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Old 01-26-2014, 06:49 PM  
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 375
I also wanted to compliment Adraco on his great advice. I've been adult blogging for several years and all of his tips still hold true today. For a few of them I can offer some additional advice gained from my experience:

1. By all means try to buy the longest hosting plan you can afford. Most hosts offer some super special discount deal to get you to sign up and then once that expires and all your sites are established the price goes up to the regular rate. I learned this the hard way with Host Gator and iCertfied. When I signed up I think it was like $3 or $4 a month and then it went up to about $10 after 6 months or a year. This taught me to be on the lookout for long term deals and last year I got an incredible $4.99 a month LIFETIME hosting plan from AmeriNOC. Woo-hoo!! So for anyone just starting out today I'd recommend buying a 2 year hosting plan. That should give you enough time to see if you can make money doing this.

2. The same goes for domain purchases. If you find a domain name you really like and you think its catchy and popular, buy it for at least 2 years or longer. First of all, Google supposedly likes domains with longer expiration dates than one year domains, and second, domain prices never go down, so you're saving some money with a longer term. Some people are saying that dot coms will become less popular over the next few years as more top level domains come on the market so I'm not sure I'd buy a 5 or 10 year domain. (And of course, don't waste your money on anything other than a dot com.)

3. The Google site map Adraco mentioned can be done automatically in several Wordpress plugins like Yoast SEO and All-In-One SEO, which are two of the most highly recommended plugins to help your site do better in search engines.

4. I'd have to echo the comment about not doing too many sites and spreading yourself thin. Instead of doing 100 sites with 10 posts each I now think it would be better to do 50 sites with 20 posts, or even 25 sites with 40 posts. When I started I ended up buying a lot of domain names for niches I had a passing interest in. If I could go back in time to advise my younger self I'd tell me to only do sites for niches I am REALLY passionate about.

5. A lot of webmasters swear by using Tumblr to drive traffic to their blogs. Some swear at Tumblr for stealing so much of the porn traffic on Google. Still, it might be something worth trying.

6. The idea of creating a campaign for each of your blogs is excellent, although you can't do this with CCBill sites. An alternate idea is to use a link cloaking option like YourLS ( so you can shorten your links and create specific ones you can track for each of your blogs. This is also a good idea to prevent a major headache later if one of your sponsors decides to change their affiliate links. With a link shortener its a piece of cake to make the change. Not so much if you have the old, long link spread out over hundreds of posts or blogs.

7. Choose the first CCBill sponsor you sign up with carefully. You will be able to merge all of your subsequent CCBill sponsor sign-ups under this single account so choose a very well established program for the first one. Choosing a new or lesser known program for your first could create a problem if that site goes out of business later.

8. And lastly, I think the one bit of advice that wasn't covered back in 2011 when this thread appeared that really applies today is this: make sure your site is RESPONSIVE! That's web talk for a site that looks good on every device a person might view it on: computer monitor, laptop, tablet and smartphone. I keep seeing more and more traffic coming from mobile devices so if I want to remain competitive I now have to go back and retrofit my blogs so they are responsive. If you're just starting out you have an advantage over dinosaurs like me: launch your Wordpress blog and do a search for responsive themes. There are a ton of them, many free and more in the $30 - $60 range. Even the current WP default theme twenty fourteen is responsive.

Those are just some suggestions off the top of my head. A lot of people here at GFY have given me excellent advise over the years so I hope my words help out someone else just starting out! Then you can come back in a year or two and help out another newbie. Pay it forward, as they say!
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