later ?"

bronco67 03-20-2017 07:37 AM

He just confirmed that the FBI is investigating links between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence.

bronco67 03-20-2017 07:53 AM

Your going to see pattern in these hearings.

Democrats will be questioning about Russia, and possible collusion with an American presidential candidate while Republicans will be complaining about leaks that put their Republican president in the crosshairs of the investigations.

john1975 03-20-2017 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21640828)
Your going to see pattern in these hearings.

Democrats will be questioning about Russia, and possible collusion with an American presidential candidate while Republicans will be complaining about leaks that put their Republican president in the crosshairs of the investigations.

who gives a sht about the Russians. when it was Comey that costed Hilary the election.

why not an investigation between Comey and the Russians ? for trying to divert attention off of him.

This is the ONLY question that should be asked there right now. WHY did you open a secondary, nonsense investigation into hilary emails and then close it immediately after....why the FUCK aren't they asking this? because congress is obliged to kiss the FBI's ass each and every day ?

NewNick 03-20-2017 08:15 AM


Bladewire 03-20-2017 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by john1975 (Post 21640876)
who gives a sht about the Russians.

Unfucking believable. Never breed. Move to Russia. :321GFY

john1975 03-20-2017 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21640891)
Unfucking believable. Never breed. Move to Russia. :321GFY

This hearing has nothing to do with Comey. It's an ALL-OUT blame the Russians congressional hearing....from dems and republicans. Goes to show , nobody wants to admit the truth...that Comey costed Hilary the election.

Wake up Public. Don't believe the bullsht your being fed.

Bladewire 03-20-2017 10:03 AM

Republicans lied, you don't have to stop collecting foreign communications intelligence if an American is involved and it's awesome that Turner just made that public with his questioning :thumbsup

Bladewire 03-20-2017 10:18 AM

Coney seems to be hinting that Melania Trump could be a foreign agent.

Rochard 03-20-2017 10:25 AM

I am watching live. It's rather interesting to see how our government works.

What is most interesting is how political all of this is. The Democrats are asking the right questions and want to get to the bottom of this. This is to be expected because if there is any connection between Trump and Russia, they want it exposed. The Republicans seem more interested in getting into the leaks. I understand the law is the law, but I am less interested in the leaks. I do not believe any of the information harmed the United States government other than making the Trump administration look bad.

It seems painfully obvious there was no wire tap of Donald Trump. So the President lied. I believe he should apologize to the American public, and apologize directly to President Obama. Then we should give some though into punishment for Trump. Obviously this is not an impeachment kind of thing, but perhaps we should censure him.

It is also very obvious that there is a tremendous amount of connections between the Trump administration and the Russian government. At the same time, it is very, very obvious the FBI is looking into these connections.

Drip. Drip. Drip. The truth will come out eventually.

Bladewire 03-20-2017 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21641179)
I am watching live. It's rather interesting to see how our government works.

What is most interesting is how political all of this is. The Democrats are asking the right questions and want to get to the bottom of this. This is to be expected because if there is any connection between Trump and Russia, they want it exposed. The Republicans seem more interested in getting into the leaks. I understand the law is the law, but I am less interested in the leaks. I do not believe any of the information harmed the United States government other than making the Trump administration look bad.

It seems painfully obvious there was no wire tap of Donald Trump. So the President lied. I believe he should apologize to the American public, and apologize directly to President Obama. Then we should give some though into punishment for Trump. Obviously this is not an impeachment kind of thing, but perhaps we should censure him.

It is also very obvious that there is a tremendous amount of connections between the Trump administration and the Russian government. At the same time, it is very, very obvious the FBI is looking into these connections.

Drip. Drip. Drip. The truth will come out eventually.

5 of Trumps people have been let go for lying about Russia, but only when it was made public, Trump had no problem with them lying before it was made public which makes you wonder if he, or Bannon, told them to lie.

I don't care about an apology from Trump I want to see him held accountable & criminally charged.

2 Months In, Trump May Already Own A First: Most Corrupt POTUS. Ever.

Bladewire 03-20-2017 10:38 AM

Stewart just tried to position all media anonymous sources as Russian spies giving false info unbelievable.

imabro 03-20-2017 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21641203)

I don't care about an apology from Trump I want to see him held accountable & criminally charged.

Criminally charged with what?

