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Old 10-01-2012, 08:40 AM  
So Fucking Banned
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Disturbing info about the Sextoyking donations

Not sure how many of you donated to the fund for Todd's family, but I was just notified that I should check out the comments on

Shawn Marston
Dont know who you are Lloyd but i hope you know that u donated money to a cause for Todd's family and they have not seen a dime.. Rick scammed everyone!!!

Mary Ostrer
How dare you RICK! First of all ask people for help for us, You haven't done shit for any of us, You are wrongfully asking people for money to help us out,"todds family, ex wife and kids we are the one in the pics" You are people for this money for yourself not only did you cancelle our medical insurance as soon as todd passed you and rene went threw our house "mine and todds house" the house we raised out kids in for 13 years" and took what you wanted before you would even let us in to get our clothe's you really are a piece of work, How can you sit there and continue to use todd even in death, have you no shame... Where's the neckless the gold neckless I bought todd and his bracelet, Oh yeah you took it along with his wallet, keep the wallet and I already no you spent the money.. but the neckless and bracelet belong to our kid's along with a whole lot of other stuff you and rene helped yourselves to, oh you don't need to be payed back for the funeral come rick, todds credit card payed for his own funeral and how sad is that especially when your on here telling everyone what a best friend you where to todd, you are such a good friend todd had to pay for his own funeral and your asking people to help is family your so funny... cuz as you sit in your nice big house and drive your nice new Lexus we sit trying to figure out how we can go see the doctor and todd is now a grandpa, to two grandson's, and we struggle everyday but you no what rick, we no the meaning of real family we get threw it together without lieing to people and asking them for money that isn't going for what it was asked for! I glance over and keep reading your sob story and keep thinking wht a piece of shit you and rene are for doing this, the kids have none of their dads medical bills, we had insurance, todd had insurance so all the time todd was in the hospital, and even after was paid for.. oh and another thing none of us myself or the kids ok for you to put up these pictures and ask people for money to help us out ill be contacting a lawyer about this asap and for all the nice people that did donate to help us out thank you but none of it went to any of todds family! it all went to rick and rene his girlfriend what they are using it for we don't no cuz we no longer he anything to do with these poeple"rick, rene" and I am so sorry you have been miss led... Rick take our pictures down NOW and no longer ask people for money in our name, or in todd's name, todd always, always took care of his family, and you no nothing about todds childhood... you no nothing about todd but what you two did together so stop all this shit now,, YOU MAKE ME SICK.. and no we don't look at rick or rene as family, no never sorry for all the people that have been taken by rick and rene....
So, who is "Uncle Rick" Fletcher?
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