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Old 05-13-2011, 12:51 AM   #1
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How I Made my First Site

I originally made this tutorial over the span of a couple weeks some years ago. Since then I have had tremendous growth by applying this formula to underserviced keywords. I have gathered all the posts and done some reformatting to make it easier to follow. I hope this exercise is as helpful to you as it was for me. So without further adieu:

All I ask is that if you sign up under my refcode at Kinky Dollars. Pwwwease?

============== DAY 1 =================
You'll need to decide on a specific niche within BDSM, and even more specifically a keyword phrase or two from that subniche. Try to find phrases that are under-represented but not SUPER-SUPER-OBSCURE.

For example I chose Lesbian BDSM (since they have several sites dedicated to this) I also chose the keyword phrase "Lesbian Spanking". I chose this because it was very underrepresented in the search engines. The more specific you can make it the better. Now even though I rank highly on these keywords, they don't attract very much traffic, which IS OKAY! Because the traffic it does attract is looking for something VERY specific and if you give it to them they are MUCH more likely to sign up than a TGP freeloader. Kinky Dollars also does 50% revshare for life, and this type of traffic tends to rebill very well, at least it does for me.

Once you have your keyword phrase and sub-niche, buy a domain and get some reasonable hosting for it. You can get a domain and a year of hosting for ~ 50$, and if you aren't willing to invest that much in the business then you are REALLY hurting your long term profits. Trust me, I've done the freehost thing, it will cost you less upfront but will ASS FUCK you on the back end. Get a domain that contains your keyword phrase. If your phrase is "Bound Redheads" then you would ideally want boundredheads.com, but dashes are also acceptable (ie. bound-redheads.com, bound-red-heads.com, etc) I usually stick with .com's, just arbitrarily but .net's and .org's will do just fine. I would not recommend any domain that isn't supported by ICANN, so I personally stay away from .biz or .tv and i also think they command less respect from surfers but I might be totally wrong, so take that last part with a grain of salt.

Now we have our keyword BDSM sub-niche and keyword phrase and our .com with our phrase it in. We are ready to begin. This is the end of phase one.

========= Homework for Day 2 ==============

What you will need for DAY 2 is download as many pictures and videos from Kinky Dollars Free content section that depict your sub-niche. THEY DON"T HAVE TO BE A SERIES! Just a single picture or single clip that contains your fetish is good! If you selected "bound red heads" for your phrase for example, then find only pictures and clips with red headed girls tied up.

Save all the pics and videos in a folder and get as many as you can. There is no quick way to do this, just sift through as much content as you can.

========== DAY 2 ============
Now that we have our hosting/domain set up and we have a healthy pile of pictures and videos, its time to start compiling them in a meaningful fashion. Unless you are super old school, you're going to need a html editor. I'm partial to Dreamweaver but it costs a couple hundred bucks (though you can download a 30-day free trial), but there are many others that will do the job (frontpage, Nvu, etc.) Now exactly how you do this is very much up to you. When I first started I had poor design skills, so my sites are very straight foward. This is how I organized my content.

Picture Pages.
-9 pictures (3x3)
-picture size maximum of 200 wide or 200 tall depending on the orientaiton of the picture (if you are good at making thumbnails, then play around with this).
-The 9 pictures are all from DIFFERENT photo sets, not all from the same one. For the typical gallery viewer this is information overload, but because we are attracting surfers looking for a very specific niche and because we only have 9 large thumbnails per page, it works well. Each thumbnail should open directly to its larger picture, don't bother opening it in another html page. (whether you want to open a new window with target="_blank" is a matter of preference.)

-I put NO BANNERS anywhere on the page. I do this for a few reasons: 1) anything that is 468x60 surfers are basically trained to ignore, and as such receive much less attention than text or buttons. 2) our site will be very organized. it will carefully funnel visitors from our front page to our sponsor page that will best attract them to sign up.

-At the bottom of the 3x3 (or whatever you decide) rows of pictures place a noticeable text link that says "View More Pictures" or "More Pictures" or something. You may want a small graphical arrow pointing to it. It should be the main link on the page and should attract the most attention. This is the link to our sponsor. Because the front page will have many many pictures on it, the surfer does not feel tricked and we get him/her to browse much more material and decide if they like the site.

-Put any necessary links in small text at the bottom below a <hr> (link 2257 info, contact, copyright, etc). make sure this doesn't detract from your main link.

One trick I've found is to change the link color when the user hovers over the link, not dramatically, just a few shades lighter. I think it encourages them to click by giving feedback, but that might be totally in my mind.

Organize your pictures into groups of 9 in this same manner and save the html pages with descriptive words to help seo like bound_redhead_pics.html or some such.

