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NatalieK 02-16-2017 05:31 PM

Trump doesn´t give one shit for the environment
so today DirtyDon´s undone a long winded process of Obama doing good for the environment to save some jobs, of which, when is coal even used these days compared to other fuels!

What is Dirty Don doing to our world!

Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule | TheHill

Mother fucker, get him out before he screws our world up even more! :mad: :disgust

JohnnyClips - BANNED FOR LIFE 02-16-2017 05:34 PM

lol all Trump's fault yet again

How the fuck do you think society will function? Is coal not part of the fucking environment?

Bladewire 02-16-2017 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21550561)
so today DirtyDon´s undone a long winded process of Obama doing good for the environment to save some jobs, of which, when is coal even used these days compared to other fuels!

What is Dirty Don doing to our world!

Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule | TheHill

Mother fucker, get him out before he screws our world up even more! :mad: :disgust

It's all about the money with Donald, nothing else

TampaToker 02-16-2017 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21550561)
so today DirtyDon´s undone a long winded process of Obama doing good for the environment to save some jobs, of which, when is coal even used these days compared to other fuels!

What is Dirty Don doing to our world!

Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule | TheHill

Mother fucker, get him out before he screws our world up even more! :mad: :disgust

Which lines of the bill do you disagree with?

EonBlue 02-16-2017 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21550561)
when is coal even used these days compared to other fuels!



bronco67 02-16-2017 06:07 PM

It's all about appearances for Donald Trump.

Save some coal miner's jobs without any concern for the environment.

Save some jobs at a few factories, even though it's a fart in a hurricane. But at least he looks like some kind of hero.

Stop some people at the airport to look like you're picking up slack for the lackluster "Obama border security" without thinking of the broader global consequences.

he's a fucking genius.

GFED 02-16-2017 06:35 PM

Do all of you people bitching drive electric cars or hybrids or are you just hypocrites?
How many of you have solar panels on your home?

JohnnyClips - BANNED FOR LIFE 02-16-2017 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21550678)
It's all about appearances for Donald Trump.

Save some coal miner's jobs without any concern for the environment.

Save some jobs at a few factories, even though it's a fart in a hurricane. But at least he looks like some kind of hero.

Stop some people at the airport to look like you're picking up slack for the lackluster "Obama border security" without thinking of the broader global consequences.

he's a fucking genius.

Do you drive an electric car? Live off the grid?

Then shut the fuck up

NatalieK 02-16-2017 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyClips (Post 21550567)
lol all Trump's fault yet again

How the fuck do you think society will function? Is coal not part of the fucking environment?

like all trumpsters, you don´t ever get the whole story...

the rule was to stop dumping of waste into streams and rivers! :disgust :mad:

Trump doesn´t give a shit about the environment :mad: :disgust

JohnnyClips - BANNED FOR LIFE 02-16-2017 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21550750)
like all trumpsters, you don´t ever get the whole story...

the rule was to stop dumping of waste into streams and rivers! :disgust :mad:

Trump doesn´t give a shit about the environment :mad: :disgust

oh yea he doesn't care! Meh just pollute everywhere! What are you doing to supposedly "help" the environment? How does letting more refugees in here help that exactly?

NatalieK 02-16-2017 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 21550732)
Do all of you people bitching drive electric cars or hybrids or are you just hypocrites?
How many of you have solar panels on your home?

no, but I grow enough plants on my roof terrace to care for the pollution I make by other means :321GFY

JohnnyClips - BANNED FOR LIFE 02-16-2017 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21550759)
no, but I grow enough plants on my roof terrace to care for the pollution I make by other means :321GFY

:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh You're such a savior bro! Man, the planet would be in REAL trouble without you! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

crockett 02-16-2017 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 21550732)
Do all of you people bitching drive electric cars or hybrids or are you just hypocrites?
How many of you have solar panels on your home?

Last I checked no one drives coal powered cars..

GFED 02-16-2017 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21550771)
Last I checked no one drives coal powered cars..

Do you try hard being that stupid or does it come naturally?

pimpmaster9000 02-16-2017 06:50 PM

I have a solar calculator I do my bit for the environment...oh wait its not solar at all...my bad...

JohnnyClips - BANNED FOR LIFE 02-16-2017 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 21550774)
Do you try hard being that stupid or does it come naturally?