Bladewire 03-20-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by imabro (Post 21641233)
Criminally charged with what?

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob.

Trump has lied about his predecessor committing a felony by having him illegally wiretapped.

I'm not an attorney but common sense tells me Trump committed a crime with that lying accusation.

I remember Republicans here saying the FBI was investigating Clinton because they have evidence a crime was committed "predacation" and investigations are only open with evidence of criminal activity.

Those same people now say Trump is innocent and an FBI investigation does not presume guilt.

Bladewire 03-20-2017 11:08 AM

You see Spicer at his press conference here talking about Clinton & Obama in collusion and not being investigated and that it's unfair only Trump is being investigated? WOW! And he's now defending Flynn WTF

john1975 03-20-2017 12:26 PM

Comey had the look of bullsht on his face the whole time.

what a great liar .

he has to lie, to keep current intelligence secrets...secret.

Bladewire 03-20-2017 12:36 PM

So from his testimony today, we now know that when Comey made Clinton's FBI investigation public , the FBI had also been investigating Trump & his campaign for 3 months as well, but only made Clinton's investigation public.

Rochard 03-20-2017 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21641248)
Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob.

Drumpf has lied about his predecessor committing a felony by having him illegally wiretapped.

I'm not an attorney but common sense tells me Trump committed a crime with that lying accusation.

I remember Republicans here saying the FBI was investigating Clinton because they have evidence a crime was committed "predacation" and investigations are only open with evidence of criminal activity.

Those same people now say Trump is innocent and an FBI investigation does not presume guilt.

You are wrong here. One was a statement under oath, the other was a tweet. If you lie under oath that is a crime. If you make a tweet it's just a false statement.

Robbie 03-20-2017 01:06 PM

RIP the Presidency Of Donald J. Trump.

It's all over now. Trump is guilty.
The King is dead.

Now welcome: President Pence. :(

Good job Democrats!

</sarcasm...Trump will bat this away like swatting a fly>

Bladewire 03-20-2017 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21641602)
You are wrong here. One was a statement under oath, the other was a tweet. If you lie under oath that is a crime. If you make a tweet it's just a false statement.

True. Jeff Sessions lied under oath about his ties with Russia and no charges were filed. Clearly the Republucan congress is going to let Trumps people lie under oath without consequence.

Robbie 03-20-2017 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21641665)
True. Jeff Sessions lied under oath about his ties with Russia and no charges were filed. Clearly the Republucan congress is going to let Trumps people lie under oath without consequence.

Aren't you being disingenuous with your description?
Number one...what does "ties" with Russia even mean? That he spoke to a Russian ambassador? LOL!
That's just stupid. That would mean that if the Russian Ambassador goes to McDonald's drive-thru, then the guy taking his order now has "ties" to Russia.

Number two...Sessions explained that he didn't speak to the Ambassador as a member of Trump's campaign. He spoke to him in his real job at the time as a Senator.
That's not lying under oath. It's more like "bullshitting" your way through without telling the whole story ("bullshitting" courtesy of Fareed Zakaria)

Sessions is another piece of shit politician. Doesn't surprise me one bit that Trump is running into problems with double-talking Washington insiders. He should have never hired ANY of those types.

Of course CNN and the ilk were screaming that he NEEDED to have "insiders" in his cabinet because he is an outsider and doesn't "understand" how Washington "works" (That's Washington-speak for being corrupt)

Bladewire 03-20-2017 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21641680)
Aren't you being disingenuous with your description?

That would mean that if the Russian Ambassador goes to McDonald's drive-thru, then the guy taking his order now has "ties" to Russia.

Number two...Sessions explained that he didn't speak to the Ambassador as a member of Trump's campaign. He spoke to him in his real job at the time as a Senator.
That's not lying under oath. It's more like "bullshitting" your way through without telling the whole story

During the time of public outrage of Russia hacking our elections Jeff Sessions met in person with the Russian ambasador, at the ambassadors office, and purposely did not document the meeting, it wasn't on his public meeting schedule either. He didt drive through McDonald's and pass by an ambassador.

When asked via Senate questionaire if Sessions has met with any Russian officials during the campaign he said "no". He lied then and he lied under oath.

The Senate was so concerned about this that they called a hearing and has Sessions come back and grilled him under oath again.

