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Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 10:58 AM

How do I get more traffic to my porn tube site?
Hi All,

I trust you all made it to 2019 safe and sound :), As for me, I got started in internet marketing last January and tried a few different things until I decided to settle for porn. I built a nice tube site with Wordpress that I'm really proud of and update on a daily basis. My biggest challenge now is how do I get more traffic to my site???

I currently receive 13K-15K visitors per day but I am breaking even as the majority of the traffic is paid for with traffic plugs. The following are my plans to grow my traffic and I'd like to get some feedback/suggestions for those that have more experience than me.

1. Twitter - I currently have 2300 Twitter followers and I'll usually get around 200 visitors per day from this source. My strategy for growing my following is to follow people that are interested in my niche and some of them will usually follow me back. I only follow 40 people a day to avoid getting banned as every time I try to do more, Twitter blocks me and makes me change my password. I have seen Twitter accounts that are a month old and already have 20K followers. How do they do this??? Are they using bots? Anyway, any suggestions to grow my following will be appreciated.

2. Reddit - I just post on subreddits related to my niche, the audience is still small (2000 people) but it's growing, I also have 180 followers.

3. Tumblr - I had a nice following on Tumblr but now that they've banned adult content, I'm looking for an alternative, any suggestions?

4. Google - I'm on a few high authority top lists so hopefully I'll be getting a boost in rankings any day now, I'm also looking to buy hardlinks but so far haven't found any quality sources, any suggestions?

5. Traffic trading - I really want to get into this but can't figure out how it works. Plugrush's traffic trading program is closed at the moment and I've read a lot of negative things about TRAFFDAQ and don't want to take a risk. I'm really curious about trading scripts such as smartcj and Trade Expert but it looks as though they require programming knowledge which I don't have. Anybody care to explain how they work?

6. Traffic trading directly with webmasters - I have a Linkspun account but so far haven't found any webmasters that I'd like to trade with. This one is a little tricky cause I need to find someone who is ahead of me or at-least on my level for it to be beneficial. I've tried approaching some of the big guys but get no response which I guess is understandable since they have nothing to benefit from a small fish like me. At the same time, I don't want to make deals with people who have low quality sites that will hurt my rankings so any suggestions on how to go about finding the right partners?

7. Traffic plugs - As I mentioned earlier, I am buying traffic plugs from big established sites in the hopes that some of it will stick and I wont have to pay for it any more. Not sure if this is an effective strategy as I just started two weeks ago but would love to hear your thoughts on this

Thanks for taking he time to read my post and I look forward to your feedback.



TFCash 01-04-2019 12:08 PM

Welcome to gfy Bill. What is your url ?

Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by TFCash (Post 22390629)
Welcome to gfy Bill. What is your url ?

I’d rather not disclose that, just looking for traffic tips please.

TFCash 01-04-2019 12:13 PM

Is it a niche tube, or is it one of those everything and the kitchen sink one's ?

Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by TFCash (Post 22390632)
Is it a niche tube, or is it one of those everything and the kitchen sink one's ?

It’s a niche tube.

noctropolis 01-04-2019 12:57 PM

I have similar problem with Twitter as you. I can follow daily only about 50 people because around 55-60 I get block :( It is weird for me that some Twitter account owners said that they can follow few hundreds per day.

On Reddit I'm usong only own subreddit because I was penalized fast for spam in other subreddits.

I'm also using Linkspun and I have no problem to find trades even I have much smaller traffic than you :).

Where are you buying traffic plugs for your site? PlugRush?

Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 01:03 PM

How is the traffic from Linkspun? Perhaps I will give it another look. Plugrush is not selling traffic plugs at the moment and they say they will reopen trades soon but no mention of when. I'm buying traffic from shooshtime which is good but as I mentioned, I'm breaking even because of this expense.

noctropolis 01-04-2019 01:29 PM

Linskpun doesn't give you traffic, but SEO power to increase SERPs. I'm the starting webmaster with traffic 1k/day only, but Linkspun gives me about 25% of that (the rest is Twitter, Reddit, direct visits). I have made about 20 link trades with similar levels sites.

Are you buying skimmed traffic? What cost for 1k?

Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 01:44 PM

Yes, the traffic is skimmed i.e. There are thumbnails of my videos on his site and when interested visitors click on them, they are sent to me. With regards to prices, he has monthly packages but I negotiated for a package based on my budget. I'd rather not disclose the numbers but I can tell you that the traffic is good so if you wanna buy a package just write to him and try to strike a deal.

wankawonk 01-04-2019 02:02 PM

with a wp tube you're not very likely to get much google traffic, unfortunately.

your best bet is to reach positive ROI on the plug traffic (you probably need more ads and/or better ad placements) and figure out how to get more of it. a LOT more of it. try to scale up your video uploading operation and get your plugs added to more sites.

trading traffic is fine but ultimately you have to have traffic to trade for it. It's really not much different than buying/selling skimmed traffic thru a network

as far as skimmed traffic, that's really more about increasing your bookmarks/type-in traffic/brand searches on google. Which would help with SEO. But your site's not likely to rank, so skimmed traffic's probably not for you.

Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 02:15 PM

Why is a WP tube not likely to get Google traffic? My main competitors use Wordpress and they have tens of thousands pages ranked and getting millions of visitors per month.

Majority of my revenue is pop-unders from hilltop ads and I have tried putting more ads but it will get too annoying for my visitors and I don't want that to happen. I'd like to buy more plugged traffic as long as the price makes sense and I can turn a profit but I don't know from where. Do you have any recommendations?

TFCash 01-04-2019 03:32 PM

Buying traffic is really hit and miss, you need to try small campaigns with as many networks as you can afford, and make sure and setup a campaign with each on GA, so you can track how each one is doing. Use GA it create your whitelists of the sites that are sending traffic that is productive and clicking around, filter out the rest at the network where you are buying from.

I disagree with wankawonk to the point that you won't get any SE traffic so it's not worth working on it, SE traffic is worth 50x more than any skimmed traffic that I've ever bought, granted I might have been doing it wrong, but I've always been profitable with highly targeted bought traffic, but it takes as much time tuning your traffic sources as it does doing good SEO practices on your site!!! So might as well do both, because once you get some SEO juice coming in, as long as you've been smart and not pulled any shady tricks, google traffic seems to stick around as long as your active on your site.

With your niche, if any of the cams have a filter out on that niche, you might want to add them to your site, increases income and helps pay for the traffic buy.

As for trading traffic, I never understood why someone would work so hard to build up traffic, just to trade it off. If someone is active on your site, no reason to piss them off and send them off to a site that you have no control over the content or how the surfer is treated. If your looking for book markers that come back over and over again, trading will hurt your % of that segment of surfers!

Traffic buys are all about filtering out the crap traffic and keeping the cream, it's not very easy to do, and the traffic is always changing within all the networks, something that works well for you this week, may not do so well for the next 3 :Oh crap So got to keep a close eye on it!

Good Luck :thumbsup

Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 03:40 PM

Thanks for the tips, any recommendations on where I can buy traffic? I would like to work with the big guys like Nudevista or iWank network but they don't have contact info on their sites so i don't know how to reach them. Tube Galore is also another network I am interested in but they don't reply emails so what's a guy to do?

wankawonk 01-04-2019 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bill Wilson (Post 22390688)
Why is a WP tube not likely to get Google traffic? My main competitors use Wordpress and they have tens of thousands pages ranked and getting millions of visitors per month.

Majority of my revenue is pop-unders from hilltop ads and I have tried putting more ads but it will get too annoying for my visitors and I don't want that to happen. I'd like to buy more plugged traffic as long as the price makes sense and I can turn a profit but I don't know from where. Do you have any recommendations?

Would be interested to see some of these competitors of yours. I don't need to see your site but I'd honestly love to see some examples of well-ranked wp tubes, because I have not seen very many. The reason (IMO) is that wordpress as a CMS/backend can't really compete with a custom tube script like eporner or tubegalore. Users will spend more time on those sites than a wp site because the search engines are better, the sites run faster, and there's a lot more content. So google will prioritize those sites.

As far as how you monetize traffic from plugs--main thing to realize is, most of that traffic is going to return back to the source regardless of how you treat them. If you're buying traffic from (for example) tubegalore, the vast majority of those users are going to return to tubegalore for their next wank, not your site.

So it really doesn't matter if you treat that traffic a little bit poorly. Use all the monetization avenues available, native ads, video sliders/IMs, push notifications, popunders.

If you look carefully I think you will find contact info for nudevista and iWank. But all of the big networks will require big budgets (at minimum x,xxx/month), and they probably see your tube is WP and are less likely to reply. I haven't noticed any examples of tubegalore linking to a wp tube.

Antonio Montana 01-04-2019 06:05 PM

WP sites are ranking! They have pirated content and rank higher than the original content creators, trust me!

