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wehateporn 07-17-2017 02:10 AM

UK plans age verification for porn websites from 2018

People in the UK will have to prove they are 18 before being allowed to access pornography websites from next year, the government is to announce.

Websites will be legally required to install age verification controls by April 2018 as part of a move to make the internet safer for children.

Users may be asked to provide credit card details, as gambling websites do.

Companies breaking the rules set out in the Digital Economy Act face being blocked by their internet provider.

Under the plans, firms supplying payment and other services to the pornography websites could be notified about any breach.

A regulatory body will be asked to oversee and enforce the new rules.

It is thought this could be the British Board of Film Classification which already sets age limits for films and computer games.
'Most robust protection'

Digital minister Matt Hancock will formally begin the process, which was the subject of a 2016 consultation during David Cameron's government, in a written statement to the Commons later.

Mr Hancock said: "All this means that while we can enjoy the freedom of the web, the UK will have the most robust internet child protection measures of any country in the world."

Will Gardner from internet safety charity Childnet said: "Steps like this to help restrict access, alongside the provision of free parental controls and education, are key."

An NSPCC report in 2016 said online pornography could damage a child's development and decision-making and had been seen by 65% of 15-16 year olds and 48% of 11-16 year olds.

The study found 28% of children may have stumbled across pornography while browsing, while 19% had searched for it deliberately.

UK plans age verification for porn websites from 2018 - BBC News

rowan 07-17-2017 02:40 AM

This is incredibly dumb, and they probably know it, but it's designed to look like they're doing something good. Won't someone think of the children, please?

The UK govt have no jurisdiction over a site hosted outside of the UK.

Unless they resort to sanctions they can't do jack shit with a site that's in the USA, or France etc.

How are they protecting children when anyone within the UK can still freely access the 95%+ of sites that are hosted elsewhere?

magneto664 07-17-2017 02:42 AM

Already mobile access to porn sites need a verification. In 2009 I try unlock my mobile 10 times to get access to my site

NewNick 07-17-2017 03:04 AM

Old news.

Not sure why the Beeb is rehashing this now.

The BBFC has already been appointed as regulator and they have said they will begin to enforce the law in the spring of 2018.

Including ISP blocking and removal of payment services.

The ISP's and billing companies will comply because who does not want to protect the kiddies, right ?

Goethe 07-17-2017 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by rowan (Post 21894121)

The UK govt have no jurisdiction over a site hosted outside of the UK.

From what I understand, they'll exercise their jurisdiction over the internet service providers to force them to block sites which don't enforce the verification. It has to be a great move for paysites I would have thought. Although Pornhub Premium will probably do well out of this move due to brand awareness.

ianmoone332000 07-17-2017 03:17 AM

"required to install age verification controls by April 2018"

Anyone got further info on what these controls actually are?

adultchatpay 07-17-2017 05:43 AM

A 10 year old kid can use his daddy's card and get verified.
Good work!

j3rkules 07-17-2017 05:53 AM

Users may be asked to provide credit card details, as gambling websites do.

How about people that do not have credit cards.

Besides, there are millions of porn sites, over 40% of the internet is made up of pornographic material so let's see how they are going to enforce it.

NewNick 07-17-2017 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Goethe (Post 21894160)
From what I understand, they'll exercise their jurisdiction over the internet service providers to force them to block sites which don't enforce the verification. It has to be a great move for paysites I would have thought. Although Pornhub Premium will probably do well out of this move due to brand awareness.

Correct. They dont need jurisdiction over anyone other than the UK ISP's.

Paid porn may get a lift, and some very interesting new business models are being readied as you all sit here saying how it wont work.

:2 cents:

NewNick 07-17-2017 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by adultchatpay (Post 21894454)
A 10 year old kid can use his daddy's card and get verified.
Good work!

So what ?

Some will also use vpn's.

But 99% of kids will no longer be able to view the wall to wall free porn.

Which is a good thing for everyone.

Good for the tube sites because they reduce their costs and can actually sell high quality traffic.

Good for the advertisers because quality of click improves and they get qualified adults with a credit card.

Good for society because Mindgeek will no longer be in control of the sexual education of our children.


Goethe 07-17-2017 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 21894514)
some very interesting new business models are being readied as you all sit here saying how it wont work.

:2 cents:

Agreed. The non-nude TGP will rise again and the "access-all-areas" affiliate tube sites with uncensored hardcore clips will fall. :2 cents:

CPA-Rush 07-17-2017 06:30 AM

what i can do now op?

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 06:33 AM

Is a note from your mother OK? :laughing-
Talk about a half-ass measure ... Well, it may work 50% of the time.

