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Old 08-27-2012, 03:58 AM  
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Originally Posted by garce View Post
This is not much different than the situation in glorious, freedom-loving Canada.

Hypothetical scenario:

We'll say that you made about $188,000 in 1996. You mother got really sick, so you sold your house and moved in with her to make her last few years as comfortable as possible. Say also that your younger sister has a severe mental disability because she suffered seizures as a child (in the late sixties), and you've been taking care of them both since late 1996. Late October, 1996 if you want a real, "hypothetical" date.

Maybe you also have two kids in college.

So... Your income goes from $188K to $100K to $70K to $40K to about $32K. Your mom dies on, oh, let's say June 20, 2010. Around about 11:31 p.m. On Father's Day. The day before summer.

She does not have a will, so you hire a lawyer to straighten things out (You'll still be in court in summer 2012... It can take YEARS to get a court date here...)

THEN - surprise! - Some useless, unelected "Goverment of Canada" cunt (a cunt who would be making minimum wage and would have no benefits or pension if she worked in the private sector for some random collection agency) notices that you claimed about $150,000 dollars less in income in 2011 than you did in 2006.

What does this joke of a public servant do? She graciously recalculates your taxes and sends you a bill for over $200,000, and garnishes every cent that you earn. Without notice. She just takes it all... No notice. No court date. Not even a registered letter. A judge did not impose this decision - just some random CRA cunt.

Hypothetical scenario: "Hi, I'm a stupid cunt. I've randomly decided over my four hour lunch break (that's why I never answer the phone or keep my appointments - I only work four hours a day and they're all considered "lunch!" Roflpension!) that you make about five times more than your accountant said you did. Sorry. I have to make you homeless and force you starve to death. "

We're going to say that she never met with "you" ( She's always "In the field!", and she never replies to "your" accountant or "your" lawyer. She is NEVER in her office when you go to meet her - even if you schedule an appointment.) At least the Canadian Government provides its staff with comfy leather couches. You might not ever see the bitch, but you'll have a nice nap while waiting for her to NOT APPEAR.

So, 100% of your income - gone. This unelected piece of shit has the power to 1) Deprive you of earning a living, 2) Make you homeless, and 3) Starve you to death.

Just to rub salt in the wound: The Government of Canada will provide you with help and assistance if: 1) You're on welfare. 2) You're disabled. 3) You're a Sri Lankin Tamil Tiger terrorist claiming refugee status, and 4) You're in line for jail time.

You're not going to jail for unpaid taxes in Canada (Mainly because the CRA just makes shit up... and our very qualified Canadian judges tend to get upset when public employees overstep their boundaries. This includes cops and Crown Attorneys. Canadian judges will not take one drip of shit from them. Judges tend to get pissed off - hypothetically speaking - when under-qualified people try to explain the law to them... It takes a true idiot to try to explain the law to a judge. We have a LOT of idiots here...)

Then again, you'll get no assistance from this glorious joke of a socialist nation. You'll only get fucked... Canada thinks that being a miner for DeBeers is cutting edge technology and that selling every last ounce of our natural resources is the future of this "great" country. Self-employed? Nobody works for themselves. WTF? Join the tour. You gotta dig! Dig and sell! Just look at Haiti!

Canada does not have capital punishment? Yes, we do. Unelected and over-paid bureaucrats can take everything from you in this glorious joke of a country, and they have the power to starve you to death. Not even a humane form of capitol punishment. You will go to jail for starving your cat. But our glorious overpaid bureaucrats can take everything from you - without recourse. Your job. Your income. Your house. Then you got five years in court trying to get it back.

Canada is wealthy because it lets foreign corporations dig anything out of the ground and sell it. Canada gives failing corporations and corrupt countries billions of dollars a year - just for the PR.

Hi! We're Canada! We're pretty... Oh, so pretty... We're VACANT!"

This country elects shitholes like Paul Martin to be its Prime Minister (All of his billions were earned offshore. He never really paid any income tax. Ever.)

Canada is a joke. Most of you already know that, though.

Thank you for reading these totally hypothetical ramblings of a nutcase. I could go on, but I'm bored - and its all hypothetical. I can't get into specific details if I'm just making shit up, right?

Sounds like you got the shaft. Sorry to hear that, I know bull shit like that happens all the time to honest people.

So what do you do about it, hypothetically?

Originally Posted by famous View Post
Lets see you work in adult so mainly gonna get paid in USD. 1 USD = about what 0.80 euro now? I think even for a bit it got down to 1 : 0.70. So you loose 20%-30% or so of your income in conversion if you move anywhere that has euro for currency. FL is a fairly cheap US state to live in. Its one of the 7 that has no state tax so all you get boned for is federal tax.

Like others said you just can't move to another country and call it home. If you do go to another country and live on a visa you still have to pay US taxes so no advantage. Unless you are willing to renounce your citizenship, which i suggest you don't do.

Take a long hard look at your life before you make that step. I am not saying don't go for it but no matter where you live thier will always be something wrong no matter what.
You can get out of paying most or all of your taxes, you just have to get your ducks in a row.

But you are spot on about earning the dollar and living abroad. You live and die by the exchange rate.

Originally Posted by AsianDivaGirlsWebDude View Post

DWB, I envy you in some ways, being able to pick up and leave.
It was honestly the next logical step for me. I was spending more time out of the country than I was in, and when I came back I couldn't wait to leave again. I never planned on spending so much time in Asia though. Just seemed to work out that way.

Originally Posted by AsianDivaGirlsWebDude View Post
Although I must say that I think DWBs gig would be pretty interesting - you should let me make a documentary about you someday Dallas (e-mail me for details).
Eh, it's fun, but it's more stressful than you think. Living abroad and working abroad in places that are not porn friendly, are two completely different things.
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