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Nysus 07-05-2010 01:09 PM

NOTE: Everything I say can be backed up with logs / emails. William / Pr0 is however outright lying about everything related to the work I paid him for - and didn't receive. Everything else by him is exaggerated, irrelevant and ridiculous - and he still continues to attack me and play games. I just want him to give my $2,000 back.

Here are my replies to pr0's / William's list of requests which are outright lies or just plain ridiculous:


Originally Posted by pr0 (Post 17294071)
I'm requesting Nysus to make a new thread apologizing (in a non-sarcastic fashion) including the following admissions.

1) I request he admit to having spoken to my ex-employee in a non-professional manner, with threatening undertones. Which lead to said employees departure.

I admit, my final email to your employee - I said 'fuck' in it. My sentences were aggressive because I was angry - but there were no threats in it. You're just trying to save face by trying to make me look bad.


Originally Posted by pr0 (Post 17294071)
2) I request he admit to being told up-front that this deal was a personal "favor", that I personally would not make a profit, and that my employee was only interested in doing it on a personal level, in exchange for an advertising % off the completed network. Which he then "A quarter of the way through the contract deadline" Nysus pulled from the table due to "wanting to sell the completed network to the highest bidder"

Outright lie. I repeatedly said it was only a possibility that if a good job was done then I'd want someone to continue to run them, and then I'd offer a % of advertising to continue running it.

Stop trying to make me look bad with lies. It's defamation. You're now going beyond personal attacks, and attacking my character.

It was well-known to you beforehand that it was an option to either sell, or if it was profitable soon enough I'd think about keeping it - which makes sense then for maybe then wanting to keep your guy on for a %, no?


Originally Posted by pr0 (Post 17294071)
3) I request he admit to having broken the non-disclosure agreement. That the contract was initially requested by Nysus himself for "his protection". As a side note, I request he admit to "not agreeing on the contract initially " because of the non-disclosure agreement being included in the contract. The very section of the contract he then later ignored. I request he admit telling me, the reasoning for this, was, a predetermined notion, that he would once again be taken advantage of.

I'll admit I mentioned a monetary figure to an employee of yours - that wasn't breaking the non-disclosure though, sorry. Your posting the monetary figure publicly on GFY and then other details was though.

Yes - I questioned a non-disclosure agreement from you. You wanted me to sign a document basically saying I couldn't do anything I might have learned from you. I've been doing SEO a long time and I had 140 gay domains, various keywords, etc. that I was hiring you to develop into a proper network because I had some preconceptions that you could get the work done. And the only reason I sent you money was because what you had said you would do is nearly exactly what I had wanted done. Ridiculous of you to bring that point up.

I read over your contract, yes, because I had been taken advantage of / fucked over before in the past, yes. I will admit to that. Who wouldn't do that? Are you listening to yourself?


Originally Posted by pr0 (Post 17294071)
With this I intend to show that Nysus has a history of exactly these type of Business deals in the past (being supposedly "ripped off" several dozen times at his own admission). I intend to show, that he sought to put himself in a 100% one-sided favorable, no risk situation. That should things not go to his "acceptable speed of completion" (to be determined by him) he fully intended to get a full repayment (before the end of contract date), or else take out the full brunt of his anger on myself publicly, for all those dozens of times he was "wrongfully taken advantage of".

No risk situation? What? Why should there be risk when I'm hiring a company to do work for me?

"acceptable speed of completion"? The agreed upon deadline wasn't met. I don't care that YOU put a date further ahead than we agreed in the contract (which I assumed was correct). Not even 5% of the work was completed by the time I asked for my money back (at least a month after the deadline date).

Taking out my full brunt of my anger on you publicly - that was my plan? Really? It was at least 1 month after the agreed upon deadline that I posted on the boards to ask for my money back. I'm not sure how that equates to taking out my full brunt of anger on you publicly. I've just been posting facts about why you owe me $2,000 - how you fucked me over, and having to respond to all of your attempts to defame me.

The more and more you trick yourself, the more irritated you're going to make yourself. You're putting yourself into a corner in your thoughts giving yourself less and less space to navigate. You need to let go, acknowledge the situation - the work wasn't done, and return my money for work not completed. It's as simple as that. But you're still probably running on a defensive mode, you can't let go - so much for your yoga and meditation practice, eh? You forgot the whole part of non-violence and be kind to others (and yourself) too.

