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Old 08-12-2007, 12:23 PM  
Casa Nova
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Originally Posted by webmasterchecks View Post
also, its not about how many hot chicks are at the bar you are in. its about your competition. if your at a bar and all the guys are a bunch of dorks and there are some cute girls there, you are in
If this is your way of approaching sets you're going about it all wrong.

When you go into a set of girls why go for the uglies like you say or give up if you see no interest within a minute.

the key to approaching a women is being confident in yourself, genuinely interested in her, and you must show some sort of value. But before you can dream of this you first have to make sure you shut down any and all worries from them.. this means the very first thing you must take care of when approaching girls is a time constraint. It's the first thing a girl thinks in her head when you approach her "when is this guy gonna leave,i hope he doesn't stay long." get the thought out of there head by telling them u can only stay a moment because your friends are waiting but you needed to ask them something etc. once you have there attention make sure you aren't asking something boring and can be answered with a yes or no answer. You want to involve the whole group talking.

&if you wanna get the pretty girl, DO NOT HIT ON THEM!! They are use to it,it happens everyday & if you do it they will judge you on every other fag thats tried to pick them up before. Instead concentrate on there friends completely ignoring them! In fact if she tries to speak,neg her about it, ask if she always interupts or gives stupid opinions etc... this will get her mad and fighting for your attention. And already you have an emotional attachment.. anger is an emotion.. now it will be easier to change that anger into lust.

Remember Push & pull, neg them.

& thats your short lesson for the day.

ICQ: 405 009 573

Last edited by Casa Nova; 08-12-2007 at 12:26 PM..
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