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crockett 03-14-2019 12:21 PM

Trump has now officially threatened violence in a Britbart interview.
I hate to link to such a shitstain publication, but these are trump's words...


I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.

The guy is fucking nuts, mentally ill and a psychopath.. He's now officially threatening that he can use the military, police and thugs against those who threaten his presidency with investigation. That is a tyrant speaking not a president.

“Paul Ryan wouldn’t give the right to have any subpoenas,” Trump told Breitbart News. “Okay? Now in all fairness, Meadows and Jordan and all these guys, they wanted to go tougher, but they weren’t allowed to by leadership.”

Trump’s comments came in a wider part of the conversation about how the left is more “vicious” than the right—and that the left in American politics plays “cuter and tougher.”

“So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said when asked by Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle about how the left is fighting hard. “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad. But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this invest[igations]—that’s all they want to do is –you know, they do things that are nasty. Republicans never played this.”

Trump is now officially trying to incite violence if he gets impeached or indicted.. That's what he was getting at.. It's long past time this piece of shit was removed from office.

I think it's time all Americans start demanding the removal of this want to be tyrant..

There is zero defending those words.. either you support Democracy, rule of law and balance of power or you support a tyrant. That is the line, Trump has now crossed it.

RedFred 03-14-2019 12:32 PM

No different than the mindset of Hitler.

Busty2 03-14-2019 12:32 PM

Just reading that twats words make me want to vomit. The fucking tard cannot even string a coherent sentence together!

crockett 03-14-2019 12:35 PM

Oh and btw.. when he says Paul Ryan wouldn't give subpoenas.. He's talking about people he tried to call out for investigation because they said bad things about him. He wanted to use Congress as a tool to harass people he didn't like via subpoena despite no wrong doing taking place. Simply because they said bad things he didn't like..

More actions of a tyrant..

This is a clear line that has been crossed, today marks the day that you either support a tyrant or you support America. There is no more middle ground..

2MuchMark 03-14-2019 12:40 PM

I don't think he could command the army to do anything like that. He could try, but I think they would not respond.

crockett 03-14-2019 12:43 PM

This is the second time Trump has pushed for violence.. In his campaign it was largely brushed aside.. when he threatened Hillary..


“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

It's time this piece of shit is removed from office. I suggest every American starts flooding their congressmen will calls to demand his removal. His words are not what this country stands for. This is unacceptable from anyone in power..

RedFred 03-14-2019 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22432296)
I don't think he could command the army to do anything like that. He could try, but I think they would not respond.

Who would have thought he would have been able to do half the shit he's already done? If Trump has shown us anything it's that our democracy and Constitution are very vulnerable.

escorpio 03-14-2019 12:46 PM


crockett 03-14-2019 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by escorpio (Post 22432300)

go to fucking hell you piece of shit..

escorpio 03-14-2019 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432304)
go to fucking hell you piece of shit..


Phoenix 03-14-2019 12:58 PM

Did words upset you again?

crockett 03-14-2019 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22432299)
Who would have thought he would have been able to do half the shit he's already done? If Trump has shown us anything it's that our democracy and Constitution are very vulnerable.

Our democracy and Constitution are only vulnerable if the people allow it to be. It's long past time we shut this system down with mass protests. These actions/words are not the actions of a leader of the people but of a tryant. It's time he is removed.

Congress will not act on their own due to party before country, so it's time the people force Congress to act.

Rochard 03-14-2019 01:12 PM

Holy shit.

crockett 03-14-2019 01:14 PM

There is lots of warnings we've all seen them..

even his former fixer said it to Congress..

“Given my experience working for Mr Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”

-Michael Cohen, to Congress

crockett 03-14-2019 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22432319)
Holy shit.

It's not just Holy Shit.. it's time we start acting like our Constitution matters. It's time we all start calling our congressmen even if those congressmen are lost causes such as in my state. It's time we start drowning them with calls of impeachment.

I have no Representative in the Senate due to both being far right nutters but I will still call them and demand they act, even if it falls on death partisan ears.

Inaction, is no longer acceptable. We have to act. We have to force the issue, it's no longer a option to sit by and wait. This is as big of red flag as there has ever been..