You are pointing out the flaws in my plan without offering any solutions - how am I suppose to monitise my traffic if I don’t have any traffic to monitise??? My questionis how do I grow my traffic? I know traffic plugs are not a long term solution, the goal is to get exposure and some of those visitors will bookmark my site and come back.

wankawonk 01-04-2019 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bill Wilson (Post 22390785)
WP sites are ranking! They have pirated content and rank higher than the original content creators, trust me!

You are pointing out the flaws in my plan without offering any solutions - how am I suppose to monitise my traffic if I don’t have any traffic to monitise??? My questionis how do I grow my traffic? I know traffic plugs are not a long term solution, the goal is to get exposure and some of those visitors will bookmark my site and come back.

well, then show me some of the wordpress tubes you're trying to emulate, and I'll give you some advice!

If you think monetizing plug traffic isn't a long term plan I urge you to check out txxx.com and analdin.com. monetizing plug traffic is arguably the best long-term plan. Buying traffic is so much more stable long-term than SEO.

if you want to grow your SEO traffic you should be reading about SEO, not asking about it on here

Antonio Montana 01-05-2019 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by wankawonk (Post 22390809)
well, then show me some of the wordpress tubes you're trying to emulate, and I'll give you some advice!

If you think monetizing plug traffic isn't a long term plan I urge you to check out txxx.com and analdin.com. monetizing plug traffic is arguably the best long-term plan. Buying traffic is so much more stable long-term than SEO.

if you want to grow your SEO traffic you should be reading about SEO, not asking about it on here

Well in that case, I may as well become a media buyer which has crossed my mind as a solution to my problem. I am an affiliate for txxx.com, hubtraffic, xhamster, etc and the way I see it, all these big guys are in the business of buying and selling traffic (whether or not they pay fairly is a different story). My main problem is not getting traffic or monitising it, my problem is how to turn a profit. I’m thinking I could do one on two things:

A) Put more annoying ads on my site in order to turn a profit or;
B) Build about 15 more sites, monitise them and link them to my main site. This way when I buy traffic, some of it will go to my other sites and hopefully I turn a profit that way. I’m pretty sure this will require a big budget but I can raise the funds once the method proves to be profitable. If I buy traffic for $10K and sell it for $15K then problem solved, I’m making a living. The challenge is just finding the right traffic at the right price. I will ask around for Nudevista and iwank contact info, thanks for your input 😊

wankawonk 01-05-2019 03:24 AM

if you're not gonna show your site or any of the sites you're interested in emulating there was basically no point to making this thread

monetizing plug traffic isn't 'media buying', the sites you're buying plugs from optimize CTR *for* you and your clicks hit your lander *intending* to click on a video player and your only goal is to stuff your lander full of enough ads to make a profit and then scale up your uploading operation. go give real CPA media buying a try, you'll be amazed how much money you lose

Method A is a reasonable solution and I suggest you try it

method B is you being high and not knowing how this industry works. give it a try, let us know how it works. then you can come back with a bit of humility and maybe things will go better for you

good luck with adult, you're gonna need it

wankawonk 01-05-2019 03:41 AM

oh btw here's multiple contacts for the iwank guy, i got them by not being retarded

[email protected]
AlexZ-Traffic - Trade traffic with my TGPs

wankawonk 01-05-2019 03:45 AM

Here's nudevista while i'm at it, good fucking luck

[email protected]

emmasexytime 01-06-2019 04:55 AM

If it is a niche tube you could list on niche porn sites.

You should have a look through the traffic trades part of this forum to see if there are any in there with sites you like.

:2 cents:

alexistexasass 01-06-2019 05:40 AM

You can try plugrugh

makko2 01-13-2019 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Bill Wilson (Post 22390909)
....... my problem is how to turn a profit........ will ask around for Nudevista and iwank contact info, thanks for your input ��

I think you're going to realize that for a 'niche site' which you haven't specified it seems, your challenge is going to require very pointed audience targeting. The more selective and not so popular the niche is, the more trench-work you'll be digging to find the audience.
Getting big numbers from reddit traffic won't necessarily equate with turning a profit volume up..... most visitors to porn-reddit communities are looking for freebies.

To get your site high up on search engines with basic methods; make sure your site is being searched as https rather than http. Read up online about that factor which is very important as of late.