He is experiencing cognitive dissonance and hallucinating at the same time when it comes to Trump. I love watching the meltdown :pimp

TampaToker 02-16-2017 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by TampaToker (Post 21550585)
Which lines of the bill do you disagree with?

I will ask again what lines of the bill do you disagree with?

JohnnyClips - BANNED FOR LIFE 02-16-2017 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by TampaToker (Post 21550807)
I will ask again what lines of the bill do you disagree with?

They have no answers, no arguments...just racist! white supremacist!

crockett 02-16-2017 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by GFED (Post 21550774)
Do you try hard being that stupid or does it come naturally?

Stupid is someone who doesn't actually educate himself before defending something. You believe Trump will bring back coal jobs, I can tell you that those jobs will not be there, because there is no expanding market for coal. It's a dying industry..

(I've worked for a clean coal technology company. They laid off over 100 people in the last year)

Coal is not dead due to regulations. Coal is dead because it cost too much to dig out of the ground. Fracking & Solar are the market drivers which killed coal, both produce electric cheaper than coal. There will never be another new coal plant in the US and all coal plants in the US have a decommission date. China the world's largest user of coal, has even started canceling coal plants that were under construction to switch to solar. (ie they aren't even finishing many of the plants which were under construction)

The free market decided not the big scary EPA.. Not Trump, Not Obama.. The electric produced by coal cost more than solar, wind or Fracking of natural gas. The only coal producing going on in this country is to fill the needs of the remaining power plants but as those plants shut down or burn down (like St. Clair Power Plant which burnt last year)

St Clair was actually one of our power plants which we just about to update their emission system.. It burnt to the ground and will never be brought back online.

I'm informed, you are not..

GFED 02-16-2017 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21550843)
Stupid is someone who doesn't actually educate himself before defending something. You believe Trump will bring back coal jobs, I can tell you that those jobs will not be there, because there is no expanding market for coal. It's a dying industry..

(I've worked for a clean coal technology company. They laid off over 100 people in the last year)

Coal is not dead due to regulations. Coal is dead because it cost too much to dig out of the ground. Fracking & Solar are the market drivers which killed coal. AKA the free market decided not the big scary EPA..

I'm informed, you are not..

Thank you for giving me your complete thoughts.
I can give you credit for a good response and I value your opinion.

Vendzilla 02-16-2017 07:28 PM

You don't all seem to realize that Coal is more plentiful in the US than any other place in the world. Obama set out to destroy that industry.
If you like coal tough, you can move. You think it's a dying industry, you're an idiot and do zero research, oh wait, that's Cricket.
there are over 600 coal burning power plants in the US

crockett 02-16-2017 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21550873)
You don't all seem to realize that Coal is more plentiful in the US than any other place in the world. Obama set out to destroy that industry.
If you like coal tough, you can move. You think it's a dying industry, you're an idiot and do zero research, oh wait, that's Cricket.
there are over 600 coal burning power plants in the US

There are 572 coal burning plants in the US in 2016. You know how many there was at the end of 2012? 1,308 of them. Over half have shut down in the last 4 years.

They are not financially viable. Fraking of natural gas has decimated the coal industry and solar becoming so cheap gave it the 2nd gut punch. The death blow is wind power.

Oh and if you bitch about EPA standards.. perhaps you would like some Mercury with your fish or in your water..

The entire reason they brought on the "clean coal" was to stop the mercury from leaving the smoke stacks and getting into the environment. Do you really think that was a bad call?

Also Obama wasn't even elected when the EPA was tasked with regulating mercury from coal emissions. It had been tied up in court since 2005 and the battle was won in Dec of 2008. Obama hadn't even entered office yet and of course you blame Obama because you are uninformed and that what your right wing talking heads brain wash you to think.

You can have all the coal in the world but if it cost more to produce electric than other means it's nothing more than a lump of coal..

Linkster 02-16-2017 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by TampaToker (Post 21550585)
Which lines of the bill do you disagree with?

There is no bill - it is a resolution which takes away a bill.

The bill itself removed 124 full time employee positions and replaced it with 280 new full time jobs for a net gain of 156 new jobs in the coal industry over 20 years. So the overall effect of killing the bill was a loss of new jobs.
The side effects are a loss of approximately 285 miles of fishing and hunting streams which ought to please the outdoorsman types in those areas.

The original bill was just a modification of an older bill that is going to stay in effect from the 1970s.

