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Old 03-19-2021, 04:28 AM   #1
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Where to buy Facebook accounts

In a separate article, we have already written that Facebook accounts are different. These can be autoregs, brutes, real user accounts, or cloud accounts. A separate criterion is how much the account is warmed up: how many activities the account has, how long ago it was last used, etc.

On the Internet, you can find many ads offering to buy ready-made Facebook accounts. The question is how to understand that the seller will not deceive you.

Where to get accounts

In terms of costs, the cheapest way is to create accounts yourself. But it will take several months to recruit activities, friends and increase the trust of the account. So on the one hand you’ll get a low cost and on the other — this method will take a lot of your time.

Moreover, if you plan to make good money on affiliate marketing, you will need several accounts in reserve in case of ban. Considering that it is better to warm up several accounts at once, in any case, you will have to spend money on proxies, SIM cards and an antidetect browser.

Another option is to ask friends and family to give access to their account to launch ads. But the accounts will end someday, and not everyone will agree to provide you with their accounts, especially if you plan to work with gray or black offers.

As for buying an account, there are three options: contact users directly with an offer to rent or buy their accounts, find a private seller or a company that specializes in selling accounts.

Let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Get accounts directly from users

This method is more often used by companies that specialize in renting or selling accounts. The point is that it will take time to find the right user who would meet a number of criteria:

1.He has a live profile that was created long ago and has a history of activities.
2.The account was not used for advertising or, if used, did not violate Facebook's advertising policy.
3.Suitable for the geo you need.
4.The user agrees to rent or sell his account.

The ability to select an account that suits your criteria. So you will see exactly which account you will get and will be able to externally evaluate its content and activity.

You can set your own purchase price. Usually a live account from 1 year old costs from $30 to $60. But you can set a different price.


Takes a lot of time. It will take time to find users whose accounts are suitable for your tasks. Moreover, it is necessary that these same users agree to sell / rent their account.

There is a risk of deception. The user can ask for a prepayment, while not giving access to the account. It is impossible to cancel the transfer from card to card, and it would be pointless to complain in support of the social network — Facebook is fighting with bots and the sale of accounts and is unlikely to take any measures to somehow punish the user.

Get accounts from a private seller
There are many different account sellers on the internet. Accounts for sale can be posted both on popular resources, and in groups in social networks and forums.


Cost. A private seller doesn’t have to spend money on office rent, taxes, salaries, advertising costs, etc. As a result, it has the ability to offer accounts at a lower price.


No guarantee. A private seller may turn out to be like a real pro in account farming, or it may be a scammer who will receive payment from you, but will not provide accounts. Or the accounts will not meet the specified criteria, for example, the ad account will be banned.

There are rarely additional options. At best, you will not be fooled or even given a proxy and a short-term replacement guarantee. In fact, these may be Data Center proxies that are not suitable for traffic arbitrage on Facebook, and a short warranty period will not provide an opportunity to check the quality of your account: you just start to warm it up, and the warranty will expire.

Get accounts from a company

In addition to private sellers, entire companies are involved in the sale of accounts.


More choice. Unlike private sellers companies can provide you with accounts of different geo and for any budget. This means that having found a trusted company, you can further select different accounts for it for different purposes. Moreover, some of them specialize not only in Facebook accounts, but also in other systems and social networks. For example, Twitter and Google Ads.

The risk of cheating is lower. Selling companies have a lot to lose. Unlike private sellers, large companies have a reputation. If they sell low-quality accounts, in any case, negative reviews will appear over time and this may kill their reputation.

Purchase bonuses. In addition to the accounts themselves, seller companies can offer you some additional services and bonuses. For example, this can be a proxy, a list of recommendations for warming up an account, an antidetect browser, account discounts and / or round-the-clock support.

Warranty. The more a company is confident in its product, the longer is the warranty period.


Cost. The cost of accounts bought in companies is often higher. This can be due to both company costs and bonuses that the company provides along with the accounts.

How to choose a seller

If you want to buy accounts rather than create or search for sellers, please note the following:

What's included in the price. Compare the offer of several sellers before buying an account. Focus not only on the cost, but also on whether there are any bonuses when buying an account. It may turn out that at first glance, more expensive accounts are actually more profitable due to additional options and services that the seller offers.

What guarantees does the seller give. Account guarantees often last 1-2 days from the date of purchase. The longer the warranty period, the more confident the company is in its product.

Reputation. Check the reviews about the seller on trusted resources that specialize in affiliate marketing.
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Old 04-07-2021, 06:31 PM   #2
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HOLY WALL OF TEXT BATMAN ! Who the hell buys FB accounts in adult biz. They won't last long
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Old 06-25-2021, 10:26 PM   #3
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They may not last long because you cannot buy ads for adult related niches on Facebook at all! You will get banned and your funds will get frozen like paypal does from time to time. Skype even is against adult and if you push the limit on the "adult-terms" your account will actually get banned. Be careful on Skype remember MSFT is always listening in believe it or not. Only secure encrypted chat on Telegram is safe these days! Just my opinion I have learned my lessons on Facebook and Skype both for pusing adult offers to the limits. Don't ask me for details hombres just take my word and behave nicely please!
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Old 07-07-2021, 02:13 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jazzix View Post
HOLY WALL OF TEXT BATMAN ! Who the hell buys FB accounts in adult biz. They won't last long
you can have a facebook account, that's not an issue.. Content is the king and in adult industry... images (visual appealing) makes the rule... and also brakes FB rules.
3 private groups I had to close and 1 facebook account because FB changed their shit and posts from 2017 were now "violating" FB's tos... say wtf mtf and my line of business is webdesign but they said No, No No... and I spent an entire year from restriction to restriction... 30 days, after those were done... another post was flagged and again 30 days restriction... when those were done... another post .... 30 days restriction....
Simply deleted my account ... so no.... Facebook is not for adult...

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Old 07-16-2021, 05:08 PM   #5
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thanks for the information

Originally Posted by CamgirlCloud View Post
you can have a facebook account, that's not an issue.. Content is the king and in adult industry... images (visual appealing) makes the rule... and also brakes FB rules.
3 private groups I had to close and 1 facebook account because FB changed their shit and posts from 2017 were now "violating" FB's tos... say wtf mtf and my line of business is webdesign but they said No, No No... and I spent an entire year from restriction to restriction... 30 days, after those were done... another post was flagged and again 30 days restriction... when those were done... another post .... 30 days restriction....
Simply deleted my account ... so no.... Facebook is not for adult...
Thanks for the information however as far as I know facebook has no problem with people buying likes or fans for their pages!
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Old 12-23-2022, 05:39 AM   #6
Jesus H Christ 2.0
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Originally Posted by luismartinez View Post
Thanks for the information however as far as I know facebook has no problem with people buying likes or fans for their pages!
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Old 04-18-2023, 04:40 AM   #7
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Just buy a cellphone, use it for tether, and make all the accounts you need.
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Old 12-13-2024, 07:39 AM   #8
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Have been thinking about buying FB as they are constantly blocked. For advertising.
But we concluded that it's a waste of money because of the blocking
ApreeTeam Service Manager, Lilly
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Old 01-03-2025, 02:15 PM   #9
I'm clockin' ya, Versace shade watchin' ya
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