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sarettah 07-11-2017 01:14 PM

Treason - Just for your information
Treason, in the United States, is defined in the constitution (Article III section 3):

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

That means that unless someone fights a war against the U.S. or helps an enemy of the U.S. then there is NO Treason.

The legal Eagles have defined an "Enemy" as someone who we are in a declared or open war with. Since we are not at war with Russia then colluding with the Russians is NOT Treason.

So, please stop with the shouting of Treason, it just makes you look stupid.

Just imho, of course.

Carry on.

bronco67 07-11-2017 01:18 PM

You're trying to defend an indefensible, corrupt bunch of scumbags. So who is stupid again?

sarettah 07-11-2017 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21884011)
You're trying to defend an indefensible, corrupt bunch of scumbags. So who is stupid again?

Excuse me ???? I am not defending anyone. I am simply stating that what has occurred is not, by definition, Treason and continuing to call it as such just shows ignorance.

I am not a Trump supporter by any means.

Now, just GO FUCK YOURSELF very much. :321GFY:321GFY:321GFY:321GFY:321GFY


bronco67 07-11-2017 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 21884017)
Excuse me ???? I am not defending anyone. I am simply stating that what has occurred is not, by definition, Treason and continuing to call it as such just shows ignorance.

I am not a Trump supporter by any means.

Now, just GO FUCK YOURSELF very much. :321GFY:321GFY:321GFY:321GFY:321GFY


Ok, so you're one of those Trump supporters too embarrassed to admit it. That's not unheard of.

You know it's so obvious you're defending Donald Trump. I mean, you love him enough to go out of your way to look up the definition of treason and then copy and paste it to confirm that he's innocent and absolved of all crimes he's most likely committed. At least you would think he's guilty if you can add 2+ 2 and slide on a pair of pants without putting both legs in one side. The things even a half retarded monkey could figure out.

sarettah 07-11-2017 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21884023)
Ok, so you're one of those Trump supporters too embarrassed to admit it. That's not unheard of.

You know it's so obvious you're defending Donald Trump. I mean, you love him enough to go out of your way to look up the definition of treason and then copy and paste it to confirm that he's innocent and absolved of all crimes he's most likely committed. At least you would think he's guilty if you can add 2+ 2 and slide on a pair of pants without putting both legs in one side. The things even a half retarded monkey could figure out.

Dude, for someone who has been on this board for 10 years you aren't too fucking observant.

I have never defended Trump and never will. You can take a look at my posting history and determine that.

The fact that I know what Treason is and Isn't and am willing to voice it is in no way defending anything.

You are making the Trump supporters who get on your ass look right at this point.

I have refrained from posting anything political for a while because I don't want to deal with the idiots, on both sides, who jump in with their half assed opinions. You are no better than Joshua G or Mineistaken at the moment. You are talking out of your ass without a fucking clue.


Bladewire 07-11-2017 01:34 PM

There's no defending having the help of an enemy of the state in swinging American elections.

Anyone who feels otherwise feel free to apply for Russian, Sryian, Chinese or North Korea immigration and good riddance to you!

We've been in a cyber war with Russia & China for years. Denying facts and playing word games to justify what Trump is doing is a losing strategy.

sarettah 07-11-2017 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21884053)
There's no defending having the help of an enemy of the state in swinging American elections.

Anyone who feels otherwise feel free to apply for Russian, Sryian, Chinese or North Korea immigration and good riddance to you!

So, now the Washington Post is apparently defending them.


Disloyalty or policies that harm the United States are treason.

The framers of the Constitution took deliberate steps to ensure that treason trials would not be used as political weapons against opponents. Article 3, Section 3 defines the crime very narrowly......................

Aiding Russia is treason against the United States.

But enemies are defined very precisely under American treason law. An enemy is a nation or an organization with which the United States is in a declared or open war . Nations with whom we are formally at peace, such as Russia, are not enemies. (Indeed, a treason prosecution naming Russia as an enemy would be tantamount to a declaration of war.) ..............................

Leaking classified material or handling it sloppily is treason.

But none of these actions amounts to levying war against the United States, as that offense requires some use of force in an attempt to overthrow the government. No such force or intent is present in any of these scenarios. Nor do the actions constitute aiding the enemy.

Only U.S. citizens can commit treason against the U.S.

But the offense of treason can be committed by any person who owes allegiance to the United States, and this can include noncitizens.