This is all just a show between Obama and Trump that really does nothing. The newer bill that congress approved in December (if you care about politics - a Republican congress) just updated the older bill to add changes in technology and add a few jobs.

It's not about mining - it's about the cleanup and restoration after mining.

The killing of the bill really has no effect on the coal industry either positively or negatively...it's all slight of hand between politicians

And for those of you that don't know what's really going on in the energy industries - you might educate yourselves before you come here and make yourselves look stupid

And for those worried about the environment - this bill really had no effect on any of that - it was going to save a few miles of streams from tailings waste and just give the coal miners downstream a little better chance of not getting health problems as quickly - and they certainly don't matter in the grand scheme of things as they are going to lose their jobs anyway so they might as well die quicker :thumbsup

klinton 02-17-2017 12:06 AM

nuclear energy is the best........

NatalieK 02-17-2017 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 21551239)
nuclear energy is the best........

coal is like the stone age, doesn´t matter how much is in a country, it´s ruining our world...

as said before, trump shouldn´t build a wall to keep illegals out, the rest of the world needs to build a world to keep the US in.

Smog, fisheries, drinking waters, they are all effected by the coal industry, Obama had spent years sorting it out and within a moment, Dirty Don ruins it and destroys the world a little more...

what a wanker :disgust

michel 02-17-2017 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21550906)
There are 572 coal burning plants in the US in 2016. You know how many there was at the end of 2012? 1,308 of them. Over half have shut down in the last 4 years.

They are not financially viable. Fraking of natural gas has decimated the coal industry and solar becoming so cheap gave it the 2nd gut punch. The death blow is wind power.

Oh and if you bitch about EPA standards.. perhaps you would like some Mercury with your fish or in your water..

The entire reason they brought on the "clean coal" was to stop the mercury from leaving the smoke stacks and getting into the environment. Do you really think that was a bad call?

Also Obama wasn't even elected when the EPA was tasked with regulating mercury from coal emissions. It had been tied up in court since 2005 and the battle was won in Dec of 2008. Obama hadn't even entered office yet and of course you blame Obama because you are uninformed and that what your right wing talking heads brain wash you to think.

You can have all the coal in the world but if it cost more to produce electric than other means it's nothing more than a lump of coal..

I love how you shut people up in a nice way. :)

JohnnyClips - BANNED FOR LIFE 02-17-2017 06:45 AM

Hillar LOVES the environment!

Linkster 02-17-2017 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 21551239)
nuclear energy is the best........

I totally agree - however it is not competitive economically with fracked natural gas in the northern states of the US, which has led to a lot of plants having to shutdown and are going into de-commissioning along with a huge loss of jobs in the industry.
Fortunately some see the benefits of it in the southern states and are building new plants - a lot of construction going on.

I have always thought that with some real education given to both the news media and the public we could advance nuclear energy to be a real financial win in the markets...and make the licensing costs much less than the billions it costs right now. :thumbsup

2MuchMark 02-17-2017 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21550873)
You don't all seem to realize that Coal is more plentiful in the US than any other place in the world.

So what? It's expensive, dirty, and inefficient. What is your case for coal exactly?


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21550873)
Obama set out to destroy that industry.

No, he set out to reduce emissions and dependancy especially when there are renewable energy options that should be considered. You don't have to destroy coal to do that. Coal, Oil, Gas etc will always have a place in the energy grid.


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21550873)
If you like coal tough, you can move.

To where? Coal pollutes the entire planet. And what about the miners who get Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? Where should they move once they have learned to hate coal?


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21550873)
You think it's a dying industry, you're an idiot and do zero research, oh wait, that's Cricket.there are over 600 coal burning power plants in the US

No. An idiot is someone who won't even consider alternatives. There are just too many problems associated with coal, and science shows that there are viable options out there. There are even financial benefits too. People who's minds have been closed by the fossil fuel industry are the idiots.

brassmonkey 02-17-2017 10:26 AM

do you own any cars op? do you recycle? etc....

2MuchMark 02-17-2017 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21550906)
There are 572 coal burning plants in the US in 2016. You know how many there was at the end of 2012? 1,308 of them. Over half have shut down in the last 4 years.

They are not financially viable. Fraking of natural gas has decimated the coal industry and solar becoming so cheap gave it the 2nd gut punch. The death blow is wind power.

Oh and if you bitch about EPA standards.. perhaps you would like some Mercury with your fish or in your water..

