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Old 01-03-2025, 12:21 PM   #1
J. Falcon
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US top doctor calls for cancer warnings on alcohol

US top doctor calls for cancer warnings on alcohol

"The direct link between alcohol consumption and cancer risk is well-established for at least seven types of cancer ...regardless of the type of alcohol (e.g., beer, wine, and spirits) that is consumed," Mr Murthy said in a statement.

This includes increased risk of cancer of the breast (in women), throat, liver, oesophagus, mouth, larynx and colon.
Scary shit. I've been needing a good excuse to give up drinking for a while. This might do it.
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Old 01-03-2025, 12:32 PM   #2
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They should have done this a long time ago. Science.. it works!

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Old 01-03-2025, 12:53 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by J. Falcon View Post
US top doctor calls for cancer warnings on alcohol

Scary shit. I've been needing a good excuse to give up drinking for a while. This might do it.
Your'e right...scary shit... saw the news a couple of days ago and I have been having second thoughts about touching the bottle of wine in my chiller
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Old 01-03-2025, 12:58 PM   #4
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We're all going to die, how many people truly live?

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Old 01-03-2025, 01:10 PM   #5
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And you people are worried about a single bottle of red wine...
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Old 01-03-2025, 01:11 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Huggles View Post
We're all going to die, how many people truly live?

Did you really live if all you remember is blackness?

I saw this article this morning as well and as much as I know about health, it did shock me because I guess I never thought of it that way. Definitely something to consider.
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Old 01-03-2025, 01:36 PM   #7
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Life kills . . .
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Old 01-03-2025, 01:49 PM   #8
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Old 01-03-2025, 03:35 PM   #9
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Everything kills you.

I quit smoking and drinking in 2007 or so. Best thing I ever did.
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Old 01-03-2025, 04:04 PM   #10
J. Falcon
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Originally Posted by Rochard View Post
Everything kills you.

I quit smoking and drinking in 2007 or so. Best thing I ever did.
Not everything.

But smoking and drinking do. That's now a fact.
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Old 01-03-2025, 04:07 PM   #11
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All of the most interesting people drink, have done or do drugs, and smoke.
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Old 01-05-2025, 12:23 PM   #12
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Not sure why that was issued. Everyone knows smoking/drinking causes cancer & cardiovascular issues. The press or certain organizations always seem to need to alarm us in some way, or try to stay relevant.
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Old 01-05-2025, 08:30 PM   #13
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Old 01-06-2025, 01:43 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Rochard View Post
Everything kills you.

I quit smoking and drinking in 2007 or so. Best thing I ever did.
Congrats on quitting when you did, you definitely added years to your life. If you would quit pizza also, you'd add some more.

Everything does not kill you, this is the simpleton excuse by those who want to continue with unhealthy behaviors. You are given one body to take care of and it should be the most important thing you do.

The days of thinking that our lifespans are predetermined and what we consume has very little effect, are over. The days of thinking that certain behaviors are ok in moderation and won't impact lifespan, are also over.

A few years back when the American Cancer Society elevated alcohol to the same carcinogen level as cigarettes, it should have been a wake up call to many who drink frequently. We used to think alcohol primarily impacted the liver and kidneys, but now science is showing just how detrimental it is to our hearts and most noticeably our brains.

There are now obvious correlations between alcohol use and cognitive impairment as you age.

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Old 01-06-2025, 01:54 PM   #15
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Fuck ya'll I'm cracking a beer right meow, I could afford a cold single after taking back some cans today!
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Old 01-06-2025, 01:57 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Speigelau View Post
Congrats on quitting when you did, you definitely added years to your life. If you would quit pizza also, you'd add some more.

Everything does not kill you, this is the simpleton excuse by those who want to continue with unhealthy behaviors. You are given one body to take care of and it should be the most important thing you do.

The days of thinking that our lifespans are predetermined and what we consume has very little effect, are over. The days of thinking that certain behaviors are ok in moderation and won't impact lifespan, are also over.

A few years back when the American Cancer Society elevated alcohol to the same carcinogen level as cigarettes, it should have been a wake up call to many who drink frequently. We used to think alcohol primarily impacted the liver and kidneys, but now science is showing just how detrimental it is to our hearts and most noticeably our brains.

There are now obvious correlations between alcohol use and cognitive impairment as you age.