I've heard lots of things about you since posting this from private messages. Where you setup a work place in Europe, specific town even. And other things from other people - but I've not used them or attacked you with them. I could have attempted to tarnish your reputation with hearsay, but I haven't. I could have made up and lied, but I haven't. You've done all of that though, and more. You're a very bad person IMHO and anyone with a conscience shouldn't support you.


Originally Posted by pr0 (Post 17294071)
Therefor I intend to bring to light....that he expected failure from the start, jumped the gun, & created the EXACT situation he had experienced before, of multiple companies starting work & not finishing it. No doubt directly linked to him quickly losing his temper & verbally assaulting/degrading an employee/manager at the first moment he felt things were not progressing to his liking.

Wow! Verbally assaulting and degrading an employee? That's quite an accusation and a lie. I'm going to ask Eric for you to post proof of that one otherwise have you ban, and then you'll have to change your nickname. And then all the other 40+ people who have been following this and will be on GFY will figure out who you are, because they hate people like you. Social media tools make it easy to keep track of people and their businesses too.

And by things not progressing to my liking and quickly losing temper, do you mean the email I sent 4 days after the deadline past? You're just making this so ridiculous and convoluted with lies and exaggerations. Good job with that though.


Originally Posted by pr0 (Post 17294071)
4) Apologize for posting my personal information on GFY originally (then the web). Then immediately remove any existing web sites, still being used today as pseudo-extortion.

I already apologized as was requested by Eric.

Extortion? This is the social web, and you, and your company were paid $2,000 and didn't do the work. If you don't want people posting negative TRUE things about you or your company, then don't fuck them over.

The best you can do right now is give me the money back, and then you can tell people you paid me back, and I will tell people that you did.


Originally Posted by pr0 (Post 17294071)
5) I request he admit to accepting "personal favors" from me prior to this deal. To which I obliged by facilitating IP's & hosting (free of charge) for several months prior to this financial arrangement. As well as offering free hosting for his entire new gay network. As well as several hours of free consulting/suggestions/brainstorming over his owned.com project amongst others.

What would "personal favors" have anything to do with this? I hired you to do services, and you didn't do them. It's as simple as that.

HOURS of free consulting? You were telling me what work you'd do on the gay network if I hired you, and definitely not even an hour. That's not free consulting. Get real.

Also, "freebies" are a good way to build trust with a potential client, so that's primarily why you were doing it - stop trying to pass it off as otherwise. And you're not telling people anything they can't just read on SEO sites online.

Free hosting for my entire network?? It took 2 or 3 months from when you first offered some IPs before anything happened - and it was for maybe 16 domains - and all you did was sent a request to have an FTP account created and assign domains to IPs. What's that have to do with you being paid $2,000 and Not doing the work? Give me back my money for the work you didn't do.

You gave ideas for Owned.com? You were telling me common sense ideas you had + you were trying to get in on it. That's irrelevant. You fucked me over. Give my $2,000 back.

Stop directing your misplaced anger into writing more ridiculous things.

Just give me back my $2,000 already.

Continues next post

Nysus 07-05-2010 01:10 PM

Last message was above over character limit, so continuing below..

6) I also request he agree to free rent on Madison Ave, B&O Railroad & Marven Gardens during any future Monopoly games.

You're pathetic, William - and anyone becoming aware of these posts will see that.


If this is done, I will send him $ & I will then formally apologize for speaking to him in an unprofessional manner & mentioning his past psychiatric treatment.
I don't want an apology from you - it's absolutely WORTHLESS because of your threats, the multiple outright lies and constant personal attacks. An apology wouldn't vindicate you either. You're just good at propaganda and manipulating people.

Just give my $2,000 back, and you can drop all of this stress.


This is simply a personal/public relations issue, this is not a "re-payment" of anything owed. I have absolutely no fear of legal retribution, I am legally in the right. If you think I'm not I suggest you sue me, I don't hide behind a corporation. I am performing this "monetary transfer" because you stated "I could use that $ right now". The same nicety I would pass on to any other associate.
This is business. Stop trying to play it off otherwise. You were paid $2,000 to do work - you didn't do the work.