Regarding traded links - looking for quality targeted more-buyer ready audiences, start hunting those adult sites that are very aligned with your niche to begin trading with, and most importantly, have the following combo of traits you can assess on a site like Alexa . com
- ranking of at least 1 million - 500k visitors minimum by its own ratings ( <500k rating better )
- visitors staying on sites/ visit at least 1 minute or more ( 2 minutes+ is better )
- I wouldn't worry about '% of search engine traffic' rating so much since its relative only to what other sites traffic is coming from rather than the quality; ie, the rating may be lowered significantly if you're getting only ineffective but large amounts of traffic from reddit sources, or maybe lots of good traffic from a wide array of less busier but quality trader-sites....

Your best bets would include hunting and connecting with as many excellent adult sites/ producers / webmasters as you can over a long period and methodically building a high-end trading network; and in the process you'll get generously offered expert advice along the way too - a few may even give you hands-on guidance too.

Good luck:thumbsup

peter100 01-13-2019 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bill Wilson (Post 22390594)
Hi All,

I trust you all made it to 2019 safe and sound :), As for me, I got started in internet marketing last January and tried a few different things until I decided to settle for porn. I built a nice tube site with Wordpress that I'm really proud of and update on a daily basis. My biggest challenge now is how do I get more traffic to my site???


i will highlight few points if you would like to get quality traffic:

1. dont use embedded videos from free sites like xhamster , xvideos ...... those are over saturated , plus they remove thousands of videos daily

2. work with direct networks and embed their videos

3. your post should be SEO friendly

4. your site should be mobile compatible , very important

5. get Google webmaster account and solve any issue there.

6. be sure that speed of your site is OK

doing the above then you will start getting organic traffic which is the most valuable traffic.

last point ? :pimp

Buying traffic from paid networks needs several A/B/C tests , you can find useless traffic on any networks , the point is to filter the traffic and monitor daily.

check my tutorial here



cbarnaby 01-18-2019 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by peter100 (Post 22396386)
i will highlight few points if you would like to get quality traffic:

2. work with direct networks and embed their videos


hi, peter

its my first post here and I created account specifically because I saw your post and wanted to ask something about number 2 - how can we embed videos from them? sponsors give us videos and we can embed from their servers directly instead of embed from main tubes?

peter100 01-18-2019 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by cbarnaby (Post 22399141)
hi, peter

its my first post here and I created account specifically because I saw your post and wanted to ask something about number 2 - how can we embed videos from them? sponsors give us videos and we can embed from their servers directly instead of embed from main tubes?

Many sponsors have embedded videos as part of their promotion , all videos are on their servers , things are ready , just you need copy and paste , but check not all sponsors have it.


cbarnaby 01-18-2019 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by peter100 (Post 22399300)
Many sponsors have embedded videos as part of their promotion , all videos are on their servers , things are ready , just you need copy and paste , but check not all sponsors have it.


I didnt know, its good information, thanks peter

peter100 01-20-2019 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by cbarnaby (Post 22399420)
I didnt know, its good information, thanks peter

Welcome :thumbsup

Kafka 01-22-2019 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by peter100 (Post 22399300)
Many sponsors have embedded videos as part of their promotion , all videos are on their servers , things are ready , just you need copy and paste , but check not all sponsors have it.


Monitor those embeds or direct links regularly because often those links are removed without warning.
Best is to make a script which checks on 404.

Or even better, download the movies and host them by your server.

peter100 01-22-2019 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kafka (Post 22401578)
Monitor those embeds or direct links regularly because often those links are removed without warning.
Best is to make a script which checks on 404.

Or even better, download the movies and host them by your server.

Rarely i encountered this issue with the sponsors i am dealing with

Silver_Shamrock 02-19-2019 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by TFCash (Post 22390712)
Buying traffic is really hit and miss, you need to try small campaigns with as many networks as you can afford, and make sure and setup a campaign with each on GA, so you can track how each one is doing. Use GA it create your whitelists of the sites that are sending traffic that is productive and clicking around, filter out the rest at the network where you are buying from.

I disagree with wankawonk to the point that you won't get any SE traffic so it's not worth working on it, SE traffic is worth 50x more than any skimmed traffic that I've ever bought, granted I might have been doing it wrong, but I've always been profitable with highly targeted bought traffic, but it takes as much time tuning your traffic sources as it does doing good SEO practices on your site!!! So might as well do both, because once you get some SEO juice coming in, as long as you've been smart and not pulled any shady tricks, google traffic seems to stick around as long as your active on your site.

With your niche, if any of the cams have a filter out on that niche, you might want to add them to your site, increases income and helps pay for the traffic buy.