Video Pages.
Depending on how many videos you have, seperate them into groups. I find 5-6 videos on a page is good. These pages are even more enticing than the picture pages. I recommend displaying the videos in this manner:

For each video, make a centered table with 3 rows and 1 col. Set the border on the table to 0 so it's invisible. In the top cell put a screen shot of the video, I save them right from the screenshots in the content area. It should be about 200-300 pixels and roughly square. In the second cell, put a short KEYWORD RICH description with a different background color. and in the 3rd cell, put a link that says "Download (whatever.mpg)" with another different background color. Put 5 or 6 of these on a page and at the bottom put another attention grabbing link that says "View more Videos" or some such. This also goes to your sponsor. You could include a sponsor link after each video also if you would like.

We're not going to worry about the index page just yet, but make sure you organize the pages you are creating to make them easy to link to from the first page. We never want our surfers to be more than 2 clicks from the sponsor.

=========== DAY 3 HOMEWORK =============================

- For tomorrow, keep track of the pages you make and try to make at least 4 picture ones and 2 video ones.

- Find a few pictures from the same series that you could write a story about (yes, those creative writing classes may come in handy after all)
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Old 07-04-2021, 09:02 AM   #2
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everyone has its own style in programming, developing ... some start with gathering resources, doing graphics so on, after that "connecting the dots" and place content in pages... others start on paper and move to production and development after the idea comes shape ... at the end, if the overall project is useful, behind the scenes doesn't really matter much.

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Old 07-04-2021, 02:17 PM   #3
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Man, for me this was time-travel to the past, 90s
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Old 08-24-2021, 08:49 AM   #4
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You can use WordPress to create a site without any programming knowledge and thousands of free plugins and theme you can use.
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Old 08-24-2021, 11:28 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Mikehan View Post
You can use WordPress to create a site without any programming knowledge and thousands of free plugins and theme you can use.
In other words, its so easy even a caveman could do it
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Old 08-25-2021, 05:07 AM   #6
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Check WordPress on Google. You will know the truth.
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Old 12-03-2021, 02:58 AM   #7
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I studied html in school, dreaming that someday I would create websites
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Old 05-18-2022, 07:06 AM   #8
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Gorilla hand jobs nice read.
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Old 05-22-2022, 11:57 PM   #9
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Very nice read! hope to see more! 11 years later & the sites are down & unfinished
hahaha good read tough
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Old 05-23-2022, 03:27 PM   #10
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Old 05-24-2022, 08:44 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by MelkieWey View Post
Very nice read! hope to see more! 11 years later & the sites are down & unfinished
hahaha good read tough
Maybe he has/had other sites not mentioned here.

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Old 07-29-2022, 05:17 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Mikehan View Post
You can use WordPress to create a site without any programming knowledge and thousands of free plugins and theme you can use.
Yeah, you can, but .. fuck that noise.

Originally Posted by hornyasf View Post
In other words, its so easy even a caveman could do it
Haha!! Love it.

Originally Posted by j3rkules View Post
Maybe he has/had other sites not mentioned here.
Maybe. But he posted this May 13th of 2011. 11 years and 3 months ago; and also joined in the same month and year.
This looks more like a promotional thread to advertise the BDSM content he speaks of. Not that it makes a difference.


And btw, FUCK TUBE SITES that give away free pussy content! Not even the lovely professional escorts give away free pussy. And they are rich without relying on AD Clicks! Figure it out.
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Old 12-16-2022, 08:09 PM   #13
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Completly rebuild my website!
Now with moar iframes
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Old 04-18-2023, 04:19 PM   #14
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I used Netscape Composer
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Old 04-29-2023, 04:33 AM   #15
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I really love this yeee olde guide... i just say, get domain name, get a tiny server, WHM,cpanel,wordpress for good messure cus php, html, js, css only works if you node.js bootstrap to Analytics your Bing AI

hahahaha its all in the net of nets ur shitty project can collect!

[IMG]brandynette.com March-April 2023[/IMG]
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Old 09-11-2023, 12:55 AM   #16
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Dreamweaver...wow...haven't thought about that for years. I remember Dreamweaver and Macromedia Flash day in and day out back then. Illustrator... Jasc Paintshop... feeling nostalgic now.
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Old 11-01-2023, 01:24 AM   #17
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The first video helped me was a guy talking about elementor
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Old 01-02-2024, 08:25 AM   #18
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Yah good for the first site, good start, and try again again for some knowledge. It old post and now you are come to a big kingdom?
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Old 12-13-2024, 07:38 AM   #19
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This post showed up in the top and I thought it was fresh
Hello 2011!
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Old 02-05-2025, 02:38 AM   #20
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It's like a time machine)
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