I don't have the money to sue you right now - hence why I want the $2,000 back from you. You're not legally in the right - I'm sure you Believe you might have one with your thought that I broke the non-disclosure agreement, but if I did, then what you did in comparison is far worse. You don't think a judge would take a look at everything else you've said, and the defamation? You're delusional if you think not.

Lastly, you said you're performing a monetary transfer. Are you returning my $2,000 because I'm in need of it now, and pretty desperately?

I'm glad I don't have health issues and that I live in Canada, otherwise I'd feel more open to posting on GFY to ask the kind-hearted people on here for money, like you had - I'm sure if they saw how you've treated me though they wouldn't have given you a dime.

You'd think you'd treat others kindly after so many kind people donated money to you. *5 cents*

Luckily, that's just money I need back for basic living, not my health - I'm not ashamed to say it either - I'm sure you'll feel free to attack me on that point too.

BigDeanEvans 07-05-2010 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus (Post 17309418)
From my understanding they were Loadedcash screenshots that he claimed were his; LoadedCash from AJ concurred......

So my belief is he was bullshitting.

He's a great manipulator / liar. But what he says now has become so ridiculous.

Wow what a little bitch. Is that why he doesnt post here? or is he too busy seoing the fry machine at his burgerking job?

PornMD 07-05-2010 01:27 PM

Nysus, I hate to say this, but the amount of time you've spent trying to get your $2k back you could have spent making $10k. If you haven't seen yet that regardless of how much pressure you put on him that you're not getting your money back, then you're completely naive.

It's not like your messages are hitting any new people here either...not like someone's going to go "oh gosh, I didn't see in the past year that pr0 didn't refund Nysus' money after not completing the work, I better avoid that guy!". At this point, you're like a republican telling other republicans that Iran is evil. I'm not saying you shouldn't get the money back, but you have to have better use of your time by now.

I was once scammed out of a domain very similar to 2 others that I sold soon thereafter for $1,750 each. Rather than spending countless hours, days, weeks, months trying to track down the guy and get my money back or pester him until I got it back or whatever, I instead made the realization that names of that caliber should always be handled through escrow or an irreversible form of payment unless I personally know the buyer or have dealt with them before, and moved on with lesson learned and continued making money.

Maybe one day you'll stop and realize that it's simply not worth it and that you yourself have caused more damage to your cash flow by wasting so much time trying to get money back that you're never going to get than the $2,000 that's gone forever.

BigDeanEvans 07-05-2010 01:36 PM

Well it only takes a few mins to come here and bump a thread warning people not to do biz with this e-clown so i think all is no lost. :2 cents:

MPGdevil 07-05-2010 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by BigDeanEvans (Post 17309262)
Wasn't pro balling out with his screenshots of 2-3k a day? Or was that all bullshit?


PornMD 07-05-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by BigDeanEvans (Post 17309983)
Well it only takes a few mins to come here and bump a thread warning people not to do biz with this e-clown so i think all is no lost. :2 cents:

Warning who? The people that have seen the 2,000 other bumps? Or the bro friends that have also seen the other 2,000 bumps?

Hell, he even indicated he doesn't have the money to sue. Why not spend the time to make the money to then sue him with vs. continually running towards a mirage?

At MOST, he may turn a handful of new people here who might be serious board people away every month. But heck, away from WHAT? Pr0 hasn't even been posting here much if at all for months (look at the thread title)! Who's he going to do business with? So even from a "you'll fuck me I'll screw your reputation to fuck you back" standpoint, he's probably barely doing any damage.

Nysus 07-05-2010 05:56 PM

PornMD -

You're assuming that I'm not being productive. Putting money I make towards filing a lawsuit isn't worth my time right now - doesn't mean posting on message board isn't worth my time though.

My messages have hit new people.

Also, the threads exist now. The responses exist and very little effort will be needed if pr0 / William does resurface as himself or some other nickname.

And if I ever do decide I will sue him including for defamation, and for other losses (and I have attempted to mitigate the damages).

This also isn't a malicious attempt to screw his reputation. He himself as part of our agreement to gain my trust said if he fucked me over I could post.

Overall I'm in a better position with having posted threads - than having not posted at all.

I do genuinely appreciate your messages and understand what you're saying. There is a fine-line between wasted time and not - it's fairly individual too as to what someone values and where they decide to put their time.