As for trading traffic, I never understood why someone would work so hard to build up traffic, just to trade it off. If someone is active on your site, no reason to piss them off and send them off to a site that you have no control over the content or how the surfer is treated. If your looking for book markers that come back over and over again, trading will hurt your % of that segment of surfers!

Traffic buys are all about filtering out the crap traffic and keeping the cream, it's not very easy to do, and the traffic is always changing within all the networks, something that works well for you this week, may not do so well for the next 3 :Oh crap So got to keep a close eye on it!

Good Luck :thumbsup

^^ Best advice of the thread.

KyleC 02-22-2019 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bill Wilson (Post 22390631)
I’d rather not disclose that, just looking for traffic tips please.

You want to know a good way NOT to get traffic? Don't "disclose" your URL. It's a guaranteed way to get nobody to visit.
I remember wasting time trying to create things that were already created and reading this forum for hours on end. The guys saying "take action" are speaking the truth.
The only time I actually started seeing any results (traffic and money) was when I stepped out of the box, went out on a limb with a walmart camera, cheap set of lights and created my own content (which isn't really stepping out of the box because thousands of us are doing it)
Are you an affiliate trying to make money from pushing signups and using other people's content? What's the conversion rate for that these days? 1000:1?
I wouldn't give up on Linkspun if I were you.
You can find several diamonds in the rough so to speak.
To say you are looking for someone either ahead of you or at your level, wouldn't that be almost everyone seeing how you've only been in the game since last January?
Go to a porn convention. Talk it up with others. Meet some of us in person. Create relationships.
When you are doing media buys you are essentially putting money in other people's pockets. (MindGeek Sites will gladly take it....they own Pornhub AND Traffic Junky.)
Try to twist things to your advantage. Create your 300 x 250 square ad or banner with a slutty/catchy picture to get the clicks, but PUT THE URL on the ad so over time it will burn itself into the eyes of the surfer and you will get that typed in traffic (which didn't cost you a thing) You'll make money or gain traffic from impressions.
Oh....and Go Fuck Yourself ;)

emmasexytime 02-23-2019 02:27 AM

This might help too :2 cents:

How To Get Do Follow Adult Backlinks | Massive List of Niche Porn Sites

adentio99 03-11-2019 05:14 AM

There are some good platforms to bring traffic to tube sites. Those are Sharesome, Twitter, Kinkcell and Switter. These all social platforms will help you to boost your traffic to your tube website. Read more here: Top 10 Free Sources to Generate Adult Website Traffic

moniq1000 04-09-2019 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by peter100 (Post 22396386)
i will highlight few points if you would like to get quality traffic:

1. dont use embedded videos from free sites like xhamster , xvideos ...... those are over saturated , plus they remove thousands of videos daily

2. work with direct networks and embed their videos

3. your post should be SEO friendly

4. your site should be mobile compatible , very important

5. get Google webmaster account and solve any issue there.

6. be sure that speed of your site is OK

doing the above then you will start getting organic traffic which is the most valuable traffic.

last point ? :pimp

Buying traffic from paid networks needs several A/B/C tests , you can find useless traffic on any networks , the point is to filter the traffic and monitor daily.

check my tutorial here



Hi Peter

Can you mee suggest some great, direct networks for embed their videos

peter100 04-10-2019 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by moniq1000 (Post 22448902)
Hi Peter

Can you me suggest some great, direct networks for embed their videos

i will mention few networks so you can get an idea , but there are many and you have to choose as per your niche


keep in mind that you need to change the title and choose long tail keywords for SEO

hope that can help


moniq1000 04-10-2019 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by peter100 (Post 22449090)
i will mention few networks so you can get an idea , but there are many and you have to choose as per your niche


keep in mind that you need to change the title and choose long tail keywords for SEO

hope that can help


thank you much appreciated :thumbsup

emmasexytime 04-11-2019 03:42 AM

PSC has good video content and converts :thumbsup

peter100 04-11-2019 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by moniq1000 (Post 22449639)
thank you much appreciated :thumbsup

Most welcome


ravo 04-12-2019 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bill Wilson (Post 22390594)
7. Traffic plugs - As I mentioned earlier, I am buying traffic plugs from big established sites in the hopes that some of it will stick and I wont have to pay for it any more. Not sure if this is an effective strategy as I just started two weeks ago but would love to hear your thoughts on this

I just stumbled across this thread, and wanted to mention the OP's last point. I don't see too many sites using plugs as a good way to generate traffic, and is under-utilized. I've seen plug traffic way out-perform skim and popunder traffic, at just a slight premium in price. They certainly are good value.

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