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-   -   Manafort was just a distraction. Hillary to plea (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1275037)

onwebcam 08-09-2017 05:01 PM

Manafort was just a distraction. Hillary to plea
DOJ "reopened" it's investigation into Hillary and immediately offered her a plea deal. So what really happened is they found no wrong doing with Trump and moved into Hillary in the Russia investigation. Either Awan, Schultz or both rolled.

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal | Daily Wire

Rochard 08-09-2017 05:05 PM

I am still waiting for you to show us the "facts" you promised in your last post. Would you like me to bump it for you?

Rochard 08-09-2017 05:06 PM

This post...


onwebcam 08-09-2017 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21942655)
I am still waiting for you to show us the "facts" you promised in your last post. Would you like me to bump it for you?

The facts will never come to light when she takes a plea. This is the end of it all. They slap her on the wrist with something and everything else gets buried including all Russia investigations.

Bladewire 08-09-2017 05:09 PM

Trump is imploding and you post far right conspiracies and talk about Clinton in Trump threads.

Everything going on with Trump is true and corroborated. All of your fantasies about Clinton are false and fantasy with no proof.

onwebcam 08-09-2017 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21942670)
Trump is imploding and you post far right conspiracies and talk about Clinton in Trump threads.

Everything going on with Trump is true and corroborated. All of your fantasies about Clinton are false and fantasy with no proof.

Then why isn't Trump the one taking a plea deal?

MrMaxwell 08-09-2017 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21942679)
Then why isn't Trump the one taking a plea deal?

for ...........

Barry-xlovecam 08-09-2017 05:18 PM

If infowars says it -- it must be true ..

Axeman 08-09-2017 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21942643)
DOJ "reopened" it's investigation into Hillary and immediately offered her a plea deal. So what really happened is they found no wrong doing with Trump and moved into Hillary in the Russia investigation. Either Awan, Schultz or both rolled.

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal | Daily Wire

Pretty pointless to even bother if there is no punishment and they agree to not purse any pay for play etc. I hate just for show shit like this.

directfiesta 08-09-2017 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21942643)
DOJ "reopened" it's investigation into Hillary and immediately offered her a plea deal. So what really happened is they found no wrong doing with Trump and moved into Hillary in the Russia investigation. Either Awan, Schultz or both rolled.

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal | Daily Wire

from your link :

Newsmax reports

This is end of the fake news story .

onwebcam 08-09-2017 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by directfiesta (Post 21942718)
from your link :

Newsmax reports

This is end of the fake news story .

This is how it will end up real soon watch and see.. There is NO WAY a Grand Jury is still convened on the Russia Investigation. Awan's arrest and the call for a Grand Jury was just to scare Hillary into taking a deal.

crockett 08-09-2017 05:28 PM

Onewebcam, jesus dude you are a fucking dunce..

Bladewire 08-09-2017 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by directfiesta (Post 21942718)
from your link :

Newsmax reports

This is end of the fake news story .


onwebcam 08-09-2017 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21942706)
If infowars says it -- it must be true ..

Why do we find out about Manafort's raid weeks later but find out about Awan's arrest and his raid the very day it happened? It's because one is real news and the other is a "distraction"

onwebcam 08-09-2017 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21942742)
Onewebcam, jesus dude you are a fucking dunce..

A dunce who is going to laugh my ass off when you libs start committing suicide after Hilary pleas. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

bronco67 08-09-2017 05:37 PM

Hey dickhead, I have to break some real news for you. I know real news is something you're immune to but I'll give it a try. here it goes...

That website is a conservative rag that is just full of shit they make up to keep mongoloids like yourself looking at their ads. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but this is something you need to know. Black is not white and down is not up. How do you make it through a meal without sticking the fork in your eye?

You dumb fuckers are everywhere. I was waiting at the DMV yesterday for my number to be called and listened to some fat old slob regurgitate the Seth Rich conspiracy he probably heard on Hannity to the captive audience of a mother with her 2 little toddlers. All of you should be purged from our society. Really dude. Re-evaluate your thought process and beliefs.

onwebcam 08-09-2017 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21942766)
Hey dickhead, I have to break some real news for you. I know real news is something you're immune to but I'll give it a try. here it goes...

That website is a conservative rag that is just full of shit they make up to keep mongoloids like yourself looking at their ads. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but this is something you need to know. Black is not white and down is not up.