Now some business: Let me know if you want to broker a bunch of good domains that are similar caliber as the ones you listed. Most are gay domains so not competing with yours. :)

Nysus 07-06-2010 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by BigDeanEvans (Post 17309901)
Wow what a little bitch. Is that why he doesnt post here? or is he too busy seoing the fry machine at his burgerking job?

I'm not sure what he's doing. Hopefully making money to give back the $2,000.

Nysus 08-13-2011 12:30 PM

Funny how much time this had taken up.

Who thinks he'll man up and send me any money back?

will76 08-13-2011 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus (Post 18353108)
Funny how much time this had taken up.

Who thinks he'll man up and send me any money back?

Maybe he is busy trying to make enough to repay you? :winkwink:

sandman! 08-13-2011 03:43 PM

im pretty sure he has already told you that you wont be seeing any $$$$ :2 cents::2 cents:


Originally Posted by Nysus (Post 18353108)
Funny how much time this had taken up.

Who thinks he'll man up and send me any money back?

proton 08-13-2011 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by sandman! (Post 18353366)
im pretty sure he has already told you that you wont be seeing any $$$$ :2 cents::2 cents:

maybe you should pay Nysus since you seem to be in love with pr0 anyway

PornMD 08-13-2011 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus (Post 18353108)
Funny how much time this had taken up.

Who thinks he'll man up and send me any money back?

After over a year?

AtlantisCash 08-14-2011 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nysus (Post 17293072)
Silly fool if he doesn't. It's not difficult for me to post here every dozen blue moons or so.

I could use my $2k back right now, is all.

Anyone supporting him, I don't understand why you're turning a blind eye.

This is called "ass kissing"

Nysus 08-14-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by proton (Post 18353367)
maybe you should pay Nysus since you seem to be in love with pr0 anyway

Yeah, they're quite publicly supportive of eachother. Makes me wonder how sandman! treats people in general.

Nysus 08-14-2011 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by PornMD (Post 18353442)
After over a year?

I meant to say "how much time has gone by" - had a long busy day yesterday. :)

However, these threads and William's character will exist in its current light until he owns up making a mistake and returning my money.

MetaMan 08-14-2011 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus (Post 18354691)
Yeah, they're quite publicly supportive of eachother. Makes me wonder how sandman! treats people in general.

sandman is a cheap ass mofo he wont even deny about that im sure. probably the cheapest person i have ever dealt with.

Nysus 08-14-2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by sandman! (Post 18353366)
im pretty sure he has already told you that you wont be seeing any $$$$ :2 cents::2 cents:

Actually, he admitted on GFY to not doing the work and offered to pay me $1,000 of it back originally.

I'm sure he's dishonest/lies and tells everyone else differently than what happened.

I'd take the $1,000 loss if he offered again.

sandman! 08-14-2011 05:44 PM

you can blow me.


Originally Posted by Nysus (Post 18354691)
Yeah, they're quite publicly supportive of eachother. Makes me wonder how sandman! treats people in general.

sandman! 08-14-2011 05:45 PM

when have we ever done any biz ?


Originally Posted by MetaMan (Post 18354702)
sandman is a cheap ass mofo he wont even deny about that im sure. probably the cheapest person i have ever dealt with.

MetaMan 08-14-2011 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by sandman! (Post 18354825)
when have we ever done any biz ?

years ago i did a 1 page design for you. it's ok to be cheap i guess it is your business. but the fact is you are a cheap bastard who will low ball every project i have ever seen you get help you.

i should introduce you to one of my buddies. he is cheap as fuck. you two would get along. id love for you two to go out for dinner and see the pissed off look on the waitresses face when she clears the tab.

again its your business and if it helps you be successful cool.

sandman! 08-14-2011 06:06 PM

if it was design work for sure im a cheap bastard when it comes to design work.

i dont deny that hell ask anyone that has done design work for me lol

the waitress would not be disappointed tho i tip decent :)


Originally Posted by MetaMan (Post 18354832)
years ago i did a 1 page design for you. it's ok to be cheap i guess it is your business. but the fact is you are a cheap bastard who will low ball every project i have ever seen you get help you.

i should introduce you to one of my buddies. he is cheap as fuck. you two would get along. id love for you two to go out for dinner and see the pissed off look on the waitresses face when she clears the tab.

again its your business and if it helps you be successful cool.

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