I just watched a Red Hat melt down at a truck stop dinner. Comes in crying about millenials and snow flakes having no manners.
The guy is crying at top of his lungs so everyone in the entire place could hear him balling..
He kept talking about how his generation had manners.. Meanwhile apparently he doesn't realize it's bad manners to cry and complain in public calling people name so loud that everyone else in the joint can hear you...
That's the problem with these people.. They have no ability to look at their own actions as being bad. It's always they dindo nuffins wrong everyone else is to blame..
He got so mad he walked out... he came back in and is now sitting quietly so if he starts again I'm gonna record it. Was funny shit..
LoL he just walked out because they didnt get his food ready fast enough now everyone in the place is laughing at him..
Oh fuck why do I have to deal with these morons everyday..lol