Kids will just used passed around pre-paid card numbers LOL -- you think teenagers are stupid?
In the USA; Credit Card age verification was found unconstitutionally burdensome on adults with no credit cards in the COPA Act. That was 10 years ago before ATM or VISA/Mastercard branded Debit cards -- who knows -- the Congress may try to rewrite the old law.

The real problem with credit card age verification is adults may not be so willing to expose their data to porn sites -- porn sites have a very bad record with the public on identity security and credit card abuse (banging credit cards). Only the largest and most trusted names in the porn biz may overcome these hurdles. BTW, Ashley Madison: Ashley Madison's parent company makes $11 million hacking settlement | abc7.com agreed to settle, remember them -- and this was only over non-financial data. Age verification is like buying a porno-perv card in consumer minds -- the government is really trying to make porn less accessible -- this may cost you sales to legitimate adults ...

wehateporn 07-17-2017 06:36 AM

More Porn ID checks set to start in April 2018 - BBC News

Goethe 07-17-2017 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21894535)
Age verification is like buying a porno-perv card in consumer minds --

So those with that mindset were never going to part with their CC details and pay for porn anyway?

j3rkules 07-17-2017 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by j3rkules (Post 21894475)
Users may be asked to provide credit card details, as gambling websites do.

How about people that do not have credit cards.

Besides, there are millions of porn sites, over 40% of the internet is made up of pornographic material so let's see how they are going to enforce it.

How about tumblr or twitter which is full of pornography content? Will they ban them too, I suppose not...

magneto664 07-17-2017 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Goethe (Post 21894523)
Agreed. The non-nude TGP will rise again and the "access-all-areas" affiliate tube sites with uncensored hardcore clips will fall. :2 cents:

No. this is nothing - look how many sites is already blocked in UK

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 07:23 AM

The day I start putting my credit card number in a site just to see what is there is the day they take me away to the funny farm. Maybe the government can mail you a porno-perv ID card -- that way they have you on file -- LMAO. Like most of the people in this business you, Gothe, are so out of touch with consumer sentiment.

Every porn site -- you are delusional.

Should the UK (and others follow) block tube sites then where will the porn ads be? Do you think one-man-shop TGP and MGP sites will be able to comply with the verification mandates? Do you think that these traffic brokers will put up screening redirect adult verification pages? If you think ad network CTR rates are bad now -- grease your ass and bend over, if this schema becomes more world-wide.

Best thing to do, collectively, is bite the bullet and ban UK traffic altogether -- until their public starts screaming: *gimme back my porn* No balls, no glory ...

That is just ludicrous to even consider.

Further, the government is not your fuckin' white night coming to porn's rescue and destroying the leaching tube sites. :helpme
Organized porn just got oner more nail added to its coffin.

JamesDrews 07-17-2017 07:46 AM

UK Plans Document upload for porn websites in 2020.

pimpmaster9000 07-17-2017 07:58 AM

it is only a matter of time before it happens...porn is being delivered in bulk with forklifts to minors...in the end we will be forced to have some sort of "Internet ID"...

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21894709)
it is only a matter of time before it happens...porn is being delivered in bulk with forklifts to minors...in the end we will be forced to have some sort of "Internet ID"...

How about everyone has a static IP (with IPv6 this is now possible).
Every ISP must issue an *adult PIN* to access porn through the ISP DNS.
I use Google DNS so I will have to OAuth with an adult verified Google account? Google Wallet has one of my credit cards ... no big deal.

Your car has a license plate and a registration to be able to be driven on the public roads -- doesn't it?

That would reduce internet anonymity but also internet crime. Sword cuts both ways ...

Point being: There is existing infrastructure and data to support this properly. Problem is, free VPN DNS could defeat this if they do no cooperate somehow. Paid VPN, except when paid with semi-anonymous digital currency, would be payment verified. Of course, porn sites could be resolved with IPs -- there is always a way to defeat anything :2 cents:

Tubevideditor 07-17-2017 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 21894517)
So what ?

Good for society because Mindgeek will no longer be in control of the sexual education of our children.


Mindgeek will clean up and own the verification market giving them even more power :2 cents:

SantaClause 07-17-2017 08:20 AM

That' the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

Goethe 07-17-2017 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21894670)
The day I start putting my credit card number in a site just to see what is there is the day they take me away to the funny farm. Maybe the government can mail you a porno-perv ID card -- that way they have you on file -- LMAO. Like most of the people in this business you, Gothe, are so out of touch with consumer sentiment.

