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96ukssob 09-03-2010 12:20 AM

Wow :helpme

I've been offline for a bit the past few days in meeting and thankful I decided while at the ATM the other day to take out as much as I can from epass...

Hope it gets resolved soon

Nathan 09-03-2010 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Loki (Post 17463186)
IF (and that is a HUGE IF) Braz zers has absolutely nothing at all to do with this then I will be more then happy to apologize, as I have NEVER been one to shoot my mouth off, and WHENEVER I'm wrong I'm the first to admit me.

But spin this however you wish to spin this, it is a solid fact that Braz zers used EVERY SINGLE one of the services closed down / froze / investigated etc, they were the common thread to each of those places, that you can not deny however you can spin it.

The banks that were shut down DID tell their customers WHY they were being shut down.

But hey, like I said, IF I'm wrong and Visa is not locking down to further trace back money tied to Braz zers & Co. I will make a nice public apology :thumbsup


Loki, EVERY big company in adult used all of those services, its ridiculous to think its our fault.

But thank you for saying that you will apologize, we'll see if it happens once its done.

@st0ned, why should it not be?

Obviously we like 95% of the industry uses ePassporte. I right now have no idea how many of our funds are on the virtual visa, but I think its not a lot, at least I hope its not... I am not even sure if we use the virtual visa, but I honestly doubt we do...

Dcat 09-03-2010 12:24 AM

This really sucks, and it shows the power that VISA has over our lives.

It's going to get a whole lot more REAL for folks in the coming years when the finance industry finally has everyone switched over to this little guy (never mind VV), and then they decide to turn it OFF on you. They'll be able to separate you from your money at the flick of a switch.


</end conspiracy>

Kiopa_Matt 09-03-2010 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dcat (Post 17463220)
They'll be able to separate you from your money at the flick of a switch.

Ummm, apparently they already have that power. Haven't you been reading the 10 page thread? :)

PXN 09-03-2010 12:26 AM

All I can say is Michael O doing a good job. I wish every adult program hire people like him.

Captcha 09-03-2010 12:26 AM

give me my money back :(

Farang 09-03-2010 12:31 AM

Shoot me.

Dcat 09-03-2010 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by RDFrame (Post 17463221)
Ummm, apparently they already have that power. Haven't you been reading the 10 page thread? :)

It will be a LOT more fun when ALL your cards, VISA, AMEX, MC, DEBIT, BANK ACCOUNTS.. et al will be combined into a SINGLE chip. ;-)

It will be SOOOOO "CONVENIENT" and "COOL".. ..right up until your chip gets switched OFF.

Michael O 09-03-2010 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by paymeback (Post 17463205)
I'm doing this as i speak. Can we email you the documents to get it processed faster?

Sorry no

Loki 09-03-2010 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Nathan (Post 17463215)
Loki, EVERY big company in adult used all of those services, its ridiculous to think its our fault.

But thank you for saying that you will apologize, we'll see if it happens once its done.

Nathan, that's a pretty broad (and bold) statement to make, you can't possibly know what every big company uses when it comes to banks, I do know for a solid fact that in these current times, when a big company finds a new bank to handle them they keep their mouth shut about it, because of what some companies have done over the years.

I know plenty of big companies for example who did NOT use WMC, and that WMC had their assets frozen because of....... online gambling and one of their clients they were processing for, and that client was.....

The same things were said during the bank shutdowns, when banks had their accounts frozen and processing ability pulled due to..... Online Gambling and behind the scenes when some companies were given heads up days before shit went down one name was mentioned over and over, and that name was......

I'm not one to pass on rumors it's not my style but when you hear the same one over and over again while everything around you starts to collapse in my mind it becomes LESS of a rumor and more of a gospel.

months back there was a (failed) boycott here when your traffic leg skinned GFY, tons and tons of people got themselves banned because they did not agree with GFY taking money from a company that was single handedly ruining our biz, (I say failed cause most came back, and the skin stayed as most knew it would)

I don't do drama, no time for it, but this has effected me and my family personally, and this also directly effects my ability to pay my bills and take care of my family so I spoke up, and I pointed out the things I see (in this case a pattern, that everywhere your company is goes down for the same reasons) and like I said before If I'm wrong I'll admit it, without prob.

However, and this is not me being a dick or a weasel, but the ONLY way to know this was NOT caused by you is for Epass to SAY it wasn't due to your account/s and your biz practices, if they don't say it then there is no way for me or anyone else to know it really wasn't caused by you.

But if in fact it was a HUGE glitch by Visa, or some odd Hack thing that compromised all the cards and Epass says it was _________________________ and Nothing else then you got me 'dead to rights' and I will as I always am, be a man of my word.


hairyman 09-03-2010 12:47 AM

Is it possible to do a wire from wallet to a non-US bank account?

k0nr4d 09-03-2010 12:51 AM

Michael, can you do us a favor and when you find out any updates maybe start up a new thread about it? Many people are interested in what will come of this, and it will save everyone having to look through the 50 page thread this will be by the end of the day hoping for something new.