Very few Americans have committed treason.

No person has been executed for treason by the federal government under the Constitution. The small handful of people who have been convicted of the offense at the federal level — such as two militants from the Whiskey Rebellion and several people after World War II — have mostly been pardoned or released. So we are sometimes told that treason has been “rare” in the United States.

Hardly. During the American Revolution, the rebelling Americans were all committing treason against Britain. Similarly, the thousands of Americans who actively aided the British committed treason against the United States. In the Civil War, the hundreds of thousands of men who fought for the Confederacy all levied war against the United States, as did the people who aided and abetted the rebellion.



Bladewire 07-11-2017 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 21884062)
So, now the Washington Post is apparently defending them.


Disloyalty or policies that harm the United States are treason.


The framers of the Constitution took deliberate steps to ensure that treason trials would not be used as political weapons against opponents. Article 3, Section 3 defines the crime very narrowly......................

Aiding Russia is treason against the United States.


But enemies are defined very precisely under American treason law. An enemy is a nation or an organization with which the United States is in a declared or open war . Nations with whom we are formally at peace, such as Russia, are not enemies. (Indeed, a treason prosecution naming Russia as an enemy would be tantamount to a declaration of war.) ..............................

Leaking classified material or handling it sloppily is treason.


But none of these actions amounts to levying war against the United States, as that offense requires some use of force in an attempt to overthrow the government. No such force or intent is present in any of these scenarios. Nor do the actions constitute aiding the enemy.

Only U.S. citizens can commit treason against the U.S.


But the offense of treason can be committed by any person who owes allegiance to the United States, and this can include noncitizens.

Very few Americans have committed treason.

No person has been executed for treason by the federal government under the Constitution. The small handful of people who have been convicted of the offense at the federal level ? such as two militants from the Whiskey Rebellion and several people after World War II ? have mostly been pardoned or released. So we are sometimes told that treason has been ?rare? in the United States.

Hardly. During the American Revolution, the rebelling Americans were all committing treason against Britain. Similarly, the thousands of Americans who actively aided the British committed treason against the United States. In the Civil War, the hundreds of thousands of men who fought for the Confederacy all levied war against the United States, as did the people who aided and abetted the rebellion.



You either feel it's ok for Russia to help throw our elections with hacked emails or you don't. Which is it?

sarettah 07-11-2017 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21884071)
You either feel it's ok for Russia to help throw our elections with hacked emails or you don't. Which is it?

I definitely DO NOT think it is ok.


Espionage, perhaps but not Treason.


Bladewire 07-11-2017 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 21884080)
I definitely DO NOT think it is ok.


Espionage, perhaps but not Treason.

We agree :thumbsup

They're all constantly lying about Russia for a reason. I can't believe anyone backs 7 high up Trump officials lying about multiple meetings with Russia, including out attorney general and Michael Flynn. GOP talking heads on TV defending this is insane.

celandina 07-11-2017 02:14 PM

For fucks sake when do you figure out that Russia is NOT the enemy of the US, so collusion or not there cannot be a treason. Figure out the ISIS supporters living among us and haul them up on treason charges and the Russians will help you to convict them.:thumbsup

This anti Russian witch hunt for the right and from the left is getting tiresome. Just look at the history....

1) Who kicked the Ottoman's out of Crimea ? NOT the Ukrainians.
2) Who discovered coal in Donbass? NOT the Ukraininas.
3) Who murdered many Jews in the war ? NOT just the Germans
4) who murdered many Jews in the Baltics? NOT just the Germans.

Do I need to spell it better? Why the fuck we are supporting these satrap nations and keep pissing at the Russian bear?

Bladewire 07-11-2017 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by celandina (Post 21884134)
For fucks sake when do you figure out that Russia is NOT the enemy of the US, so collusion or not there cannot be a treason. Figure out the ISIS supporters living among us and haul them up on treason charges and the Russians will help you to convict them.:thumbsup

Putin needs to be replaced he's fucking everything up for Russia.

Sarn 07-11-2017 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 21884080)
I definitely DO NOT think it is ok.


Espionage, perhaps but not Treason.


Witch hunt is not directed against Russia but against Americans inside the country))
It always was against innocent people(because Witch not exist), for others to fear.
Instuments of this was most stupid from peoples who belive it is true and to fear.