No I'm not being disingenuous but YOU are minimizing the attorney General lying under oath :2 cents:

There is a reason that everyone who has contacts with Russia in Trumps administration lies about their contact.

bronco67 03-20-2017 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21641656)
RIP the Presidency Of Donald J. Trump.

It's all over now. Trump is guilty.
The King is dead.

Now welcome: President Pence. :(

Good job Democrats!

</sarcasm...Trump will bat this away like swatting a fly>

President Pence is fine with me. At least he's not tripping over his own dick every time he opens his mouth.

bronco67 03-20-2017 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21641173)
Coney seems to be hinting that Melania Trump could be a foreign agent.

I'm sorry, but that's not the kind of ass a billionaire should be pulling. She's barely millionaire material.

Bladewire 03-20-2017 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21641740)
President Pence is fine with me. At least he's not tripping over his own dick every time he opens his mouth.

It's physically impossible for Donald to trip over his baby dick.


john1975 03-20-2017 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21641725)
During the time of public outrage of Russia hacking our elections Jeff Sessions met in person with the Russian ambasador, at the ambassadors office, and purposely did not document the meeting, it wasn't on his public meeting schedule either. He didt drive through McDonald's and pass by an ambassador.

When asked via Senate questionaire if Sessions has met with any Russian officials during the campaign he said "no". He lied then and he lied under oath.

The Senate was so concerned about this that they called a hearing and has Sessions come back and grilled him under oath again.

No I'm not being disingenuous but YOU are minimizing the attorney General lying under oath :2 cents:

There is a reason that everyone who has contacts with Russia in Trumps administration lies about their contact.

clueless troll.

Bladewire 03-20-2017 01:49 PM

JohnnyClips / Joshua G / JohnnyNight / John1975

Robbie 03-20-2017 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21641725)
During the time of public outrage of Russia hacking our elections Jeff Sessions met in person with the Russian ambasador, at the ambassadors office, and purposely did not document the meeting, it wasn't on his public meeting schedule either.

Huh? Sure it was, how do you think the Washington Post was able to report it.
And he had two administrative assistants in the room with him during the meeting as well. And as usual you are wrong...it was NOT in the "ambassadors office". It was in Session's office.
It was also one of 25 meetings with foreign officials Sessions had in that same time period in his role on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

But as I said earlier...Sessions is just another lifetime bureaucrat. No different than Bush or Obama or Clinton or Ryan or ANY of them.

You exaggerations and insinuating nonsense doesn't help anything.

There is no "public outrage" by the way. There is just politics in Washington D.C.
The same politicians who were screaming about Sessions had meetings with the same Russian Ambassador themselves in their roles as Senators.

It's part of the job.

Having said that...Sessions is still a piece of garbage who has sucked on the public teat his whole life. I wish Trump would fire his ass and get someone as Attorney General from the private sector.
I don't trust ANY politician. And neither should you. Their track record of using the govt. for their own gain is all you need to know. And the results of politicians? Endless wars, largest percentage of qualified Americans OUT of the labor force since the recession of the 1970's, the biggest gap in wealth distribution we've ever seen (and it ACCELERATED under Pres. Obama), and 20 TRILLION dollars in debt.


Paul Markham 03-21-2017 01:16 AM

The hearings are proving nothing.

So far all they say is "we have no evidence."

Robbie 03-21-2017 07:45 AM

The only "evidence" is that several "deep state" people in the Executive Branch who worked under Pres. Obama are committing a major felony by leaking classified info.

The fact that Flynn's name was even made public is against the law. A U.S. citizen who is "accidentally" caught in a wiretap (yeah, right...accidentally) is supposed to have their name "masked".

When the head of intelligence sees the transcript it has already been "masked" and Flynn's name on that transcript was "U.S. Citizen".
That means that somewhere down the chain...perhaps the agent who actually DID the wiretap, somebody put out the RAW transcript which is legally never supposed to be seen.

If U.S. citizens names were ever allowed to be "unmasked", that would mean the Govt. has free reign to wiretap anybody without a warrant.

THAT is the crime that happened.
Nothing else that they are investigating is an actual crime even if it were true (which there is no evidence at all that it is).

Steve Rupe 03-21-2017 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 21643039)
The hearings are proving nothing.

So far all they say is "we have no evidence."

The lack of evidence is proof in and of itself oh brilliant one.