Vjo 09-03-2010 12:52 AM

Loki, no need to explain. Really feel for anyone who had decent money frozen here. (and "decent" is a relative term)

Me and Bossku just happened to withdraw some on Wed prob hours before. We were lucky. There should be no luck in finances.

Really hope this can be turned around quickly.

istinspring 09-03-2010 12:55 AM

i got my card today via mail =( my money is locked. fuck

killshot 09-03-2010 12:56 AM

I lost $40k when Ibill went down. I learned my lesson and now I only accept cocaine as payment. Banks & 3rd party processors are for chumps.

Paul&John 09-03-2010 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 17463255)
Michael, can you do us a favor and when you find out any updates maybe start up a new thread about it? Many people are interested in what will come of this, and it will save everyone having to look through the 50 page thread this will be by the end of the day hoping for something new.

Good idea, or just create a thread updateable by Michael.
Thanks Michael for the support.

Michael O 09-03-2010 12:57 AM


I have 50+ ICQs waiting.

Email me at [email protected] and you will get an answer within 24 hours

paymeback 09-03-2010 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Michael O (Post 17463241)
Sorry no

My bank/debit card statement doesn't have my visa card number on it anywhere which is required for ID. How do i get around this then? Dont really want to wait 7-10 working day and then get it denied..

boneless 09-03-2010 01:00 AM

Michael, you said you were confident that things will turn out on the ok side of things.

Do you have any timeframe in your mind which it should take to resolve this?

Yahook 09-03-2010 01:02 AM

Hello Michael, please tell me what can happen with money that are currently on visa cards? Is there way to get them later or there is a chance that all these money will be blocked forever?

greg80 09-03-2010 01:03 AM

I have a very, very bad feeling about this

mcfester 09-03-2010 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Michael O (Post 17463198)
When adding a new card you will have to verify it by sending in documents, ID, front and back of card (can block middle 8 digits) and recent statement or utility bill for the card.

You can add the card to the account if there are any issues please email me.

And what about wire transfers? Do you wire to Thai or UK bank accounts?

PersianKitty 09-03-2010 01:06 AM

No problems here. I keep all my funds in my virtual wallet and transfer to a checking account.

Seems I recall a message from Epassporte back in Feb of 2009 that stated

"ePassporte also highly recommends that you keep the majority of your funds on your ePassporte Wallet instead of your Visa Virtual Account. The ePassporte Wallet enables you to keep funds separate from your Visa Virtual Account and Visa Electron Card until you transfer the funds from the ePassporte Wallet to the Visa Virtual Account for use. By keeping your funds on the ePassporte Wallet, you ensure that your funds are protected in the event your Visa Virtual Account or Visa Electron Card is ever lost, stolen, or compromised through a stolen database, a merchant, or an ATM.

To initiate the transfer to your ePassporte Wallet, go to "My Account," select the "Transfer Money" option from the navigation bar, and click the "Wallet To/From Visa Virtual" button."

Btw Michael... you're doing a bang-up job putting out fires. Never seen someone so "on" an issue.

phonesex 09-03-2010 01:08 AM

From what I can see the money should have automatically been sent to the wallet to protect us.

DVTimes 09-03-2010 01:12 AM

10 pages already.

k0nr4d 09-03-2010 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by phonesex (Post 17463288)
From what I can see the money should have automatically been sent to the wallet to protect us.

Hi, mr multi million dollar client, Visa here. We're canceling your accounts. Kthx bye! *click*

ilbb 09-03-2010 01:14 AM

well I just checked epass and all my money are in virtual visa account. fuck

Slappin Fish 09-03-2010 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Loki (Post 17463186)
IF (and that is a HUGE IF) Braz zers has absolutely nothing at all to do with this then I will be more then happy to apologize, as I have NEVER been one to shoot my mouth off, and WHENEVER I'm wrong I'm the first to admit me.

But spin this however you wish to spin this, it is a solid fact that Braz zers used EVERY SINGLE one of the services closed down / froze / investigated etc, they were the common thread to each of those places, that you can not deny however you can spin it.

At least somebody gets it.

Writing was on the wall when the CAL Bank/Paygea cluster fuck started unraveling, since the same guys (not only Brazzers) processing there were also using St kitts for their more aggressive stuff. I send an email to Michael 4 months ago asking how much of a risk it was to epass, he knew little about it, I believe he genuine knew little about it, so I started taking money out, but of course got lazy, didn't follow my own advice and left plenty in there... :disgust

madawgz 09-03-2010 01:16 AM

this is terrible news...i hope everyones money is secure

Loki 09-03-2010 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 17463294)
Hi, mr multi million dollar client, Visa here. We're canceling your accounts. Kthx bye! *click*

Okay, that made me chuckle as bad as it is, and I really did need a good laugh right now.