Bladewire 03-14-2019 01:19 PM

Trump's just trolling talking shit.

Republicans in the senate just voted with Democrats to end Trump's fake emergency declaration.

If Trump tried to overthrow America he wouldn't have the support, he doesn't have the support for a fucking wall :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

The things he's saying is damaging to his base. Talk like that will lose him some support.

Trump supporters are fucking idiots.

crockett 03-14-2019 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432325)
Trump's just trolling talking shit.

Republicans in the senate just voted with Democrats to end Trump's fake emergency declaration.

If Trump tried to overthrow America he wouldn't have the support, he doesn't have the support for a fucking wall :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

The things he's saying is damaging to his base. Talk like that will lose him some support.

Trump supporters are fucking idiots.

You are wrong.. I of course do not think the Military or Police would support Trump by insurrection. However he is calling out the loons.. the MAGAbombers.. This is a direct call to action targeting those nutcases to act out against those who go against Trump. if he's impeached or indicted or talked bad about..

He will 100% claim the elections are rigged when he loses and we then have a 50/50 chance he tries to stir shit or walks away. I'm not willing to take that chance that his threats are idle.

The president of the US just threatened me, he threatened you, he threatened our legal system, he threatened all Americans. This must be taken seriously and he must be removed.

Bladewire 03-14-2019 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432329)
You are wrong.. I of course do not think the Military or Police would support Trump by insurrection. However he is calling out the loons.. the MAGAbombers.. This is a direct call to action targeting those nutcases to act out against those who go against Trump. if he's impeached or indicted or talked bad about..

He will 100% claim the elections are rigged when he loses and we then have a 50/50 chance he tries to stir shit or walks away. I'm not willing to take that chance that his threats are idle.

The president of the US just threatened me, he threatened you he threatened our legal system he threatened all Americans. This must be taken seriously and he must be removed.

This is his MO

Say something outrageous, people scream, he walks it back, then redhats laugh that he pissed off the left.

With Trump it's what he does that matters.

The reason he can say outrageous shit is because people don't believe him and they don't take him seriously.

A poll last week said that 67% of Americans believe Michael Cohen over Trump.

Trump base knows that he's a liar and they like to he pisses off the left so he's trying to okay to his base.

Trump can say stuff to stoke the second civil war and the crazies but people don't believe him anymore.

He should be in jail for what he said today. I agree 100%. People know he's trolling. The bar is set so low for Trump.

Maybe it's because I live in California that I'm not worried about it if shit was to go down they'd have a hell of a force to reckon with with California, Nevada, Oregon & Washingtom banding together. Not to mention all the North East.

Trump's a cheap trick & lame duck until 2020 is decided. He'll say more & more outrageous shit as time goes on because talk is all he's got. I'm not taking the bait

crockett 03-14-2019 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432341)
This is his MO

Say something outrageous, people scream, he walks it back, then redhats laugh that he pissed off the left.

With Trump it's what he does that matters.

The reason he can say outrageous shit is because people don't believe him and they don't take him seriously.

A poll last week said that 67% of Americans believe Michael Cohen over Trump.

Trump space knows that he's a liar and they like to he pisses off the left so he's trying to do with they.

Trump can say stuff to stoke the second civil war and the crazies but people don't believe him anymore.

He should be in jail for what he said today. People know he's trolling.

Maybe it's because I live in California that I'm not worried about it if shit was to go down they'd have a hell of a force to reckon with with California, Nevada, Oregon & Washingtom banding together. Not to mention all the North East.

Trump's a cheap trick & lame duck until 2020 is decided. He'll say more & more outrageous shit as time goes on because talk is all he's got. I'm not taking the bait

It does not matter. The president of the United States just threatened violence against people who do not support him. That is a line crossed which can not be excused away.

There is no excuse for this, no walking it back. It must now end with his removal from office. He is unfit for office.

pimpmaster9000 03-14-2019 01:58 PM

Now I am really confused...didnt trump pay that guy to write "the art of the deal"?...trump also said he knows the best words...he should be a master negotiator and not have to throw gang signs...

crockett 03-14-2019 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22432296)
I don't think he could command the army to do anything like that. He could try, but I think they would not respond.

