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Old 06-15-2017, 04:40 PM  
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Brietbart cucked! Has lost 90% of it's advertisers in 2 months 👍😉

Another confirmation of the nearly dead failed white nationalist movement full of hateful trolls, bots & fake nics.

Their clickthrough rate is a miserable 0.15% damn! Looks like their Russian nots need to be updated to click on ads

Where do you think Brietbart will be in a year? Better off or worse off?

Breitbart lost 90 percent of its advertisers in two months: Who?s still there?

The number of advertisers on the alt-right site has dropped 90 percent in recent months, from 242 in March to 26 in May, according to data from MediaRadar, a New York firm that tracks online advertising. Among those that continue to advertise on the site include a gentleman?s club in Northern Virginia, a golf resort near the coast of Spain and the conservative foundation Judicial Watch.

?Liberal activists want to destroy Breitbart, but we won?t be cowed,? the foundation?s president Tom Fitton said in an interview. ?We advertise widely on the internet, and we?re proud of the relationship and the partnerships we have.?

Fitton said Judicial Watch had been advertising on Breitbart for years, but would not elaborate on the company?s strategy or where else it places ads. ?I?m not talking about the details of our internal decision-making with the anti-Trump Washington Post,? he said.

There are also signs that ads on Breitbart might not be as effective as they are on other sites. The ?click-through rate? for ads on the site was about 0.15 percent in November, compared to 0.32 percent on the New York Times? website and 0.35 percent on, according to WordStream, a Boston-based online marketing firm.
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