Awan's lawyer IS Clinton's lawyer.

“My source is the golden standard of sources,” Klein insisted. “The lawyer who is my source is closer to the Clintons than anybody.”

Bitch is going down. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

How do you plan to kill yourself?

Bladewire 08-09-2017 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21942772)
Awan's lawyer IS Clinton's lawyer.

?My source is the golden standard of sources,? Klein insisted. ?The lawyer who is my source is closer to the Clintons than anybody.?

Bitch is going down. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

How do you plan to kill yourself?

Incorrect... again

mineistaken 08-09-2017 06:41 PM

Lock her up!

onwebcam 08-09-2017 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21942781)
Incorrect... again

What is incorrect? That video has nothing to do with what you quoted.

This does though

DNC IT staffer’s lawyer has deep ties to Clintons ? and this is what Imran Awan is charged with – TheBlaze

onwebcam 08-09-2017 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Axeman (Post 21942712)
Pretty pointless to even bother if there is no punishment and they agree to not purse any pay for play etc. I hate just for show shit like this.

It really does suck. Honesty I hope she doesn't take a plea. She will though. If she doesn't many people will go down. They can't allow that or all the fucked up shit she's done to become mainstream news.

Bladewire 08-09-2017 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21942838)
What is incorrect? That video has nothing to do with what you quoted.

This does though

DNC IT staffer?s lawyer has deep ties to Clintons â?? and this is what Imran Awan is charged with ? TheBlaze

In every thread based on reality, FBI raids, etc. you divert and bring up Hillary Clinton conspiracies.

What does that have to do with anything other than you derailing threads based on reality?

slapass 08-09-2017 07:12 PM

Dude, quit debating the brain dead. He is just using you to link fake shit.

onwebcam 08-09-2017 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21942868)
In every thread based on reality, FBI raids, etc. you divert and bring up Hillary Clinton conspiracies.

What does that have to do with anything other than you derailing threads based on reality?


You're about to get bitch slapped with reality.

Oh look Hillary is already finding God like many other criminals do in jail :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Hillary Clinton a preacher? Her spiritual advisor, a Duke grad, has this to say. | McClatchy Washington Bureau

Already working on her "forgiveness" strategy. :1orglaugh

onwebcam 08-09-2017 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21942655)
I am still waiting for you to show us the "facts" you promised in your last post. Would you like me to bump it for you?

Loretta Lynch Used Email Alias As Attorney Ge | The Daily Caller

Lynch was using an alias in those emails per her own lawyer so she was directly involved in the media narrative.

Rochard 08-09-2017 10:17 PM

If there was any shred of truth in this.... It would be front page news. The Democrats would be outraged.

This is part of the problem. "It's on the Internet so it must be true".

I need to get in on this. I can make a blog and write bullshit stories.

onwebcam 08-09-2017 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21943069)
If there was any shred of truth in this.... It would be front page news. The Democrats would be outraged.

This is part of the problem. "It's on the Internet so it must be true".

I need to get in on this. I can make a blog and write bullshit stories.

You pretty much said the same thing on the Lynch + media collusion. I just posted a link which quotes her lawyer stating she is in fact one of the people in those emails discussing the narrative. Why isn't that mainstream news? Could it be because the media that you trust is implicated in it as well? Why aren't you mad about any of that? Could it be because that same media didn't tell you to be mad? Oh that's right you're suppose to be thinking about North Korea. Sorry didn't mean to get you off track.

Bladewire 08-09-2017 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21943075)
You pretty much said the same thing on the Lynch + media collusion. I just posted a link which quotes her lawyer stating she is in fact one of the people in those emails discussing the narrative. Why isn't that mainstream news? Could it be because the media that you trust is implicated in it as well? Why aren't you mad about any of that? Could it be because that same media didn't tell you to be mad? Oh that's right you're suppose to be thinking about North Korea. Sorry didn't mean to get you off track.

:1orglaugh good one :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

You think the FBI going to a judge and performing a pre dawn raid on your idol Manafort is just a "distraction" and the real gold is they're about to close in on your nemisis Hillary Clinton :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

onwebcam 08-10-2017 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21943099)
:1orglaugh good one :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

You think the FBI going to a judge and performing a pre dawn raid on your idol Manafort is just a "distraction" and the real gold is they're about to close in on your nemisis Hillary Clinton :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

It isn't over until the fat lady sings from a jail cell. Preacher lady is getting pounded from many fronts.