What would Canadian's response be if your Prime Minister threatened to use the police, military & thugs against people who were investigating him?

Would you ignore those words or take them seriously?

What words should Germans of reacted to in order to stop Hitler before he started? If we have not learned from history, then what good is remembering it?

Bladewire 03-14-2019 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432345)
It does not matter. The president of the United States just threatened violence against people who do not support him. That is a line crossed which can not be excused away.

There is no excuse for this, no walking it back. It must now end with his removal from office. He is unfit for office.

I agree 100%

Impeachment will take months

He can't be indicted

He's clearly mentally ill

As long as McConnell controls the Senate and let's Trump do whatever he wants then we live in a quasi dictatorship.

The traitor Repukes in congress should have been taken out long ago they've violated their oath to uphold the Constitution and separation of powers.

BTW if there was a Civil War 2 tech would rise up against the government and don't forgot the majority of the government's IT services are farmed out to Google, Microsoft, Cisco, etc. :winkwink:

Bladewire 03-14-2019 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432349)
What would Canadian's response be if your Prime Minister threatened to use the police, military & thugs against people who were investigating him?

Would you ignore those words or take them seriously?

What words should Germans of reacted to in order to stop Hitler before he started? If we have not learned from history, then what good is remembering it?

Trump is a laughing stock, he's no Hitler. He's not a leader.

After 2 hours of his sweaty babbling the audience at CPAC were laughing at him and walking out. Did you know that?

crockett 03-14-2019 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432350)
I agree 100%

Impeachment will take months

He can't be indicted

He's clearly mentally ill

As long as McConnell controls the Senate and let's Trump do whatever he wants then we live in a quasi dictatorship.

The traitor Repukes in congress should have been taken out long ago they've violated their oath to uphold the Constitution and separation of powers.

BTW if there was a Civil War 2 tech would rise up against the government and don't forgot the majority of the government's IT services are farmed out to Google, Microsoft, Cisco, etc. :winkwink:

We can no longer make excuses for congresses inaction. It's now time for people to react with protest. The issue much now be forced.

crockett 03-14-2019 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432353)
Trump is a laughing stock, he's no Hitler. He's not a leader.

Hitler was also a laughing stock until he wasn't..

escorpio 03-14-2019 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432349)
What would Canadian's response be if your Prime Minister threatened to use the police, military & thugs against people who were investigating him?

Would you ignore those words or take them seriously?

What words should Germans of reacted to in order to stop Hitler before he started? If we have not learned from history, then what good is remembering it?

Shit's going down for real! Go get 'em, tiger!

Bladewire 03-14-2019 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432356)
Hitler was also a laughing stock until he wasn't..

Congress, in a bipartisan effort, just blocked Trump's fake national emergency for a wall.

Do you think Republicans are going to let him start Civil War II if they won't even let him build a fucking wall? No

Trump will start saying even more outrageous stuff as he loses more more power. He is desperate so don't be surprised when it happens and don't take it too seriously.

When his people start acting on what he says, then take notice. They won't BTW :2 cents:

crockett 03-14-2019 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432358)
Congress, in a bipartisan effort, just blocked Trump's fake national emergency for a wall.

Do you think Republicans are going to let him start Civil War II if they won't even let him build a fucking wall? No

Translate start saying even more outrageous stuff as he loses more more power he is desperate so don't be surprised when it happens and don't take it too seriously.

They did not help block it with a veto proof majority of 60 votes. They purposely only got 59..

Bladewire 03-14-2019 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432359)
They did not help block it with a veto proof majority of 60 votes. They purposely only got 59..

As a show of force so he knows if he pushes it more it's just one vote that will neuter him. Trump is threatening another government shutdown for the next budget. This is McConnell's showing him that he's taking back his power now and that Trump had his chance and blew it.

McConnell is over Trump humiliating him. Also, McConnel has a legacy to worry about as he's said not to be running in 2020, his numbers in Kentucky have tanked.