Bladewire 03-21-2017 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21643453)
The only "evidence" is that several "deep state" people in the Executive Branch who worked under Pres. Obama are committing a major felony by leaking classified info.

The fact that Flynn's name was even made public is against the law. A U.S. citizen who is "accidentally" caught in a wiretap (yeah, right...accidentally) is supposed to have their name "masked".

When the head of intelligence sees the transcript it has already been "masked" and Flynn's name on that transcript was "U.S. Citizen".
That means that somewhere down the chain...perhaps the agent who actually DID the wiretap, somebody put out the RAW transcript which is legally never supposed to be seen.

If U.S. citizens names were ever allowed to be "unmasked", that would mean the Govt. has free reign to wiretap anybody without a warrant.

THAT is the crime that happened.
Nothing else that they are investigating is an actual crime even if it were true (which there is no evidence at all that it is).

You were eating up the leaked private Clinton emails, now you are offended traitor Michael Flynns name is public when lying about colluding with Russia? Your focus should be on Flynn lies and the crooked Trump administration.

The person releasing the Russia data is a patriot that cares about America. The Trump administration is corrupt, that's why there's a criminal FBI investigation into their lies about Russia, and it's only been 2 months.

Robbie 03-21-2017 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21643657)
You were eating up the leaked private Clinton emails, now you are offended traitor Michael Flynns name is public when lying about colluding with Russia? Your focus should be on Flynn lies and the crooked Trump administration.

The person releasing the Russia data is a patriot that cares about America. The Trump administration is corrupt, that's why there's a criminal FBI investigation into their lies about Russia, and it's only been 2 months.

You are speaking from emotion instead of thinking about what you are saying.

Hacked emails from John Podesta with the password of "Password" is NOT classified info which the "un-masking" of a US citizen's name is.

You are showing a lot of ignorance in your statements.

How would you like it if you were speaking to a foreign person as part of your job, and they were under surveillance and YOUR name was released to the public illegally and ruined YOUR life?

There is a reason we have a Constitution and protections from the govt.

If you ever actually look at the Constitution you will notice that the majority of it is protecting YOU against the Federal Govt.
The Founding Fathers understood that the biggest threat to Freedom is a run-away govt.

Keep on babbling about "patriots". That was a pure political move. Nothing in that conversation that Flynn had was in any way, shape, or form damaging to our country. He actually is the definition of a "patriot".

As for Sessions conversation...he had two assistants in the room taking official notes of the whole thing.

In your mind...do you REALLY think that Sessions and Flynn are out to destroy the United States and hand it over to the EVIL Russians?

Jesus Christ...I told you before...you are making yourself look really, really bad on this forum.
I don't know if you care. Do you have any actual business in the adult industry? Or are you just another surfer on here who gets off by getting the opportunity to actually have communication with someone like me?

Steve Rupe 03-21-2017 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21643897)
You are speaking from emotion instead of thinking about what you are saying.

Hacked emails from John Podesta with the password of "Password" is NOT classified info which the "un-masking" of a US citizen's name is.

You are showing a lot of ignorance in your statements.

How would you like it if you were speaking to a foreign person as part of your job, and they were under surveillance and YOUR name was released to the public illegally and ruined YOUR life?

There is a reason we have a Constitution and protections from the govt.

If you ever actually look at the Constitution you will notice that the majority of it is protecting YOU against the Federal Govt.
The Founding Fathers understood that the biggest threat to Freedom is a run-away govt.

Keep on babbling about "patriots". That was a pure political move. Nothing in that conversation that Flynn had was in any way, shape, or form damaging to our country. He actually is the definition of a "patriot".

As for Sessions conversation...he had two assistants in the room taking official notes of the whole thing.

In your mind...do you REALLY think that Sessions and Flynn are out to destroy the United States and hand it over to the EVIL Russians?

Jesus Christ...I told you before...you are making yourself look really, really bad on this forum.
I don't know if you care. Do you have any actual business in the adult industry? Or are you just another surfer on here who gets off by getting the opportunity to actually have communication with someone like me?

In fairness, Flynn we now know, was on the Russian payroll and was on the verge of officially registering as a Foreign Agent. Not exactly an ideal candidate for being the head of the NSA, in my opinion.

Robbie 03-21-2017 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21643918)
In fairness, Flynn we now know, was on the Russian payroll and was on the verge of officially registering as a Foreign Agent. Not exactly an ideal candidate for being the head of the NSA, in my opinion.

