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Old 01-14-2017, 09:33 AM  
Jägermeister Test Pilot
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Originally Posted by Robbie View Post
Gee, I wonder why?
Hollywood movie stars attacking him.
The press attacking him.
The television news attacking him.
Music stars attacking him.

Pretty much all the people who loved the guy until he ran for President have spent the last year calling him the worst monster since Hitler.

Think that MIGHT affect "job approval" ratings of a guy who hasn't even took office yet?
You know...the guy who is already turning the economy around and bringing companies with jobs BACK to the U.S.
The guy who since the day he was elected has seen the fastest creation of wealth in that time span of ANY time span in history as the market gained more in a short period of time than ever before.

You mean that guy? The one that Rep. John Lewis is all over the news channels today saying he is illegitimate?
Think that kind of divisive talk from Lewis and CNN and MSNBC giving it tons of air time just MIGHT be the kind of thing that could have some affect on his "job approval" ratings.

Let me ask you this Oh Wise One....when is the last time you had a performance review of a job you haven't even started yet? Never? too. Because it would be impossible to grade someone when they haven't even started yet.

One other thing...that Gallup Poll...just like to point out that EVERY poll was dead WRONG about the election.
Just like you were.
And just like you continue to be because you are blindly hating instead of opening your eyes and acting like a business person who understands how things work.
So you want to blame his approval rating on everyone other than Trump? I am sure his approval rating has nothing to do with his war with our own intelligence agencies, or his putting completely unqualified people into office such as Ben Carson running HUD although he has never even remotely worked in this area. He is licking Putin's ball sack while pissing off China.

Robbie, my eyes are open wide. Last night while I was sleeping our government secretly voted to remove my health benefits. Another win for Trump.
“The choice is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal and crazy.”
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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