Bladewire 07-11-2017 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 21884152)
Witch hunt is not directed against Russia but against Americans inside the country))
It always was against innocent people(because Witch not exist), for others to fear.
Instuments of this was most stupid from peoples who belive it is true and to fear.

You're not good at trolling. You were better playing the role of mediator Russian, this antagonistic Russian troll act isn't working for you :2 cents:

Sarn 07-11-2017 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21884155)
You're not good at trolling. You were better playing the role of mediator Russian, this antagonistic Russian troll act isn't working for you :2 cents:

In west witch hunting killed many cute girls. Stop it.

mineistaken 07-11-2017 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 21884050)
Dude, for someone who has been on this board for 10 years you aren't too fucking observant.


Libtards are like that. If you state facts or do not jumo their hate train you are automatically Trump supporter. Or "supporter who does not admit it".

They are illogical, irrational, delusional.

Bladewire 07-11-2017 03:40 PM

Oh look our two resident Russian stooges Mineistaken & Sarn posting together in defense of Putin & Trump on the losing team :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

BaldBastard 07-11-2017 03:42 PM

Two things are certain

This is not the end of the investigation and there's more to come.

Russia is not getting those sanctions removed no matter what the outcome, if anything they are about to get a LOT worse.

Better wake up and smell the roses on that one Ruski friends.

pimpmaster9000 07-11-2017 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21884071)
You either feel it's ok for Russia to help throw our elections with hacked emails or you don't. Which is it?

it is completely OK for russia to rig your elections because you spy on everybody and CIA left and right all over the world and de stabilize and overthrow shit and invade etc...so yes it is completely OK to do to others what they do to you...it is not my opinion, it is fact...if anybody deserves to get its election tampered its the USA...you simply deserve it and you know it LOL :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Sarn 07-11-2017 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21884236)
....Trump on the losing team :1orglaugh:1orglaugh



crockett 07-11-2017 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 21883996)
Treason, in the United States, is defined in the constitution (Article III section 3):

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

That means that unless someone fights a war against the U.S. or helps an enemy of the U.S. then there is NO Treason.

The legal Eagles have defined an "Enemy" as someone who we are in a declared or open war with. Since we are not at war with Russia then colluding with the Russians is NOT Treason.

So, please stop with the shouting of Treason, it just makes you look stupid.

Just imho, of course.

Carry on.

Russia hacked "attacked" our election process and Trump's campaign conspired with them while they were attacking our election process, while purposely trying to change the outcome of our election.

This is most certainly treason if there ever has been..

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mildred_Gillars Axis Sally never waged war against the US but was convicted of treason for being part of the Nazi propaganda machine.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iva_Toguri_D%27Aquino Tokyo Rose had the same fate but she was eventually pardoned.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Henry_Best Was a Nazi supporter, again part of the propaganda machine.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_James_Monti defected to the SS worked as propaganda agent...

None of those people picked up arms and fought against the US, they all helped our enemies and ALL were convicted of treason.

Trump attempted to assist our enemy in order to change the outcome of a fucking election. That is a act of war in my book..

Will they get charged with treason.. No Congress would be too useless to actually set a stern example. but it was treason regardless if he is charged for it or not. Every one of this should be brought up on treason charges and spend life in prison as example that no one ever attempts this again.. As far as I'm concerned they should be shot, but our govt is too soft for that..

TCLGirls 07-11-2017 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 21884080)
I definitely DO NOT think it is ok.


Espionage, perhaps but not Treason.


Treason can be defined as betraying one's country.

If Trump Jr violated this law, https://www.govregs.com/uscode/title...section 30121, then he betrayed his country.

Sarn 07-11-2017 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21884317)
Russia hacked "attacked" our election process and Trump's campaign conspired with them while they were attacking our election process, while purposely trying to change the outcome of our election.