RedFred 03-14-2019 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by escorpio (Post 22432357)
Shit's going down for real! Go get 'em, tiger!

Shits is not apostrophized you illiterate fuck.

beerptrol 03-14-2019 02:22 PM

Chump is a loud mouth beta scum bag.

crockett 03-14-2019 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432362)
As a show of force so he knows if he pushes it more it's just one vote that will neuter him. Trump is threatening another government shutdown for the next budget. This is McConnell's showing him that he's taking back his power now and that Trump had his chance and blew it.

McConnell is over Trump humiliating him. Also, McConnel has a legacy to worry about as he's said not to be running in 2020, his numbers in Kentucky have tanked.

McConnell is a lap dog.. He has done nothing.. He will do nothing. He will continue being a bitch and a traitor to the US Constitution.

This is the type of propaganda the right wing is now using to condition and brainwash it's followers.

This is a video by the NRA...

It's time people wake up and get the fuck off their asses and protect this country from these deranged fucks.

I'm sorry but this is a "either you are with us our against us moment". Trump has threatened the use of violence against those who appose him. There is no middle ground, no excuses, no wait & see it doesn't get any clearer than that..

Bladewire 03-14-2019 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432370)
McConnell is a lap dog.. He has done nothing.. He will do nothing. He will continue being a bitch and a traitor to the US Constitution.

This is the type of propaganda the right wing is now using to condition and brainwash it's followers.

Thisa is the NRA...

I'm sorry but this is a "either you are with us our against us moment". Trump has threatened the use of violence against those who appose us. There is no middle ground, no excuses, no wait & see..

He'll continue being a traitor but public sentiment has shifted and Trump is a lame duck with Democrats controlling the House.

McConnel is a lifetime politician with a legacy to preserve he's not going to let Trump destroys the party (his legacy) the next 2 years. The Senates vote today proves this.

Trump has used up all of his political capital, McConnell has not.

escorpio 03-14-2019 02:33 PM

fake nic party!


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22432364)
Shits is not apostrophized you illiterate fuck.

It's not multiple shits, idiot, it's "shit is."

Bladewire 03-14-2019 02:38 PM

One more thing.

Don't forget the Senate also voted yesterday to end support for Trump's favored Saudi war in Yemen...

So that's 2 signals the GOP has sent, in 2 days, that they're taking back control.

crockett 03-14-2019 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22432373)
He'll continue being a traitor but public sentiment has shifted and Trump is a lame duck with Democrats controlling the House.

McConnel is a lifetime politician with a legacy to preserve he's not going to let Trump destroys the party (his legacy) the next 2 years. The Senates vote today proves this.

Trump has used up all of his political capital, McConnell has not.

I wouldn't trust McConnell to clean my toilet and I will not trust him to put a leash on Trump. I don't give a fuck about McConnell. The President of the United States just threatened to use violence against citizens of this country..

What the fuck does that have to do with McConnell? The only thing at this moment McConnell needs to be doing is opening up impeachment proceedings via the 25th amendment.

The president of the United States is not fit to be in office. There is no more signals which need to be sent. His words demand action.

escorpio 03-14-2019 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by RedFred (Post 22432364)
Shits is not apostrophized you illiterate fuck.


Acepimp 03-14-2019 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22432321)
even his former fixer said it to Congress..

“Given my experience working for Mr Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”

-Michael Cohen, to Congress

^^ CROCKETTE YOU HYSTERICAL NUTJOB!! Cohen said that because it was in the script written by Hillary's lawyer and Adam Schiff you lunatic!

Where's the part where Trump called for violence?? Oh right it's just another dumb lie! Why do you spam the board with this dumbassery???


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22432296)
I don't think he could command the army to do anything like that. He could try, but I think they would not respond.


^^ You guys live in some fantasy land! :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

TheSquealer 03-14-2019 03:09 PM

So,... the very same people that hated Trump before he even announced he was going to run.... hated Trump when he ran and hate Trump even more as President.


MaDalton 03-14-2019 03:37 PM

Whatever Trump says - put his words in Obamas mouth and ask yourself whether your reaction would be the same.

so let's imagine for a moment Obama would have said that sentence - would you defend him?

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