Yep, and he was never a good "team player". That's why Obama fired him as well.

Anytime you are lobbying for a foreign country, you shouldn't be allowed to be in our govt.
Total conflict of interest.

But I wasn't really arguing in favor of him being part of Trump's cabinet. He appeared to be a good man for the job at first...but with foreign lobbying interests AND his proclivity to not play well with others...he was not.

What I was saying was...it's a HUGE "no-no" to spy on a U.S. citizen without a warrant from a FISA court.
We know that they do it all the time anyway...but to be able to actually use it in a court of law isn't allowed (not that Flynn did anything that was criminal...because they know he did not).
That's why even the DNI (Director of National Intelligence who is over all other intelligence agencys) isn't allowed to even SEE the name of the U.S. citizen in the event that a person is "mistakenly" caught on audio or video in the course of our agency's spying on foreign diplomats.

Obviously someone in the chain of command had a personal grudge and agenda. And took it upon themselves to give that transcript to the media containing RAW data that his boss wasn't even allowed to see.

That's gonna be major jail time if/when they find out who did it.

And isn't it odd that our spy's are supposed to tell us what is going on in other country's but can't even figure out who did this from their own offices? lol

Rochard 03-21-2017 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21641725)
During the time of public outrage of Russia hacking our elections Jeff Sessions met in person with the Russian ambasador, at the ambassadors office, and purposely did not document the meeting, it wasn't on his public meeting schedule either. He didt drive through McDonald's and pass by an ambassador.

When asked via Senate questionaire if Sessions has met with any Russian officials during the campaign he said "no". He lied then and he lied under oath.

The Senate was so concerned about this that they called a hearing and has Sessions come back and grilled him under oath again.

No I'm not being disingenuous but YOU are minimizing the attorney General lying under oath :2 cents:

There is a reason that everyone who has contacts with Russia in Drumpfs administration lies about their contact.

What gets me is what Sessions said under oath...

Sessions was not asked if he worked for the Trump campaign, nor was he asked if he met with the Russians. He was asked:

"....if there was any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Drumpf campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign."

Instead of answering the question, he explained that he was part of the Trump campaign but that he did not meet with the Russians.

He didn't answer a question. He made a statement. In that statement he made a direct lie.

We impeached President Clinton over a lie under oath over a very trivial and unrelated matter, where no law was broken. Now with Sessions he is telling lies about a the highest form of treason at the highest level of government.

No big deal though.

Bladewire 03-21-2017 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 21643897)
You are speaking from emotion instead of thinking about what you are saying.

Hacked emails from John Podesta with the password of "Password" is NOT classified info which the "un-masking" of a US citizen's name is.

You are showing a lot of ignorance in your statements.

How would you like it if you were speaking to a foreign person as part of your job, and they were under surveillance and YOUR name was released to the public illegally and ruined YOUR life?

There is a reason we have a Constitution and protections from the govt.

If you ever actually look at the Constitution you will notice that the majority of it is protecting YOU against the Federal Govt.
The Founding Fathers understood that the biggest threat to Freedom is a run-away govt.

Keep on babbling about "patriots". That was a pure political move. Nothing in that conversation that Flynn had was in any way, shape, or form damaging to our country. He actually is the definition of a "patriot".

As for Sessions conversation...he had two assistants in the room taking official notes of the whole thing.

In your mind...do you REALLY think that Sessions and Flynn are out to destroy the United States and hand it over to the EVIL Russians?

Jesus Christ...I told you before...you are making yourself look really, really bad on this forum.
I don't know if you care. Do you have any actual business in the adult industry? Or are you just another surfer on here who gets off by getting the opportunity to actually have communication with someone like me?

Yes I'm a content creator my first site in '99 was SquirtIt my Instagram is Bladewire (I rarely update it) StraightBro is another site of mine I have a few.

You have a double standard for illegally obtained info being released.

You feel emails "easily" stolen and released to the public with proprietary info, private convos and private personal details of dozens of people are no comparison to knowing the name of a public official communicating with a foreign official on behalf of the United States. I disagree.

Bannon at CPAC openly bragged that department heads were hired specifically to deconstruct the government. So you want me to think Bannon is lying? WTF?

Steve Rupe 03-21-2017 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21644029)
What gets me is what Sessions said under oath...