Judge orders new searches for Clinton Benghazi emails - POLITICO

Bladewire 08-10-2017 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21943558)
It isn't over until the fat lady sings from a jail cell. Preacher lady is getting pounded from many fronts.

Judge orders new searches for Clinton Benghazi emails - POLITICO

You really REALLY cling onto Clinton :1orglaugh

"The State Department has been ordered to try once again to find emails Hillary Clinton wrote about the 2012 Benghazi attack."

Judges order the impossible all the time. "Try to find the emails again" you hear as "lock her up" :1orglaugh If Hillary Clinton really is as evil and smart as you claim, there is no trace of those 2012 emails on the planet earth, and if there was, they'd be as boring as the ones already found.

Meanwhile in 2017 Trump is under Federal investigation and the Whitehouse is refusing to turnover paperwork in Manafort & Flynn to investigators :winkwink:

onwebcam 08-10-2017 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21943585)
You really REALLY cling onto Clinton :1orglaugh

"The State Department has been ordered to try once again to find emails Hillary Clinton wrote about the 2012 Benghazi attack."

Judges order the impossible all the time. "Try to find the emails again" you hear as "lock her up" :1orglaugh If Hillary Clinton really is as evil and smart as you claim, there is no trace of those 2012 emails on the planet earth, and if there was, they'd be as boring as the ones already found.

Meanwhile in 2017 Trump is under Federal investigation and the Whitehouse is refusing to turnover paperwork in Manafort & Flynn to investigators :winkwink:

The State Department never search it's own computer systems therefore never provided those emails.

Why does Mueller need 2 grand juries?

"The first and most obvious is why a second grand jury was needed at all. There is already a grand jury in Virginia, which is investigating aspects of the so-called Russian connection. That grand jury is fully capable of doing anything the new grand jury can do. It can issue subpoenas for additional documents, summon additional witnesses and consider additional aspects of the case or cases being investigated by Mueller.

So if grand juries really were independent decision-makers of the kind contemplated by the Bill of Rights — if they truly served as a protection for defendants against overaggressive prosecutors — then it would make no sense for a special counsel to bifurcate its work into two separate grand juries."

OPINION | Dershowitz: Why did Mueller impanel a second grand jury in DC? | TheHill

Makes no sense UNLESS you are running two investigations at once.

Bladewire 08-10-2017 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21943591)
The State Department never search it's own computer systems therefore never provided those emails.

Why does Mueller need 2 grand juries?

"The first and most obvious is why a second grand jury was needed at all. There is already a grand jury in Virginia, which is investigating aspects of the so-called Russian connection. That grand jury is fully capable of doing anything the new grand jury can do. It can issue subpoenas for additional documents, summon additional witnesses and consider additional aspects of the case or cases being investigated by Mueller.

So if grand juries really were independent decision-makers of the kind contemplated by the Bill of Rights ? if they truly served as a protection for defendants against overaggressive prosecutors ? then it would make no sense for a special counsel to bifurcate its work into two separate grand juries."

OPINION | Dershowitz: Why did Mueller impanel a second grand jury in DC? | TheHill

Makes no sense UNLESS you are running two investigations at once.

Grand juries are created in the states where crimes take place. Flynn & Manafort live in Virginia, so Mueller created a Virginia grand jury. As the investigations have progressed evidence shows they've tracked the crimes to Washington D.C., so now there is a D.C. Grand Jury to issue subpoenas for evidence of crimes in D.C.

The D.C. Grand Jury was creared about a week after Manaforts raid. So they found something there that linked him to crimes and other people living in D.C.

The foreign bribery expert attorney was hired that same day.

bronco67 08-10-2017 07:12 AM

I'm not sure what it is these idiots think they're going to find in these mysterious emails they keep searching for. Hilary Clinton wasn't running around the compound with an Ak47 and suicide vest. What is it she's is supposed to be guilty of? Not calling something a terrorist attack when it most likely was? Ok...throw her in jail for that?

Bladewire 08-10-2017 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21943648)
I'm not sure what it is these idiots think they're going to find in these mysterious emails they keep searching for. Hilary Clinton wasn't running around the compound with an Ak47 and suicide vest. What is it she's is supposed to be guilty of? Not calling something a terrorist attack when it most likely was? Ok...throw her in jail for that?