The entire reason they brought on the "clean coal" was to stop the mercury from leaving the smoke stacks and getting into the environment. Do you really think that was a bad call?

Also Obama wasn't even elected when the EPA was tasked with regulating mercury from coal emissions. It had been tied up in court since 2005 and the battle was won in Dec of 2008. Obama hadn't even entered office yet and of course you blame Obama because you are uninformed and that what your right wing talking heads brain wash you to think.

You can have all the coal in the world but if it cost more to produce electric than other means it's nothing more than a lump of coal..

You sir, have earned this:


Bladewire 02-17-2017 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21550906)
There are 572 coal burning plants in the US in 2016. You know how many there was at the end of 2012? 1,308 of them. Over half have shut down in the last 4 years.

They are not financially viable. Fraking of natural gas has decimated the coal industry and solar becoming so cheap gave it the 2nd gut punch. The death blow is wind power.

Oh and if you bitch about EPA standards.. perhaps you would like some Mercury with your fish or in your water..

The entire reason they brought on the "clean coal" was to stop the mercury from leaving the smoke stacks and getting into the environment. Do you really think that was a bad call?

Also Obama wasn't even elected when the EPA was tasked with regulating mercury from coal emissions. It had been tied up in court since 2005 and the battle was won in Dec of 2008. Obama hadn't even entered office yet and of course you blame Obama because you are uninformed and that what your right wing talking heads brain wash you to think.

You can have all the coal in the world but if it cost more to produce electric than other means it's nothing more than a lump of coal..

Well said! :thumbsup

redsfv89 02-17-2017 10:35 AM

I can't say Donald Trump is all bad, he's deporting those with "criminal records" from his country to better his people, he is giving people tax breaks, taxes don't need to be so high, which will increase business. He's not some super savior, and just cause you stop using what you deam to be a dirty energy source doesn't mean that they don't just shift the problem elsewhere take example California, their are plastic bag bans, so what do they do they make bigger plastic bags that are reusable, or they use paper bags, well great you stopped some of the plastic bags but now your chopping down all the trees. I enjoy my V8 Lincoln LS Sport, and I hate being behind a Prius when entering the freeway.

Matt 26z 02-17-2017 10:36 AM

Obama's EPA themselves were responsible for the biggest environmental disaster in US history:


Liberals don't really like to talk about that one.

DraX 02-17-2017 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21550561)
so today DirtyDon´s undone a long winded process of Obama doing good for the environment to save some jobs, of which, when is coal even used these days compared to other fuels!

What is Dirty Don doing to our world!

Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule | TheHill

Mother fucker, get him out before he screws our world up even more! :mad: :disgust

lol :1orglaugh

You hating him so much you can't see straight, how is it to live in that haze ?

We have 7.4 billion people in the world, Trump has been in office for approximately 1 month. From an environmental perspective like you're stating he already screwed up our world bwhahahahahah :1orglaugh

DraX 02-17-2017 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21550759)
no, but I grow enough plants on my roof terrace to care for the pollution I make by other means :321GFY

bwhahahah are you for real... :1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

Pat yourself on the back, you doing great.

2MuchMark 02-17-2017 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Matt 26z (Post 21552373)
Obama's EPA themselves were responsible for the biggest environmental disaster in US history:


Liberals don't really like to talk about that one.

That's too bad, because everyone should talk about this. I don't understand how an agency called The Environmental PROTECTION Agency can have an accident like this, but shit happens.

Regardless, what Trump and other republicans are doing is painting the EPA as some kind of roadblock to jobs and growth. This of course, is just a dirty trick smokescreen. The EPA is designed to stop scuzzy companies from using the earth as their toilet. It's important that people realize what the EPA really does for everyone.

thommy 02-17-2017 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyClips (Post 21550567)
lol all Trump's fault yet again

How the fuck do you think society will function? Is coal not part of the fucking environment?

magma is also part of the environment.

uranium also....

oil also...

and there is a good reason that is is UNDER the ground.

Vendzilla 02-17-2017 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by michel (Post 21551659)
I love how you shut people up in a nice way. :)

Here's how fucking dumb that piece of shit Cricket is, he will tell you that we need more electric cars, not thinking that we need electricity to fuel those cars.