I love his videos on brain foods.
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Old 01-06-2025, 03:10 PM   #17
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Alcohol has played a part in religion and spiritualism for thousands of years, probably the earliest shaman were wild men in rags rolling around on cave floors raising their IQ by having booze scramble their primitive minds.

When you think about it, alcohol's purpose is to change your perception of things, which, of course, can be good or bad. If you're an engineer, painter, scientist, artist, or whatever, and you'rte stuck on a particular issue, alcohol can be a tool to give you a different headspace and a more pragmatic look on an issue.

My brother is a teetotaler and wanted to be a police officer so bad. He hates anyone who smokes weed or drinks in a weird way. Just hates people who enjoy getting intoxicated. I tried to explain to him many times that alcohol and drugs can be tools and medication, but, of course, you have to make sure you don't lose yourself to addiction and become a total zombie. He sees things in absolutes, so if you drink a drop of alcohol, you're just as bad as a fentanyl zombie lying in the gutter after breaking into a car for a point of fent. He can't see any difference between the two. If you use any substance to change your perspective, you're a waste of a human life.

Alcohol has its moments, it can enhance things, make moments extra special, and can give you the mood necessary to really, really enjoy live performances and music and theatre and such. It is the lubricant of social lives for some, but also it opens the gates of focus for others. Ever notice if you have a beer or two at a hockey game, for example, it really helps you shut off your mind and instead of thinking about all the other shit in life, the fact that you're watching millionaires play a child's game, instead, you can watch the athletes give it their best and appreciate the physical competition, the roar of the crowd, the excitement of everyone around you? Personally, without alcohol, sports are so fucking boring for me to watch. I'd rather watch someone intricately carve a piece of wood or a ballet performance than watch a bunch of millionaires slap around a puck surrounded by 9-5 workers consuming the lowest common denominator bread and circuses... but after a few drinks I can lose myself in that moment of elite level sports and just enjoy the show.
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Old 01-06-2025, 03:51 PM   #18
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Yeah, people should quit alcohol and focus on compulsively buying porn . . .
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Old 01-06-2025, 03:56 PM   #19
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Important news for sure, but I know me, and I’m sure I’ll be sharing a nice bottle of wine with the wifey this weekend …

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Old 01-06-2025, 04:43 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by 2MuchMark View Post
Important news for sure, but I know me, and I’m sure I’ll be sharing a nice bottle of wine with the wifey this weekend …
The only way to live life is fearlessly, even if COVID was deadly, I'm fucking glad that despite all the pressure, I said fuck that, and didn't take the "vaccine"

Glad to see you're fearlessly drinking wine!
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Old 01-06-2025, 05:20 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Huggles View Post
Alcohol has played a part in religion and spiritualism for thousands of years, probably the earliest shaman were wild men in rags rolling around on cave floors raising their IQ by having booze scramble their primitive minds.

When you think about it, alcohol's purpose is to change your perception of things, which, of course, can be good or bad. If you're an engineer, painter, scientist, artist, or whatever, and you'rte stuck on a particular issue, alcohol can be a tool to give you a different headspace and a more pragmatic look on an issue.

My brother is a teetotaler and wanted to be a police officer so bad. He hates anyone who smokes weed or drinks in a weird way. Just hates people who enjoy getting intoxicated. I tried to explain to him many times that alcohol and drugs can be tools and medication, but, of course, you have to make sure you don't lose yourself to addiction and become a total zombie. He sees things in absolutes, so if you drink a drop of alcohol, you're just as bad as a fentanyl zombie lying in the gutter after breaking into a car for a point of fent. He can't see any difference between the two. If you use any substance to change your perspective, you're a waste of a human life.

Alcohol has its moments, it can enhance things, make moments extra special, and can give you the mood necessary to really, really enjoy live performances and music and theatre and such. It is the lubricant of social lives for some, but also it opens the gates of focus for others. Ever notice if you have a beer or two at a hockey game, for example, it really helps you shut off your mind and instead of thinking about all the other shit in life, the fact that you're watching millionaires play a child's game, instead, you can watch the athletes give it their best and appreciate the physical competition, the roar of the crowd, the excitement of everyone around you? Personally, without alcohol, sports are so fucking boring for me to watch. I'd rather watch someone intricately carve a piece of wood or a ballet performance than watch a bunch of millionaires slap around a puck surrounded by 9-5 workers consuming the lowest common denominator bread and circuses... but after a few drinks I can lose myself in that moment of elite level sports and just enjoy the show.
You've trained your brain to perceive alcohol as that crutch that helps you cope with certain things, such as sporting events. Your frequent alcohol use is putting constant stress on your heart and causing your brain to age substantially quicker than normal. The bottom line is that based on your post, your brother will live substantially longer than you based on your lifestyle choices.