Every porn site -- you are delusional.

Should the UK (and others follow) block tube sites then where will the porn ads be? Do you think one-man-shop TGP and MGP sites will be able to comply with the verification mandates? Do you think that these traffic brokers will put up screening redirect adult verification pages? If you think ad network CTR rates are bad now -- grease your ass and bend over, if this schema becomes more world-wide.

Best thing to do, collectively, is bite the bullet and ban UK traffic altogether -- until their public starts screaming: *gimme back my porn* No balls, no glory ...

That is just ludicrous to even consider.

Further, the government is not your fuckin' white night coming to porn's rescue and destroying the leaching tube sites. :helpme
Organized porn just got oner more nail added to its coffin.

Do you feel better now?

NewNick 07-17-2017 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Tubevideditor (Post 21894757)
Mindgeek will clean up and own the verification market giving them even more power :2 cents:


Already happening.

The smart operators are looking to the opportunites - the rest are sitting around thinking of reasons why it will never work.

Who here remembers the complete ridicule of the far sighted peeps who said mobile handset porn was going to be big ?

:2 cents:

Bladewire 07-17-2017 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Tubevideditor (Post 21894757)
Mindgeek will clean up and own the verification market giving them even more power :2 cents:

Wrong. They're not disciplined enough.

Bladewire 07-17-2017 08:33 AM

The good news is uploaders to tube sites will have ID on file, or credit card details, so we can sue them when they upload our content :) 👍😁

NewNick 07-17-2017 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by SantaClause (Post 21894763)
That' the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

Whether it is smart or not is of no consequence.

It is happening.

And for some very big operators the UK is their second largest market after North America.

They wont be rejecting UK traffic - they will just run them through an AV process and then serve their product as normal.

Removing all those with no ability to pay........

SpicyM 07-17-2017 08:47 AM

Guess it's time for webmasters in UK to relocate :winkwink:

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by SpicyM (Post 21894835)
Guess it's time for webmasters in UK to relocate :winkwink:

That may be the outcome -- but where to?
Brexit has closed the easy migration routes.

Do you mean virtual customer marketing *relocation*?
Not being so dependent on UK customers may be a good thing now.

SpicyM 07-17-2017 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21894850)
That may be the outcome -- but where to?
Brexit has closed the easy migration routes.

Do you mean virtual customer marketing *relocation*?
Not being so dependent on UK customers may be a good thing now.

I mean webmasters running adult sites and living in UK.. since free porn is gonna get blocked.

As for customers.. porn will find it's way, most will probably end up in paid tubes as they already know the brands. Paysites / review sites will either have to write off this traffic or censor their tours (use mosaic???) .. or create stand alone versions of their sites for UK.

Question is if censoring your paysite tour is worth it - depends on the amount of visitors from UK. But the traffic will drop for sure.

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 09:22 AM

Adding a new pain point to the conversion funnel will lessen legitimate as well as undesirable traffic.

One of the major fallacies of porn censorship, or access ability or restriction , is when done on a national basis -- it only affects that nationality.

This is *feel good* legislation by the UK's church ladies.

Mr.Fiction 07-17-2017 09:54 AM

This is almost the exact same plan that Germany has had in place for years, right?

How many of you are making more money in Germany because of the German system?

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 10:21 AM

oops LOL wrong thread

Tubevideditor 07-17-2017 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by SpicyM (Post 21894835)
Guess it's time for webmasters in UK to relocate :winkwink:

This has nothing to do with where the owner of the site is located (unlike the old ATVOD system).
Any site faces a potential block to UK surfers no matter if you live and run your biz from from US/Canda/Europe or anywhere else in the world.

Sure, you won't get any potential fines if outside the UK but the potential of being blocked from a small but very profitable country like the UK would be bad for business.

After the US, its our most profitable by far.

I can pretty much guarantee that verified UK traffic will be highly sought after too.

SpicyM 07-17-2017 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tubevideditor (Post 21895060)
This has nothing to do with where the owner of the site is located (unlike the old ATVOD system).
Any site faces a potential block to UK surfers no matter if you live and run your biz from from US/Canda/Europe or anywhere else in the world.

I know - my post was regarding webmasters and adult jobs as it is virtually impossible to work in conditions where porn access is restricted in this way, so that's why I suggested relocating as the only option for UK webmasters, sucks...

If you live in UK, you won't even be able to do any tube video uploads to promote your paysite or add blog posts to your porn blogs etc..

SpicyM 07-17-2017 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Fiction (Post 21894940)
This is almost the exact same plan that Germany has had in place for years, right?