There are more coal burning power plants in this country than any other source

There are 511 coal-powered electric plants in the U.S. They have generated 34 percent of the nation’s electricity this year.
The leading fuel for electricity generation in the country, coal is most popular in the Midwest, Appalachia and the East Coast, but is also the primary source in Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Arizona. It generated the vast majority of the nation’s electricity in the late 1980s but now creates one-third with natural gas gaining steadily. Coal is the chief source of electricity in 22 states and creates a majority of the electrical power in 14 states.

But Cricket won't tell you that because he's a fucking moron and I believe can't read above a 3rd grade level given some of the bull shit he has posted!

thommy 02-17-2017 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Linkster (Post 21551677)
I totally agree - however it is not competitive economically with fracked natural gas in the northern states of the US, which has led to a lot of plants having to shutdown and are going into de-commissioning along with a huge loss of jobs in the industry.
Fortunately some see the benefits of it in the southern states and are building new plants - a lot of construction going on.

I have always thought that with some real education given to both the news media and the public we could advance nuclear energy to be a real financial win in the markets...and make the licensing costs much less than the billions it costs right now. :thumbsup

maybe you are too young to remember tschernobyl - but i lived like 4000 km away when that happend and we could not eat anything from the own garden for around 15 years - and even today you can messure the radioactivity in all what grows in germany, austria, switzerland and all the countries in a radius of 5000 km.

but at least you should have a little clue about fukushima.
the japanese only closed a "small part" with a few thousand square kilometers around the reactor but infact all japan is influenced.

but it is not only japan. look where this shit is now:


it already reached the cost of canada and from there it can only go to north or south - have fun !!

Vendzilla 02-17-2017 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by redsfv89 (Post 21552367)
I can't say Donald Trump is all bad, he's deporting those with "criminal records" from his country to better his people, he is giving people tax breaks, taxes don't need to be so high, which will increase business. He's not some super savior, and just cause you stop using what you deam to be a dirty energy source doesn't mean that they don't just shift the problem elsewhere take example California, their are plastic bag bans, so what do they do they make bigger plastic bags that are reusable, or they use paper bags, well great you stopped some of the plastic bags but now your chopping down all the trees. I enjoy my V8 Lincoln LS Sport, and I hate being behind a Prius when entering the freeway.

I so agree, I hate those bags, they make the free ones illegal and charge for the thicker ones, talk about stupid.

Ever been trapped behind two Prius' drag racing?

I have a 4x4 truck in LA and it's got a V8 in it, I love driving that or riding my Harley that gets 40 mpg on the freeway.

During the 80's and 90's I recycled almost 80 tons of scrap steel I think, big estimate because I didn't keep track. I was given permission to clean all the scrap steep from several building sites while I worked in the elevator trade. I worked harder after hours than during, but I made some serious bank. I think I got 20 tons from one high rise.

thommy 02-17-2017 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by EonBlue (Post 21550648)

first of all your graphic is from 2013

and if there would be ONE president strong and smart enough in the past 20 years it could look like that already:


Vendzilla 02-17-2017 11:57 AM

I probably know more about Nuclear Power than anyone on this forum due to living on a submarine that was powered by one. It's safe, it has to be ran right to be safe. But fuck it up and you're screwed. There are 63 nuclear power plants in this country, building more would not scare me. As long as we didn't get the part for it from China!

Bladewire 02-17-2017 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552568)
I probably know more about Nuclear Power than anyone on this forum due to living on a submarine that was powered by one. It's safe, it has to be ran right to be safe. But fuck it up and you're screwed. There are 63 nuclear power plants in this country, building more would not scare me. As long as we didn't get the part for it from China!

I agree. No problems with nuclear and make all parts in America top secret not via vendors etc.

NatalieK 02-17-2017 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 21552406)
Trump has been in office for approximately 1 month. From an environmental perspective like you're stating he already screwed up our world

exactly. No more to say :2 cents:

brandonstills 02-17-2017 12:00 PM

Alternative energy technology is advancing so fast there's not really any need to worry about it I think. Clean energy sources are on track to replace "dirty" sources of energy.

But one thing that is important to understand is that there is a certain amount of energy needed to support a population at a given standard of living. It is undesirable to sacrifice some trees if it means people have to die. Human lives before trees and squirrels I say.

Lowering energy creation means lowering standards of living, or worst case, not being able to support human life; we can't all go back to living in caves and chopping down trees for fire.

In synthetic biology they are developing bacteria that eat plastic and other pollutants.