One republican stated clearly on live TV that the Benghazi investigations were to get Hillary's popularity numbers down. A second congressman confirmed that two weeks later

They used Benghazi to rally their base and erode Clinton support, this is why a baseless investigation can go on for 4 years and be drug out and restarted over and over again, abuse of power.

Now that Trump is failing and criminal charges are going to be brought soon, the GOP is beating the Clinton drum again to rally the base, as their base erodes in disappointment.

Rochard 08-10-2017 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21943075)
You pretty much said the same thing on the Lynch + media collusion. I just posted a link which quotes her lawyer stating she is in fact one of the people in those emails discussing the narrative. Why isn't that mainstream news? Could it be because the media that you trust is implicated in it as well? Why aren't you mad about any of that? Could it be because that same media didn't tell you to be mad? Oh that's right you're suppose to be thinking about North Korea. Sorry didn't mean to get you off track.

And a year later there is still NO PROOF of any wrong doing by anyone. In fact, you started a thread about it was a "FACT" that the State Department was covering something up.

Remember this? https://gfy.com/fucking-around-and-pr...ing-cover.html

A dozens investigations and all of them have come back as "no wrong doing". No crime has ever been committed.

But you keep trying.

onwebcam 08-10-2017 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21943639)
Grand juries are created in the states where crimes take place. Flynn & Manafort live in Virginia, so Mueller created a Virginia grand jury. As the investigations have progressed evidence shows they've tracked the crimes to Washington D.C., so now there is a D.C. Grand Jury to issue subpoenas for evidence of crimes in D.C.

The D.C. Grand Jury was creared about a week after Manaforts raid. So they found something there that linked him to crimes and other people living in D.C.

The foreign bribery expert attorney was hired that same day.

lmao. NOPE. Charges are brought in the jurisdiction where the crime occurred. Trump wasn't in DC during the election.


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21943648)
I'm not sure what it is these idiots think they're going to find in these mysterious emails they keep searching for. Hilary Clinton wasn't running around the compound with an Ak47 and suicide vest. What is it she's is supposed to be guilty of? Not calling something a terrorist attack when it most likely was? Ok...throw her in jail for that?

Benghazi was CIA a gun running operation ran out of the State Department of which Hillary was the head. They repeatedly refused requests for additional security and sat and watched those people die and then covered up the whole debacle because they didn't want it to be known they were running guns from there.


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 21943960)
And a year later there is still NO PROOF of any wrong doing by anyone. In fact, you started a thread about it was a "FACT" that the State Department was covering something up.

Remember this? https://gfy.com/fucking-around-and-pr...ing-cover.html

A dozens investigations and all of them have come back as "no wrong doing". No crime has ever been committed.

But you keep trying.

Many crimes have been revealed during all of them. Including the Russia Senate hearings. Nearly all of which were democrats. Except no one has had the balls to charge anyone because they are afraid dirt will get slung right back on them. That's the whole point. ALL of these people are doing illegal shit. Now if there were a Hoover of this time something might get done. Will Mueller be it? Will he be impartial to politics? I'm going to say yes. Even though he does lean left politically I think he's one to not let politics get in the way of the law. He's running 2 separate investigations and now has 2 separate grand juries. The only other option is he couldn't convince the first grand jury and switched jurisdictions to get another.

nico-t 08-10-2017 11:25 AM

i love how everyone calls these sites 'fake news haha look at title haha' while absorbing everything CNN blurts out as 'truth'... Even though multiple CNN employees have admitted ON CAMERA that CNN reports are ALL BULLSHIT! They even admit it themselves and you total fools still believe them! How can you be so ignorant, it's insane....

flashfire 08-10-2017 11:45 AM

Wait isn't Hillary locked up?

if not what was all that chanting about

C H R I S 08-10-2017 11:52 AM

Love your idiotic sources....

Rochard 08-10-2017 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 21944233)
Benghazi was CIA a gun running operation ran out of the State Department of which Hillary was the head. They repeatedly refused requests for additional security and sat and watched those people die and then covered up the whole debacle because they didn't want it to be known they were running guns from there.


Was there anything illegal about this? Was any laws broken?

LOL. This is what the CIA does.

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