The same applies to those who smoke weed all the time as a crutch to cope with life. High level brain scans show just how harmful consistent marijuana use is on the brain. The damage can be minimized, but you have to stop and start taking care of your body.


Didn't you say that you have kids? Don't you want to be there for them when they get married and have kids of their own?
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Old 01-07-2025, 12:34 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Brad Mitchell View Post
They should have done this a long time ago. Science.. it works!

Science, yes.
irresponsibility, no.
The manufacturer shouldn't lie, but it's common sense that alcohol is carcinogenic.
I hope idiots can at least read...
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Old 01-11-2025, 07:20 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Huggles View Post
The only way to live life is fearlessly, even if COVID was deadly, I'm fucking glad that despite all the pressure, I said fuck that, and didn't take the "vaccine"

Glad to see you're fearlessly drinking wine!
Why do you post so much stupid shit?
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Old 01-11-2025, 07:27 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Speigelau View Post
Congrats on quitting when you did, you definitely added years to your life. If you would quit pizza also, you'd add some more.
Are you putting pizza on the same level of unhealthy as smoking and alcohol?

Or are you saying pizza like you would say fast food and junk food in general?
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Old 01-12-2025, 02:14 PM   #25
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Funny, I pay attention to a lot of general and niche health things, but somehow had not seen the cancer connection. That makes me perversely happy because I don't drink and I do worry about getting cancer, so now I can worry less.
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Old 01-12-2025, 03:49 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by J. Falcon View Post
Are you putting pizza on the same level of unhealthy as smoking and alcohol?

Or are you saying pizza like you would say fast food and junk food in general?
Of course not on the same level as smoking and alcohol, but its on the same level as fast food. Rochard has stated he eats pizza several times a week and has formed social media groups advocating for pizza consumption. He says this all the while admitting he has trouble maintaining a healthy weight.

Along with pizza being high in calories, saturated fat and sodium, its generally low in protein and full of gluten. Common meaty pizza toppings like pepperoni, sausage, and ham tend to be highly processed and have been linked to heart disease and cancers. American wheat generally has high levels of glyphosate which has been shown to disrupt your gut microbiome.
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Old 01-12-2025, 06:43 PM   #27
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Fuck this depressing shit thread.

Once I have money again, I want to host the 1st annual Pizza, booze, dope party where we rent a house with a pool and a pizza oven and we make pizzas all night long, drink our faces off, and blast the hottest OF whores in the face with weed in the pool like this:

I can't find the video right meow, but there is a video of these hot chicks in a pool somewhere in LA like at XXX Jay's old place, it looks similar and these half dozen hot chicks in the pool are getting absolutely blasted by a dude with a leaf blower blowing mammoth clouds of weed in their faces and then one chick gets out of the pool and dances for a bit before she falls down and starts twitching in a somewhat sexy way and she's fine but the twitching is pretty funny as she is getting blasted in the fact with leaf blower weed.

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Old 01-12-2025, 07:40 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Speigelau View Post
Rochard has stated he eats pizza several times a week and has formed social media groups advocating for pizza consumption. He says this all the while admitting he has trouble maintaining a healthy weight.

I think he actually owns a Pizza shop tho, I'd give him a pass for that
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Old 01-12-2025, 11:14 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Huggles View Post
Fuck this depressing shit thread.

Once I have money again, I want to host the 1st annual Pizza, booze, dope party where we rent a house with a pool and a pizza oven and we make pizzas all night long, drink our faces off, and blast the hottest OF whores in the face with weed in the pool like this:

I can't find the video right meow, but there is a video of these hot chicks in a pool somewhere in LA like at XXX Jay's old place, it looks similar and these half dozen hot chicks in the pool are getting absolutely blasted by a dude with a leaf blower blowing mammoth clouds of weed in their faces and then one chick gets out of the pool and dances for a bit before she falls down and starts twitching in a somewhat sexy way and she's fine but the twitching is pretty funny as she is getting blasted in the fact with leaf blower weed.

Looks like I need to put some money down on you in the Boneprone gfy death thread as I think your odds are increasing and I can hedge my previous bets of Eddythedog and theLegacy.
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