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Old 06-16-2017, 08:03 AM  
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Originally Posted by nico-t View Post
Censorship through "shaming" advertisers is the new low, disgusting, treacherous weapon of the establishment against non-mainstream news.

-> Select non-mainstream news target
-> Select out of context quotes, and select comments from crazy commenters cursing and preferably being racist.
-> Create headline in MSM as if the creators and editors of the site said it themselves.
-> Mention the advertisers in the article or news topic and lay the connection with the companies advertising and some racist commenter or out of context quote.
-> Advertisers get negative press and pull out.

This exact tactic happened in Holland to a website not playing by the rules of the mainstream media's false narratives.
Advertisers didn't pull out though, so JOURNALISTS of old media actually wrote letters to the advertisers! One of these letters was leaked, the content of it said "You're advertising on a site spreading hate" with quotes from COMMENTERS on articles, written in that letter as if the site itself said it! Then it went on like "Do you want to associate yourself with these monsters?"

Remember, this was a big mainstream newspaper who did this! They lie, weasel and snitch, all to destroy the biggest revenue source of the sites they target, to shut them down. This is not only about destroying their competition but for the people behind the mainstream narrative as a whole, where this paper is part of, it is about the annihilation of any truthful reporting going against their propaganda agenda.

The site in question has been a thorn in the side of the establishment for years. They caused the Ukraine referendum going against the EU, they expose fraud and disgusting back room deals our politicians do.

Fortunately for them this tactic didn't work. But in the US where everything is 10 times more PC, where the money advertisers have at stake is a 100 times more and where they have 24 hour "news" channels (thank god we don't have that here), a site and its advertisers really have to be strong to not let it have any effect. It's a truly despicable tactic, censorship fascism 2.0, dirty rats.
^^^ This. But brainwashed minions of the left like crock-of-shit with his fake nicks boreptrol and blabwire don't see it.

They go off on some stupid rant about "right wingers, free market, blah, blah, blah" but they fail to see that it's not really a free market if pressure groups and the media can effectively control where a company advertises by threatening to harm their business if they don't comply with their demands.

They also fail to realize that many corporations are now run by the same kind of retarded leftists that they are. And sure, it is "supposed" to be free market and they are free to advertise where they choose to, but many of these left leaning companies are now using their advertising money to steer the political discourse in the country. That combined with the fact that it is now effectively taboo to advertise on anything seen as even remotely conservative leads to a very one sided environment.

This all leads to group-think and ultimately fascism as the powers trying to direct everyone into the group-think (leftist media, leftist corporations, leftist politicians) start to crack down harder and harder on those resisting. And they now have a compliant and increasingly hateful and violent army of the aforementioned brainwashed minions to go out to boot-stomp the general population for them.

George Orwell's "1984" was a fictional novel but the leftists today are using is as an instruction guide.

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