Vjo 09-03-2010 01:18 AM

I get no warnings trying to send money from Virtual Visa from me to another epass account holder. But I havent clicked the final button. So maybe i should see what happens.

Send it to someone who BETTER have VV turned off.

What a mess.

izzynew 09-03-2010 01:19 AM

Just wow!
I was working offline and the first I knew was when I logged into my email to find a message from a sponsor (Shemale Profit) telling me about this.
At least they acted quickly to make sure affiliates changed from VV to Wallet.
Wonder how many more sponsors will do the same.

Brujah 09-03-2010 01:19 AM

Oh no :( My ramen budget is frozen. How will I get my ramen now?

SarahLLO 09-03-2010 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by phonesex (Post 17463288)
From what I can see the money should have automatically been sent to the wallet to protect us.

For a lot of people, it was. As has been stated 50 times in this thread already, ePass gives you a choice. Go change your settings now if you have it set to receive money on the VV and not your wallet.

PornMD 09-03-2010 01:32 AM

I always w/d the moment I get paid, though that was just to get it in the bank where I'd make more use of it since I never pay for anything with ePass. I had a sale a couple days ago where I took ePass and thankfully got it out.

I can't imagine how much some of you have stuck in there. :(

TeenCat 09-03-2010 01:35 AM

oh my man ... my weekend and vacation plans, my domain renewalls, my daily needs ... everything is now gone, oh crap, not a good friday morning to wake up to ... :Oh crap any chances to get the things back on track, or can we put our epass cards on the wall? oh man ... what a bad day in history ...

Raja 09-03-2010 01:36 AM

Times like this it would be nice if the owner of the company posted the announcement. His silence makes me think this isn't going to end well.

Any Swankdollars.com affiliates that are short on funds b/c of epass holding your cash hit me up, I have an idea that can help us both out...Can have a wire to your account by Monday morning.

seeandsee 09-03-2010 01:37 AM

hosting, domains... how to pay now :(

UndressJess 09-03-2010 01:38 AM

Yeah this sucks big time for me as I don't have a regular bank account and use epassporte for pretty much everything. Please keep us updated as you find out more information.

ContentPimp 09-03-2010 01:39 AM

This is retarded!!! Way to fucking destroy businesses!!! The most important thing is that the epass owner made a fucking movie and you spammed the fuck out of your clients about it!!!

k0nr4d 09-03-2010 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Raja (Post 17463325)
Times like this it would be nice if the owner of the company posted the announcement. His silence makes me think this isn't going to end well.

They probably don't have internet on his flight to <insert name of non extradition treaty country here> :1orglaugh

KillerK 09-03-2010 01:40 AM

Wow... Epass is the next iBILL

pradaboy 09-03-2010 01:41 AM

I love how Michael's handling of the situation but...

If there were no safeguards in place for a situation like this, what makes anyone think there will be a new solution that makes them bounce back "stronger". Clearly there were no alternatives, why would this change all of the sudden?

camchoice 09-03-2010 01:44 AM

Michael , we just transfered money to epass to pay our studios, models and affiliates. Is that money still coming through and is it going to be added to our wallet ? Our setting is to receive in wallet.

Vjo 09-03-2010 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by izzynew (Post 17463306)
Just wow!
I was working offline and the first I knew was when I logged into my email to find a message from a sponsor (Shemale Profit) telling me about this.
At least they acted quickly to make sure affiliates changed from VV to Wallet.
Wonder how many more sponsors will do the same.

First thing I seen too. :thumbsup Shemale Profit.

Sponsors, do not send epass payments until you alert your epass affils to switch to Wallet.

Those outside the US still do not know if they can wire or transfer from Wallet to bank acct. This is real important to this new method working properly.

Bump this Q for Michael: Can people outside the US wire or transfer from their Wallet to their bank account?

Goose 09-03-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dcat (Post 17463220)
This really sucks, and it shows the power that VISA has over our lives.

It's going to get a whole lot more REAL for folks in the coming years when the finance industry finally has everyone switched over to this little guy (never mind VV), and then they decide to turn it OFF on you. They'll be able to separate you from your money at the flick of a switch.


</end conspiracy>

I couldn't agree more.

ContentPimp 09-03-2010 01:49 AM

This marks the day of a new era, since PAYPAL doesn't accept adult what now!!!!

DVTimes 09-03-2010 01:50 AM

Quick question:

Has this been sent to Epassporte users via email?

Often I get emails from Epassporte, but I do not seem to about this.

To be honest no sponser has at yet seemed to have sent any emails out.

hawkadu 09-03-2010 01:50 AM

Hi Michael, is somebody talking to VISA about this? In this thread i read that visa operates from mon to thu only so does it mean that we shouldn't expect an update before Monday-Tuesday?

DVTimes 09-03-2010 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by tinafaye (Post 17463348)
This marks the day of a new era, since PAYPAL doesn't accept adult what now!!!!


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