Sessions was not asked if he worked for the Trump campaign, nor was he asked if he met with the Russians. He was asked:

"....if there was any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Drumpf campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign."

Instead of answering the question, he explained that he was part of the Trump campaign but that he did not meet with the Russians.

He didn't answer a question. He made a statement. In that statement he made a direct lie.

We impeached President Clinton over a lie under oath over a very trivial and unrelated matter, where no law was broken. Now with Sessions he is telling lies about a the highest form of treason at the highest level of government.

No big deal though.

Sessions did not lie about any thing that had to do with Treason.

Bladewire 03-21-2017 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 21644167)
Sessions did not lie about any thing that had to do with Treason.

Trump's Russia Scandal: "There's The Smell Of Treason In The Air"

Treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Collusion with Putin to remove sanctions so Exxon Tillerson can start their $500 billion oil deal in the Arctic in exchange for Putin helping Trump get elected.

Robbie 03-21-2017 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21644137)

You have a double standard for illegally obtained info being released.

You feel emails "easily" stolen and released to the public with proprietary info, private convos and private personal details of dozens of people are no comparison to knowing the name of a public official communicating with a foreign official on behalf of the United States. I disagree.

It's not a point of you thinking I have a double standard and you disagreeing about anything at all.

One thing was a hacked email that had no real password protection. Something that the Feds have no control over.

The other thing was an in-house Federal Felony that is crucial to our Constitutional rights and freedoms.

That is the difference.

Doesn't matter if you THINK I have a "double standard" or if you agree or disagree.
That's just the fact of the matter.

Someone purposefully released that information that isn't allowed to be viewed by the highest govt. officials.
Probably as retribution towards Trump. Pure politics and illegal as hell in a way that hacking a person's hotmail account is not.

Was Podesta hacked for political purposes? DUH! Of course he was. Campaign management is his job.
And in hindsight...he isn't very good at his job...attacking his own client (Hillary) in emails and not even bothering to TRY and set a password.
Did he deserve to have his emails hacked? Of course not.
Did it reveal that Hillary was lying to the public during the campaign about where she stood on issues? Absolutely.

Was this done by a member of the Federal Govt.'s spy agency's to Podesta?
Hell no.

But what was done to Flynn was deliberately done in-house by our spy agency's to discredit him and get him fired. And it worked.

Trying to say that because some unknown person hacked Podesa and fucked him is NOT the equivalent of bringing the full power of the Federal Govt. to bear in an attempt to bring down General Flynn.

Can't you see that?
If I decided to "come after you"...it would be very annoying to you.
If the Federal Govt. decided to come after you...you are fucked.

That's the very reason the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. To keep the govt. from oppressing you.

Forget about Flynn, Trump, and political stance for a second.
Put YOUR name in place of Flynn's. Now do you see what I'm talking about?
The CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. are fucking dangerous if not kept in check. Look at all the people they have ruined and/or killed in the brief history of these agencies.

And when they are used for political purposes? A disaster waiting to happen.

Will you still feel the same way if the EVIL Trump starts using them against his political enemies?
No you would not.
And I would say that is a damn good reason to find who did that and throw them under the jail and make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Robbie 03-21-2017 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21644182)
Trump's Russia Scandal: "There's The Smell Of Treason In The Air"

Treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Collusion with Putin to remove sanctions so Exxon Tillerson can start their $500 billion oil deal in the Arctic in exchange for Putin helping Trump get elected.

You are linking to the Huffington Post who HATE Trump and refused to cover him in their "Political" section during the campaign.

And then you are saying that if anyone removes the sanctions that Obama pulled out in the final weeks of his lame duck period in an unprecedented move to ruin US/Russian relations...then they are guilty of "Treason"???

I'm with Trump on this.
"Wouldn't it be better to be friends with Russia?"
You damn straight it would be.

WTF is wrong with Democrat politicians? Do they WANT a nuclear war with Russia? Jesus Christ.
Obama ruined our foreign policy in just about any and every country that he touched: The middle east, Russia, Germany (remember spying on Angela Merkel), Israel, and England (when they voted FOR Brexit he proclaimed that the UK would now be in the "back of the line").

Shouldn't we be FIXING the shit the Obama did to piss off Russia and other countries?
Do you like the idea of making enemies and keeping tensions high?

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