When liberals will start marching? :1orglaugh

Man ging dabei von dem sehr richtigen Grundsatze aus,
daß in der Größe der Lüge immer ein gewisser Faktor des
Geglaubtwerdens liegt, da die breite Masse eines Volkes
im tiefsten Grunde ihres Herzens leichter verdorben als
bewußt und absichtlich schlecht sein wird, mithin bei der
primitiven Einfalt ihres Gemütes einer großen Lüge leichter
zum Opfer fällt als einer kleinen, da sie selber ja wohl
manchmal im kleinen lügt, jedoch vor zu großen Lügen sich
doch zu sehr schämen würde. Eine solche Unwahrheit wird
ihr gar nicht in den Kopf kommen, und sie wird an die
Möglichkeit einer so ungeheuren Frechheit der infamsten
Verdrehung auch bei anderen nicht glauben können, ja
selbst bei Aufklärung darüber noch lange zweifeln und
schwanken und wenigstens irgendeine Ursache doch noch
als wahr annehmen; daher denn auch von der frechsten
Lüge immer noch etwas übrig und hängen bleiben wird ?
eine Tatsache, die alle großen Lügenkünstler und Lügenvereine
dieser Welt nur zu genau kennen und deshalb auch
niederträchtig zur Anwendung bringen.
Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler

Smack dat 07-11-2017 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 21884362)
When liberals will start marching? :1orglaugh

Man ging dabei von dem sehr richtigen Grundsatze aus,
daß in der Größe der Lüge immer ein gewisser Faktor des
Geglaubtwerdens liegt, da die breite Masse eines Volkes
im tiefsten Grunde ihres Herzens leichter verdorben als
bewußt und absichtlich schlecht sein wird, mithin bei der
primitiven Einfalt ihres Gemütes einer großen Lüge leichter
zum Opfer fällt als einer kleinen, da sie selber ja wohl
manchmal im kleinen lügt, jedoch vor zu großen Lügen sich
doch zu sehr schämen würde. Eine solche Unwahrheit wird
ihr gar nicht in den Kopf kommen, und sie wird an die
Möglichkeit einer so ungeheuren Frechheit der infamsten
Verdrehung auch bei anderen nicht glauben können, ja
selbst bei Aufklärung darüber noch lange zweifeln und
schwanken und wenigstens irgendeine Ursache doch noch
als wahr annehmen; daher denn auch von der frechsten
Lüge immer noch etwas übrig und hängen bleiben wird ?
eine Tatsache, die alle großen Lügenkünstler und Lügenvereine
dieser Welt nur zu genau kennen und deshalb auch
niederträchtig zur Anwendung bringen.
Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler

Can't read German. Wat does it say?

crockett 07-11-2017 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Smack dat (Post 21884368)
Can't read German. Wat does it say?

It says Sarn is too dumb to know Nazi's weren't liberal.. :1orglaugh But of course Sarn was one of the guy's calling people in Ukraine Nazi's because they dared defend their country from Russian attacks..

Acepimp 07-11-2017 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21884053)
There's no defending having the help of an enemy of the state in swinging American elections.


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21884317)
Russia hacked "attacked" our election process and Trump's campaign conspired with them while they were attacking our election process, while purposely trying to change the outcome of our election.

^^ There is literally ZERO EVIDENCE of these claims. You two clowns are so butt-hurt that HillBillary lost, that you've become hysterical liars. You're just peddling conspiracy theories.

Meanwhile: The Great Projectionists: Democrat Party Ties to Russia are Criminal

Uncovering the Russia ties of Hillary?s campaign chief

Try getting the facts, people. :2 cents:


slapass 07-11-2017 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 21884023)
Ok, so you're one of those Trump supporters too embarrassed to admit it. That's not unheard of.

You know it's so obvious you're defending Donald Trump. I mean, you love him enough to go out of your way to look up the definition of treason and then copy and paste it to confirm that he's innocent and absolved of all crimes he's most likely committed. At least you would think he's guilty if you can add 2+ 2 and slide on a pair of pants without putting both legs in one side. The things even a half retarded monkey could figure out.

Relax. He is pointing out the obvious, it is not treason. You don't think Jr had a lawyer look up what he was going to say? He is a scumbag but it is not illegal.

BaldBastard 07-11-2017 06:20 PM

I think Rob Szczerba's‏ reply to a Trump Tewwt says it all:

Donald J. Trump‏
My son, Donald, will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight at 10:00 P.M. He is a great person who loves our country!

Rob Szczerba

Just for clarification ... when you say your son "loves our country" ... are you talking about the US or Russia?

First rule of collusion: never put your collusion down in an e-mail with an exclamation point!

Second rule of collusion - don't put the country you're colluding with in the subject line of all your e-mails.