The development of technology allows us to consume things that are considered "pollution" and use them as new energy sources / raw materials. With that in mind, I'm not overly worried.

thommy 02-17-2017 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21550873)
You don't all seem to realize that Coal is more plentiful in the US than any other place in the world. Obama set out to destroy that industry.
If you like coal tough, you can move. You think it's a dying industry, you're an idiot and do zero research, oh wait, that's Cricket.
there are over 600 coal burning power plants in the US

This with the cheap electricity from coal power plants is a terrible lie. Globally coal is subsidized with 5.3 trillion dollars. The taxpayer pays these subsidies so that the dung can be brought out of the soil at all without loss and then gets pre-calculated that the coal-fired power plants produce such cheap electricity. If the power plants would have to buy this coal at the price of the mining costs then there would already be 20 years no mining.

Linkster 02-17-2017 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21552544)
maybe you are too young to remember tschernobyl - but i lived like 4000 km away when that happend and we could not eat anything from the own garden for around 15 years - and even today you can messure the radioactivity in all what grows in germany, austria, switzerland and all the countries in a radius of 5000 km.

but at least you should have a little clue about fukushima.
the japanese only closed a "small part" with a few thousand square kilometers around the reactor but infact all japan is influenced.

Yes I am old enough to remember - and I also remember a lot of other things you are too young to remember...like three mile island etc...

Chernobyl should have never been built and the people that ran it for the government were idiots - that is not the fault of the plant - it's the fault of the people that ran it and tried to do something that would never be considered appropriate in US plants

Fukushima was another people problem - although caused by natural disaster that was not predicted because the engineers that designed the safety systems didn't take into account what could happen

The plants are still the safest source of cheap electricity in the US

and as far as your maps of "radiation" - this is why I said that education is the key - the amount of radiation that you show in your maps is less than people get in the US every day from sunshine, smoking a cigarette, or flying on a commercial airline...and yes all radiation acts the same on the body whether you get it from the sun or a nuclear power plant...you just haven't been educated

2MuchMark 02-17-2017 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552538)
Here's how fucking dumb that piece of shit Cricket is,

He's not dumb. And why do you need to call people names when you are on the losing end of an argument?


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552538)
he will tell you that we need more electric cars, not thinking that we need electricity to fuel those cars.

First, electric cars are MY thing! Don't credit Crocket with that, grrrr.. and to answer your question, Electricity can come from coal, yes, but it doen't HAVE to. Electricity can be made from Hydro, or Solar, or Wind.


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552538)
There are more coal burning power plants in this country than any other source

There are 511 coal-powered electric plants in the U.S. They have generated 34 percent of the nation’s electricity this year.
The leading fuel for electricity generation in the country, coal is most popular in the Midwest, Appalachia and the East Coast, but is also the primary source in Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Arizona. It generated the vast majority of the nation’s electricity in the late 1980s but now creates one-third with natural gas gaining steadily. Coal is the chief source of electricity in 22 states and creates a majority of the electrical power in 14 states.

That may be true, but again, that is the problem. All of those factories are producing a dirty, expensive inefficient product.

If you were going to build an energy company and could do it anywhere in the world, wouldn't you want to build one that is inexpensive, safe, renewable and has access to an unlimited supply of raw energy like the Sun?


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552538)
But Cricket



Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552538)
won't tell you that because he's a fucking moron

He's smarter than you are.


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552538)
and I believe can't read above a 3rd grade level

Your narrow beliefs are what gets you into losing arguments like this. Challenge your beliefs. Go beyond your safe space and learn some science.


Originally Posted by Vendzilla (Post 21552538)
given some of the bull shit he has posted!

I don't always agree with Crocket. You don't have to either of course, but if you want to challenge anyone, do yourself a favour and back it up with real facts, with real links. You will find that you are challenging yourself at the same time. Isn't that a good thing?


Vendzilla 02-17-2017 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 21552622)
This with the cheap electricity from coal power plants is a terrible lie. Globally coal is subsidized with 5.3 trillion dollars. The taxpayer pays these subsidies so that the dung can be brought out of the soil at all without loss and then gets pre-calculated that the coal-fired power plants produce such cheap electricity. If the power plants would have to buy this coal at the price of the mining costs then there would already be 20 years no mining.

Only makes sense to have subsidies for the most plentiful resource for energy for the US, being energy independent from other countries is very important.

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