I don't think so. Germany doesn't block all unprotected porn sites, I believe they only require age verification for hardcore pornsites that are operated by German companies/individuals. I see a shitload of German surfers on xHamster so they clearly have access to free sites.

CoolMikey 07-17-2017 11:39 AM

Teaching customers that porn surfing involves a credit card doesn't sound like an awful idea. Once someone is verified with a cc, it's 1000x easier to convert him, especially considering that it should be possible to implement one click upsell from "$0 cost age verification" to $29.99 membership.

SpicyM 07-17-2017 11:47 AM

Adult DVD sales are gonna be up in there :1orglaugh

The Porn Nerd 07-17-2017 12:32 PM

This is GREAT NEWS for paysites!
I also think the UK is a sort of testing ground for the US and Canada.

I have been on this bandwagon for years now.
No one wants a 12 year old surfing porn, which they can easily do now just by picking up their phone.

How will this affect the free tubes tho?

mikesouth 07-17-2017 01:02 PM

This is coming to the US, mark my words....But I see it as a good thing...between the US and the UK this would be a real knock out punch to tubesites....it wont kill them but it will kill their traffic and make money laundering a LOT more difficult

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 01:14 PM

The government is going to save porn -- that is so l4m3 ...

If people have to apply for a PAID access (AVS) -- it will be in restraint of free speech (in the USA); first amendment.

If sites need to pay for the AVS -- your costs will increase.

If ISPs get involved; the price of your service will increase, ... want pornsite access? +$5 a month.

Tube ads will be worth more perhaps -- better qualified referrals and guess what: the tubes won't have the traffic volume and will demand more revenue -- site owners will pay more -- I have no idea if they will really net more ... You will have to put more money on the wood to find out -- that is a given :2 cents:

brandonstills 07-17-2017 01:22 PM

Does this have any consequence to non-UK based companies / hosting?

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 01:42 PM

No, they will not have extraterritorial jurisdiction -- but in theory they could block the domain's DNS to UK citizens.

Paul Markham 07-17-2017 01:43 PM

This is great for the porn industry if it works.

NatalieK 07-17-2017 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 21895297)
This is great for the porn industry if it works.

exactly :thumbsup

it shall stop tubes & free porn, people will have to give their cards, so logically pay sites can make more money :2 cents:

The Porn Nerd 07-17-2017 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21895258)
The government is going to save porn -- that is so l4m3 ...

If people have to apply for a PAID access (AVS) -- it will be in restraint of free speech (in the USA); first amendment.

If sites need to pay for the AVS -- your costs will increase.

If ISPs get involved; the price of your service will increase, ... want pornsite access? +$5 a month.

Tube ads will be worth more perhaps -- better qualified referrals and guess what: the tubes won't have the traffic volume and will demand more revenue -- site owners will pay more -- I have no idea if they will really net more ... You will have to put more money on the wood to find out -- that is a given :2 cents:

There's no need for a customer to pay for AVS (unless that is a model like with CyberAge for example). They will need to enter a credit card # for access. I see a situation where a CC will be entered for verification only, no charges to the card, but then you receive emails, etc.

In the beginning it may be a pay-to-play thing but, as this becomes the norm, there will be all kinds of "deals" surfers can find granting access for little to no actual money exchanged. Freeloaders always find a way, and those who depend strictly on traffic to sell (to brokers and advertisers) will have the incentive to still give away whatever they can to attract surfers.

But it will help a little and any help is always appreciated. :)

PS: Imagine entering a CC to visit The Hun!
How will this affect TGPs, blogs, affiliates?

Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 21895585)
There's no need for a customer to pay for AVS ...
... PS: Imagine entering a CC to visit The Hun!
How will this affect TGPs, blogs, affiliates?

So you expect a free service for porn sites? Really?
Do you work for free intentionally? Why would you expect someone else to for your benefit?

Yes, free sites will lose 80% of their traffic maybe.
Will the 20% left be more productive? Maybe ...

I can see a fee based consumer wallet for verifying and paying for porn -- no credit card ever sees a porn site again.

SpicyM 07-17-2017 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 21895585)
PS: Imagine entering a CC to visit The Hun!


Barry-xlovecam 07-17-2017 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21895576)
exactly :thumbsup

it shall stop tubes & free porn, people will have to give their cards, so logically pay sites can make more money :2 cents:

You do realize that the traffic to your ModelCentro website will dramatically decrease if this schema is adopted word-wide and not just the UK. Your UK traffic will drop more than 50% next year most likely.

People could just buy prepaid cards and keep a minimal balance -- say good-bye to automatic rebills.

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