Third rule of collusion - don't copy all your buddies on the meeting invite

Fourth rule of collusion - don't be so dumb as to commit the act in your own office

Fifth rule of collusion - when someone offers you a chance to commit treason, probably not a good idea to write "I love it" in response.

crockett 07-11-2017 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by slapass (Post 21884482)
Relax. He is pointing out the obvious, it is not treason. You don't think Jr had a lawyer look up what he was going to say? He is a scumbag but it is not illegal.

They can call it treason, conspiracy, stupid, crimal or whatever they want. End of the day he just admitted to a crime. He also implicated Kushner for lying on his securty clearance. Another crime. Mansfort is in tne same doodoo as Trump Jr.. Kushner is also in that same doodoo but much deeper..

There is no longer any question on if the Trump campaign attempted to collude with the Russians. This IS the smoking gun. The only question now is how much more collusion there is and if Trump was directly involved.

Trump Jrs emails implicate all 3 in a crime. Yes what they did is very fucking illegal.

Acepimp 07-11-2017 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21884719)
They can call it treason, conspiracy, stupid, crimal or whatever they want. End of the day he just admitted to a crime. He also implicated Kushner for lying on his securty clearance. Another crime. Mansfort is in tne same doodoo as Trump Jr.. Kushner is also in that same doodoo but much deeper..

What crime Crockette? Talking to a lawyer who is not part of any government? Yeah, that's not a crime buddy. You got duped by the fraudulent media.... again. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh


baddog 07-11-2017 10:57 PM

I am surprised these brilliant legal minds even know GFY exists?

Why aren't you guys high-priced lawyers or Supreme Court judges?

Bladewire 07-11-2017 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 21884833)
I am surprised these brilliant legal minds even know GFY exists?

Why aren't you guys high-priced lawyers or Supreme Court judges?

I'm surprised you ever learned how to login or connect to the internet. You've done good for yourself old fella you should be proud.

Sarn 07-12-2017 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Smack dat (Post 21884368)
Can't read German. Wat does it say?

About pre war propaganda

The "big lie" is an expression coined by Adolf Hitler to describe his propaganda technique of telling a lie so colossal that no one would believe someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

He first described this concept in Mein Kampf (German for "My Struggle"), the autobiographical manifesto outlining his plans for ruling Germany.

Hitler proposed that the big lie is credible because the broad masses are less likely to fall for a small lie. This is due to the fact that they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their minds to fabricate colossal untruths, so they would not believe others had either. In other words, Hitler understood that the masses saw the world through rose-colored glasses tinted by their own basic honesty and their assumption of that same trait in others.


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21884377)
It says Sarn is too dumb to know Nazi's weren't liberal.. :1orglaugh But of course Sarn was one of the guy's calling people in Ukraine Nazi's because they dared defend their country from Russian attacks..

Brainwashed fanatics never change.
Ukraine Nazi's too. Have good film about them you can watch.
Watch Hatred (Movie 2016) [HD] Free Online On yesmovies.org

Jel 07-12-2017 03:52 AM

while we're at it, might be a good idea for most here to look up what the word globalist actually means as well.

slapass 07-12-2017 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 21884719)
They can call it treason, conspiracy, stupid, crimal or whatever they want. End of the day he just admitted to a crime. He also implicated Kushner for lying on his securty clearance. Another crime. Mansfort is in tne same doodoo as Trump Jr.. Kushner is also in that same doodoo but much deeper..

There is no longer any question on if the Trump campaign attempted to collude with the Russians. This IS the smoking gun. The only question now is how much more collusion there is and if Trump was directly involved.

Trump Jrs emails implicate all 3 in a crime. Yes what they did is very fucking illegal.

I don't see a crime. Not trying to be a jerk but I don't see where Trump Jr. did a crime.

Sarn 07-12-2017 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Jel (Post 21885097)
while we're at it, might be a good idea for most here to look up what the word globalist actually means as well.


Globalism is a group of ideologies that advocate the concept of globalization. It tends to advocate for such policies as increases in immigration, interventionism, and global governance. Economically, globalism varies between free trade and lowering tariffs to Marxist proletarian internationalism. It is typically viewed as opposite of nationalism, and has become increasingly divisive in politics in many developed countries, such as the United States.

BaldBastard 07-12-2017 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by slapass (Post 21885109)
I don't see a crime. Not trying to be a jerk but I don't see where Trump Jr. did a crime.

Political information costs money to source. Trump jr was at the meeting to get political information that was being supplied by a foreign government, its irrelevant what it was or if he got it or not, he and the others were there to receive it. That's written clearly in the emails he made public.

It’s a crime not only to accept but to solicit anything of value from a foreign national for a campaign. And he's denied meeting any one from Russia when declaring for his security clearance. So its not what crime, but crimes were committed.

If there's enough to charge him Mueller should move soon on it, if not it just becomes part of the wider investigation. The million dollar question is.. Did they tape the meeting part of the investigation in to Natalia Veselnitskaya.

What's certain though, Russia is fucked big time, sanctions are not coming off and if there are charges laid, they're about to get a bigly worse. Ruskis on this board better wake up to that fast. Puttie has fucked you bigly as a country.

Globalism is not to be confused with Globalization.

crockett 07-12-2017 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by slapass (Post 21885109)
I don't see a crime. Not trying to be a jerk but I don't see where Trump Jr. did a crime.

It doesn't matter if you don't see a crime.. The FBI will see it as a crime, because it was.

I'll try to explain it assuming your being honest..

Russia was attempting to interfere with our democratic election process. They hacked the DNC & the RNC and who knows what else.

Now here comes Don Jr attempting to take info from the Russians for the sole purpose of affecting the outcome of the election. That is conspiring to commit election fraud. Just because they didn't get the info they wanted doesn't mean it's no big deal..

You steal someone's wallet only to find out there was no money still makes you a crook.

Don Jr, Kushner and Manafoprt all attempted to conspire with a foreign actor for the purpose of uncovering a suspected crime which would then have effect on the out come of the election.

They were required to pass this info to the FBI, not attempt to acquire it for personal/campaign gain.. Added to this Kushner went on to lie about this meeting on his security clearance form. This is a very big crime in and of it's self.. People have their security clearances revoked for simple shit as putting the wrong amount of debt on it. Yet here we have Kushner lying about meeting with a foreign agent trying to pass info on a political candidate to affect our election. That is a serious crime..

Also with out a fucking doubt this woman was a foreign agent. She was former Russian lawyer at the Kremlin or what ever her position was but she was claiming to be "brokering" info about criminal activity of a political candidate that was coming directly from the Kremlin and she was trying to get something in return. She was trying to affect official US govt policy.. She probably wasn't KGB or what ever the Russians call it but she was acting on behalf of the Russian govt..

Also I wanted to add.. you can't look at this meeting as a isolated event. It shows a pattern of willingness to collude with foreign agents and now add this on top of all the other issues Trump's campaign has sounding them with Russian involvement.

Before we saw there were players involved who had suspicious Russian contacts and almost all of them lied and tried to cover it up. Now we see them actually meeting and attempting to gain info which they were told was coming directly from the Kremlin. This is extremely damning information..

It's a very BIG SOMETHING Burger.. Fox News and Joushamo can claim all day it's nothing but they don't matter.. the FBI & the Special Counsel matter and this will matter greatly to them..

Also on the Kushner front we learned in the last day or two that he attempted to get a 500 million dollar load from Qatar. They wouldn't give it to him and now he was sitting on the presidents ear telling him to take a hard line against them and side with Saudi Arabia..

This is a major scandal in and of it's self but it was over shadowed by Trump Jr's dumbness..

Jared Kushner 'tried and failed to get a $500m loan from Qatar before pushing Trump to take hard line against country' | The Independent


Report: Kushner sought deal for $500M bailout from ex-Qatari prime minister - CBS News

This current admin and the people in it are dirty as fuck and they don't give a rats ass about making America great again. They want to enrich themselves..

Barry-xlovecam 07-12-2017 06:38 AM

Services in kind donated are not unlike money donated -- they can serve the same purpose.

Federal election law prohibits foreign donations to political candidates.

That is not treason per se

That is criminal violation of Federal Election Laws if it occurred by a candidate, or his representatives, before or during an election cycle.

Sarn 07-12-2017 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 21885241)
Political information costs money to source. Trump jr was at the meeting to get political information that was being supplied by a foreign government, its irrelevant what it was or if he got it or not, he and the others were there to receive it. That's written clearly in the emails he made public.

Believe me. Our gov not so stupid for do it like in this fake news. For sell, information about perhaps next president USA through email. You really believe on it?

Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 21885241)
Globalism is not to be confused with Globalization.

Yes Globalism it is group of ideologies and Globalization it is process which they doing)):thumbsup

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